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The Over-Father! (OOC:)

Started by LT Sandpaw, January 22, 2016, 09:24:07 PM

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LT Sandpaw

 Spring is in full bloom upon Green Isle and the otter clans were celebrating the end of another winter under the rule of High Rhulain Breeia. However all was not well, a terrible storm broke over the island causing massive amounts of damage to the locals' homes and livelihoods. The tough otters however are not overly concerned and they went about their business cleaning and helping where they could.

As a crew of otters searched the shore for lost items they came upon a unsettling sight. Sheltered under a small bit of sailcloth was a male otter. As the sea otters approached they could hear him thanking somebeast for saving his life, somebeast they could not see, but would change the island's history forever.

Four seasons later the young otter Jade had grown from being the survivor of a terrible shipwreck, to the second ruler on Green Isle. Breeia tolerated him and his infatuated followers, pointedly ignoring the reports of bloodshed and violence which could never be traced directly back to the Over-Followers as they called themselves. Hoping that the situation would deal with itself. But one night while traveling among the clans' villages Breeia openly ordered two of the Over-Followers from harming a young ottermaid who refused to preform a certain ritual. That same night a assassination attempt was made on Queen Breeia's life. Somehow she survived the encounter, but her loyal Otterguard concerned for her safety rushed the young queen back to Summerdell barring any from entering the Island's Palace except trusted servants to the queen.

The following day Jade himself came to Summerdell requesting a audience with the queen. One which Breeia accepted, against her lead guard's wishes.

Meanwhile on the high seas a trader ship had come afoul of some rocks. The ship's captain knowing of a nearby island inhabited by friendly otters sets a course as the ship takes on water. Confident that they will arrive before his ship sinks.


So watch'a think? Anybody interested in joining? And yes I know it probably wont be long before the actual forum goes back up but until then this could be fun. This BTW is a idea I've been playing with for some time, I considered doing it with Southsward but Green Isle doesn't get enough love so I went with Green Isle.
Also I need all these slots filled so, yeah. Most of the characters are going to be otters, however if your character is a part of the merchant ship's crew they can be whatever you want them to be.

Must be filled Slots.
High Rhulain: Breeia Wildlough
High Priest: Jade
Otterguard Captain: Serene Wavedog
Over-Father Acolyte: Blirth Shellhound
Ship Captain: Cadby Denholm

Other Possible Slots. Unlimited.
Otter Citizen: Glimmer Deepstream, -
OtterGuard Soldier: Aaron Galedeep, -
Over-Father Disciple: Alana Irontail, - Morgen, -
Ships Crew: Adamo Irontail, - Bart Lassly, -

Here's the Character Sheet.

Age:(Use Dibbun-Teen-Adult ect)

My Characters

Name: Queen Breeia Wildlough
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Species: Stream Otter
Slot: Queen

Appearance: A tall strict creature with light brown eyes and fur Breeia has a haughty look of self importance. She wears a long sweeping blue tunic which heavily embroidered cuffs and trimmings. She is always wearing the coronet of the High Rhulain perched between her ears.

Personality: While liked and respected by the otter clans only the protective Otterguard truly adores Breeia. Her being queen was only because she was the only daughter of the last High Rhulain and not because of governing skill or popularity from her subjects. Breeia is highly obsessed with proving herself to be just as capable regal warrior queen as her ancestors. She lacks public confidence and a slight stutter makes her embarrassed to speak out much. Overall she was a distant queen and did very little leading.

Backstory: Daughter of Gelave and Condrick the last rulers of Green Isle Breeia was born and raised to be queen. Starting with a early education and basic military training Breeia soon fell in love with the idea of being Princess and then queen, although her aging parents felt she might not be the best for the task. After their deaths Breeia crowned herself and ordered letters be sent to Salamandastron on Redwall of her appointment. After that however Breeia did very little as queen, often the most important of her actions was to declared the beginning of the feasts. Jade's arrival and his subtle way of taking control irked her to no end. Breeia could not deny that Jade was a better leader then she would ever be and so she ignored him, pretending he didn't exist. Until recently when her protective side made her stop a couple of Over-Followers from hurting a young ottermaid.

Other: N/A

Name: High Priest Jade
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Species: Stream Otter
Slot: High Priest

Appearance: Jade is a short but stout otter with thick black fur and bright blue eyes. He is strong and capable with a array of strange tattoos covering his face, back, and tail. He wears a rode of purple and white which is also worn by most of his followers. He is always carrying a dagger and a longsword in decorated sheaths.

Personality: Jade is a mysterious, charismatic, and ambitious making him a dangerous competitor for the control of Green Isle. He has a way of understanding beasts which is what made him so popular when he first arrived. He listens carefully and can often find a solution to every problem he is confronted with. Add that to his brilliant mind and fanatic drive and Jade is nigh unstoppable. When Jade speaks beasts listen, and when he orders something, they do it. Something in his voice makes it so.

Backstory: Not much is known about Jade's past before he arrived on Green Isle. Those who cared for him when he first came found him strange but intriguing. He quickly came to full health and was offered a home on Green Isle which he accepted, claiming the Over-Father had sent him to cure the land and spread his truth. Most beasts ignored him then shaking their heads and whispering he was slightly touched in the head. Surprisingly fast however Jade's ideas grew in popularity. His understanding and wisdom was spoken about across the island with something like awe. And all to soon he had created a sect of his followers called the Over-Followers.

Other: N/A

Name: Gilmer Deepstream
Gender: Female
Age: Youth
Species: Stream Otter
Slot: Otter Citizen

Appearance: Gilmer is a small creature that is barley ever noticed. Her dark brown eyes and pudgy face are constantly smiling and gleaming something her parents noticed, earning her the name Glimmer. She has a silvery gray fur with large bushy eyebrows. She wears the traditional garb of a young Green Islander which is a dark green tunic.

Personality: Glimmer is cheerful, her positive attitude is infectious and so is her general attitude. While she is a happy creature Glimmer isn't the brightest and is often considered too brave for her small size. Happily doing dares and challenges which would sway most creatures. Such as diving off a large cliff while being egged on by her older brothers before she could walk properly.

Backstory: Glimmer grew up with her three older brothers in a cave amongst the Deepstream clan. She was often caught by her parents being urged to eat a crab whole, or climb up a massive tree by her older brothers. However tragedy struck the family when a storm hit and flooded the cave. Her eldest brother managed to swim out carrying her depositing her on high ground before dying from exhaustion. Her entire family and most of her clan were killed from the flood and she was sent to live with some distant relatives on the other side of Green Isle. Her Aunt and Uncle weren't oft to care overly for her having a massive brood of their own. Glimmer was free to do as she pleased. Until Jade came turning her life upside down. Her guardians were immediate followers of Jade, however she was less inclined. One night two Over-Followers found her skimping out on a family ritual and were about to punish her when none other then Breeia saved her from any harm.

Worried the young otter wouldn't be safe back amongst her guardians the Otterguard took Glimmer with them to Summerdell, and the head servant, not inclined to have lax paws in the palace made her the personal Pawmaid to the queen. Something Glimmer was overjoyed to do.

Other: N/A


BTW let me know if I got some of the lore wrong. I'm not sure if I got the clan name Wildlough right or Summerdell. Anyway I hope some people join.

Ee, Aye, Eeeeh!

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Jukka the Sling

Wow, this looks really interesting!  I'll come up with a character later on.

(And I believe it's actually Summerdell, without the 'w'. :))
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

LT Sandpaw

Oh thanks Jukka, I'll go back and find them all. :D

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Lord Daskar

When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheer·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.

LT Sandpaw

Ok, but before I accept you fully as the Over-Father Acolyte I kinda want to see your character sheet.  :P If someone else wants it as well I'll need to compare the two characters. Though I feel the Acolyte isn't going to be the most popular choice so you'll probably get the slot by default.  ;)

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


I'll take the ship captain.

Name: Cadby Denholm
Gender: Male
Age:(Use Dibbun-Teen-Adult ect):Adult.
Species: Fox
Slot: Captain
Appearance: Cadby was caught in a fire around his teen years and his right arm is heavily burnt, without any fur. He wears a special peice of armor over the wound, covering it and a portion of his chest. His tail was dragged through ash and ember and the ash clung to his fur, covering his tail and turning it black. To complete the effect he covered himself in ash and now his fur is totally black. Amber eyes.
Personality: He keeps up the persona of an outgoing, helpful sea captain befouled by an unfortunate disaster, but in reality (and known to a few close friends) Cadby is an introvert and not very social. In terms of alliances and such he is out for his own gain but is happy enough to work with others if it comes with a satisfactory payback.
Backstory: His village was burned down by a gang of vermin when he was a teen (the above fire) and his parents died in the fire. He spent his early adult years tracking down the leader of the vermin band and now he make his living through weapons dealing.
Other: Cadby uses a cutlass as his primary weapon, but is proficient in archery and the fine arts of fencing as well.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

Hmm, okay Sage, but some other people might want to make characters that are part of your crew, so it has to stay a trade vessel. He can be a warrior trader, maybe Cadby is a weapons dealer which would go well with his merc profession?

Everything else looks good.

Oh and ya I didn't add a weapon thing because I didn't see the point. I figure most people don't typically swagger around with a spear or large sword anyway. What you did was fine adding it to the "Other" section of the application.

I did mine in the appearance section, because if they are carrying a weapon of some kind it would effect their appearance. At least that's how I see it.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Okay, that sounds good. I'll modify his backstory so that he already exacted his revenge.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Are we waiting for all the important positions to be filled before we start? I can fill another one... I was planning to.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

Please hold off on doing so until a few more people have joined. Though you are free to set up another character in one of the nonessential positions.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Jukka the Sling

I'll have this character for now.

Serene Wavedog

Name:  Serene Wavedog
Gender:  Female
Age:  Adult (around 27)
Species:  Sea otter
Slot: Otterguard Captain
Appearance:  Serene usually wears a dark blue tunic with sleeve and hem edging that looks somewhat reminiscent of waves.  She is tall and slim and has blue eyes (a vivid contrast to her chocolatey-brown fur), and she is moderately pretty (but no males have really shown an interest in her).

Personality:  Serene is a good and trusted military leader, not exactly what you'd expect from a beast with her name.  She is highly suspicious of Jade but won't make a move against him without the Queen's permission.  She is a bit blunt and socially awkward due to her upbringing, and she (usually) won't hesitate to tell you exactly what she thinks.  Sometimes Serene does feel different from others because of this, and this often makes her upset, but she won't let anyone see this.  She is generally cheerful but not really talkative unless someone else starts the conversation.  And she's the type who, if there's any distasteful job to be done, would just do it and get it over with.

Backstory:  Her mother gave her the name Serene shortly before dying from birth complications.  Serene's father, who was widely regarded as a bit eccentric, withdrew from the rest of otter society and raised his daughter largely in solitude on a remote beach, until when she was seventeen he died.

Serene lived alone for a while before venturing back into civilization at the age of nineteen.  She found she had a natural proclivity for warfare, and though they haven't needed defense for some time, she still trained hard and moved up through the ranks quickly despite her young age.

Her father had often told her that loyalty is the highest ideal ever, and thus she is very loyal to the Queen (though sometimes she has the nagging feeling that the Queen isn't the best one for the job, but her loyalty doesn't waver).  She also quietly fell in love with another otter once, but he married someone else and she never said anything.

Other:  Her weapon of choice is a longbow, but she is also trained with a sling.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

LT Sandpaw

She looks good Jukka. She's accepted.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Jukka the Sling

"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Should I make a character in the ship's crew or in the otter guard?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.