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The Over-Father

Started by LT Sandpaw, January 25, 2016, 06:58:31 PM

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LT Sandpaw

 Spring was in full flourish on Green Isle. Plants burst forth after their harsh winters rest competing for the sunlight. Tall grass swayed in the breeze ruffling both stem and fur. The fur belonged to a healthy looking otter, sitting with a clam expression on his face. Laying next to him was a sword and dagger seemingly forgotten.

Jade opened his eyes, they were as calm as his face, deep and understanding. Near Jade a small group of otters sat watching him with hungry expressions on their faces, drinking in his every action. Jade felt a tiny flare of joy at those expressions. It was something he cultivated, it fed and nourished him, far better than any food. His eyes fell on his most loyal, although painfully so, Over-Follower.

"Blirth," Jade's voice was low and soothing, but he spoke as he would to a friend. "You shall accompany me into Summerdell. Alana." His eyes turned to another of his followers. "You too. But first go to the hill top, wait there. You will see one of the Otterguard approaching. Treat him well, yet do not fail in bringing this otter to me. High Priest Jade of the Over-Father has spoken, and the Over-Followers will obey." At this Jade reclosed his eyes waiting for the expected flurry of movement.


The inside of the throne room looked as clean as it could get. Servants had made the palace as presentable as possible on their queen's orders. Their said queen now paced back and forth across the throne room the new Pawmaid Glimmer following about holding the queen's tea looking slightly out of place in the room's dreary atmosphere.

Breeia looked her best, the burnished chest plate of the High Rhulain gleaming in the morning sunlight, her fur slick and clean. Her coronet balanced between her ears, and her blue cloak swirling around her footpaws. She rubbed her paws together glancing periodically at Serene.

"The Otterguard is ready should Jade try anything correct captain? And the guard Aaron has been sent to bring Jade here, right captain? And do you think I look presentable captain?" Breeia turned towards Serene doubt spreading across her face.


   "Th' hole don't look swell Cap'n. She's taking on water faster n' we can bail it out. I dunno if'n we can make it to th' Isle sir." A scruffy looking mouse popped up from below decks saluting to the tall fox captain. The mouse was soaked though, and he sneezed loudly before continuing his damage report.

  "Th' hidden reefs did their toll. Even wit' yon tide an' wind we might be swimming inter th' Green Isle port." The mouse looked nervous sneezing again into his elbow. "What are th' crews orders Cap'n?"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Cadby Denholm was inspecting the lush green Isle through his spyglass when the mouse stuck his head up and gave his report. The fox looked down upon the crew beast before jumping down at his level. Stepped inside the ship, he ignored the cold water swirling around his feet. "The armory is still accessible," he said. "Halve the number of beasts bailing and send them to gather a second weapon for everybeast. Forget trading with those otters, just make sure everybeast is well armed. Throw the other weapons out the window, they're just dead weight." Blackened tail swinging behind him, the captain glanced out of the viewport, keeping an eye on the ever-growing island while speaking. "We have one dinghy to get everybody out of here. Get some crewbeasts to scrap everything we don't need and make a raft - extra rope should be in the after cabinet. It just has to get us to the island."

Done with his orders for now, the captain hurried above deck. A thought occured to him. Halfway up the stairs, he leaped back down. Tapping ten beasts on the shoulder, he said, "All of you! You're the best ten who can hold their breath the longest. The deck below us had some wood, good young samples. Swim down there and bring 'em back up. Two to a piece. Dump it in the middle of the deck. I want enough to make a nice smoky fire, we want those otters to notice us."


Aaron Galedeep finally reached the hilltop, gasping for breath. Why him? The aging otter leaned on his lance, the sharp point furrowing into the ground. Looking down the other side, he saw the fanatical Jade ordering his beasts around. Idiot. Finally having caught his breath, Aaron stood up, the perfect example of a member of the otter guard. Disciplined. Orderly. Not like the disciples down below, making their way up the hill.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

"Aye, aye Cap'n!" Bart leapt to his task tapping every other beast on the shoulder as they worked in a frantic bucket line. "Ahoy mates gather weapons an' arm yerselves. Cap'n's orders!" The crew didn't have time to be confused. Rushing about in the sinking ship they thrust a collection of swords, knives, and small axes into their belts.

"Alright all of ye sons of th' sea. Up top to build a raft, half o' ye stay down here an' keep us floating. Or th' whip will taste yer blood. Yew lot goin' up grab anythin an' everythin' an' take it above decks." A roar rang up from the selected raft-builders who rushed up the wooden stairs carrying what was left of the cargo. Bart pushed his way though the mass until he found Denholm. The mouse sneezed again as he ran up his paws slapping on the deck.

OOC: Can't respond to anything else until the others all post. But we can RP the ship until then.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


The fox grabbed the mouse on the arm. "What's the matter, mate, you have a cold or something? You're sneezing all over."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Jukka the Sling

Serene, standing in the middle of the throne room a little awkwardly, nodded.  "Yes, Your Highness, the otterguard is ready and Aaron has been sent.  And I think you look perfectly presentable."  Privately she thought that the Queen's coronet was ever so slightly askew, but she figured it wasn't really important and she didn't want to offend.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Alana's face was steely beneath the silver mask. She thwacked her rudder in a salute and echoed Jade's words.
"The High Priest speaks, the Followers obey."
She nodded at Blirth and began to make her way up the hill. She looked through the eye slits of her mask and saw Aaron standing atop the hill, looking at them with contempt. The sea otter returned the stare, even though he wouldn't see it. She straightened up and tried to look as dignified as possible, the gold trim on her robes glinting in the sun. Halfway up the hill, she turned to see how close Blirth was.


Amongst the crew, a tall sea otter pushed his way through, following Bart to Denholm. The otter tapped the fox on the shoulder.
"Pardon me, Cap'n, but I could jump overboard and swim to the island while the others focus on the raft. If I'm quick, I can make contact with the other otters and bring them to help us."

OOC: Character Sheet going up for this guy soon, I just figured I should make the most of him while everyone's still on the ship.


Cadby whirled to face the otter. "Fine, do that. We'll still be lighting that fire, though."

The black fox sprinted to the bow of the ship. He observed a tall hilltop, watching distant dots making their way up the hill.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

"Thank you Captain." Breeia huffed resuming her nervous pacing. Her gaze traveled the length of the hall taking in the small number of Otterguard and servants that remained within. Her own choice would have had the room bristling with swords and javelins with a full score of her loyal's ready. Of course her advisers had suggested a more subtle number of four, plus guardbeast Aaron and Serene would be more then sufficient.

Turning on her heel for the umpteenth time she stopped in front of Serene her paw shaking noticeably. "When do you suppose they will get here Captain? Maybe we should have sent more guards, poor Aaron may be captured. Who knows what they might do to him." She rung her claws nervously popping them in a way that made Glimmer flinch.

The younger otter held up the platter she had been carrying for some time now offering it to the captain. The queen obviously didn't want it, but maybe the tall kind one might. Glimmer smiled brightly trying to ignore the tiny pop, pop, of the queen's paws.

"Tea ma'am?"


"No Cap'n, er I mean yes but tis nothing bad." Bart yelled as he was jerked around slightly. He pulled his arm out of Cadby's grasp rubbing the fur back into place. "Ye have a firm grip Cap'n." The mouse laughed, smothering a sneeze.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Cadby shrugged. "Alright. Get the dinghy into position, we'll need it ready to drop at a moment's notice."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Jukka the Sling

"Well, Your Highness, I don't think Jade would hurt a messenger.  He probably wants to keep on your good side for this meeting."  Actually, Serene wasn't quite as calm as her words might have sounded, for she was a bit concerned about Aaron as well, but in spite of her mistrust of Jade, she hoped that diplomacy would hold strong.

Then the young pawmaid held out a tray, offering her a cup of tea.  "Oh..."  Serene glanced up at the Queen, then back to Glimmer.  "Yes.  Thank you, Glimmer."  She always made it a point to remember creatures' names.  Picking up the rather lukewarm cup, she took a sip.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Aaron looked down his snout at the approaching disciples, then back over his shoulder at the lush green haven of Summerdell. The otter imagined the Queen in the throne room, servant at her side and the Captain of the otter guard waiting on her orders. He snorted. The sun glared off of his metal breastplate as Aaron turned back, looking down the hill.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


OOC: Viluuu, where are youuuuu?

BIC: The otter, who was actually Alana's father Adamo, nodded.
"Thank you, Captain."
He put a jump in his step and jumped the gunwhale. The otter surfaced near the sinking ship. He took a breath and shot off towards the shore with the speed of one much younger.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Seeing as Vilu hasn't posted yet Groddil just have your character meet with Sage's alone, and bring Aaron to Jade.


Surprised Serene knew her name Glimmer smiled brightly preforming a quick curtsey. She lowered the tray she had been holding nearly above her head looking longingly at one of the little cookies. "Yes ma'am, the cook said it helped with nerves and keeps a beast calm. Is it very good?"

"Your right of course Serene, what would I ever do without you?" Breeia sighed relaxing slightly. "He simply wishes to talk in good faith. I suppose neither of us want any more bloodshed, and I wouldn't have the heart to call the Otterguard to attack my own citizens. Even if they called themselves Over-Followers. The clans would be furious, it wouldn't matter whether it was in the name of this island." For a moment Breeia's eyes seemed to focus on something far away then she blinked shaking her head.


"Aye Cap'n!" Yelled Bart for what felt like the millionth time. Rushing off the mouse found a group of crew that were looking over the railing as the water continued to rise higher and higher. "Get beasts to th' dinghy, fit as many aboard as possible. All ye who can swim get somethin' to hold onto to." Rallying the crew into action Bart grabbed a rope pulling with all his might.

"Pull mates pull!" The crew beasts rushed to help lifting the small dinghy up and over the side of the ship.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Cadby dashed to where the raft-makers were. As he came closer they finished putting the last piece of wood into place and binding it firmly to the main hull, if you could even call it that. "Good job, mates, she's fit to sail. I'll call her the Savior, as that's what she is. Get her ready to launch after the first dinghy drops into the water."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lord Daskar

Blirth came up the hill at an unusually fast pace for him. Panting he greeted Aaron, "Greetings Captain, I am Blirth Shellhound, the Over-Father Acolyte."
When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheer·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.