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The Over-Father

Started by LT Sandpaw, January 25, 2016, 06:58:31 PM

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Adamo sheathed his sword.
"Everybeast away from the holt! With this trembling, it could come down at any time!"


Cadby chuckled, still half asleep. "Nah mate, it's jus' the ship rockin' underpaw. I'd jus' stay cal- OW!"

As the rock shook, he fell against the wall on his bad arm. "Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch..." he said, teeth bared. "I'm awake now."

He hurried out to where the others were. "Idiots, that's what those crazy otters are. They'll take down the entire place if they don't stop now."

He leapt down among his crew. "Everyone, up! If you want to live, we've got to go now!"
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Jukka the Sling

Serene looked around, eyes wide, unable to figure out what was happening.  Her first thought was the Queen.  "My lady, you must get away!"  With that, she leaped back inside the doorway.  "Earthquake!" she screamed down the hallway at the few beasts in sight.  It seemed the only logical explanation for what was happening.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Running over to Serene, Cadby got right up in her face. "Nonononono! You don't get it, do you? Those maniac otters, those 'Over Followers,' they're trying to kill us all! We have to go find where they're chipping away at the stone, and stop them!"
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Jukka the Sling

Serene stared at the fox.  "You... they..." she spluttered, realizing that Cadby was probably right.  She had never thought that anyone could cause the whole palace to collapse, even the Over-Followers.   "Everyone out!" she yelled down the hallway.  "The Over-Followers are going to collapse this whole place!"

Then she turned to Cadby.  "Come on, then."  With that, she ran out the door into the night.  They had to find out for sure what was happening and stop it.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


The fox captain ran back into his crewbeast's camp. "Up! Get up!" he yelled, slapping soldiers with the flat of his blade. "Bart! Where are you?!"
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw


As she followed Serene out of the palace Breeia stumbled and fell, skidding to a halt just by the entrance. Several other otters, panicked by the tremors fled past without noticing, however the loyal guard that Adamo had instructed to stay with her, knelt down helping the otterqueen up.
"Not everyone has been warned," Breeia said in realization as the palace shook, nearly causing her to fall again.

"Aye, we'll send a few of the Otterguard to warn them to stay low my queen," the guard said keeping a tight grip on Breeia's arm. "But I wouldn't worry too much, it would take a far greater earthdance then this to bring down Summerdell. This place was built to last. Either way your safety is priority number one for me your majesty."


Bart, who was very much awake rushed over to Cadby tackling the fox and driving him to the earth. "What're ye doin' Captain, th' bloody ground has gone mad!" The mouse rolled off the fox, spreading out his weight on the unstable ground. "We gotta get everybeast to stop runnin' round making it worse." He advised, his voice slightly muffled by the grass though still squeaky with trepidation.


Down in the caves Jade smiled, it was a strange sight to behold, nobeast wanted to see Jade smile. It was a cold, emotionless thing that seemed to speak of something more evil and vicious then should be allowed to exist. It seemed to match the atmosphere of where they stood now very well in fact.
Down where they were the earth shook some, but besides a small bit of dust descending from the ceiling nothing much happened.
  "I admire your courage young sister," Jade said in a voice, not sounding the least bit surprised the cave hadn't collapsed crashing down upon the two of them, more then likely killing them instantly. "Not many of the Over-Followers would be so willing to die for the Over-Father, but as he has displayed today tis not our day to die. Nor those who have wronged us, and through us him. Now I believe those above have been sufficiently warned by now, perhaps they shall be more indisposed to listen to our message of hope and truth."

His grin intensified and he swished his white robe in a very unpriestly way. "Morgen has done us a great service, the Over-Father has impressed upon him a most noble task, which he has completed. Shall we go greet him outside, Acolyte?"


"Oh," Glimmer's answer was simple, in both word and understanding. The young otter could easily accept what Morgen would do in the name of the Over-Father. Her own guardian aunt and uncle had been swayed by Jade's teachings and were willing to do anything the Over-Father might ask of them.

"Could you take me back please?" She asked in a hopeful voice. "I liked the queen, and Serene. They were so nice..." She thought for a moment, and then her voice rose once again from her burlap prison. "I'll come back to accept the Over-Father later, I promise."

OOC: Feel free to PP Bart.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Alana cast off her mask.
"I feel no need for this any more. Now that I have proven myself to the Father, and he has proven that he accepts me, I see no need to feel any shame for who I am. I was once the daughter of a heretic, loyal to the Queens of those disloyal. But no longer am I his daughter. Now I have been born again in this cave, my own creature. I swear to the Father, I pledge myself to him completely. Let me be his instrument of destruction. Even if my own father stood before me, if my true Father told me to strike him down, I would no longer hesitate."
She followed Jade out of the cave.


Adamo saw Breeia fall and rushed towards her, but the guard had already helped her up. He motioned to two nearby otterguard.
"You two, make sure everybeast gets out of here. My Queen, we need to get further away. If Summerdell comes down, I don't want it falling of top of us. Besides, if this is happening because of the ground, we don't want to be near whatever's going on regardless."

Jukka the Sling

"No, I can't," Morgen said, trying to sound firm despite the fact that he was out of breath.  "The Father wants you brought to him now."

He stumbled into the area where the Over-Followers were camped.  Relief filled him.
Serene stopped running as the tremors began to feel less violent.  Were they safe after all?  What was going on?
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


"You imbecile!" yelled Cadby, shoving Bart off him. "Running around doesn't be make it worse."

He listened. "They slowed... we steel need to go down there. Bart, get some of our best beasts and make sure they have weapons. Meet me over by the otters."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Jukka the Sling

Serene looked around, then continued on to the base of the palace hill, running again in the semidarkness.  She hoped she could catch Jade and prove his evil once and for all.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

LT Sandpaw

"Yes," Breeia agreed, slightly out of breath as she followed Adamo. The otterqueen felt a little guilty as she allowed the two creatures to assist her out of the unsteady palace. She was supposed to the be the unquestionable ruler of Green Isle, its warrior and protector, and now her own palace was deemed unsafe. "Where is Serene, I'd like her to assemble some capable beasts, and figure out if this is the Over-Followers doing or not."

Little did Breeia know that Serene has already taken the initiative on that front.


"Aye Captain," Bart huffed taking to his footpaws uncertainly. It was very different from the stormy seas, but even as he fought to stay balanced the land seemed to settle and slow.

Releasing his pent up breath the mouse motioned to some of the crew. "Ye heard th' Captain, gather some weapons an' get down the hill."


"I doubt that shall be necessary sister." Jade murmured, his priestly voice and gait having returned as they stepped out among the Over-Followers. "Perhaps your father will welcome the Over-Father in all his glory and power and wisdom. Now come acolyte, your services are neede- Hold fast all you who have fear!"
Jade's words stuck like a lightening bolt across the clearing. The Over-Followers were clearly nervous, the land had all but stopped its rumbling, but now even the water didn't flow and several trees had fallen. Something had happened further upstream that had clogged the river, causing the waterfall to end its cascade, leaving the hidden cave behind it open for all to see. Those otters who were nervously inching away held as they were ordered, awaiting what Jade had to say.

"Somebeast approaches but you should have no fear in your hearts." Jade called spreading his arms wide. "The Over-Father has granted mercy upon those who live in Summerdell palace, they shall receive one last chance to welcome the Over-Father, and join us in his eternal glory. Do you not think he will not also reward his followers? Now know and understand, it is with one act that this was made possible. Morgen come closer let me see who you have with you."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Jukka the Sling

OOC:  Okay, so Jade is back at the Over-Followers' place?  Or is the palace pretty close to their place?  Did they tunnel all the way there?  I just assumed their hangout was a good distance away from Summerdell - that's why Morgen kept running for several posts. :P


Morgen turned at Jade's words.  "I... I have Glimmer, sir," he said, still out of breath.  He set the bag on the ground.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

LT Sandpaw

OOC: The Over-Followers aren't currently at the 'Holy Site' which is typically their main base of operations. They are camped at the base of the mountain, beneath Summerdell. Its still a short journey to reach, but not an all nighter either.

No one really knows they're there, except maybe Aaron at this point.


"Did your mission go well our trusted brother?" Jade asked as he knelt next to the otter-shaped sack. Underneath the cloth covering Glimmer shivered nervously, recognizing the smooth, clear voice of the High Priest. "I trust you managed to liberate our true sister, and not the other one." Jade narrowed his eyes, as if trying to focus on something in the early morning darkness. "She will live, the otter you injured. Now someone please fetch our brother a robe so he can change out of that Otterguard uniform."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


With part of the crew assembled, Cadby lead them after Serene. Whatever the Otterguard Captain had planned, it was probably not what the fox wanted. He flat out sprinted behind the otter, rapidly closing the distance between him and wherever Jade was.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.