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War in 1700 Cont.

Started by Wylder Treejumper, January 28, 2016, 08:01:18 PM

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Lord Daskar

Tsar Groddil
The Portuguese have had the impudence to declare war on Sweden. Shall they become our first victim, or will I handle them alone?

Lord Daskar, General of all Swedish Troops.

King Ariepata II
A brave but foolish act O king. Have you not heard of the skill of the Swedish army? The Strength of the Swedish navy? My mercilessness? If you continue to persist in this foolish war Portugal and The Dutch Republic will be no more.

Lord Daskar, General of all Swedish Troops.

Sweden speeds up it's training program, an additional 300,000 are added to the program. The navy prepares to go to sea. Supply production is increased.
When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheer·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.

LT Sandpaw

To King Daskar

I think not King Daskar. I have heard of the Swedish army, and I have studied the Swedish navy. I am confident that a Portuguese victory shall be easily achieved.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


To Groddil, highly confidential

Lord Groddil,
Europe is tensing in war quickly, with lines in the sand being drawn and then crossed. If we are to carry out your plan, should the forces of Poland declare war on Sweden, or stay neutral?
We anxiously await your guidance,

I'm retired from the forum


Lord Daskar
Lord Daskar, General of the Swedish armies,
Seven million is a large number, no? You have two countries coming straight for you. Not even Sweden could defend against both fronts. If they claim your nation, it gives them a direct path into Russia. My troops will defend the north of the country while you defend the south. My navy is on its way to Lithuania-Poland to travel with the Ottoman fleet. When the time comes, we will turn our guns on them. With our combined naval forces, your enemies shall fall. About the Portugese, I did not expect this, but it does not surprise me. I will allow their fleet to join up with mine, and you know what will happen.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Lord Soren
Dimitri currently leads the conscripts to north Sweden. I will link up with our navy and the Ottoman troops and attack the south. I need you here to keep order. Other countries to the west may try to attack while we are occupied, or Daskar may try to send men to retaliate. Either way, you and your 100,000 men will serve as our last line of defense. If we do this right, Sweden is ours. No declaration of war will be sent, this war is one we shall fight in the shadows. Very soon, the Ottomans will be marching through Poland. Ready your men, just in case something happens.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

King Sandpaw II,
After you recent declaration of war, I would like to reveal my plan. The Ottoman troops are marching through Poland. They will join up with my navy and together we will attack southern Sweden. Meanwhile, Dimitri and seven million conscripts will attack the north. I would ask that our navies travel together to Lithuania and pick up the Ottomans. Then, our three armies will sail for the enemy shores.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

*The Russian navy leaves Amsterdam along with the Dutch fleet.*
*Dimitri the Merciless leads his conscript force into Northern Sweden. They reinforce existing defenses and wait.*
*The Tsar leaves St. Petersburg with the remaining soldiers to join up with the navy. Russia is now in the control of Lord Soren and his 100,000 men.*


*Fully mustered, 400,000 Ottoman troops begin the journey through allied Lithuania-Poland. Cavalry scouts ride ahead to clear the way. The inexorable march has begun.

*On the shores of Lithuania-Poland, 400 transport ships await the troops to bring them to Poland. Already, the bulk of the artillery and heavy weapons has made it to the addition 10 ships and are waiting to leave. 200 second-rate ships of the line and 100 first rate ships of the line protects the huge transport fleet.

Tsar Groddil I
Very confidential

I am glad to have my army underway. You can have all of Sweden to make up for the loss of Prussia - the Ottoman Empire has enough land and allies as it is. I trust your troops are ready.

On other matters, I have offered an alliance with England. I believe Spain to be a threat to our ally Portugal. I just wanted to let you know.

Warm regards,

The Sultan
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


OOC: Derp, I forgot to do that.


*Tsar Vladimir Groddil arrives with the remaining men at the Lithuanian shores. The Russian soldiers are packed onto any space they can find. The Tsar boards his personal ship and motions to the Admiral. The Russian Naval forces, consisting of 45,000 men, 94 first rate ships-of-the-line, 200 ships-of-the-line ranging from second to fourth rate, 300 frigates, and 400 sloops, raise anchors and cast off. The Admiral of the Fleet calls to the command ships of the other fleets. It is time.*

Sultan Sagetip,
I had every intention of assisting King Wylde, but I have not interfered as of yet. We must first destroy Sweden, and of course, Portugal has to be alright with this. They will no doubt have alliances with Spain, else Spain would probably have invaded Portugal by now. When this is all done, I will send some letters. Unless you are actually with the navy already without my knowledge, I doubt we will make more contact until the war is over.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.


To the Tsar

I am not with the fleet. However, rear admiral Tipsage is present. You will find him on the Lady Fortune, should you wish to converse with him. He is one of my most trusted men and you should not refrain from telling him anything.

Warm regards,

The Sultan
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

To Tsar Groddil of Russia

Greeting Noble Tsar, my best Commander and his forces shall soon be marching North East to the Swedish lands bordering my own. After the recent capture of the German States my soldiers have direct access into Sweden. After they have secured those lands I shall push straight North into Sweden forcing King Vilu to not only fight on two fronts, but three. He shall be crushed under our combined might easily. I also wish to halt any advance into Poland or The Netherlands by blocking that rout.
If you wish me not to continue this campaign by all means I will travel with your soldiers. However I feel this is the best way to ensure victory.

~King Sandpaw II

To Sultan Sagetip

Great Sultan my forces are preparing to fight as we speak. However I am soon to be fighting two wars, and I may not be of much assistance in the coming days of conflict in Sweden. This war gives me an excellent chance to prepare without raising suspicion, however know this. Only troops from The Netherlands shall aide in the conquest of Sweden. The army of Portugal shall soon be stuck in a conflict with Spain. I would prefer if you did not tell the Russian Tsar of this until absolutely necessary.

May good fortune follow your endeavors.
~King Sandpaw II

*Upon arriving in Amsterdam Commander Loyla is presented with 20,000 freshly trained Dutch soldiers along with 10,000 soldiers of the Netherland's standing army. The three armies combined with his German, Portugal, and Dutch regulars brings the Commander's army up to a solid 39,000. Turning straight back around the Commander marches back North towards the German States. Companies of soldiers trickle out moving to support key points in the Netherlands leaving the Commander with 36,000 men upon arriving in Hamburg. The freshly formed German army of 20,000 Mercenaries joins his army raising his total number too 56,000 regulars.*

*Ships of the 4th Portuguese fleet sail south away from the Norwegian straight staying close the coast. The captains seem to be waiting for something.*

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


To Groddil

It shall be done.

I'm retired from the forum


King Sandpaw II,
I agree to your plan of taking out the Swedish lands on our side of the north sea. One thing I request is that when you have taken over there, you join the assault on South Sweden rather than North Sweden. There are more than enough conscripts in North Sweden, but the southern invasion will need all the help it can get.

Rear Admiral Tipsage,
The Russian navy is ready to sail. Shall we destroy the Swedish?
Tsar Vladimir Groddil, Ruler of Russia.

Lord Daskar

Tsar Groddil
Great Tsar,
Yes seven million is not a few. Your troops are welcomed, I was afraid they might be invading that is why I asked. I have captured a Norwegian port the Portuguese are still unaware of it, I am building Ships-of-the-Line there and will come at the enemy ships from behind when they are ready.  These Portuguese upstarts will not last long against our combined strength.

Lord Daskar.

Swedish troops secretly capture a Norwegian port. Ships-of-the-Line are being built.
When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheer·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.


Lord Daskar
Lord Daskar,
I hope your ships are constructed in time. I cannot delay the navies any longer, they set sail. May our victory be swift and merciless, and all Europe tremble before Sweden and Russia!
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

King Sandpaw II,
I have received dire information from Lord Daskar. He has captured a Norwegian port and is constructing Ships-of-the-line. He plans to attack you from behind.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

King Wylder of England,
Russia and the Ottoman Empire know of your conflict with Spain. We are preoccupied with Sweden at the moment, but I believe I speak for the Sultan when I say we pledge our assistance after Sweden has been taken care of.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Emperor Ashenwyte,
I will never join the twisted confederacy you have formed with Switzerland and your Italian puppets. The English are no enemies of mine, you cannot count on my support, nor alliances.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Meanwhile, in Switzerland...

*The 50,000 Swiss Mercenaries stationed throughout France begin to move to Dunkirk.*


Brandenburg border agreement

I, Frederick William III of Brandenburg, agree to all terms of the border agreement, modified or otherwise. May there be peace between our great nations as long as we live.


*The main army, now reduced to 27,000 men, returns to Brandenburg. 2,300 soldiers remain in Prussia and the newly-annexed territory to enforce order.*

*Under the auspices of border protection, 10,000 soldiers are sent to far western Brandenburg. This reinforces the existing garrison of 1,000.*


Tsar Groddil I
Highly Confidential
I've planned out a course of action for the fleet and the Ottoman ground forces. Attached is a map of Sweden for reference.

The navy will sail to the waters around Gothland. The island will serve as an area to set up a central hospital and weapons deposit and as a general staging area. 5 first rate ships of the line will stay there to guard against Swedish navy ships. The fleet will drop off 100,000 men as a reserve and the rest will split up into three attack wings.

Wing A will sail to the southernmost part of the main peninsula and take the cities down there, starting with Ystad. They will work their way up the land, eliminating opposition.

Wing B will sail directly to the mainland across from the island, taking Linköping and Norrköping. They will purge the area of resitance and wait for Wing A before moving up to unite with Wing C.

Wing C will sail for Elfsnabben and Stockholm, landing and taking the cities.

Thus, this plan will work to capture the lower section of Sweden. I should hope your general has a good plan for the 7 million conscripts coming in from the north. Good luck, General, and God speed.

I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Lord Daskar
Lord Daskar,
My trickery is working nicely. The Ottomans trust me with their plans of invading Sweden. Fools. They plan to land at Gavle, north of Stockholm, and march south to take the city. A second battalion will attack north sweden, mainly the port of Lulea, near the Russian Border. My conscripts will assist in any way they can.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Sultan Sagetip,
I have sent Lord Daskar highly falsified battle plans that will draw his troops away from where they are needed. You may view my letter included above. I am sending my navy with Wing C to Stockholm. I have also made contact with Dimitri, he will begin his assault soon.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.