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War in 1700 Cont.

Started by Wylder Treejumper, January 28, 2016, 08:01:18 PM

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LT Sandpaw

 *The Fourth Portuguese fleet sees a brilliant blue flag raised above the smoke and cease fire on the town. Swinging to the portside the ships begin a swirling pattern delivering devastating payloads onto the Swedish ships. Many of the frigates start acting as meat shields for the superior 1st rates, blocking Swedish shots with their hulls, before maneuvering out of the way for the 1st rates to fire. Heavy cannons loaded with chain shot target the enemies sails, and masts crippling the vessels.*

*Mariners begin their assault on Bergin sweeping in from different directions. The lines preform ripple fire sending almost endless streams of musket balls into the Swedish defenders. After six rounds of fire the right flank fixes bayonets and charges into the town, while the left continues firing.*

*Commander Loyla meets little resistance on mainland Europe. His troops make good time and soon occupy all the land South of Sweden.*

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Quote from: Lord Daskar on February 03, 2016, 03:02:06 PM
OOC: Where is you're fleet?
Wing A is at the bottom of Sweden, Wing B directly across from Gothland, and Wing C in the waters around Stockholm.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


*The Tsar and the cossack detachment march through the ranks into the city where the conscripts are marshaled. The Tsar holds a quick whispered conversation with his general. Dimitri pulls aside the leader of the cossacks, who nods and takes 20 men with him into the city. The cossack force is quick and merciless, executing any patrols they come across and sticking to the shadows. They skirt around the section of the city nearest to the wall and climb the walls into the palace courtyard, avoiding the guards at the entrance. One cossack breaks open a side door and the assassins enter the palace.*

*The Russian fleet returns to Stockholm proper, linking up with the Ottoman fleet. They too move into firing position. The Admiral raises a flag signalling for the Ottomans to fire.*

*The two million conscripts occupying North Sweden began to push south. At the same time, one million from Stockholm come up from behind, catching any Swedish defenders off guard. Russia now controls almost half of Sweden. Only from Stockholm south remains. Dimitri leaves the Tsar to take Stockholm, splitting his force and taking three million conscripts to assist the invasion in the south. The tsar begins to move all forces not watching the gate further into the city, but away from the portside areas about to be devastated from cannon fire.*

Meanwhile, in Russia Proper...

*Tsarina Natalia Lantur, Prince Nikolai Felch, and any royal advisors are escorted out of St. Petersburg and begin the journey to Kiev.*

OOC: Ashenwyte, what's in that spoiler is a load of rubbish.


*The Ottoman fleet opens up on Stockholm. Towers collapse as cannonballs smash into stone. The Palace is left intact throughout the entire bombardment.

*Further south Wing A has made it to the rendezvous point with Wing B, having suffered heavy casualties of 35,000 men. An extra 10,000 soldiers are dispatched from Gothland to reinforce the depleted wings. Wing B has also suffered casualties, 5,000 men are dead. The army sets up a camp for the wounded and begins to march north, encountering heavy resistance. They fly a red flag with a square and a circle, indicating their predicament.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


*Dimitri the Merciless and his force marching south see the Ottoman flag on the other side of a Swedish battalion. Coming up from behind, the Swedes are hit in a pincer movement and crushed brutally by the two armies. No prisoners are taken. Dimitri approaches the Ottoman Commander.*
"What's the situation in the south? Where do you need my men?"

*The Tsar keeps his men close to the gate throughout the bombardment. When it the cannons stop, Russian troops swarm over the city, taking severe losses from the desperate Swedes, but eventually overwhelming them. The city occupied, the Russian troops begin to move towards the last bastion of resistance; the palace.*

*The Russian navy ceases fire. The city is in ruins and and the Swedish Navy has been decimated. The Admiral signals to the Ottomans and begins to sail south.*

Lord Daskar

The heavy guns mounted in the palace open fire, killing many of the disorganized Russians. The Palace also happens to be out of the navies reach. General  Insert Swedish Name Here, orders his men to kill on sight.
When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheer·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.


*Tsar Vladimir Groddil I orders his troops to retreat. Some of the Russian ships carrying spare ottoman cannons turn around and dock in the Stockholm port. The cannons are unloaded and moved to fortifications near the palace. The cannons open fire on the palace walls, breaking several holes in the outer defenses and killing many of the defenders. Several of the heavy guns are destroyed, but the cannoneers are forced to take cover. The Russian charge is aborted while the conscripts fall back into the city.*

*Within the palace walls, the cossack force has found the heavy guns. The cossacks creep up behind the defenders and kill them before they know what's happening. The cossacks turn the guns around and slaughter the defenders.*

*The Tsar peers through a spyglass at the palace. The cossack leader gives a wave, before his force disappears from the balcony. The Tsar waits a considerable length of time before ordering the cannons to open fire on the heavy gun emplacements before they become manned again. The entire balcony is decimated and the guns destroyed. Satisfied, Vladimir Groddil orders the conscripts to charge the palace.*

Lord Daskar

General Yan orders his few men to raise the White Flag.
When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheer·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.


*Tsar Vladimir Groddil I is satisfied at the White Flag being raised and halts the charge. The conscripts form up into ranks and march proudly into the palace courtyard. The Russians relieve the Swedish survivors of their thrown-down weapons and round them all up. The Tsar waits patiently for the arrival of his cossacks.*

*The cossacks smash down the door to the throne room. They rush in, killing the bodyguards and securing the queen. The cossack leader pushes her roughly with his bayonet. The Queen is escorted to the balcony. The Tsar grins, the war is over. The Swedes are brought into the courtyard.*
"Hello, Hildegard. About time I met you."


The entrance of Rear Admiral Tipsage is heralded by six Ottoman troops marching in through the main doorway. The Admiral is decked out in full military regalia and carries a sabre thrust through his belt and an English-made revolver in a leather holster. He nods to the Russians and even shakes hands with the Swedish prisoners, showing his kindness even toward his enemy. Saluting Dimitri and the Tsar, he steps to the side to watch the proceedings.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"It had to come to this eventually. The idea of a "Scorched Earth" occupation of Europe, nobody likes it when you talk like that. They get fearful and angry, it comes back to bite you. Just like now. The terms are as follows: Russia will take Sweden. The Swedish army will become a militia force to keep the peace in Sweden. Nothing more, nothing less. A portion of southern Russia, everything from the ruins of Paltova down, will be given to the Ottoman Empire as thanks. As for you, you will be sent into exile in Alaska."
"Dimitri, take some guards, get her out of Europe."
*The takeover complete, most of the Russian forces, short of some soldiers left behind to guard the country, head for the docks. The Tsar approaches Rear Admiral Tipsage.*
"A pleasure. Like I said before, everything from Paltova down is yours. I wish we had found Daskar, but he's nowhere to be seen. Unfortunately, I received urgent news from the Tsarina. Emperor Ashenwyte made threats against Russia and has invaded France. He is currently attacking the English forces at Dunkirk. I intend to head straight there and provide assistance. Can I count on the Ottoman Empire's support?"


Declaration of War
By order of King Frederick William III,

The Kingdom of Brandenburg declares war on Portugal and her satellite states in retaliation for offenses committed against the sovereignty of the nation.


Emperor Ashenwyte
Failure to respect the confidentiality of this transcript constitutes a crime against the Kingdom of Brandenburg. Read at your own risk.

I am not a fool, Emperor Ashwnyte; I understand that the Russian and Ottoman empires have their own pragmatic interests in mind and may one day target my kingdom for expansion. Nevertheless, at the moment I have no need nor want to go to war with two empires, particularly one with which I have recently signed a peace treaty. Such a move would be--with all due respect--very foolish of you and I both, and could easily lead to ruin for our nations.

*Artillery emplacements on the western border of Brandenburg begin firing on Dutch troops.*

*A draft order is sent to Dresden; local authorities begin conscripting and training 10,000 new soldiers.*


*The Tsar boards his private ship to leave Sweden. He goes to his desk and views a large pile of letters. Groddil begins to write.*

King Frederick William III,
Russia will not stand for your uncalled-for declaration of war on Portugal. Renounce it now, or face the full wrath of the Russian Empire.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia

Declaration of War
Spain has threatened Russia. We will not stand for this, nor their takeover of France and war with England. Russia hereby declares war on Spain.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia

Chancellor Soren,
I have been sent some letters by the Tsarina. I would like to extend my most heartfelt thanks to you for protecting my family. If there is ever anything you need, ask and you shall receive.

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Russian Troop Movements

5,076,298 regular troops and 249,848 cossacks on their way to Spain.
800,000 stationed on the borders.
200,000 stationed throughout the Empire.
10,000 Swedish Miltia quelling revolts in Sweden.
100,000 serving Lord Soren in Lithuania-Poland.
42,350 traveling with the navy to Spain.
5,000 with a naval detachment sailing to Portugal.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line sailing to Portugal.
87 1st Rate ships-of-the-line sailing to France.
195 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate sailing to France.
243 Frigates sailing to France.
278 Sloops sailing to France.

*The 6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line and 5000 men stationed in North Africa leave for Portugal.*


Tsar Groddil
Failure to respect the confidentiality of this message constitutes a crime against the Kingdom of Prussia. Read at your own risk.

   If you truly understood the context of my war declaration, perhaps you would not be so quick to denounce it. In their imperialistic drive eastward, Dutch troops were occupying land immediately adjacent to my border, and were quite understandably causing worry among the local populace. I attempted to diplomatically have the Dutch troops removed from the border; when Portugal callously ignored my diplomatic overture, I was forced to resort to military action. Before you start yet another war, I suggest you first consider the issue from my point of view.

*A small fleet of hired privateers begins raiding Portuguese shipping lanes in Africa.*


King Frederick,
I believe that you are overreacting. Firstly, the Portugese may be adjacent to your borders, but they have not crossed them, so there is your first problem. Secondly, Portugal was preoccupied with war in Sweden and France, they have more important things than moving a few troops who are not doing anything back. Renounce your declaration of war and halt all attacks on Portugal and The Netherlands, or you WILL regret your decision.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.