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The Adventures of Sir Fredrick

Started by LT Sandpaw, February 22, 2016, 08:04:02 PM

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The shark was thrown back into the water, but not before the whalers took the arm out of it. The harpooner took it as a souvenir and the whaling ship sailed off.

James Gryphon

Sir Fredrick, badly wounded, began to drown in the crimson water.
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Sir Frederick blacked out and fell unconscious.

James Gryphon

While unconscious, he began to have nightmares.
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Eventually, Sir Frederick drowned. The End.

No, no, NO! This is NOT how it ends! This is supposed to be ENDLESS! Or at least, stretched for 1000 pages. Like Blaggut's topic, the one that failed to meet its goal. How dare you attempt to end this at a measly FIVE PAGES?!?! Disgusting. Get back out there and fix this nonsense!!!

Sir Frederick awoke washed up on the shore. Thankfully, the stump of his arm was no longer bleeding.

James Gryphon

Unfortunately, it was infected. Even worse, because this was in medieval times, neither Sir Fredrick nor anybody else knew what infection was or how to take care of it.
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Sir Frederick decided to go to a Doctor. The doctor suggested blood-letting. Sir Frederick was drained completely of bodily fluids and turned into a zombie.

James Gryphon

This only lasted until the blood was put back into his body; however, it had a negative impact on his brain. He now no longer had the sense of touch.
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Sir Fredrick could not feel pain, either, so except when tying his boots, he paid no attention to his missing arm and continue his travels.  The poultice given to him to remove the infection would have stung a normal person, but not Sir Fredrick.

James Gryphon

Since Sir Fredrick couldn't feel pain, he thus paid no attention when, after miles of traveling, his shabby boots began to fall apart, and rocks and gravel began to damage his feet.
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 Fortunately, a traveling shoemaker found Sir Frederick and provided him with new boots.

James Gryphon

But the shoemaker wanted payment in return for his boots, which Sir Fredrick, who was still poor, could not provide.
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 The shoemaker agreed to waive the fee after hearing Sir Frederick's tragic life story.

James Gryphon

So Sir Fredrick walked on. Unfortunately, the country he was in was cold and wet, and hail began to fall from the sky.
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 Frederick found shelter in a roadside inn and was cared for by the local apothecary.