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Who you gonna call? - OOC

Started by W0NWILL, March 18, 2016, 03:35:16 AM

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So I love paranormal stuff. Love it. Demon sitting on your chest late at night when you wake up? Awesome! Poltergeist possessing your shoe? I really hope it fits me, 'cause I'm wearing that sucker for the rest of my life. Ghost haunting your bathroom? I'd wait in line to go there!

Okay, not really. I hate waiting in lines to go to the bathroom. But you get the whole point, yeah? It's just gonna be a roleplay with ghosts and yes, ghostbusters. And probably some other mystery/Cthulhu/Sherlock Holmes/paranormal stuff. It'll be set in Redwall and everything, but probably in the future, with a sort of town surrounding the abbey, very Victorian-era sort of style.

The plot's gonna be pretty open-ended. I might start us off with some sort of ghost mystery thing, then something else might happen. But there's of course things to do even if I can't think of anything. It's Victorian Redwall with ghosts. It can't be too hard to find something to roleplay, right?

Okay, that's about it. The sort of characters open for joining are pretty simple; you can join as a ghostbuster, a ghost, some unlucky sap about to get haunted, some actual detective trying to solve the hauntings without them knowing about ghosts or basically anything you want provided it fits in the universe. I ain't picky, and I don't plan on turning anyone away.


My Characters
Name: Paranine
Species: Shrew
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Occupation: Ghost hunter
Appearance: Para is a fancy lady, it would seem at first glance. She's always wearing fancy, frilly dresses that poof out. They're like, really fun to wear. She's got the look of a fairly average shrew, with light spiky fur that her beady little eyes stare out of. She carries herself with a poise that many shrewmaids lack. Then she opens her mouth.
Personality: It's not fair to Para to call her boorish. Uneducated, maybe. She has difficulty keeping her facade of rich snobbery and aloofness up sometimes. Though she pretends like she's the sort of beast to not do something so horrible as to associate with someone poorer than her, she is nevertheless a very solid shrewmaid who doesn't take tomfoolery well and knows what she wants. And maybe she isn't always curt and rude, but so few beasts get sincereness from her it may as well not exist.
History: Para grew up extremely poor, dressing in sacks and doing her best to survive day to day. That's when her family lived out in Mossflower, but they eventually had to turn towards civilization, letting go of centuries of Guosim traditions. They came to Redwall and started to finally have enough to eat. When Para grew up, she knew that she never wanted to have to deal with that sort of life again. She wanted to be fancy and rich, and dressed herself to the occasion. Of course, when your job involves hunting down ghosts, big poofy dresses tend to get in the way...

Name: Fletcher
Species: Silver Fox
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Occupation: Scholar
Appearance: Fletcher is a small fox with mostly black fur, though much of it is mottled very heavily with grey, and the tip of his tail is white. He dresses formally, in a white button-up shirt and tweed jacket, and wears a pair of owlish spectacles perched on his snout.
Personality: Fletcher is perpetually anxious, and would be a big advocate for vermin rights if he was brave enough to stand up for it. He's very awkward and mumbly, and is vulnerable to panic attacks. He's a bit of a loner, and spends his days holed up with books and scrolls, reading and recording everything he can.
History: Fletcher was born far away from the abbey in a vermin-populated port town by the ocean. He was a bit of a social outcast, but he got along well enough. He left the town when he was still young, searching for a better education than a poor town could provide. He found what he was looking for when he came to Redwall, and learned all he could. He graduated eventually, and spends his days studying in the old libraries of the abbey. Of course, being a vermin species, he's often treated with distrust and prejudice.
Other: He's got a bit of a connection to the spirit world. Unwillingly, of course.


Name: Cthulhu
Species: Old One
Gender: Unknown, but appears to be male.
Age: Unknown, but has certainly been around for a long time.
Appearance: Cthulhu takes the form of a massive humanoid-shaped abomination. Cthulhu has wings and many, many tentacles that cover his face.
Personality: Cthulhu isn't the one to sit down and have a tea party with you, so not much is known about his personality other than that he's probably going to kill you, and enjoy doing it.
History: Cthulhu is an Old One, and has been involved in more than his fair share of world destruction and other hijinks. Recently, after some sort of catastrophic incident, Cthulhu has been slumbering in the sunken city of R'lyeh, and now he begins to stir...
Other: It turns out that R'lyeh is actually in the bottom of the Abbey Pond. Hmm...

Name: Francis Alhazred
Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Age: Adult (36 seasons)
Appearance: Francis is tall for a mouse, with soft, dark brown fur. He wears a formal black tunic with a white overcoat atop it.
Personality: Francis is serious and grim while on the job, but has a calm family life. Not many people get to see this light-hearted side; however, so he just comes across as cold and distant.
History: Francis came to town recently, investigating reports of disturbances near Redwall Abbey. Little does he know that his family has been involved with the current events for a long time...
Other: Francis's weapon of choice is a shortbow. Being a new arrival to the town, Francis has no place of residence, and generally lives in his makeshift office building.

You should call the town around the Abbey "Dunwich." :P

LT Sandpaw

Is it alright if I make the poor sap that gets haunted?

Also if its in the Victorian era could we adopt a story idea from Destop and use goats like horses. They'll be non-sentient domesticated animals which pull those little carriages around the city and stuff.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


@Grod: Whoo, wondered how long it would take for someone like Cthulhu to be made. Alright, you're good.

Also, pfft, Dunwich works.

@Sand: Yeah, of course. Goats could work as a domesticated animal potentially. I'll think on that.

LT Sandpaw

 Cool, I'll start making some characters.

Also is it alright to have simple, Victorian firearms?

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Yeah. Just don't overdo it.

LT Sandpaw

Cool beans, here they are.

SaLT's Crew

Name: Lohan Crim
Species: Rat
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Occupation: Confederate Ambassador

Appearance: Crim is a tall gaunt creature with dull grey fur and black eyes. He looks dangerous but also civilized with an air of superiority. His clothing consists if a pair of black boots and trousers with a white cotton shirt and black vest. His vest pockets contain a gold pocket watch and a silk pawkerchief which he uses to wipe his ears continuously.

Personality: A no nonsense and uptight rat Lohan can be brisk and abrasive. His seasons in the Confederate navy gave him an air of command and when he gives an order he expects it to be followed. However he is also very diplomatic and can negotiate very well. Slightly vain and very self-confident Crim makes a terrible friend but a good ally.

History: Growing up in the Searat Confederacy Lohan had a good life and education. As he grew his father enrolled him in a naval academy where he got a position as an ensign in the Confederate Navy. After many seasons he eventually gained the rank of Captain. As a decorated officer, veteran of several battles against rebellious islands Lohan was well respected amongst the island states. The Confederate council recognizing his potential, and potential threat made him an Ambassador. Crim hated his new position, but knowing he had no other option he set out to Redwall to procced with his new task.

Other: Crim has a personal body guard with him named Sven Stiles. A large quiet rat who typically escorts Crim everywhere.

Name: Coaltop
Species: Weasel
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Occupation: Ghost Hunter/Chemist/Inventor

Appearance: Short and slightly chubby he usually stands with his shoulders slumped staring down at some blueprint, or notes. He has tan fur with a black tail tip, and a large splotch of black on the top of his head. His clothes usually consist of plain brown pants and shirt with a white coat and a beret. He always carries a bag containing some simple test materials, sheets of paper, and writing materials.

Personality: Quirky and fun loving Coaltop is enthralled with science, inventions, and anything unexplained. His normal attitude towards the world is to find out as much as he can, and write it down. He is rather gullible when it comes to socializing, and is hopeless in conversation. Because his ideas are so often rejected as foolhardy he has adopted daredevil like tendencies often trying out his inventions himself.

History: Growing up in the city outside Redwall Coaltop came from a poor family who couldn't support his aspirations. He finally caught the interest of an aristocrat named Alfaso who funded his schooling. Once he completed the basic classes Alfaso insisted that Coaltop continue his education. Coaltop who wanted to explore other projects refused. Furious Alfaso cut off all funding and threw Coaltop out of his boarding house. With very little money left to continue research Coaltop was forced to get low end work while trying to find something that truly interests him.

Other: Could Coaltop possibly be trying to get hired by Paranine when we start?

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Maybe I'll be the detective without any ghost knowledge. Is that okay?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


@Sage: Well, those things I mentioned were just suggestions to get y'all thinking, you aren't limited to them, by God, no. But yes, of course you can.

@Sand: Good characters. And yeah, Coaltop could be looking to get hired. Sounds good.


Name: Nick Valentine
Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Age: 56
Occupation: Detective (but his rank is inspector)
Appearance: Getting on in his years, Nick has mostly grey fur. His blue eyes make him stand out from a crowd and the navy blue suit he wears underneath a brown trenchcoat is custom tailored to his body. He likes to keep a snubnosed .44 revolver for... Close encounters.
Personality: As grumpy old mice go, Nick keeps to himself and prefers it that way. Over the course of many years he has seen lots of bodies and is no stranger to pain. His daughter died by the hands of a criminal who had used her to get to Nick. He has a close friendship with the chief of police and they often share coffee in the morning and a drink at night.
History: Born in a run-down rural town, Nick enlisted in the police force as soon as possible to get a taste of the action seen by his uncle, who was wounded and had to retire. After growing up he moved away from his family to Dunwich, where he married and raised his daughter. He divorced and his daughter was killed. He eventually made his way to the position of Inspector, where he happily investigates crimes. Now, the police force and back street fighting are the only sources of money and excitement for Nick.
Other: He owns a flat in the east portion of Dunwich, where he likes to hang out to pick up information.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Awight! We can start pretty soon, probably, once I'm done being lazy.

I don't close joining after the topic goes up, or ever, so its always open.

LT Sandpaw

Hm you know what's funny. My first RP on the forum was an exploring themed one hosted by you Batlord. I think Conrad, Delthion, and Jet were all involved too.

Huh funny how things change isn't it.

Anyway are we starting soon?

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Really? Pfft, that's neat. I'll be starting the topic fairly soon. Today hopefully.


"Demon sitting on your chest late at night when you wake up?"
That legend is based on this fascinating phenomenon called sleep paralysis. It's where your brain is awake but your body isn't and that causes you to hallucinate vividly. It's apparently terrifying.

I might join this if I can think of a character.

"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


I know. That's where I got it from. There's an actual legend about it?