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What was your reaction to BJ dying

Started by Log a Log Grenn, June 11, 2011, 06:00:17 PM

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I was shocked, I cried, I didn't eat. He died right before My birthday, for the longest time I was inactive, I dreamt weird dreams about Redwall and I couldn't focus on school.
I felt really bad because on feb 5th 2011, I had a feeling something wasn't right, that something happened.
The next day I found out why.


I was sad and felt rather melancholy for a few days. He was a great writer but what many have posted is true. Brian will live on through his stories for a very long time!

Oh, and I put together a meal for my friends based on the Redwall cook book a few nights after his passing as a memorial. 


I was sad, sure, but my thoughts were simple, and, I think, fitting - "Such is life."
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16


Quote from: Bragoon on January 20, 2012, 06:09:05 PM
I was sad, sure, but my thoughts were simple, and, I think, fitting - "Such is life."

You took it better than me, I went into a state of deep depression for a while.

Dannflower Reguba

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


I didn't find out until yesterday that he had passed :( I happened to start re-reading the series for the first time in years and decided to google the latest books that I had missed out on and the first thing that came up was the obit :( I definitely cried a bit; he's been my favorite author since I was a little kid, and the Redwall books are what made me realize what I wanted to do for a living. I wish I could have written him just one more letter (like I used to when I was a kid) and thank him for his books and the good influences they've been on me.
Badger Lord don't care!


I is awful. No more books, no more BJ, its just to bad to think about. :'( :'(

I'm retired from the forum


Surprised and sad.  Because I think I heard about it the next day.
Happy and kind.

Ungatt Trunn

I actually found out about his death while reading the article about him on Wikipepia. I was very surprised, and I was stunned for a few moments.  But I've gotten over it. I am sad about more than just his death; it also means that no more Redwall books will be written (or any other books for his other series eather) :'(.

Life is too short to rush through it.


I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


When I heard this I was sad two weeks...I don't want to say too much about my broken heart .I'm so sad now because I remembered again...
Win For Redwall!!!

White One6193

Absolute shock. One day he was there, the next he was gone.
"Ride for wrath, ride to ruin, and the world's ending!"- King Theoden


Mit Gott, Fur Koenig, und Die Vadeirlandt!


"There's some good in this world, Mr.Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."-Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


Quote from: Redwallfan7 on August 08, 2012, 02:39:51 AM
didn't he die from a heart attack?
Yes, they rushed him to the hospital, but he was beyond help.

To me, his death closed a door. I was worried, and i still am, that world of red wall might never feel as open again. With no more sequals it had a deffinitive end, with out a real ending. Its sad. And part of me wants some one to pick up the torch and finsh the race, To write THE last book.

As for Brian's death, i have seen videos of him talking. He seemed like a really good person to be around. And i am really sorry, for all thoase who really knew him.
"The way is dangerous, take this." " A gift? Will it protect me?" No, a sword is never a gift. It only brings death. It is a curse and gives you the duty to defend those who cannot defend themselves. I hope one day you will forgive me."

Capn Greypatch

Well, I immediately felt empty and got a lump in my throat. Then I searched for another source that said he had passed away...when I realized it was the truth, I texted my friend (who is also a Redwall fan), and I posted a small memoriam on my facebook page, in honour of BJ. Finally, I skimmed most of my Redwall books for a very long time.
I just didn't feel myself that day I found out.
Then again, I came across this wonderful forum the same day I found out about BJ. There's always a silver lining I suppose. :)
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing". - George Bernard Shaw