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To Save a World

Started by James Gryphon, April 20, 2016, 09:51:30 PM

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   It is a shame that our noble ranks must be blighted by the wicked shapeshifters- I'm afraid I cannot place an ounce of trust in any of you, knowing that a full 37.5% of you are villainous interlopers. We meet with Dougary first, yes? I feel I, Catalea, must place myself at the top of my list, and the rest of you more or less randomly. My apologies to those of you who remain meritorious, untouched by the shapeshifter filth.

8. Catalea
7. Dier
6. Minkowski
5. Tropey the Wonder Alien
4. Jerkon
3. "Totally Not A Cylon" John
2. Cheeto
1. |RC-1140 "Fixer"|

[My apologies, sir, I may have placed my votes in the wrong order- I meant myself to be at the top, and "Fixer" at the bottom. If I have filed my papers wrong, please do correct them.]


Truly it is unfortunate that we cannot place trust in each other, but I know one thing for fact. The survival of our species and our bounteous world depends on us, and we will not fail. We cannot.


James Gryphon

(Remember to use y'all's call-signs; I know who you are, but the others don't.)
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Minkowski here. I did not have a chance to introduce myself before. I'll be turning my ballot in later.


This is John, and here are my votes:
Quote1."Totally Not A Cylon" John
2. Catalea
3. Dier
4. Jerkon
5. Minkowski
6. Tropey the Wonder Alien
7. Cheeto
8. |RC-1140 "Fixer"|
Sure, this sounds fine...

You can trust me!


No trust? No matter, I've got a mission. Here's my vote:

Quote1. Dier
2. |RC-1140 "Fixer"|
3. Jerkon
4. Cheeto
5. "Totally Not A Cylon" John
6. Tropey
7. Minkowski
8. Catalea

|RC-1140 "Fixer"|


   My apologies, Fixer, I know nothing about you. As I said, I assigned the other ambassadors in an essentially random fashion. Though I do think it suspicious that you would place another before you... Another who we know so little about, no less. Dier has spoken but one sentence.

   - Catalea


John again.  I made a mistake in some of the paperwork.  Here is the revision:
Quote8."Totally Not A Cylon" John
7. Catalea
6. Dier
5. Jerkon
4. Minkowski
3. Tropey the Wonder Alien
2. Cheeto
1. |RC-1140 "Fixer"|

Out of character:  So, Eight is supposed to be total support, right?  Just to make sure I'm not misunderstanding this.

You can trust me!


Fixer, you gave Cheeto two spots on your ballot, and you need to read over the instructions again. Your numerical order is incorrect.



8. Tropey the Wonder Alien (Ty)
7. Minkowski
6. Dier
5. Cheeto
4. Jerkon
3. Catalea
2. |RC-1140 "Fixer"|
1. "Totally not A Cylon" John

Ty here. I've been listening to all of you, and I think I know who I can trust. Namely, Minkowski and Dier. It is my belief that anyone incapable of filling out paperwork has to be a filthy shapeshifter.

Quote from: Anonymous on April 22, 2016, 09:05:57 PM
Fixer, you gave Cheeto two spots on your ballot, and you need to read over the instructions again. Your numerical order is incorrect.


Yes, thank you Minkowski. Namely, "Fixer," you've forgotten me. If that's even your true name...


   I would agree that Dier doesn't seem innocent- They've said almost nothing, "Fixer" prefers Dier to his/herself, and Dier has been tardy in turning in their ballot. Looks can be decieving, of course, but we be cautious around them. It is regrettable that I placed them (again, in an essentially random fashion) as high on my list as I did... But what's done is done.

   Of course "Fixer" isn't their real name- one doesn't preface one's real name with a serial number and put it in quotes. Few of you have been brave enough to show your true names as I have. We must be brave for our people. Brave and honest.

   - Catalea


I will admit, I do not know any of my fellow ambassadors personally, so I must go off of my first impressions for my ballot. And my first impression of most of you is that you are extremely inconsiderate in the typing of my name. Although I've been extremely clear that my name is written Cheeto, other than Ambassadors Catalea and Minkowski, the rest have written it the improper way. As such, my ballot shall be as follows:

Quote from: Ballot8. Cheeto
7. Catalea
6. Minkowski
5. Jerkon
4. Dier
3. "Totally Not A Cylon" John
2. |RC-1140 "Fixer"|
1. Tropey the Wonder Alien (Ty)

My reasoning behind Ambassador Ty being at the very bottom of my ballot is that, even though they quoted my name in its correct written form, they still typed it incorrectly in their ballot. That is incredibly rude, in my book. Ambassador "Fixer" was second to last in my ballot because they were the first offender, and Ambassador John came just after them because he was the second offender. As for Ambassadors Jerkon and Dier, I do not yet know how I feel about them.

- Ambassador Cheeto

James Gryphon

Quote from: Anonymous on April 22, 2016, 08:15:08 PM
Out of character:  So, Eight is supposed to be total support, right?  Just to make sure I'm not misunderstanding this.
That's right.
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Quote8. Fixer
7. Jerkon
7. Ty
5. Cheeto
4. Catalea
3. "Totally Not a Cylon" John
2. Minkowski
1. Dier
After much consideration, I have compiled my list.

James Gryphon

(Remember, you have to include your callsign in your posts. Unsigned ballots will not count.)
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