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Presidential Mafia

Started by SilentSam, May 07, 2016, 05:19:08 PM

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I'm retired from the forum


You're kidding me... Now we lost the detective and a Town member and there's still two Mafia. And most of the people in the game aren't even participating. Urgh....
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

Aimless Gallivanter

Ah geez that's awful. I didn't vote for him but I still feel bad :(
im gay!!!!!!


Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on June 17, 2016, 04:06:56 AM
You're kidding me... Now we lost the detective and a Town member and there's still two Mafia. And most of the people in the game aren't even participating. Urgh....

Well then, maybe they SHOULD actually participate. >:(

In more serious news, if Sage was the Cupid, and we've lost two people, I think we should be a little more careful from now on. We don't want to vote willy-nilly and risk losing EVEN MORE town members.


We do need to be more careful. Though, if there have been no Cupid couples killed yet, and no Mafia have been killed.... it is possible that the Cupid couple has a Mafia member. So if a Town member does die, there's a higher chance of a Mafia dying as well. If... that helps to make this situation seem any better, I guess.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


I think we should look this from the perspective of who did our Cupid Sage choose? If we figure it out, at least we'd have some evidence.
There's three dudes to five girls left. It'd be logical that he'd choose a shipped couple, or two close to one. I can only picture Groddil and Corn, or me and Peri.
I don't know yet though, just random thoughts.

I'm retired from the forum


I would have to disagree. If Sagetip was really acting in our best interests, he wouldn't choose a pairing so obvious. If he did, the Mafia would know who to kill straight away. For instance, if me and Corn were the cupid couple, I think we would both be dead by now. Ditto with you and Peri. Unless of course, one of us is Mafia. Then they wouldn't kill the other Cupid, because they too would die in the process.

Cornflower MM

Wait, me and Grodd are  a ship/close to one? o.O (It better be a bromance ship. IT BETTER BE.)

Quote from: Groddil on June 17, 2016, 06:29:11 AM
I would have to disagree. If Sagetip was really acting in our best interests, he wouldn't choose a pairing so obvious. If he did, the Mafia would know who to kill straight away. For instance, if me and Corn were the cupid couple, I think we would both be dead by now. Ditto with you and Peri. Unless of course, one of us is Mafia. Then they wouldn't kill the other Cupid, because they too would die in the process.

This does make sense.


@TheMostSilentOfTheSams: Can you send Ash a PM? The inactivity at this point is very detrimental.

Anyway, I'm still leaning Søren for Mafia because of what I said earlier. But I really can't tell with the ones who haven't posted much.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


@Skyblade I'm afraid that won't be needed.

Night Two has begun

It was nighttime, and Ashenwyte, a more timid member of the group, was awake. He knew that, like the night before, someone was going to die. He was a senator for one of the states, but was almost never outspoken. Unfortunately, the Mafia were suspicious of him, as they thought he knew who the Mafia was.
The Mafia unlocked his door.

"Wait, no!" Ashenwyte said.  But it was too late. One of the Mafia threw a ninja star at his neck, while the other was eating something. Ashenwyte, in his final moments saw that both of the Mafia were wearing masks.

Later, when everyone woke up, they saw that Ashenwyte was missing. His door was unlocked, and everyone was frightened to see a ninja star in his neck. However, they saw that there were nuts in his room, which someone was eating. Someone also saw that there was a mask near Perifaen's door, in her room. She claimed that someone must have stuck it in her room, but who knew?
Anyway, the candidates decided they would never vote to kill someone again, as they had killed innocent Sage vote on who was the Mafia.
Ashenwyte, an Innocent is DEAD.
There are 2 Clues in this story, however, they may or may not trick you.
;D~~~~Silent~~~~Sam~~~~Squirrel~~~ ;D

Cicha sam jest najlepszym redwall znaków!


I think the fact that one used a ninja star and another was eating nuts may be important. The mask being next to Perifaen could be a clue, but it seems too...obvious. Maybe I'm wrong and the mask being near Peri is a clue. Like I said, clues can be really hard to deal with. But I really wanted to point that out.

If we could change our votes, mine would be on Soren right now; he may be not the best lead (I'm going by his posting activity; before I called him out, he seemed to be hanging out in the background to not attract attention (and that's a Mafia sign)), but he's currently my best, unfortunately.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Funny how Sky is so eager to move the game along. Why wouldn't she just kill off an inactive member? What's the fun of winning Mafia if there isn't a chase? I'm leaning Sky because of her comment about Ash earlier.

However, as far as the clues in the story go, a squirrel member may be at more fault. Cornflower is a squrril, and who else would eat nuts at a murder? I'm not sure about the Peri clue, if it is indeed the clue, it's really obvious.

How did the Mafia unlock his door? Did they have a key?

I'm retired from the forum

Cornflower MM

Hey, I might be a squizzel, but that doesn't mean automatically I'm eating the nuts. ;)

Looking at these two posts, I, too, am leaning on Sor. See how he's so quick to point fingers? And how he only posts after Skye calls him out? Hmmm, could he and Peri be the Cupid couple? He's being easy on here compared to the others in my post. He's also mostly going off Skye's post with his deductions.

And speaking of Skye, she's really making sure we know she doesn't like clues. Trying to distract us, maybe? She didn't give us much with that post, when usually she's so helpful. She's also really upset about posting activity, and who hasn't posted this round? Ash! Who was just killed? Ash! Hmm, was that a mistake on her part as Mafia? IS she Mafia? I'm starting to think so - Her votes are all over the place.

I, on my part, think both the nuts and and the mask are too obvious. Read the end again, people!

That's all from my brain for now.

Aimless Gallivanter

Ash is dead and it makes Sky suspicious, but it seems to me that such an in depth player like Sky wouldnt complain about a player and then take him out if she were the Mafia, it seems too obvious. Too big of a mistake for a player like Sky.
The nuts/ninja star feel too vague to really be pointing fingers at anyone. Then again, we killed off Sage because of a baseball bat, so whatever floats your boat I guess.
The mask is so in-your-face of a clue it's ridiculous. You end up overthinking these things. Or maybe thats just me. But I'm leaning towards a guess that Peri isnt mafia.
I guess what Im trying to say is I dont know what to say, and at this point I dont know who to vote for.
im gay!!!!!!


Yeah, true. I've got some suspicions. Firstly, the mask DOES support my earlier theory involving Peri, but no Mafia would be as stupid as to leave a mask hanging up in plain sight...Unless they want us to think that. On the other hand, Sky's suspicions on Soren probably aren't unfounded. He's only posted when he's in danger, and no other time. They could be the Cupid couple, and if one of them is Mafia, considering how many innocents we've lost, losing one more shouldn't be a problem if it means we finally off one of our enemies. Therefore...