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Imperial Navy Headquaters and Notice Board (RP)

Started by Hickory, May 23, 2016, 10:22:39 PM

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Wylder Treejumper

(OOC: Tartan-class patrol cruiser? Pshaw, frigate bait.)

BIC: Kaleth jumped to his feet and went with the other pilots into the armory. He drew his flight suit and other associated equipment, and quickly put it on. Joining his assigned squadron, he marched down to the fighter bay where his TIE fighter was situated. Over the commotion, the sound system blared out, 2 minutes to light speed. All pilots to fighters.

Jumping into the cockpit, he closed the canopy and tightened the restraining belt. He was ready. Nothing but a cruiser- couldn't be that bad. He'd been in much worse situations than this.

Jump imminent

The Hyperdrive roared to life.
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.


(OOC: Better than yours.)


"Again, thank you, Major."
Grizzle turned on his heel and walked back to the elevator.


Some time after leaving the office, Grizzle found himself walking into Port 5. Grinning, he made sure that his new rank insignia plaque had been fastened to his uniform, and stepped up into the Fantome.
"Alright, listen up all of you. My name is Grizzle, your new captain. Where's the engineer?"
"Right here, sir."
"If you have any further preparations, make them. We'll be receiving orders shortly."
The engineer nodded and jogged off. Grizzle followed one of the other crewmen to the bridge, familiarizing himself with the ship's layout on the way. Taking the captain's seat, Grizzle switched on the communications equipment.
"This is Captain Grizzle of the Fantome. We've made final preparations and are ready for orders."


OOC: Remember, each ship has its advantages...

And Wylder, it's a corvette. ;)

BIC: The flight controller's voice came back at Grizzle. "Copy, Fantome. You'll be linking up with Support Fleet Seven over Corulag. It's a small group, a few Acclamators and one Victory - class cruiser, the Subjugator. Some other ships will join up with the fleet and then you'll receive further orders from Rear Admiral Graw. Flight control out."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"Copy that, flight controller. Engineer, is the ship ready?"
"Ready, Captain."
"Good. Switch her on, get the hyperdrive ready. Where's the navigator?"
"Navigator Peterson reporting for duty, Captain."
"Set a hyperspace jump to the Core Worlds, we're heading to Corulag to meet up with Support Fleet Seven."
"Yes, Captain."
The engineer jogged back onto the bridge.
"Hyperdrive operational, Captain."
Grizzle nodded as the Fantome's engines begin to power up. The rumbling began to subside slightly, and the ship pulled out of the Space Station Loading Bays. Once they were far enough away, Peterson keyed the coarse into the Fantome's navigational systems and the ship jumped into hyperspace.


"Leaving hyperspace in"
On the Fantome's bridge, several crewmembers were fiddling with the hyperspace controls. One of them flicked a switch to drop the ship back into realspace, filling the bridge windows with the view of a planet. Several other Imperial ships were already in orbit near the Fantome. Peterson rechecked his instruments.
"Planet confirmed as Corulag, Captain."
"Patching you through to Rear Admiral Graw, Captain."
Grizzle leant forwards towards the communications equipment.
"Support Fleet Seven, come in. This is Captain Grizzle of the Fantome, requesting to speak with Rear Admiral Graw, over."


"Admiral here, Captain," came the reply. "Good to see our last ship arrived."

The view screens showed a main fleet, the signature wedge-shape design prominently displayed on the larger cruisers. To the left was the main space station protecting Corulag from Rebellion ships. "For the many captains wondering their purposes here... We're reinforcing an attack fleet currently engaging a rebel defense group over Shola. We'll drop in, launch our fighters, and move in. This rebel fleet isn't a joke - they've got attack frigates and a few heavy Mon Cal cruisers that could face up to a Star Destroyer. However, winning this battle provides a huge opputonity to capture an important planet. Jumping in ten."

OOC: Have them jump in the next post.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"Copy that, Admiral. Peterson, we jump in ten. Set a jump to the Magatesso System, we're going to Shola."
"Shola? You mean that giant volcanic nothing in the outer rim?"
"Yes, that Shola. Just ready the hyperdrive."
"Right away, Captain."


"Hyperdrive ready, Captain. Thirty seconds until jump."
"Perfect. Let the rest of the fleet go first, we'd be target practise for any of the heavier ships the moment we got out of hyperspace."
"Copy that, Captain."
All of a sudden, the Subjugator disappeared. Several of the Acclamators followed, then the smaller ships.
"Here we go."
The hyperdrive roared into life, the ship shuddered slightly, and the Fantome was gone.


When the small corvette dropped out of hyperspace, its crew members felt dwarfed considerably. The space around Shola was full of gigantic Star Destroyers, exchanging laser fire with smaller Rebellion ships and tiny starfighters weaving in and out of the battle space. The comms system was overloaded with chatter between captains, squad leaders and other personnel. Graw's voice crackled over theFantome's radio. "Here's the lay down. All cruisers, engage any Rebel ships drying to escape. Aim for the engines. Corvettes, you're needed in the far side of the space station, kill anything launching from the hangar. Keep this channel open for father orders. Make every shot count. Admiral out."

OOC: Have some shots, do something exemplary, be cool.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"Copy that, Admiral. Peterson, get us in closer to the space station. Gunners, get rid of every fighter you see. Engineers, make sure we don't all die."
There was a resounding cry of "Yes, Sir." as the crewmembers scurried off to their anointed tasks. Grizzle left the bridge and walked back towards the ship's small cargo hold. He locked the door behind him and began fiddling with an unmarked crate unceremoniously dumped in a corner. The captain was nearly knocked to the floor as the entire ship shook. The engineer's voice crackled over the intercom.
"Nothing to worry about, captain. Bit of debris just hit one of the engines, caused a fair bit of turbulence, but there's no damage done."
Grizzle breathed a sigh of relief and kicked at the crate. The sides fell off the crate, revealing a large ball of metal, wires, and blinking lights. Grizzle pushed a button that had been grafted onto the side of the ball.
"Voice activation, Red Star Fleet, Admiral Grizzle."
The ball made several bleeping noises and unrolled. It appears to be a Droideka, one of the newer models, but somebody had made several crude modifications to it. There was an old Mandalorian jetpack strapped underneath the droid's torso, and a grenade launcher had been welded onto one "arm." Finally, and most ridiculously, part of an R1 astromech droid was implanted directly in the centre of the droid. Grizzle pushed several buttons on the astromech "head," causing the Droideka to recurl.
Grizzle walked out of the cargo hold and back onto the bridge. The Fantome was now flying directly alongside a Star Destroyer, laser cannons blaring. An A-wing fighter exploded just in Grizzle's field of view as one of the gunners nodded satisfyingly. Grizzle reached forwards and tapped Peterson.
"Peterson. This is going to sound insane, but take us into the Space Station."
"What did you say, Captain?"
"The Space Station. Get us inside the landing bay one way or another."
Peterson gulped.
"Right away, Captain."
The Fantome pitched hardly to the right, on a straight course for the space station.


A huge blip filled the detector screen. "Incoming cruiser!" cried the scanner officer. The round, bulbous shapes of the Mon Calamari cruiser were easily distinguishable as it began to lock onto the nearest Imperial ship... The Fantome.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"Gunners, focus priority fire on any torpedoes that get launched at us. We cannot afford to be slowed down. Chief Engineer, divert as much power as possible to shields until we're out of range of the cruiser! Peterson, get us back in the cover of that star destroyer!"
Not bothering to even reply, Peterson began to tap at his monitors wildly. The Fantome veered back away from the Mon Calamari Cruiser, speeding towards the safety of the Subjugator as fast as it could go with most power diverted to shields. The ship shuddered multiple ties under laser barrage, but thankfully, no torpedoes were launched. As soon as the Fantome had rounded the massive curve of the star destroyer, the crew all shared a sigh of relief. Grizzle called the officers back onto the deck while the gunners took down any stray fighters.
"Chief Engineer, how hard were we hit?"
"Some mild hull integrity problems. Reactors are at 84% capacity.
"Divert all non-essential power to engines. Fix the damage as much as you can."
"Yes, Captain."
"Peterson, once the engineers have completed their task, I want this ship going straight for that Mon Calamari cruiser."
"Captain, please say again. You want me to take the ship straight towards a cruiser?"
"Think about it, Peterson. If we get right up to their bloody bridge, they wouldn't dare shoot us, would they? With all power going to the engines, if the Fantome goes down, the cruiser goes with it. I think they'll know that."
"Y-yes sir. Right away."


The Fantome's engines roared with power, much higher than usual. The entire ship shook softly as Peterson set a course for the Mon Calamari cruiser. The Fantome shot out of the safety of the Subjugator's enormous bulk. The little corvette shot straight for the much larger Rebel ship. The Fantome continued to shake with continous hits, sparks flying through the bridge. Grizzle held onto the chair as tightly as possible, while several gunners had already sprawled out of their seats. There was a muffled explosion coming from the rear of the ship, as more crewman raced down the corridors.
"Captain! Hull breach in the Aft gun bay."
"Secure the gun bay from the rest of the ship then hold on to something."
"Yes, Captain."
"Peterson! Now! Stop the ship!"
The navigator leant forward and slammed his palm onto one of the many switches laid out in front of him. The ship, while still floating towards the looming bulk of the Mon Calamari cruiser, had slowed significantly. The gunners were working their fingers to the bone, destroying as many of the turbolaser batteries as possible. There was another, smaller bang, followed by a bright flash on the starboard side of the ship. Grizzle noticed the debris of a gun turret float past the bridge windows, nodoubtly one of theirs. Suddenly; however, the turbolasers stopped firing on the corvette. Grizzle stared out the starboard window. Straight into another window, filled with the confused faces of several Mon Calamari officers. The Imperial Captain turned on the ship intercom.
"Attention, crew of the Fantome. All wounded are to report to the Med-Bay. Starboard gunners, keep your turrets trained on those bloody squids. Port gunners, kill any trigger happy rebels that fire on us. Engineers, pressurize the Aft Gun Bay and try to fix the hull breach. Everyone sit tight, we'll be here for a while..."
The captain turned back to his navigator.
"Peterson. If this cruiser moves, we move. Make sure we're lined up with the bridge at all times. They do anything to us, and I want the gunners to have a clear shot."


A flash of light temporarily blinded the bridge crew; an Acclamator had just been destroyed on the starboard side.

"Damnit, we've lost the Aggressor," came Graw's voice. "Fantome - what the hell are you doing?! Nevermind, just don't get yourself killed so soon. I'm redirecting some bombers your way, they'll hit the cruiser's hard points. Stop any rebel fighters from destroying them. Graw out."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"Admiral, we have a way to take down the cruiser without risking the bombers. If you can get one of our cruisers close enough to the Mon Calamari ship, we should be able to take them down and get back to the safety of the star destroyer with minimal casualties, over."
Grizzle turned away from the communicator.
"Officer Bardan, come here."
"Reporting, sir."
"See if you can hook the communicators up to the cruiser."
"Yes, Captain."


"Copy, Captain. This better work."

Under his orders, the second Acclamator in the support fleet sped ahead and stopped next to the Mon Cal cruiser. "The Bel'Reen is in positon," radioed Graw. "Do what you need to, and get out. The rest of the fleet is getting hammered and we need all the help we can get."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"Copy that, Admiral."
Grizzle stood up from the captain's chair.
"Peterson, watch the bridge. Tell the Port Gunners to take out any rebel fighters that try attacking the Bel'Reen. We need her for cover."
Peterson saluted as Grizzle left the bridge. The Captain strode purposefully towards the engine bay, meeting up with the Chief Engineer.
"I have a plan, but you aren't going to like it."
"What is it, Captain?"
"The Aft Gun bay. You pressurized it, did you not?"
"Yes, Captain..."
"Come with me."
The two Imperials entered the cargo hold. Grizzle opened a crate next to the Droideka.
"Y'know, it really was a good thing for the Empire to allow me to bring my possessions with me."
The Captain pulled out another, rectangular device.
"Thermo-Pressure charge. You put it in a highly pressurized environment, it'll wreak havoc."
Grizzle walked back to the Aft Gun Bay.
"The positioning of the Gun Bay is perfect, actually. It won't be able to do much damage to the engines or most of the ship if we lose it."
"Captain, are you suggesting..."
"Yes, I am. Set the charge on the Gun Bay door, then go and get two of the Electro-Mines from the same crate an' stick 'em on the walls. After that, I want this entire hallway locked up so tightly if you walked in you'd be crushed into a pool of giblets."
"R-r-right away, Captain."
Grizzle strode back onto the bridge.


Grizzle, now back on the bridge, was satisfied to hear that Officer Bardan had made contact with the Mon Calamari cruiser. He fiddled with the communications equipment until the signal patched in.
"This is Captain Grizzle of the Fantome. Surrender, or your ship is going to go up in smoke."
A crackly voice came back over the comms.
"You? You want us to surrender? I invite you to try your plan."
"Thank you, Rebel. The worst part of it is, if you fire on us, we take you down with us."
The Captain hit the switch to stop communications.
"Just as I expected. Nothing useful from the stubborn Rebels."
The engineer rushed back onto the bridge.
"Captain. The charges are set and the hallway is sealed."
"Good. Make sure none of your men get anywhere near that place. Do you have the detonator?"
The engineer nodded, pressing the detonator into the Captain's hand.
"I hope you know what you're doing, sir."
"I've done it before. Peterson, turn the ship around. Fly us away from this cruiser, then turn around and come right back. I'll tell you when to turn so the starboard gunners have another shot."
Peterson gripped the equipment with shaky hands, slowly keying in the instructions. The Fantome's engines roared back to full power as the little corvette sped away from the Mon Calamari cruiser. The gunners continued to destroy the turbolaser batteries that were now firing on them. The ship took several hits, but Peterson swung her around until the little Corvette was once again speeding for the bridge.
Peterson swung the ship hard to port, Grizzle pressing his finger to the detonator. The Captain was thrown from his chair as the entire Fantome shook like crazy. Wreckage from the Aft Gun Bay and the connecting hallway slammed into the bridge's shields, thanks to not turning until the very last second. The Electro-Mines attached to one large segment of wall now activated when they touched shields, causing a very clear shimmer.
"Peterson, swing us in a loop. Get the gunners lined up!"
Once again, the port gunners continued to destroy endless amounts of turbolasers and rebel fighters that were starting to catch on. The starboard gunners, now a clear shot, rattled as many laser barrages as possible into the weakening shields. Not long afterwards, the shields dissipated entirely. The Fantome continued to assault the bridge, causing a catastrophe. The lasers had broken through the window in several places, starting several fires amongst the cruiser's equipment.


From the bridge window of the Subjugator, Admiral Graw watched the Mon Cal cruiser start to go down in flames. "Gunners, divert all fire to that ship. Knock it out... For good!"

"Sir, hyperspace jumps off the bow!"

Grab was about the give the order to switch targeting sequences, but stopped suddenly. The new ships were Star Destroyers and their support craft. "Fantome, we've got some help. We'll take over from here, get to the hyperspace jump point and enter coordinates for Corulag. I'll talk with you after we clean up the Rebels."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.