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Imperial Navy Headquaters and Notice Board (RP)

Started by Hickory, May 23, 2016, 10:22:39 PM

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"Copy that, Admiral. Peterson, get us out of here."
The navigator nodded, sending the ship away from the crumbling cruiser. The Fantome whizzed through the mass of Imperial  ships, cleaning up several Rebel stragglers. Once the ship was far enough from the battle, it jumped back into Hyperspace. Over Shola, with the aid of the new arrivals, the wreckage of untold Rebel ships drifted slowly into the fiery atmosphere. The Imperial victory had been relatively quick, and further cemented their power. A strike force was sent onto the space station to capture the surviving Rebels, now having surrendered, and the fleet jumped back into hyperspace, arriving at Corulag shortly after the Fantome.


The rest of Support Fleet Seven dropped out of hyperspace around the Fantome. "This is Graw," came a voice over the comms. "You did a good job out there. Before we break out in the customary celebrations... A moment of silence for the men who served in the Aggressor. Let's hope it doesn't happen again."

For a little bit there was only static over the radio. "All damaged ships, report to Station Four to get repairs. Fantome, dock with the Subjugator. Graw out."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"You heard the man, Peterson. Dock us with the Subjugator."
Peterson nodded, and the Fantome slowly began to fly towards one of the Subjugator's open docking bays. Grizzle flicked the ship's intercom online.
"Listen up, men. This is your Captain speaking. You've done well, but I understand a lot of people were wounded. Some of you never made it home. Some of you may never walk again. But you've done us all a great service. Without the crew of this ship, I don't know if we would even be sitting here having this conversation. When we dock with the Subjugator, all of the wounded are getting some proper medical attention. Everyone else, take a good long rest. You've earned it. Grizzle out."
The Fantome had now entered the docking bay on the star destroyer. Peterson set the corvette down lightly and turned off the engines. Grizzle rose from the chair and walked towards the rear of the ship. One of the engineers was unpressurizing the damaged hallway, which had been severely charred. Not wanting to risk walking in it, the Captain took a longer route. Eventually, he strode proudly down the ramp onto the Subjugator, making his way towards a nearby officer.
"Captain Grizzle of the Fantome reporting. I believe Admiral Graw wants to speak with me?"


"He's on the bridge," said the officer.

The Admiral was a shirt man with a receding gray hairline, but he still looked pristine in a drab gray naval uniform and his red-blue rank badge. When Grizzle entered the bridge he turned around from observing the rest of the fleet and faced the younger captain. "I really can't believe you'd endanger an Imperils ship in the way you did," he said, shaking his head. "I should arrest you, kill the crew members, and destroy the ship you've already defiled to a point of being virtually useless.

"And for the record, bringing illegal materials onto an Imperial vessel merits you an execution, disregarding the reckless attempt you made to disable a Rebel ship. Your Red Star Fleet is currently docked at Abregado Rae, being searched by Imperial Stormtroopers as we speak. If the Emperor knew about all of that, and this..."

The Admiral rubbed his temples. "However, for the sake of keeping a good captain, I convinced the High Command that you deserve a reward rather than a punishment. That is... If you want a reward? I don't want to proceed if you don't care."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"The maneuver was risky indeed, but I've seen it done before. Did it endanger the ship? Absolutely. Did it work? Absolutely. The Rebels aren't going to live by our laws, so why should we do any different to bring them down? Search the Fleet, by all means. It isn't mine, I just ran the thing. But if you find anything illegal, I really suggest using it. As for a reward, if it means a new, working ship, then by all means continue.""


Graw stared for a second. "Fine, fine. The Fantome is going to be scrapped, so... We're putting oyu in command of a far bigger ship. The Danticore is fresh off the production line, fully crewed and ready for action in the fleet. Pick who you want to keep from your old ship and take them with you, your new ship will be arriving tomorrow. If you don't have anything else to say, then your dismissed."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"Certainly, Admiral, and thank you. But one more thing. What kind of ship is the Danticore?


OOC: ::)

BIC: "Acclamator class, a full fighter wing and plenty of weaponry. And, naturally,mtroops, should you for some reason stage a ground invasion. That all?"
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"Yes, that's all. Again, thank you."
Grizzle gave a quick salute and left the bridge. He entered the barracks the ex-crew of the Fantome were resting in.
"Peterson, Bardan, Chief Engineer. I need to speak to you."
The three crewmen followed the Captain out of the barracks.
"We're being assigned to the Danticore. It's an Acclamator II class frigate. You three are coming with me when the ship arrives tomorrow."
"Thank you sir."
"Oh, and Bardan?"
"Yes Captain?"
"Get some of the crew to unload any cargo that wasn't seized. We'll need it."
"Right away."


OOC: Ok, so if Wylder doesn't post soon (say, by Tuesday) then we'll timeskip to when the Danticore arrives.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


OOC: Okay, let's just do this:

@Wylder Treejumper

If that fails, one more day until the Danticore gets here.


The Vindicator dropped out of hyperspace with a little shake, just enough to rattle the TIEs in their hangar racks. "All fighters, prep for immediate launch," came the cool voice of the flight commander.


OOC: *timeskip a day*

An Imperial ensign knocked in the door to Grizzle's makeshift room. "Sir? I was just looking for you. The Danticore has arrived and has docked at the space station, there's a shuttle waiting for you."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Grizzle stood up, walking towards the door. Not bothering to open it, the Captain thanked the ensign, who went back to his duties. Grizzle pulled on the last pieces of his uniform and left the room. The three crewmen he had asked to come with him were saying their final goodbyes to the ex-crew of the Fantome, before joining Grizzle at the shuttle bay.
"Bardan, are my things already on the shuttle?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good. The Danticore awaits."
The three officers and the engineer all boarded the shuttle weaving past more crates with Grizzle's name and serial number scrawled onto them. The captain smirked lightly, no doubt half the contents of the crates would be outlawed for some reason. They entered another room and sat down as the shuttle took off.


Grizzle stepped off the shuttle, now back at the space station, as several workers began moving the crates towards his new ship. The Imperials stepped through an airlock onto the Danticore, making their way towards the bridge. One of the officers stood up and saluted.
"Captain on the bridge."
The salute was echoed by the other officers.
"We'd received word of your arrival, Captain Grizzle. Welcome to the Danticore."
"Thank you, Lieutenant..."
"Karstal, sir."
"Karstal... What is your role on this ship?"
"Your personal assistant, Captain."
"Very well. You already know me. This is Navigator Peterson, Communications Officer Bardan, and Chief Engineer Jormen. They're in charge of their respective fields, so you report to them, and they report to either me or Lieutenant Karstal. Are we clear?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Good. Jormen, report to the Engine Room and introduce yourself. I want this ship ready to leave as soon as the rest of the cargo is loaded."
"Right away, Captain."
"Bardan, patch me through to Rear Admiral Graw. I want to know our next assignment."


"Taken a look around the new ship, I hope? Good. We've already gotten new orders from the Admiralty. The Emperor is looking expanding into the more rugged planets in the Outer Rim, and we're one of the fleets assigned. Our duty - clear the space around new planets of pirate defenders, paving the way for a ground invasion. The first target is Endor - it's been quite a while since any Imperial force established a firm foothold in that system, and the pirates have driven out our small garrison and taken charge. Undock and get to your assigned hyperspace preparation coordinates - the attack is to take place five hours from now."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"Copy that, Admiral."
Officer Bardan closed the communications, the rest of the bridge crew scurrying around preparing the ship to undock. There was a rough scraping noise as the Danticore undocked from the Space Station. Engines roaring into life, the Acclamator moved away from its Docking Point.
"Peterson, set a course for the Outer Rim. Destination, the Endor System."
"On it, Captain."
The Danticore's engines roared even louder, followed by a loud "pop" as the ship jumped into hyperspace.
"Hyperjump set for Endor, Captain. ETA, two hours."
"Okay. When we leave hyperspace, we'll still have about three hours before the attack commences. When we arrive, find a secluded place on the planet and take us down. We'll have to clear some forest...You there, Gunnery Officer. Make sure the Proton Torpedoes are armed."
"Yes, sir!"
"Karstal, I need to go sort some things out in my quarters. Send me a message when we have...Ten minutes until we leave hyperspace."


Karstal's voice rang out over Grizzle's personal Comms device.
"Captain? The Danticore will arrive at Endor in ten minutes."
"Copy that, Karstal."
Grizzle left his quarters, nodding at how most of his things had been unpacked from crates. A model of a Nebula-Class Star Destroyer, numerous computers and documents, a letter from the Red Star Fleet. Grizzle re-entered the bridge just in time for the  Danticore to leave hyperspace. Peterson took the Acclamator down into Endor's orbit. The gunnery chief armed the proton torpedoes as the ship hovered over the trees. The Danticore hovered over a large clearing, with several trees ringing it. The proton torpedoes whizzed from the tubes, burning the trees to a crisp as they crashed to the ground. Several large "arms" extended from the bottom of the Danticore as the ship slowly came to land in the clearing.
"Okay crew. Get some rest, in three hours we attack the pirates and take back Endor!"
A cheer rose from the bridge officers as they began to disperse.
"Now we just have to sit and wait..."