Imperial Navy Headquaters and Notice Board (RP)

Started by Hickory, May 23, 2016, 10:22:39 PM

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The rest of the newly equipped fleet exited hyperspace. "What the..."

Graw stared at the enemy fleet. "Well then. Bombers, focus fire on the nearest enemy carrier. All ships, engage the enemy!"

Down in the Subjugator's hangar, Juno Eclipse read the report on the enemy fleet over again. Then she read her orders. Grimly making sure her pistol was clipped to her belt, she entered the Rogue Shadow and took off to join the fight.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


The Crusader immediately withdrew slightly from the fight as the rest of the Imperial Fleet entered realspace. The engineers made their reports before immediately scurrying away to make repairs to several areas of the ship. The star destroyer's gunnery chief began to power up the Crusader's ion cannons as several of the tractor beams caught a Red Star Fleet corvette and began dragging it towards the ship. The corvette's engines roared, trying to escape the deadly grip, but soon exploded in a ball of fire as the star destroyer's turbolasers destroyed its engines. Karstal informed Grizzle that most of the damage had been fixed, as the Crusader leaped back into the fray. The ion cannons, now fully charged, were turned on the Red Star Fleet's Command Ship, one of the Venator-class cruisers. As the massive wave of energy decimated the ship's protective shielding, Grizzle turned back to Karstal.
"Get a squadron of the best soldiers on the ship on a couple of shuttles, now. Give them orders to board the enemy Command Ship and disable it. Wreck the engines."
"Right away, Captain."
"Gunnery Chief, keep the cruiser pinned down. Keep them focused on their shields, rather than our men."
The officer nodded, recharging the ion cannons.
"Peterson, get us closer to the cruiser. The easier it is to have our stormtroopers board it, the better."
Peterson continued tapping at his equipment, changing engine power and position and sending the Crusader on a tight turn to line up side-to-side with the Red Star Fleet's cruiser.


OOC: There are specialized TIE fighters designed for boarding activities.


A squadron of TIEs screamed past the Crusader's bridge as it moved forward, turning down to protect the dispatched shuttles. An enemy Venator started to lose control and drift nose-first towards the planet.


The Rogue Shadow opened up a comms line of its own. "Shadow to Resolution."

"We copy, Shadow."

Flying underneath a Venator, Juno talked back to the ship's captain. "I'm ready to take the shot."

I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


OOC: I didn't know that. The shuttles can probably carry more people anyway.


Protected by the TIE fighters, the three shuttles carrying stormtroopers shot across the narrow stretch of space towards the open fighter bay of the Red Star Fleet's Command Ship. A rogue corvette, engulfed in flames, slammed into one shuttle, sending it spiralling out of control into the side of the Venator. The remaining two shuttles shot through the barrier into the hangar. One managed to land, guns blazing as it destroyed several fighters about to take off. The other clipped a wing, crashing to the hangar floor with engines spitting smoke, but otherwise unharmed. The stormtroopers quickly disembarked both shuttles, their blasters targetting anythig that moved. The corpses of soldiers and mercenaries alike littered the hangar floor as the surviving stormtroopers pushed out of the hangar towards the engine room.


Back on the bridge of the Crusader, Grizzle gave new orders to the crew.
"Okay, our boys are on their ship. Looks like we lost a shuttle, but they should get this job done. Peterson, get us out of here. We'll take out the other Venator, and they should be crippled without their capital ships."
Another ship shot out in front of the star destroyer as it began to turn. It was another missile frigate, this time painted with the sigil of the Red Star Fleet side-by-side with that of the Rebel Alliance.
"Looks like they ARE in cohorts with the Rebels after all."
The gunnery chief flicked a few switches and was satisfied to see that someone else was doing their job properly as well, as the frigate was caught in another tractor beam and pulled straight into range of the Crusader's weaponry. Several blasts of the ion cannons completely vaporized the frigate's shields, as the turbolasers turned the smaller ship into a mess of torn metal.


Juno watched out of the window as the shuttles landed. Cruising towards the Subjugator, she lined up the shot and waited.

"Clear," came the voice.

Juno reached over and flicked a switch, sending a blue ball of light down towards the cruiser. It blew up in an electrical explosion, lowering the shields. She armed a missile tube and set the targeting system to the ship's bridge.

Graw watched the black ship fly towards the Subjugator. "What is it doing..."

Juno launched the missile and pulled up and away.

The bridge exploded, sending the remainder of the ship to drift away. Cutting all comms contact with the Imperial fleet and Red Star Fleet, she set a course and disappeared into hyperspace.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


As the Subjugator's bridge exploded, the crew on the Crusader's bridge stared at it, stunned. Bardan patched a communications signal to the rest of the fleet.
"This is Grizzle. What just happened?"
"Shivan here. It was the Rogue Shadow. Juno killed her own boss!"
"Send someone after her!"
"WE CAN'T! That ship has who knows how much stealth technology. We'd never find it. Never! She has to be working for the Rebels. Why else would she destroy the Subjugator? We need a plan."
"With one less star destroyer, we need to crush the Red Star Fleet quickly. All ships, focus fire on the Venator near the planet. Their command ship will be offline shortly."
"Copy that, Grizzle. Shivan out."
The communications went silent as the rest of the Seventh Support Fleet focused their fire on one of the Red Star Fleet's cruisers.


One of the stormtroopers kicked at the bent, broken door. It began to buckle further as several of the others started ripping it from the hinges. They filed through, blasters raised. One of the engineers raised a pistol, but was shot down instantly. The others meakly raised their hands in surrender. Two of the stormtroopers moved forward, each holding several thermal pressure charges that Grizzle still had lying around. They set the charges, four in all, at several locations through the engine room. Dragging one of the engineers behind them they kept their blasters trained on the rest of the crew as they backed out of the engine room. They made a short stop to plant some more charges on the ship-wide reactors, that controlled everything from life support to lights. After they reached the end of the hallway, the stormtroopers forced the engineer to seal and pressurize the doors. One of them shot the engineer, before following the rest of the Imperial soldiers back towards the shuttle bay. When they entered the hangar, it was a mess. Red Star mercenaries fired massive blasters towards the shuttles, one already engulfed in flames. The stormtroopers  snuck up behind the mercs and got the jump on them, obliterating the resistance. But it was too late for the shuttles. The remaining shuttle exploded, and with it died the stormtrooper's hopes of getting out of the ship. All of the other ships in the hangar had already left. Their commander pulled out his holo-communicator, ducking behind a pile of wreckage as more mercenaries poured into the hangar.


"Captain! Message for you from Sergeant Thankor."
"Sergeant? What's going on there?"
The stormtrooper's bucket helmet flashed onscreen.
"All of the shuttles have been destroyed, Captain. There's mercenaries swarming through the hangar like flies. We can't hold out any longer, sir."
"Hang in there, Sergeant. We're dispatching another shuttle to get you out of there."
Grizzle flicked a finger towards Peterson.
"Get us closer to their command ship. Karstal, have the crew launch a shuttle."
Peterson nodded, the star destroyer edging up alongside the Red Star Fleet's command ship once more. A low scream echoed in the background of the holo-message.
"Negative, Captain. We're running out of time. Most of my squad's down, I can feel blood under my armor. This is it. I'm detonating the charges."
"Don't push that button Sergeant. That's an ord-"
The communicator flashed briefly, before fizzling out. A low rumble shook the bridge, followed by a high-pitched shriek. Grizzle yelled over the noise.
The shrieking noise increased in volume, the bridge shaking ridiculously. Peterson gripped the navigational equipment as officers fell left and right. The Crusader's engines snarled as the ship shot away from the Venator just before the large cruiser's engines caterpaulted away from the ship proper and the cruiser split completely in two. The force of the explosion pushed the Crusader even further away from the wreckage.


The explosion blinded the temporary replacement commander of the Red Star Fleet. He started feeling nervous in his stomach, defeat was creeping in. He gauged the remaining fleet he had. "Engineer, get us out!"

"Yessir," said the engineer, steering the ship away. "Engaging hyperdrive."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Numerous laser batteries bombarded the last Venator of the Red Star Fleet, but, despite taking heavy damage, they were able to engage hyperdrives and escape. Taking charge, Grizzle had the Seventh Support Fleet mop up the corvettes that had not managed to flee with the cruiser, while Shivan attempted to track the runaways. After locking onto a signal, the rest of the fleet jumped into hyperspace.


The remainder of the Red Star Fleet dropped out of hyperspace in an asteroid belt. "Great," said the captain of the last Venator. "Plot a new course as soon as we can. Random jumps."

"Yessir," said the nav officer.

"Hostiles!" yelled the weapons chief, already ordering the worn out turbolaser turrets to start firing upon the Imperial fleet.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


The Crusader's gun batteries returned fire on the Venator. More and more Imperial ships that jumped out of hyperspace continued to focus their fire on what was left of the Red Star Fleet. Bardan opened a communications line with the acting-commander, allowing Grizzle to make his demands.
"This is Captain Grizzle. We are giving you one last chance to surrender, or meet the same fate as the rest of the fleet."


"Neither!" responded the captain, cutting the line. The ship's engines revved up for another jump... Then died down. "Damnit," said the captain. "Fine, Imperials, you have us, I surrender."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Grizzle grinned as the Red Star Fleet surrendered.
"All ships, cease fire. Okay, rebel. Cut your engines and await a shuttle. We'll be bringing the officers to cells on the Crusader, and the crew will be picked up by an incoming freighter."
The Captain motioned to Karstal, who soon had a shuttle, along with stormtrooper guards, launched towards the Venator.


The large hangar bay doors of the Venator opened up to receive the shuttle. The mercenary crew watched from the sidelines as the shuttle landed and dispatched steam troopers, who returned with the uniformed officers of the ship.

OOC: Have them receive orders to go to the Lenico belt. And don't look it up.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


As the shuttle pulled back into the hangar of the Crusader, the officers were quickly cuffed and thrown into cells in the ship's brig. A large screen flashed up, granting them a view of the bridge, filled on one side by Grizzle's face, and the other by the Venator. The Captain's voice rang out through the intercoms.
"It was very considerate of you to surrender. Officers like you have knowledge of the Rebels' plans, and we intend to learn them. Your crew and ship, on the other hand, don't. Let this be a warning. What will happen to you if you don't give us what we want. All ships, open fire."
Grizzle moved out of the screen, which now showed a full view of the Red Star Fleet's last cruiser. The entire Imperial fleet opened fire, disabling shields and firing proton torpedoes. As the Venator's engines burst into flames and the ship began listing dangerously towards a nearby planet, the screen cut out. Back on the bridge, Bardan called to Grizzle.
"Sir, incoming transmission from Imperial Command. We're being given orders to set a course for the Lenico belt immediately."
Grizzle nodded, looking at Peterson. The navigator had already begun to tap in co-ordinates as Bardan relayed the news to the rest of the fleet. The Crusader's engines roared, the bridge window showing one last view of the burning Venator as it crashed into the nearby planet, before jumping into hyperspace.

OOC: Oops. Did I mention they were all going to die?


The asteroid belt was lit up as the Imperial ships entered realspace. The deathly silence of space filled the cruisers. "Why are we here?" muttered one of the bridge crew.

Before the rest could say the same, a voice came over the comms system. "This is Cairn Installation to Crusader. Dock on the underside of the station, please."

As the ships maneuvered through the asteroids, a strange sight came to be.

"Prepare for boarding and inspection. A team will come on board to remove any and all prisoners. Wait in the hangar once you have disembarked."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.