
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Started by Skyblade, June 05, 2016, 06:53:48 PM

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The Skarzs

  Skarzs had tried to stay out of the way and out of sight, but it wasn't easy when you were a creature three times the size of the mountain's occupants who seemed to be at every twist and turn. Obviously someone of his size was incredible to them, and he was asked constant questions. While he answered to the best of his abilities, he couldn't answer everything because of his hazy memory. Despite attempting to show that he meant no harm to any of them, Skarzs got the feeling he was more than a little intimidating to these hares, and caught wind of his name being passed down the line to the Badger Lord's ears.
  So be it, the cougar thought. It doesn't matter what they thought if it wasn't true.
  Picking his way through the caves, Skarzs found the room that had been prepared for him. It was larger than some of the others (much to his relief), and a bed of straw had been laid out on the ground, the actual bed being rather small for him. A pitcher of water was set on a small shelf next to a clay cup, and a candle was lit nearby. Closing the door, Skarzs laid down on the bedding and closed his eyes.
  So. . . He was in Salamandastron, the home of the Badger Lords and the fighting hares of the Long Patrol, stationed on the sandy beach on the Western Ocean in the land known as Mossflower. How he came to be there he didn't know. His two companions Faiyloe and Dotti, who appeared to be in similar situations, were somehow connected. Neither of them were there at the moment to talk about it, Faiy having gone off to her room before him and Dotti doing who-knows-what, probably being treated like a queen by Nenners, who insisted that she was a "fatal beauty". . . Whatever that meant.
  Ohh, the whole situation hurt, he thought to himself, rubbing his face. Perhaps tomorrow they could get some answers. . .
OOC: @Faiyloe @Dotti Lovegood @BatLord @Rosie Willowwater Do we want to do a time-skip to the morning?
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Faiyloe shook Rosie's paw but when she mentioned not remembering much Faiyloe started. "This is just getting weird..." She said rubbing her forehead "I'm here with a few others and none of us can seem to remember anything either... We where supposed to meet with the Badger Lord in the morning... I guess you can have the bed," She some how suddenly felt responsible for the young Hedgehog.

OOC: a time skip sounds fine as soon as me and Rosie have resolved this.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: I don't know, I doubt it really matters for me since I'm the only on who's not around. I sorta lost momentum on this roleplay after I was frozen for so long, so I might have to duck out. I'd love to keep playing, but...

Rosie Willowwater

"Oh that's okay, I can sleep on the floor" she said sitting down and trying to find a comfortable spot to lie on. Finding one area less bumpy than the others she rested her head and fell asleep.

OOC: We can time-skip after @Faiyloe posts :)


Quote from: BatLord on July 11, 2016, 08:15:04 PM
OOC: I don't know, I doubt it really matters for me since I'm the only on who's not around. I sorta lost momentum on this roleplay after I was frozen for so long, so I might have to duck out. I'd love to keep playing, but...

OOC: Feel free to leave if you want :)

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Aimless Gallivanter

OOC: or you could join another group!

BIC: Galli's face lit up, and she started bouncing excitedly. "No, that's so great to hear, Sky, cuz I was already planning in goin out there myself! Its like, the only place so far with any leads about who I am, so I decided it was worth a try to go! I was gonna ask you when you woke up, its been a whole day though and I didnt want that time to go to waste so the good friar is helping me pack some stuff. I havent asked Lord Ashenwyte yet, since, to be quite honest, the guy kinda scares me. Hes a little hard to talk to. I was gonna ask him though." Galli babbled on, wavung her arms and even dancing a tiny bit, talking just a little too loudly that the squirrel glared at her.
im gay!!!!!!


"Great, because I didn't want to go alone! And it's only fair to ask Ash, and if he says no, that's his call." Skyblade shrugged. More strange memories were surfacing, and she fought them back. "I'll talk to you later, Galli. They said I'll be okay by tomorrow."

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Lady Ashenwyte

Ashenwyte had spent a few hours helping the Cellarmaster, a portly hedgehog, organise his stocks, as he felt that he had to do something for the kind residents of this place. After he was done, he went back up to the infirmary to see if Sky was alright.

OOC: A timeskip sounds fine.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


Groddil began to twitch, shaking himself awake at the sound of countless breaking twigs outside. The fox grabbed his bow and notched an arrow to the string, peering through the crack in the rocks. The fox pulled the string back further, poking the tip of the arrow out the hole.
"WHAT are ya doin' here? Stop followin' me, ya evil little freak! I swear, ya take another step towards this cave and I'll fill ya corpse with so many arrows a hedgehog'll start callin' you momma!"

Aimless Gallivanter

"Okey dokey then, I'll ask Ash, you get some sleep, and we'll all hopefully be on our way very soon." Galli allowed herself to be escorted from the room by the squirrel again. She ran into Ash, literally, outside the infirmary.
"Oof, I'm so sorry! Oh! Ash! Hey, do you remember talking about Loamhedge? Me an' Sky have decided to go check it out, and we were wonderin if you wanted to come along."
im gay!!!!!!

LT Sandpaw

Glaring, and irritated his approach had been spotted Sandpaw stood on his hind legs. Of course, it was this jerk, Groddil. Sandpaw should have guessed who would be hiding in a cave, not far from their campsite. Holding up his paws as a sign on non-aggression the rat backed away, keeping his eyes locked on the arrowhead that was pointed at him.
"What's wrong with you buddy? Are you bipolar or something? I don't want anything to do with you, or any other crazy mice or foxes." Sandpaw jerked his head back in the direction of the shelter. "I've ditched the others, and look here I'm armed now too. So you better believe you can land that shot, or I'll come gut you on this sword." Sandpaw lowered his right paw and tapped the pommel of his captured sword. Short and built for a mouse it wasn't a great weapon, but it would do its work all the same.
"So just stay in your little cave, and I'll continue on my way and find the river. And hopefully we'll never meet again."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"Oh, so ye stole the sword, didya? I told 'em not to trust you. Shame they never listened. I bet I'll go back there now, an' they'll have their throats cut. Maybee I should shoot ya. Even if I miss, I'll either have another arrow on me bowstring, or I'll have me own sword out. An' I ain't a thief, the beast that I took these from was jus' a skeleton. Go, then. I hope you drown!"
Groddil instinctively felt his weapon move, the arrowtip aiming straight for Sandpaw's heart.

LT Sandpaw

"You're real pleasant, you know that. You'd get a award for most inhospitable fox ever." Sandpaw spat back, taking a long rout around the cave. He was careful to keep his eyes on the arrow, and never once turned his back towards the cave. After he had navigated around the entrance he walked backwards until he felt he was a safe distance away.
"Just stay in there, and, and, rot." Sandpaw shouted, waving his fist in Groddil's general direction. "If you see the others tell them I'm going North and east, alright. Thanks, jerk!" Spinning around the rodent stalked off grumbling under his breath. He stomped on, carelessly through the forest in a perpetual bad mood. He mostly followed the creek until it started sloping into a gorge driving him a little farther from the water. He of course had lied to Groddil, going in the opposite direction of where he said he had been going. Instead of his mentioned course of Northeast, Sandpaw continued to follow the creek, which was now more of a stream, Southwest.

The going was tough, and Sandpaw had to stop several times to dig thorns out of his footpaws. Because he was constantly brushing past bushes, loam, and tall grass his fur remained soaked through most of the morning and he felt himself starting to shiver as he trekked on. Sandpaw stopped for a break, rubbing his sore paws; his stomach gurgled in hunger. He'd need something more substantial then berries to eat before long.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


After he was certain Sandpaw was gone, Groddil kicked aside some of the rocks and wiggled his way out of the cave. He didn't want to be alone with the rat in this neck of the woods. After running for quite a while, the fox eventually reached Wylder and Kitsune's campsite. He tried to shake  them awake, speaking in a loud whisper as he did.
"Guys, guys. It's the rat. He stole a sword off one of ya, an' said 'ee wanted ta kill us all. Ya have ta get up, come with me. I got a good shelter, better'n what he tried doin' with this heap a junk. Hurry up, wake up!"

Lady Ashenwyte

"Sure! Sounds like it'll be interesting. How is Sky? Is she okay?" Ashenwyte said.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.