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Started by Skyblade, June 05, 2016, 06:53:48 PM

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Faiyloe Looked down at the sleeping hedgehog in confusion. "I.. I mean... you don't have to.." She said softly, she could hardy believe she was already asleep but she didn't look like she was faking. She stood over the hedghog for a moment wondering if she could move her to the bed while she slept but then realized the quills would get in the way. Finally after hemming and hawing over the morality of it she crawled into bed again and went back to sleep.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Aimless Gallivanter

"Yeah! They said she could leave the infirmary tomorrow." Galli was relieved Ash had agreed to go. It seemed right that they should all stick together. "Ive gotta go help get some food together for our trip. The friar is so generous. " She dashed off to inform the friar of the addition of two new badgers to the Loamhedge party. She hoped that wouldnt upset the poor guy. Thats a lot of food
im gay!!!!!!


OOC: Galli and Ash, want to time skip right now?

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Aimless Gallivanter

im gay!!!!!!


OOC: Ash said in an earlier post that it's fine, so I'll go ahead.

BIC: The rising sun warmed Skyblade's fur as she stepped out of the gates. Birdsong echoed around the air, occasionally breaking the silence. With a satchel and two weapons she barely knew how to use, she looked back at the Abbey, then at the two companions beside her.

"Alright." Skyblade averted her gaze to the crinkled map in her paws. "First, we need to go south. anyone good at telling directions? I honestly can't."

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Aimless Gallivanter

Galli shook her head. "No, sorry, I have a shi-... terrible sense of direction." It seemed like what she was going to say almost rolled off her tongue, like it was something she'd said before. "But, um, the abbeybeasts said this was the southern gate, right? So..." She trailed off.
im gay!!!!!!

Rosie Willowwater

Rosie woke to the faint sound of crashing waves, and feeling the cold floor under her she started and sat up, looking around the room. She still felt like she was dreaming though she was slowly accepting her situation as reality. She got up and walked out the door, looking for the some food 
to feed her empty stomach

LT Sandpaw

Sandpaw's journey through the woodlands wasn't agreeing with him. Branches snagged at his clothing, twice his tail had been caught in rocks, he had resorted to carrying it over his shoulder like a rope. Brambles plagued him along with an persistent army of insects who buzzed in his ears and whiskers. Sandpaw stolidly carried on trying to ignore these discomforts. At least his stomach was full, he had discovered a nest of duck eggs, each one nearly as large as his head. Sandpaw had no way to cook the eggs and had resorted to eating them raw. It hadn't been that bad, they were in-fact rather good to a starving rat. That was until a furious mother duck arrived and chased him away from the nest.
Stumbling across a  section of slippery rocks Sandpaw's ears perked up. There was the sound of crashing water was just ahead. Trotting forward the last few pawsteps Sandpaw burst out of the trees on the banks of a wide river. The stream he had been following flowed down a small waterfall, joining with the river as he had suspected it would. Creeks led to streams, streams led to rivers, rivers led to settlements.

Stepping under the little waterfall Sandpaw let the water wash away the grime and dirt that had collected on his fur. He'd just need to follow the river now, up or downstream until it led to a settlement. Hopefully sooner, then later.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Groddil's ears drooped, as neither of the others were waking up. He quickly scrawled out a message, clearly blaming Sandpaw, with a piece of charcoal from the burnt out fire. Finally, the fox trudged off back to his cave and breakfasted on the final fish. He would get more food later, but now he needed to reinforce the cave's defenses, just in case Sandpaw came back...

Lady Ashenwyte

Ashenwyte looked at the map and said "So, Redwall's here. If the compass is accurate, we must go straight ahead." Compass? He'd never heard of that term before, so why did he use it?

OOC: Is it okay if I change my weapon, Sky?
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

The Skarzs

  Skarzs woke gradually, seeing it was still dark but not feeling like sleeping any more. Ugh. . . What time is it? There was no window in the room he slept in, and since he had extinguished his candle before he went to sleep, it was pitch black save for the thin line of light around the edge of the door. Getting up and knocking his paws painfully against the stone ceiling as he stretched, the cougar stumbled to the door and opened it.
  Candle and sun light pierced Skarzs' vision, and he rubbed his eyes to try to help them adjust (not that it really worked). Not far off there was a window that allowed sunlight in, and when he got to it, Skarzs found that it was probably an hour or so after sunrise. Far below on the sand, hares were moving about like ants upon a picnic cloth, probably doing some form of exercise.
  Not a bad idea, Skarzs thought. But not right now. He massaged his sore legs. First off, he needed some food. Perhaps he would see his companions in the mess hall.

OOC: @Faiyloe I wanted to give you a chance to post.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Rosie Willowwater

After wandering around for half an hour or so, Rosie found the mess hall and sat down to eat when she saw a large cougar enter to room. She whimpered and tried to hide herself under the table not daring to move lest he noticed her.


Quote from: Lord Ashenwyte on July 14, 2016, 03:49:24 AMOOC: Is it okay if I change my weapon, Sky?
OOC: Go ahead!
@Aimless Gallivanter Your posts are making me laugh, especially that last one ;D

BIC: "Er, okay!" Skyblade set off past the southern gate. "Hopefully we're right..." Her voice faded into an awkward chuckle.

OOC: Group 2: Where are you guys exactly? Do you think it's possible our groups can meet at some point?

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

LT Sandpaw

OOC: I was thinking we were east of Redwall, my character has just traveled southwest and reached Broadstream. Of course I do believe Groddil and I are the only active participants of Group 2, so if you'd like us to meet up with ya'll we could arrange that.


The next morning on the banks of the newly found river was much more pleasant for Sandpaw. He'd discovered a healthy collection of edible plants and fruit which he cut free with his short sword. Making a sort of salad for breakfast he soon built up a little fire, while resting in the shade of a willow tree.
Life was certainly looking up since he broke company with the crazy creatures.

Sandpaw spent a lazy morning napping in the sun, when he was woken by the press of icy steel against his throat. His eyes popping open Sandpaw jerked instinctively instantly regretting it. The rapier blade held close to his neck left a small cut which bled freely. He was surrounded by small spiky furred creatures who looked angry. Very angry.

"Looks like we caught ourselves a rat-thief mates!" Cried the one holding the rapier. The others pressed in arguing amongst each other. They wore brightly colored headbands and kilts, and it seemed the majority were armed. There couldn't have been more then ten of them, but they looked dangerous. Sandpaw suddenly realized their species, the name having sat at the tip of his tongue.

"Cut 'Is throat out Biggo." Shouted one.

"No idiot, question 'Im first, figure out where 'Is mates are hidin'!" Yelled another.

"Sorry," Sandpaw gasped trying to suck in his throat to pull away from the blade's razor edge. "What did I steal?"

"Don' play dumb rat, ye an' yer water rat friends stole a logboat from th' Guosssim. So ye did." Growled Biggo, "An' ye will tell us where yer mates are, an' maybe we'll let ye live."

"I bet'cha he stole this sword too," Crowed another shrew holding Sandpaw's short sword. Ironically stolen only a day ago. "Rats' don' usually carry good steal like this n'."

"I didn't," Sandpaw insisted his paw shaking. "I don't know any water rats."


"Prick his paws, that'll make 'Im talk!"

"C'mon spill, where's yer friends? An' where are ye hidin' th' logboat?"

"I don't know!" Sandpaw yelled as the rapier blade slid down his arm leaving a red trail of blood. "I don't know anything , please stop!"

"Stop lying rat, it isn't going to get ye anyw- Aaagh!" The shrew convulsed, an arrow through his chest. Blood splattered into Sandpaw's eyes. Screams, shouts, and battle cries roared as blades clashed and spears cracked against stone. Unable to see, and trapped under the shrew's body Sandpaw covered his head, waiting for the battle conclusion, hoping nobeast killed him while he lay helpless.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Aimless Gallivanter

Quote from: Skyblade on July 14, 2016, 08:07:15 PM

@Aimless Gallivanter Your posts are making me laugh, especially that last one ;D

OOC Im glad! Im just trying to have fun ;D Im basically the comic relief irl too haha

BIC: "Great! Let's go!" Galli set off marching down the path. She'd picked a bow and arrows, though she really wasnt looking forward to ever needing to use them. "Its a really nice day for this kind of thing!"
im gay!!!!!!