
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Started by Skyblade, June 05, 2016, 06:53:48 PM

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Groddil nodded, devouring the fish.
"Mmm, yeah. Go ahead."
After finishing the meal, he stood up.
"I don't think we'll last for long out 'ere without a plan. I reckon we should try and build a shelter so we're not as exposed. Plenty a fish in the river, so we won't starve at least."
He paused, his gaze seeming to get darker.
"An' we'll need to be careful that we aren't attacked. We're both armed, so we should take watches at night just in case. Whaddaya say...Uhh...What's your name again?"


"I agree. We should probably look for some natural shelter to help, like a hollowed out tree or a cave. Also, it might be easier to survive if we get some of the others to side with us. I'll go see if I can talk some sense to them."

Kitsune finished his fish, then got up and walked off toward the group some distance away.

"Oh yeah, I'm Kitsune by the way" he casually tossed over his shoulder before exiting the small camp.


"Talk ta the squirrel all ya like...Kitsune. But I don't trust that rat. I just know he'll prob'ly try an' stab me in my sleep or something. I'll search the area, see what I can find. Meet you back here."
Groddil picked up his bow, resheathed his knife, and disappeared into the bush.


"Alright," Kitsune called back. He made sure all his weapons were in reach, but not out and threatening, for he could now see the rat and squirrel a short distance away. He was not sure where the other had went.

A short distance off, He raised a hand in greeting. "Hello!" When he got closer, he continued. "My name is Kitsune. That situation back there was tense. But, I think we can make sense of it. The other fox, Groddil, was just as confused and disoriented as we probably all were. Something must have happened. What, I'm not sure. But in the face of this uncertainty of the past, it would probably be best if we put these small differences aside and stick together. Groddil and I are going to find a good place to build a shelter. Would you like to join us?"

Groddil wouldn't have approved of me inviting the rat as well. But, if he did turn out to be hostile, it would be better to keep him where we can see him. He was probably just confused, as we all were, and didn't like the idea of people intruding his land.

Lady Ashenwyte

"I am Ashenwyte, and I am brought here by wanderlust and luck." He said "I'll see if I can get them to open their gates."
He put on a gauntlet and knocked on the gate hard thrice, "We come in peace! Please open your gates for some travellers!"
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

LT Sandpaw

Sighing Sandpaw made a small sign to show he had heard Kitsune rubbing the fur between his ears methodically. He supposed there was no other choice, and these beasts who seemed to be appearing from everywhere weren't going to leave any time soon, he might as well get to know them better. Perhaps it was simply coincidence that they had come here, and not a collaborated scheme.

"Sure," He called at last uncrossing his arms and walking up to Kitsune. "I just want to know, did you manage to calm that crazy fox down properly? I'm Sandpaw, just so you know." He didn't bother trying to shake paws, and instead shoved them back between his belt and tunic staring at Kitsune. Pursing his lips the rat glanced about then focused back on the fox. "So uh, do you have a plan, or is the plan at the moment get random strangers onboard to build uh," He paused for a moment, "Shelter...?"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"Oh yes, he was just overwhelemed with all of the people," Kitsune responded. "Sandpaw, huh? It's nice too meet you." He closed his eyes and smiled, tilting his head a bit to his right as he said it. "As far as plans go, I think the main focus right now should be to survive. I don't know the lay of the land, so perhaps after building a shelter, we should go exploring for a bit. Any thoughts?"

OOC: I'm stalling to give Wylder a chance to talk also.

Aimless Gallivanter

Quote from: Lord Ashenwyte on June 11, 2016, 06:59:12 AM
"I am Ashenwyte, and I am brought here by wanderlust and luck." He said "I'll see if I can get them to open their gates."
He put on a gauntlet and knocked on the gate hard thrice, "We come in peace! Please open your gates for some travellers!"

Galli made a mental note to come up with a cool introduction like Ashenwyte's for herself. She jumped a little when he banged on the door, and hoped the creatures inside were as friendly and tolerant of loud visitors as the badger assumed they were.
im gay!!!!!!


Slowly, an aging squirrel pushed open the door. He jumped upon seeing the trio outside. "Goodness sakes, two badgers and a mouse!" Calming down, he smiled amiably. "All friends are welcome at our Abbey, but what brings such an unusual group to our gates?" he asked, noting the awkward appearances of his guests.

"I'm honestly a bit lost; I must have lost my route," replied Skyblade, smiling. "I'd really appreciate a place to stay and a map. Oh, and silly me, forgetting to introduce myself. I'm Skyblade."

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Aimless Gallivanter

"I'm Galli, I'm also lost. What's this place called? It seems familiar." She peered past the squirrel at the building beyond. Now that she new the place wasn't hostile, she was overcome with curiosity. The squirrel had called it an Abbey. She couldn't wait to get inside and see it.
im gay!!!!!!


OOC: Oh, and guys, feel free to RP NPC characters :)

BIC: "Redwall Abbey, a shelter for all good in heart." The squirrel outstretched his arms as he spoke, as if delivering an invisible embrace. "Come inside, weary travelers, and feel free to stay as long as you want - we're having our Summer Nameday Celebration in two days!"

As the squirrel led them through the sunlit lawns, Skyblade looked around in awe. Before she could forget, she asked inquisitively, "What's a Summer Nameday Celebration?"

"Tis when we celebrate the coming of a new season, marm. We're calling this one the Summer of the Lost and Found. Not sure was our Abbot Birch who decided upon it." Gaily, the squirrel led them inside the Abbey building and into Great Hall.

"Gorgeous place," said Skyblade, still looking around.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Yeah well it would appear that Wylder isn't going to post...


"No, I mean, nothing I could add to that." Sandpaw stated kicking half-heartedly at a pebble. "I saw some good sized tree branches up the creek that way, you could use them for your shelter." He glanced around chewing on the bottom of his lip. "As far as exploring goes, I don't see why not. I've got a pretty good idea of our local surroundings... I thought I did anyway. I can't really remember."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Cornflower MM

OOC: Whoopsie, looks like I waited too long. Ah well, I got this. ;)

Near Redwall

BIC: Stretching luxuriously, Corn rolled over, keeping her eyes closed as she swished her large bushy tail out of the way. Wait, large bushy tail? She thought, That seems wrong somehow.
Sitting up and opening her eyes, she realized she was in a forest somewhere, there was a belt with a dagger stuck in it by a nearby tree, and yes, she was a squirrel. "Oh nuts." She muttered, buckling the belt around her waist and starting to walk to a brighter patch of forest - Perhaps the edge?

The Skarzs

OOC: Soo. . . since Dotti hasn't posted in a while, Faiy and I are just gonna have to keep going without them. :P

BIC: Skarzs tested the edge of his knife, wondering where he got it. Something made him think that he made it himself, though he couldn't be certain. Sheathing it again, he looked out over the dunes at the ever-growing mountain. It was dark and monolithic against the clear sky, pitted with small dark crevices and little bits of vegetation.
  He suddenly heard motion to his left, and he turned quickly to the noise. Though he was still walking, Skarzs didn't think whatever it was that made the noise was of much concern since he couldn't spot it. He turned his attention back on the mountain.
  "I wonder if it's called anything. Mountain that size in the middle of the beach must draw some attention."
  "Oh indeed, old thing. It's called Salamandastron, wot wot?" Skarzs nearly knocked the hare over as he spun to face him, a motley, sandy-colored creature with lanky limbs and comically floppy ears. Thankfully he had hopped neatly out of the way of Skarzs' massive paws. The hare waggled his ears cheekily at the cougar as he looked up at him. "I say, you're a bally giant of a beast, aren't you? Didn't think there was anybeast bigger'n a badger lord, but I guess I'm wrong! Ho, ol' gel, my lovely otter friend, what brings you and your monstrous friend this way?"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Faiy looked up at the mountain and considered it. She though about giving it a name, at least until they found out what it was really called, but before she could suggest anything she heard a voice quite close behind them and saw a flash of motion out of the corner of her eye. She she shrieked and jumped, clapping her paws over her mouth and spun around, her heart racing. She stared at the hare from behind Skarzs and tried to get her nerves back. "Good lord you scared me. Don't go sneaking up behind people like that," She reprimanded. She could see now that the creature was harmless... or at least not intending to hurt them. She realized she had been overly cross and quickly said "Sorry, I'm such a mouse..." She trailed off at this, not sure it was completely proper she noticed the hare give a slight frown "Sorry, is that Racist?" she asked innocently enough. At this point she felt down right confused, a part of her felt like it had been a perfectly socially acceptable thing to say, but another part felt like it was prejudiced. All of a sudden she felt very overwhelmed. She had no idea what on earth had happened to her where she was, or who she was for that matter, she was with a pair of complete strangers who seemed to expect her to know what she was doing and she hurt all over from walking, and being out in the sun, and the sand rubbing between her cloths, and to top it off she noticed she was starting to smell like some one who had been walking in the sun for hours.

Her nerves began to rise up in her stomach like a swarm of bee's and made her knees feel weak. She pushed her glasses up the brig of her nose, "We'll, I'm not sure, really, can't seem to remember, and I think we are a bit lost... at least I am," She said and and looked around, unable to make eye contact with the hare. 

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?