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The Eternal Storm (Roleplay Topic)

Started by Unimaginative, June 06, 2016, 06:07:46 PM

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The Great Hall was dimly lit, the only light coming from torches on the walls. Canvas has been stretched across the stained glass windows as protection in case the wind grew so strong that the windows would break. As unlikely as it seemed to most creatures of Redwall, it was one of many precautions against the devastating winds of The Eternal Storm, as it had come to be known.

The Great Hall was occupied by a total of 5 creatures; The elderly Abbot Denemander, the gatekeeper Lythian Flute, and the three denizens of Redwall who had volunteered to attempt to end the storm. Standing in front of Denemander and Lythian, Reinhardt Morrison, Bolston Rudderpaw, and Taymoor Havvar stood attentively as the Abbot wished them luck.

"In the gatehouse Lythian has three satchels, with supplies. Lythian will open the gate, and the three of you will leave." Denemander limped over to Taymoor and handed her a scroll.
"Taymoor, you are the only creature here who truly has experience outside of the Abbey, not being originally from here. I am giving you the letter that details what the artifact looks like, and where it may be. I'm also putting you in charge of protecting Bolston and Reinhardt. I wish you the best of luck on your journey, for both your sake and the Abbey's."
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Taymoor nodded, her usual carefree nature replaced by an air of seriousness. She looked over the parchment for the hundredth time that day. She had been mulling over maps and books all morning hoping to find some clarity to the meaning of the scrawlings on the parchment but it was still just as vague as before. However she was able to determine it's general location and that was a start. 

"Thank you Father Abbot, I'll do my best to bring them both back safely with the artifact in paw," She said and tucked the parchment into her tunic to keep it safe from the weather.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

  "'Do my best to bring them both back safely'?" Bolstan Rudderpaw winked at Abbot Denemander. "Ha harr, she's a good joker, Taymoor is. Likes t' think she's going to need t' save us all from some wisp o' wind. Just give ol' Bolstan a bag o' hotroot pepper and he'll carry the other two all the way to the . . ." The otter suddenly realized he had no idea what direction they would be going, and he hopped to Taymoor's side to look over her shoulder.
  "Where are we going, by the way, matey? I've know o' why we're going, but I don't know where."
  The young otter smiled foolishly on the outside, but on the inside, he was shaking with nervousness and apprehension. He hadn't been out of the abbey for seasons, and never on his own. Not that he would be alone, of course, but he wished his father could have come.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Taymoor chuckled flatly "It's not the wind I'm worried about, Bowls. it's them vermin who've been held up in this storm for the past few seasons, getting hungrier and more violent with every passing day, A desperate creature is a dangerous one. But if we keep our eyes pealed and keep out of their way we should be fine. As for where we are headed. The artifact is said to have been lost by the old quarry," She said and scratched Bowls affectionately behind the ears as she handed him the parchment, "Feel free to try and make some sense out of this if you want,"

OOC: I hope that is ok with you guys, If Han didn't already have something in mind I was thinking that maybe it was in the old tunnels of asmodeus. The other idea I had was Brock hall and giant spiders have taken up their abode inside but that just seemed to weird XD XP. Anyway if you don't like it I can change it I just wanted to put something in there to keep the flow of the post.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Though, the winds might jus' be able to blow an Otter away." Said Reinhardt seriously, though he laughed a moment later.
"The quarry, eh? Sounds like a plan. Do either of you know the way? I've only left the Abbey a few times." Reinhardt peered over Bolstan's shoulder, studying the letter.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


"It is a good trek north of hear across the river... oh fiddle sticks," She said and snapped her fingers, "The rivers probably flooded, that is going to be a problem," Taymoor said and stroked her chin as she contemplated a solution, "Oh well, I suppose we will just have to cross that bridge when we come to it... or lack of bridge anyway,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

  Bowls (as Bolstan was commonly called), shoved the map into Reinhardt's paws and turned a cartwheel toward the door.
  "Well, no reason fer long goodbyes, mateys! Let's stop runnin' our jaws down t' the bone and get outta here! I might not want to go in the storm, but I want to get out o' here even more, harr!"
  He blundered into a mole who was trundling by in his slow, steady pace, and they both fell in a heap. "Oh, er, sorry, mate," Bolstan apologized. "Didn't see you there. Are you hurt?"
  The mole rubbed his head and stood up. "Hurr, maister Bolzten, Oi'm bain't hurt none. Tho Oi hope you'm be less clumsy when you'm be oot in 'ee storm, bo hurr!" He walked off waving his heavy digging claws. "'Urry oop and get 'ee thingy; Oi bain't fond of this a-stormen, hurr no!"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"No worries Brother mole, we'll be back in a jiffy," Taymoor said and patted him on the head before she followed after Bowls. "I pray you won't be doing any cartwheels out there," She said.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Making a noise of irritation at Bowl's antics, Reinhardt followed, the letter in paw. Like Taymoor, he apologized to the mole. Arriving at the gate, Reinhardt stopped and waited as Lythian briskly walked to the gatehouse.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

The Skarzs

  Wrapping his cloak about his shoulders as they approached the door, Bowls winked broadly at Taymoor. "No promises, matey. I might find my rudder wantin' t'be my 'ead sometime!"
  He stepped out into the howling wind that affected even the lawns of the abbey, and followed after the ever-serious Reinhardt, berating him for it. "Lighten up, ye grumpy toad! It were just a bit o' acrobatics to start the journey."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"I won't go after ya when ya acrobat yourself right of a cliff." Called Reinhardt after the Otter, though his voice was somewhat lost in the winds. As the gate opened, Reinhardt hustled through, steadying himself against the winds. The winds buffeted his body, nearly ripping the letter from his paws. He stuffed it into his bag, before leaning against the wall as he waited for Bolston and Taymoor.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

The Skarzs

  Bolstan was waving goodbye to some friends who stood at the abbey's open doors, and he was about to follow Reinhardt when an older otter came running up to him, quite out of breath.
  "Bolstan! Wait!" After a moment to catch his breath, the otter stood up straight and presented a long wood and metal item to Bowls, who took it with wonder. "This is for you, son," said his father. "I had it made fer you f' your journey. No more use for a completely wooden javelin, matey; this one is special." He smiled through a tear of sadness that fell from his eye. "Make me proud to be a Ruddepaw, son."
  Bowls looked at the javelin he held in his paws. It was double tipped, like all otter javelins, but instead of being made of just hardened wood, both tips were made of long iron spikes, connected in between by a stout ash stave. The young otter felt tears leap to his eyes at this parting gift from his father, and he embraced the other with both arms.
  "I'll miss ya, ol' waterwalloper," sniffed Bowls. Then he laughed. "But hey, I'd better stop goodbye-in' get a-movin', or it'll start flooding agin and we'll never leave! Come on, Taymoor, matey; adventure awaits!"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Taymore watched this exchange with a sad smile. She knew there was a chance that they wouldn't come back, Though she would do everything in her power to get everyone back alive. She wrapped up tighter and pushed her way outside. The wind buffeted her about and pulled at her tail. She hurried along with her head down until she reached the gate house and hurried inside slamming the door as soon as Bowls and the good sister had come through. there where some satchels on the table  table and she took one looking through it to check the supplies. "I'll take that parchment back now," Taymore said to Reinhardt without looking up.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Reinhardt passed the map over Taymoor, and looked stoically into the wind. A moment later he was rubbing his arm against his eyes, trying to get them to stop watering from the dirt that had flown into them.

"I'd hope the quarry is downwind," He said unhappily. "Which way are we headed, Taymoor?"
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Stinkeye the stoat was lost. He didn't know how long it had been since he left his horde. The vermin waved his stone axe about, quite annoyed, and kicked at a rock.
"Of course I'm lost. Stupid weather, stupid artifact thing. 'Ow come I 'ad t'go an' find it."
Stinkeye suddenly tripped over a large root, falling out of the woodland. Nearby, there were three woodlanders standing outside a large, wondrous fortress.
"Er, er, nuthin' t'see 'ere, folks. Heh heh."