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Survive the Crimson Sunrise I

Started by Fatch of Southsward, June 15, 2016, 03:06:53 PM

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Eul gritted her teeth, the gun tucked into her waistband as she put as much pressure on her wound as possible, keeping the map between her elbow and side. They would need it later, she was sure of it. Hopefully there wasn't too much blood for them to see what it said. "C'mon, let's go," she gasped, kicking the door open and looking around carefully before running off into the forest.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

Fatch of Southsward

OOC: I am afraid I cannot allow you to blow up the entire supermarket. In light of what you have already posted, lets just assume the bombs destroy a good portion of it. The reasoning on my end here, is that there are zombies all over the outside of the base, and you would not be able to put down that many explosives. In addition, the townspeople began coming for you as soon as they heard the grenade. There just isn't enough time.

Group 1:

The three ran away, with explosions and smoke pluming into the sky behind them. The red sky was marred with black smoke. The dead were attracted to the base in even greater quantities. No one was able to pursue them as they made their escape.

OOC: Both groups have escaped entirely. Find a place to settle down for awhile, and describe it to me a little. We're going to do a time skip, so pick someplace you could feasibly stay at for a little while.
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~


OOC: how about an underground shelter behind a house, maybe we could stumble across a neighborhood. How does that sound to you guys?
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: That sounds fine, I'll start.


Antonio wasn't sure how long they had been running. They'd crossed a considerable distance, even while dodging groups of zombies. The sun was starting to rise in the east as they came across the outskirts of a suburb named Merryville, probably it had once been supplied by the supermarket they had just escaped from, now it lay abandoned oddly peaceful in the morning light.

Grass had started to grow out of control in the yards, and the houses were just beginning to look run down. Broken windows, deserted cars, and graffiti mixed with the government notices placed everywhere of evacuation and health warnings. It looked as if Merryville had a warning of the apocalypse before it reached them. As seen by the lack of zombies prowling the streets.

"We need to rest, and I need to treat Eul's hand." Antonio panted as they passed the town's population sign.

OOC: Ya'll should expand on my description, so Fatch has a better idea of the town and hiding place we choose.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Kyle pulled up the garage door to a repair shop. "Huh. Strange..."

He looked around more. "We could get one of these vehicles working - they're not too damaged. But for now, there should be a clinic around here somewhere."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


  Eul looked at the big van near the front of the garage, which seemed clear of zombies. "That may work best, we can store all our supplies in that and use it as a house, too." After looking underneath the van and all around, she plopped down on the ground and leaned against the wheel. "I'm not walking any further today. I'm done," she said, still holding down on her hand. The pain had somewhat gone down, but she was still on the edge of tears, especially after running for what she guessed was two or three hours. She finally was wrapping her mind around the idea of losing her finger now that she had the time to process it. Everything before had been happening too fast for her to actually think.

  "You're welcome, by the way," she spat. "I could have taken it and ran." She couldn't help but be mad. Not at Kyle and Antonio. But at Byurn and the compound. They did this and they would probably keep hurting others. Whoever attacked those people last night... she wanted to know who they were.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Kyle pointed down the street at a white-clothed body. "Looks like they left a few behind. She's probably a nurse, you two can check it out. I'm going to see what I can do here."

He opened the hood on the van. "Mechanics isn't my forte, but it can't be too hard."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Jason, after walking for much of night along with Delthion, soon found himself brandishing a set of bolt cutters he had taken from the supermarket, and cutting his way through a barbed-wire fence. They had stumble across a little town, most of which was in ruins, but a large, concrete building remained intact. As the faded, charred lettering above the solid  door indicated, this was some sort of underground parking garage. Any vehicles outside had long been stolen or destroyed, but maybe, just maybe, they would get lucky inside. The building was severely lacking in the window department, with the only entrance being the chain-link gate. Soon enough, Jason had cut a sizable hole and crawled in. He motioned to Delthion to follow him. A lot of vehicles inside weren't much better off, either, but Jason soon came across a little staircase and descended it to another floor. This was where they lucked out. The gate had obviously been shut after the zombies had gained access, because there were several (very thin) undead. Jason kicked one to the ground and removed its head with his knife, then pointed to the jackpot. A black hummer, probably once owned by some stuck-up, hipsterish, millionaire, was awkwardly parked across several parking spaces, with the driver side door wide open. Unfortunately, there were no keys.
"Del. Owner of the car's probably a zombie. Look for one of them wearing an expensive watch or something. I'm going to go try and get the main gate open, so we can get the car out of here."

LT Sandpaw

"Well I'm really glad you didn't." Alonso told her sincerely as he opened his backpack. Digging through the hastily stored contents he found a clean scalpel, bandages, and penicillin laying them out in a neat row. Glancing over his shoulder at Kyle he made an awkward jerking motion with his head.
"I've worked with... With cars before. I'll help you when I'm done." Turning back to Eul the doctor twisted a bandage and handed it to her. "You might want to bite down on this. I have to clean away any rot that's... That's... Anything bad that might be collected on the stump. It'll hurt. And we don't have any hot water so... I'll need your lighter..."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Fatch of Southsward

OOC: Just to double check - I'm fairly certain the antidote is still lying in the mud at the supermarket, right? (Also, if it is, please don't edit a post to pick it up  :P If you forgot it, you forgot it.  :) )
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


OOC: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's still at the supermarket... whoops :P

BIC: Eul eyed Antonio nervously. "What're you gonna do? You mean you didn't get any medical supplies that could help with pain? Ibuprofen? Something?" Reluctantly, she dug through her bag and pulled out the lighter, handing it to Antonio. "The bleeding's slowed down, I doubt we'll have to... uh, do whatever you're thinking with that lighter. I've also had it covered, so, uh, I don't think rot would set in already, right? Maybe we should look for a clinic, unless you brought antibiotics."

OOC: Sand, I don't know what you're doing, you're making me nervous with that lighter ;D
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

LT Sandpaw

"Relax, and no, I have nothing that can help with the pain." Clicking the lighter open Antonio ran the tiny flame up and down his scalpel blade. Satisfied that it was sanitary he took ahold of Eul's hand pinning it to his knee so she wouldn't be able to jerk it away. Swiftly as he could Antonio cut through the small jagged bit of bone from where Byurn's teeth had torn through bone, along with the blackened flesh where mud and filth had caked. The cut would round off the wound, and keep any bone from remaining exposed. He winced inwardly and tightened his grip on her hand smearing a dab of antibiotics into the freshly bleeding wound. Winding a bandage around the hand to keep his handiwork clean.
"Well that wasn't too bad." He commented, the ordeal had taken less then five seconds to complete, something he had done on purpose. Not everyone was okay with getting that sort of surgery done. Better to do it fast. "It'll hurt of a little bit, and you'll need to change the bandage, but you... You should be able to still use your hand fairly well."

OOC: Slight PP  :P

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


OOC: Nah, you're fine. And Fatch, out of curiosity, how much of the finger did he bite off?

BIC: Eul, as any conscious person would if a bit of flesh and bone was cut away with a hot knife, had screamed and tried to pull her hand away. Now that the bandage was around her hand, she held it with the other one. "Thanks," she muttered, setting her backpack to the side as she placed the map on the ground, unfolding it. "Let's see where we are." She looked down at the map, studying it carefully.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.