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Survive the Crimson Sunrise I

Started by Fatch of Southsward, June 15, 2016, 03:06:53 PM

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Fatch of Southsward

So happy to have you all! We'll close signups soon, and the round will begin!
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~

James Gryphon

Name: Sergei Savin
Race: Russian
Occupation: Retired
Age: 76
History: His background isn't common knowledge. Locals like to speculate he was involved in the Russian military and defected to the United States during the Cold War. Some evidence seems to point to a mercenary career capped off by a stint fighting paramilitaries in South America. Regardless of his origins, what is known is that he retired to a small backwater cottage in the Florida countryside back in '92, and has stayed largely out of the public eye ever since.
Appearance: Still relatively tall, standing 6'2. Wear and tear makes him look even older than he is.
Strengths: Possesses an overall remarkable athletic physique for someone his age, with good strength, endurance and agility. Sharp vision. Expert marksman, tracker and woodsman. Good understanding of combat planning. Speaks fluent Russian, and some Spanish.
Weaknesses: Poor hearing (a weakness accentuated by a refusal to wear any kind of aids). Bad knees reduce his top speed. Speaks limited English, with a pronounced accent.
Items: Old military-style backpack carrying several changes of clothing, several MREs, basic hygienic and medical supplies, and ammunition for his weapons. Carries a battered AK-47 with a bayonet, several knives (for utility and combat), and a M1911 pistol. Has a set of rugged camouflage clothing, with dark denim clothes in reserve in his pack.
« Subject to editing »


So when this starts, at what rate will this be updated?
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

Fatch of Southsward

@Delthion Multiple times a day - every time I come online I plan to update it. It's a lot, but I'll do my best to keep it going at a fast pace. Someone will die either every week, or two people per week.

To everyone else: Signups will close tomorrow when I make the game's opening post. If you want to survive post often - I will be very hesitant to kill active players, and murder attempts against you are most likely to fail, or merely result in injury.
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~


So how exactly does one play? Do we just discuss moves like in Mafia, or act it out like a roleplay?

I'm retired from the forum


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Fatch of Southsward

Quote from: Søren on June 17, 2016, 05:43:40 AM
So how exactly does one play? Do we just discuss moves like in Mafia, or act it out like a roleplay?

Both! When you post here, you become your character. If someone dies, you can talk with the other players about who you suspect to be responsible, and what should be done about it. When there is action, you control your character's movements. Here are some examples:

Host: As Bill scanned the trees, the grass rustled eerily in the wind. He heard a moan - something alive was close by. He took another step, met an object and fell. As he turned, he saw a decaying monster crawling hungrily towards him, snarling and drooling with anticipation.

Soren (the member controlling Bill): Bill kicked the zombie in the face, and drew his knife. He stood up, as the creature turned and began crawling at him again, but this time he was ready. He swing the knife down, ending the fight quickly.

Example 2)

Host: The group awakens and finds Tom missing. When they go to investigate, they find him face up in his bed, with a knife in his chest. Bill has been murdered

Soren (controlling Bill): I don't know who could have done something like this, but I think it may have been Jerry. He and Bill haven't gotten along well recently. Also the clues seem to point to... we should kick Jerry out of the group - send him out on his own. What do you all think?
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~


Quote from: Fatch of Southsward on June 17, 2016, 05:42:03 AM
@Delthion Multiple times a day - every time I come online I plan to update it. It's a lot, but I'll do my best to keep it going at a fast pace. Someone will die either every week, or two people per week.

To everyone else: Signups will close tomorrow when I make the game's opening post. If you want to survive post often - I will be very hesitant to kill active players, and murder attempts against you are most likely to fail, or merely result in injury.

Could it be once a day? Multiple times won't see many members responding, and everyone will feel really stressed throughout their normal lives hoping they won't have died. ;D
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

Fatch of Southsward

It's not like that - it's updates of what is going on and the situations. (I will need to have some control over the zombies you fight / the people you run into)

You don't have to post with each update. You just need to post once, say at least every two or three days.

So basically, I might be posting more than once each day, but no one else needs to.

And there will not be so many deaths, that you could miss two days or an update and suddenly die. If you die, it's because you've gone possibly around 5 days without posting, or because someone murdered you.

I'm not trying to stress anyone out - I'm trying to ensure no one gets bored. Let me know if I overdo it, and I will gladly slow the game down a little.

If you're not able to get online all you need to do is PM me. I will happily spare your life for a time.
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~

Fatch of Southsward

It was a bright new morning in Florida. The sunrises were unusually red, which was becoming the usual. A rugged group was moving through a brown field of tall grass.

They had only one thing in common, all of them had been taking a vacation in Florida, and now all of them were ready for that vacation to end.

The group had been brought together by the gravest of circumstances, and now they were nearly as close as family, or, some of the were. They had done some things in the past few months they had never dreamed of doing before. They scanned as a unit, and moved steadily onward towards some unknown destination.

At the head of the group was Kyle Katarn. One of the most important members of the group, he had lots of technological experience in the past, and his expertise had already come in handy. He nervously shifted his collar and wiped the sweat from his brow.

Second was Eulalia, or as the group affectionately called her, Eul. She hooked her thumbs into her backpack, and stepped over a fallen tree. She kept the group in good spirits, and the moral depended largely on her. She had yet to prove herself in strength, and she could almost feel the probing eyes. Were they viewing her as a weak link? A waste of rare resources? She shivered as a bug landed on her: she did not doubt she could prove herself, it was just a matter of doing it.

Third was Delthion. The undeclared leader of the group, he had killed the most zombies so far. His Sabre skills kept the group safe, and not a soul in the group doubted his importance. There were more than zombies in the wild, however, and it was his duty to keep the group safe. He clenched his fist as he stepped over the same tree Eul had just passed - he would not - could not - fail.

Fourth was Wilbur Dakfield. His archery alongside Delthion's swordplay was deadly. He too, kept the group safe. His nerves had gotten the best of him at times, but the situation constantly surrounding him was sure to steel his stomach - or was it? His time would come to prove himself. His ace in the hole was Delthion. He was not as much as a threat, and thus he was less likely to be targeted. This could save him later on.

Fifth was Antonio Francis. No one debated it - he was the most important person in the group. Delthion and Wilbur often flanked him on either side to ensure his safety. The fate of the world may depend on his work in the CDC, and the fate of the entire group may be resting on his medical skills. The death of Antonio, could mean the death of the entire group. He was also in the most danger. Other groups took one look at his CDC hat, and lab coat and immediately marked him as more valuable than food or water.

Sixth was Jason Taylor. Everyone was slightly wary of him. He had told them little, but his actions often showed that he had been through more than anyone in the group. He is a valuable asset for food and survival, and a dangerous opponent. Could he fit into the group and be accepted? Or would he go off on his own? Time alone would tell.

Seventh was Søren. A web journalist, he was still looking for his role and place in the group. His calm demeanor and non violent ways made him a trusted member. If anyone could hold the group together or tear it apart, he could.

Eighth was Sergei Savin. The moral compass and oldest leader of the group, Sergei is well respected. He had not revealed much of his past, but by all appearances he had served as a soldier, and his skills and experience were valuable at times like these. His guidance had brought much of the group up to speed with how to survive, his age was his only limitation. Could he fit in with the younger group at the age of 76? Could he survive the conditions that young, strong men had failed to survive?

Without warning a chorus of snarling sounded up ahead. In a small clearing, several bodies could be seen. A group of 12 zombies had been eating them. Their flesh was decaying and their eyes red and bloodshot. They turned to the group and shambled towards them, growling and biting the air. They were slow, luckily. They were wearing matching Florida State University attire - the remains of a group of college students who had failed to survive.

OOC: You each have full control over any of the zombies you want. You can kill them, knock them over - anything! Deal with them together! Sorry for the long post, it was just to open the game up. The rest of my posts will be much shorter. I may take part in the action to spice it up a bit. Good luck!
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~


Eul heard the snarling before the zombies came into view, and out of habit, she pulled her machete out.

   When she had first run into the zombies, she swiftly killed them and holed herself up in a building for several days, panicked and unsure of what to do. Eventually lack of food had forced her to leave, and now zombies were, as she said, an everyday inconvenience. Several days later she found the group and cautiously trailed them until she decided to join. But that didn't mean she trusted any of them. She slept as far from them as she could with the machete in her hand, and never liked to turn her back on them. She had seen what the disease made good people do, and she wasn't going to trust anyone with her life anytime soon. Even though they made her nervous and she wasn't sure how they saw her, she thought they were pretty cool.

  Humming "Another One Bites the Dust", she swung the machete down into a zombies head, having killed so many of them she was no longer bothered by it. They weren't real people, after all. She had a hard time pulling the machete out of the dead zombie, watching as another one limped towards her. Lifting the machete up, she struck the other zombie in the throat, swinging the machete several times to make sure it wouldn't be getting back up.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Kyle aimed and fired Tesla, stunning his target. Running forward, he kicked the thing into the ground and smashed its decaying skull into pulp with his foot, before viciously stabbing another in the throat with a screwdriver. "4 down!" he yelled before engaging a third.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


As the zombies began to approach the main group, Jason Taylor stepped forward. Reaching into his jacket, the survivor pulled out a large pistol and swiftly loaded a clip. In his other hand he unsheathed the large combat knife strapped to his leg. He stepped forwards towards two zombies, and thrust the pistol into the mouth of one zombie. While the undead struggled to free itself, Jason thrust the knife into another zombie's throat. Retrieving the pistol, he whipped the second zombie twice in the face to knock it down. Finally, the survivor stomped on both of their heads to put them down permanently.


Delthion seeing that zombies were attacking leapt upon them, sending many of them back into shadow. He scanned the group as he did so making sure that none of them overextended themselves. He thought he recognized one of the zombies, but he shrugged the feeling aside and swiftly decapitated it.

OOC: Question, what's "Ace in a hole"?
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


OOC: Dunno, but you won't be his "Ace in the hole" for much longer, amiright? ;) >:D