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New Awardees (6/21/16)

Started by James Gryphon, June 21, 2016, 10:05:29 PM

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James Gryphon

The Staff have been discussing the subject of getting some new blood into our Site Awards for a while now, and it seemed like it was time to get some of this done. These picks have been discussed and met with approval, and we felt y'all wouldn't complain about them either. This first batch will focus on Site Behavior awards; the talent awards will wait a little longer, as we give more members more time to make a showing on this new forum.

Welcome Wagon: @Cornflower MM has been a dependable force in greeting new members to the community, a necessary part of acclimating them to life here and making them feel more at home. We felt it was far past time that she be acknowledged for this great consistency and longevity!
Abbey Recorder: Everybody knows that @Skyblade is one of the most thoughtful and quality-concerned people on this forum, and her contributions by new topics and posts are without question. This was a no-brainer. Even though she's on vacation right now, we thought she would appreciate this when she has more time for the forum.
Abbey Cellarhog: Back in the day, when people used to ask who was one of the funniest members on the forum, @Søren's name consistently came up. He might be going away for a season, but hopefully this (along with his recent Namer status) will help him to remember his place in our hearts.
Abbot's Approval: @Gonff the Mousethief has gone above and beyond the duties of a regular member, having contacted the official site's owners, provided a general stabilizing presence during the forum's darkest hour, and contributed to the rebuilding of all of our work here. I know that he'd be willing to help with anything that the forum or another member needs, as he has done in the past.

Thanks to all of you for your service to the forum community and your passion for making it a better place!
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James Gryphon

I forgot to mention this, so I'll do so now: The award badges aren't in yet, but Leatho is going to work hard on getting a new set made, and we'll get them up ASAP.
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James Gryphon

The new award (not season nameday yet) badges are in! Optional no-background versions may come later. Gorgeous full-size versions of Leatho's work can be seen by clicking on these pictures.

Welcome Wagon
Abbey Recorder
Abbey Cellarhog
Abbot's Approval

Talent Related
Blue Paw Print
Abbey Artist
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