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Crews of the Open Breeze RP

Started by Gonff the Mousethief, July 11, 2016, 05:19:09 AM

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Seadog sneered at Alfonso. "I been captain o' me own ship for years now. I ain't about t' run 'round followin' orders from a li'l ferret brat or a crazy blue fox! Put a paw near that blade an' I'll chop it off." She waited until Marshall reached her before shaking his paw. "So I heard, an' that is me name. Tis a delight to be on board, I thank ye for lettin' me join this trip. Me ship wouldn't have been ready soon enough." She smiled sweetly, her beady eyes studying the fox before her. She could take him down in a fight easily, she was sure of it. Then she would be in charge and do whatever she wanted - with a bigger ship and a crew.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

Gonff the Mousethief

Marshall was a trusting being. He nodded to the response of Little Seadog, then continued a bit more.
"Ah, I see. Well, when y'get y'fine ol' share o' treasure, Ah bet y'could build a whole fleet o' them ships! Y'see quite capable o' helpin' us find it. 'Ight then, won't b'keepin' y'from wot ever crazy ol' Alf needs y't'do. Oh, and call him Alf, I'm sure he would like that." The fox ended with a smile and hurried to the wheel deck. There, he checked the sun and wind. Like the he had been frost bitten his ears stood high, Teeming with excitement. From the deep bottom of the his gut the blue fox captain called out to the crew, "IGHT LADDIES, GET READY T'SAIL!"
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


@BatLord: I can't really do much until you post with Mechi.

EDIT: Why Batty, why? You were just online, and you ignored me! WHHYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?! :P

Aimless Gallivanter

OOC: @LT Sandpaw how long has Alfonso been around as the first mate? and @BatLord how long has Aline worked on the ship?
im gay!!!!!!

LT Sandpaw

OOC: I'm going to say Alfonso's been around for awhile, but not too long. He probably joined around the time Marshall became a proper pirate.


Clapping Longclaw on the back Alfonso raced off to the forecastle where he grabbed up one of the punting poles positioning himself at the head of the line. Checking the murky water for anything that might damage the ship he turned towards the wheel deck. "Ahoy to wheel deck," Alfonso roared from the forecastle, his fur billowing in a strong breeze from the east. "All clear to Port an' Starboard, ready to push off!"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Gonff the Mousethief

Marshall signaled a high thumbs up to his First Mate, then called out to the crew once more.
The blue fox turned once more to the small town, and gave it a keen smile and salute. This may be the last time he ever saw a town, or it would be the start of how many he would visit telling the tale of how him and his crew found the treasure.
The Blu Tail made many a grunt and whine as it began to bob away from the deck. When it sat stale shortly after, cheers and hollers erupted from the main deck, with the onlookers giving a final cry to the pirates. Marshall kicked back the tail on his cap and shot out another command.
"Raise those sails fully! Rig 'em tight!"
Marshall turned the ship to point due West, hoping to catch a good swipe of wind and carry them far enough out to where the map would begin to make sense. But before he called whoever had wheel duty next, his first call was to Alfonso.

"Alf m'mate, come up 'ere f'a tad. I need's y' help."

OOC: Sorry if that was a bit rushed, its just for three pages my crew has been still docked while everyone else is at sea.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


OOC: Hatlord? Nevermind. :p


Having decided that the noise was nothing to worry about, Verenya Haresbane ascended to the deck just as the osprey she had sent out came crashing back down.
"Creeeaaaaah! Earthcrawler boss, I bring much words from other ratscums. They not like what earthcrawler boss tell them go, think earthcrawler boss be foolish for going through the Pass of the Pincers. Ratscums say that when they get through Pass of Pincers, they kill earthcrawler boss and find treasure themself."
Verenya chuckled menacingly.
"Aye, they can certainly try. Go on, Krakorip. I have no more need of you now. Blackfang! Find th' mate, tell 'im ta 'ave all the crew up on decks, an' armed wid bows an' arrers. After we goes through Pincer Pass, we'll set th' arrows in tar an' burn the other ships."
"Aye, Cap'n. I'll find 'im soon enough!"
As Blackfang scurried away, Verenya grabbed a passing weasel.
"You there, go find some others ta 'elp ya, an' bring th' jug o' tar up ta th' deck."

Fatch of Southsward

Ross and Vance stood at the helm of The Raging Stallion - the winds had calmed and they were smoothly cruising through the open waters.

Vance checked the sun and sky once more and shook his head.

"Your course is far off Ross, you're up to something. "

Ross smiled, "Aye, friend. There's no reason to be getting the treasure... yet."

Vance shook his head, "I thought we were going to get the treasure."

Ross nodded - "And we will, but think about the course. These pirate scum will have to pass through the notorious Pass of Pincers. As soon as they come floating out of it, we will be waiting for them, fully armed and ready. We'll send 'em all to the bottom, and our families will finally be avenged."

The Stallion's Mane, sailing for vengeance instead of treasure, coasted for the Pass of Pincers. Duncan Ross was coming...
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~



Quote from: Fatch of Southsward on July 21, 2016, 04:30:42 AM
Ross nodded - "And we will, but think about the course. These pirate scum will have to pass through the notorious Pincer Pass. As soon as they come floating out of it, we will be waiting for them, fully armed and ready. We'll send 'em all to the bottom, and our families will finally be avenged."

The Stallion's Mane, sailing for vengeance instead of treasure, coasted for Pincer Pass. Duncan Ross was coming...



The rest of the pirate ships that had assaulted Slaver's Bay now floated alongside The Plundered Pirate. Verenya Haresbane called out to the Captain of The Drowned Falcon, the largest ship in the fleet (aside from her own, of course).
"Ahoy there, mate. We've found th' map ta the treasure. Only trouble is, we 'ave ta go through Pincer Pass."
The Captain shook his head.
"Yer mad, Verenya. But if t'is treasure be's as good as 'ee say, it's a risk we'll 'ave ta take. ALL SHIPS, FORWARD TO THE PASS!"
Verenya was about to walk back to her cabin when the Captain called her back.
"Oh, an' ye might wanna check yer 'old fer stowaways. We found this pine marten in th' bowels o' our ship."
He motioned to Filthface, who has been chained to the mast. Verenya nodded as the ships began making their way to Pincer Pass...

Fatch of Southsward

~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~


OOC: Well, I'm afraid Ross isn't even going to get a chance at revenge, if you catch my drift... ;)

LT Sandpaw

Passing off his punting pole to a deckpaw Alfonso made his way up the wheel deck as the sails were dropped. They billowed in the wind, creaking and catching the westerly wind pushing the ship forward. A few of the greenies nearly lot their footing, but recovered to the laughter of their mates.

Taking the stairs up the wheel deck Alfonso nodded to Marshall, his blue eyes shining brightly. "Aye Cap'n, ye called?"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Gonff the Mousethief

"Alf mate, there y'be!" Marshall called as his First Mate arrived. "Now, I need some help with this 'ere map f'the treasure 'n all. Go 'head and get whoever b'next at wheel duty 'n tell them t'keep 'er on course. Oh, and gather up a few o' the best crewbeasts 'round 'ere and bring t'me quarters as well. Swell?"
The blue fox gave Alfonso a pat on the back then scurried down to the Captain's Quarters. Hopefully whoever was assembled could help spot where exactly the locations on the map were. As he was walking back, Marshall nodded to a couple passing by, and popped back on a smile. These scalawags seemed very traversed in their each and every way. Let's hope that Alf picks the right ones.

I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Little Seadog could not help but smile. The thrill of leaving the land to go off to sea was always overwhelming and got to her every time. She watched the land grow more distant as the ship continued to sail, and her keen eyes searched the shore for her old ship. Finding it, she leaned against Tue railing and watched it sitting there. She would return here and fix it, maybe get herself a proper crew, then go off sailing with it. It would be up to the mast in gold, her cabin would be filled with the finest silks and treasures. She could see it all now, Captain Little Seadog of the Vermin's Despair, horror of the high seas, fiercest pirate of all time, feared for her skill with a blade and known for her wealth! She rested her chin on a paw, staring at her broken, dirty, and useless ship as she dreamed about the riches she would be swimming in.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

LT Sandpaw

"Right away Cap'n," Turning Alfonso thumped his paw on the railing calling out orders. "Hoy Longclaw to th' wheel, Becline get yer tail up to the nest. The rest of ye find something useful to do." Sauntering down the stairs Alfonso considered the crewbeasts around him selecting two from the mix.

"Oi, Aline Snake-Slayer ain't it? Yer wanted in the Cap'n's quarters. "And ye Coop, go too." Alfonso did one last sweep looking for anybeast who might know their way around a map. His eyes landed on Little Seadog. Pacing over the blonde ferret motioned with a paw.
"Ye said you were captaining a ship before didn't ye? March right o'er to the Cap'n's gig, and make yerself useful studying maps if ye ain't going to work proper-like." His task done Alfonso made his way down to the galley claiming a small keg of seaweed grog and five flagons. Lugging the lot with him he slogged slowly across the lower deck towards the aft cabins.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro