
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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RAF 5th Anniversary! Art Competition!

Started by Captain Tammo, July 31, 2016, 05:43:35 AM

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Captain Tammo

Don't forget guys, it's not too late to sign up! Virtually any kind of art that you have will be accepted! Just take a look at the first post in this topic - it's got all the info you need

Can't wait to see what you guys cook up :)
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior


Just want to take a moment to say that it's been great doing the (minimal) advertising work on this competition. It's always a pleasure to work with other forumers on advertising experiences. Keep up the good work, artists. ;)
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


I'm gonna have to drop out because I'm just too busy and art takes so many hours.

Captain Tammo

Aw man :/ well that's okay. Hope you can still come by and enjoy the gallery :)
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior


Whelp, I haven't started on this...

...So if I don't get anything in before September, then I'm out. :P


Quote from: Capt. Leonardo V Williams on August 29, 2016, 02:03:55 AM
Aw man :/ well that's okay. Hope you can still come by and enjoy the gallery :)

I sure will, and I also haven't forgotten about your request. ;D
((Or any of yours', Sagetip and LT Sandpaw.))

The Skarzs

It'll be close, but I'm gonna have my thing done by tonight!
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Captain Tammo


Before we do the big reveal, I want to give a very special thanks to all who participated in the contest. We had some truly amazing work submitted and I can clearly tell that everyone spent a ton of time on all of these. Great work all around!!! For those who didn't quite finish before the "deadline", that's fine! While your work won't necessarily count in the competition, I know for sure that everyone would really like to see what you've made, so feel free to post in this after the contest is over :)

Artists, when I introduce your piece, I will say what I think makes the work special and how it stands out to me, however please feel free to tell us, from a creator's perspective, if there is anything in particular that you would like to say about your entry.

So! Without further ado, here are the entries (in alphabetical order by name of the artist):


This entry is by one Dotti Lovegood, and is a group picture of some of the forum members in front of Redwall:
Dotti's entry


Leo's Review: To me, this picture looks a lot like a tapestry. I particularly enjoy how the characters are drawn in a very friendly, cartoon-y fashion. The way the colors interact with one another make me feel like the picture fills my entire field of view and adds to the activity going on in the picture. Dotti's piece illustrates the kind of bustling activity that I think one would see if they visited Redwall for a day. Additionally, seeing the characters smiling, thinking, laughing, reading, running and interacting with one another really personifies what I think of when I imagine this forum. Really great job, Dotti :)

This next piece on in our grand reveal is by Faiyloe and is a collection of four pictures of forum members Eulalia, Gonff the Mousethief, Skarzs, and Rosie.
Faiyloe's entry





Leo's Review: These look wonderful! I really like this collection because they're all so different! To me, it looks like each one of those pictures captures someones personality, aspirations, and humor and that's really special. I'm really only familiar with Skarzs' troll and Gonff's blue fox, but I think if Gonff and Skarzs were to be personified on the forum, this would be what they looked like. All great work, Faiyloe! :D

Next up is sir Leatho Shellhound's piece. It depicts creatures from far and wide coming to the abbey.
Leatho's entry

Leo's Review: The idea of creatures coming from all around to one place is really special, and I think this particular piece illustrates that very nicely. There are people from all over the world who come to this website for its community. And I think, just like in the picture, it's very special and kind that we always greet them with open doors! (I'm also a big fan of how you make the trees!) Well done, Leatho!

Next up is my non-competitive entry. It is a photo and some words to accompany it (Note: Clicking on the image should make it bigger and easier to read the text).
Leo's entry

What I have to say about this: This picture is depicting two of my favorite things: an open Redwall book, and a jar full of candied nuts that I made using a recipe I got from @Wylder Treejumper. The book in the picture is to remind us why we're all here on this website in the first place. Brian made a world for us that is really special and it's really amazing that we get to learn about and enjoy that world across some 22 novels. This has allowed for a relatively tight-knit community to grow around these books and talk and share things with one another, like the candied nuts recipe I got from Wylder (speaking of which, I actually could not find that recipe in the Redwall Cookbook. But talking to another member of the community and making something did spark an interest in trying out some new recipes and seeing what works! And that's something I'm really excited about)!

The poem is more a collection of words that rhyme if you read them with a bit of rhythm (also, try reading the first letter of each line). But they say how I feel about this wonderful world of Mossflower, its inhabitants and, most importantly, the great community that has come out of it!

Finally, we have a Mr. Skarzs and his entry, which is a sketch of Redwall's Midsummer Feast, as well as a short passage to go along with it.
Skarzs' entry

The Short Story

"Can you believe it?"
"Can I believe what?"
   A mouse in a brown habit with a white waist rope walked beside a round small eared owl towards the big building in the middle of the lawns. It was a warm, bright afternoon, and the sun cast long shadows over the green grass. Creatures bustled about busily, and if any came near they would bow briefly at the pair before hurrying off again.
   The mouse raised his paws in fake exasperation. "For season's sakes, James! What I mean is that it's been five summers since our last abbot left us, and I've taken the role as abbot!"
    "Oh, I remembered." The owl winked. "I suppose my humor is a bit hard to catch sometimes." He turned his head about as a young squirrel ran past them at a breakneck speed. "You certainly have everybeast busy for your celebration, Abbot Matthias."
   "Now now," scolded the abbot with a slight grin. "Just because I mentioned the five summer anniversary doesn't mean I'm having this feast for me, old friend. Don't forget this is the Midsummer feast! (Which just so happens to fall on my anniversary.) Of course everybeast is busy!"
   They continued walking for a moment in silence, then Matthias turned to the right. "Let's make a detour through the orchard, shall we?"
   James shrugged his wings and trundled after the mouse. "I do hope the changes I've made over the past seasons have been helpful, Father Abbot."
   Matthias raised his eyebrows. "My dear friend, whatever do you mean? You've been a priceless help to this abbey, helping in ways I've never before thought of and always being there when I'm not!" He laughed and patted the owl on the back. "Oh, where would we be without you?"
   "Possibly with some more foul-mouthed Dibbuns on our paws."
   "What?" Matthias' face was blank for a moment before breaking out into a wide grin. "Oh, ha hah hah! You're talking about that young rip who heard those old stories with the horrible swearing the enemies made and thought he could repeat them. You certainly made it clear that wasn't going to happen, didn't you?" They had reached the apple orchard and he sat down with his back against a knotted trunk with a sigh.
   "Five summers. . . I can still hardly believe it, James."
   "Yes. Seems like it was only yesterday, the time has passed so quickly."
   "And yet so much has happened in that time. We've lost a lot. . ." Matthias' eyes grew distant and threatened to tear up. "Lost some good friends as well. Ah, but we can't dwell on that when we see how much we have gained! Creatures from all over of all different kinds have come to our abbey, making the unlikeliest of friends and incredible things they have given to everyone. Writers, craftsbeasts, artists, cooks, all during my time as abbot. We've had some very good times together."
   "Lots of times when things were rather crazy or serious, too," added James.
   The other waved his paw. "That's how it's always been in our past. Just think of when we had to move from the other abbey all that time ago. Where would we be if those things didn't happen?
   From his perch on an upturned wheelbarrow, James only nodded, then closed his eyes sleepily. "Think I might. . . Take a shrt nap. . . Jus' b'fore the feast," he mumbled.
   "Mm, I'm with you, friend." Matthias closed his eyes and folded his paws on his stomach comfortably. The weather was warm, and that part of the orchard was very quiet save for the buzzing of honeybees as they ate some fallen fruit and the rustle of the leaves in a light wind. It was so peaceful there, so safe and secure, as it  had been for as long as anybeast could remember. Matthias fell asleep with a smile on his face as he enjoyed the lazy afternoon.
   He was asleep for what seemed to be a very short time.when he heard somebeast calling his name. "Oh, what now," he grumbled, opening his eyes. Running towards him was the hare Leonardo, dressed in his red officer coat and holding a long piece of parchment that trailed out behind him like a banner.
   "Father Abbot!" he was yelling as he rushed closer. "Is that you? There you are! We've been looking for you for ages!"
   Matthias got to his paws and stretched. "Hullo, Leo! What's all the shouting for?"
   The hare slowed to a walk. "Didn't you know? It's nearly time for the feast!"
   Smacking his forehead, the abbot looked at the position of the sun in shock. "Goodness! It's that time already? James, wake up! We must hurry inside or they'll raid the kitchens and say the feast prayer themselves!"
   James opened one large yellow eye. "I can't get a decent nap around here, no matter what day it is," he complained.
   "Yes, yes," said Leonardo as he tickled the owl under the beak with his quill. "You can sleep when it's nighttime like the rest of us. Come on, the others are already at your table, Father Matthias!"
   Soon the three were all walking back towards the abbey building, following the dozens of creatures doing the same.  The smells and excitement of the evening drew all to Cavern Hole, even beasts from the surrounding forest of Mossflower. The abbot had made certain that this feast would be a memorable one even in the eyes of the old ones who could remember when even he was a Dibbun trying to steal candied chestnuts.
   Matthias couldn't help but notice the parchment Leonardo kept scribbling on, even whilst they were walking. "What's that, Leo?"
   "Oh, this? It's a story I've been working on. . . A book of sorts. A sea tale of adventure, romance, tragedy, and dashingly good-looking and brave captains."
   "That good-looking captain wouldn't happen to resemble a certain Salamandastron officer who is taking a permanent vacation at Redwall, would he?" asked James. "What's his name?"
   "Why, Captain Leonardo V. Williams, of course!" said the hare with a broad wink. "Got to base these character chaps off of someone you know, wot?"
   Matthias laughed aloud and shook his head. "You'll have to show it to me when you're done, Leo. Mmm, can you smell all the good food, friends? Oat farls, apple pie. . . Why, I think I can even smell some onion and leek pasties!"
   The friends went back and forth about what foods they were excited to eat as they walked through the room. The tables were laden with all sorts of foods, from the moles' deeper-'n-ever-turnip-'n-tater-'n-beetroot pie to honeycream cake sprinkled with crushed candied chestnuts to huge salads in massive bowls to platters of cookies and scones and breads of all kind, not to mention the wide variety of cooled drinks brought up from the cellars, like the famous October ale and the super-bubbly strawberry fizz.
   They took their places at the head table with the two other Abbot's helpers, Rain and Leatho. The cat and otter were chatting about some art projects they had before they stopped and stood as Matthias took his seat. They were two of the abbot's oldest and most reliable friends, and he trusted them with much.
   All about he could see faces he recognized from many summers past, even to newcomers who had arrived not long after summer began. The three squirrel sisters, Jukka, Amber, and Russa- with her peculiar frog pet-, the badgers Ashenwyte, Sky, and Soren (none of them related), the ever-grinning Cellarhog Delthion, the abbey recorder, a fox named after Gonff the Mousethief, a huge cat who went by Skarzs with his close friend, the squirrel Faiyloe, and the constant companion of James, an otter by the name of Banya, to name but only a few.
   The noise of merriment and good-nature filled the whole huge room, and Matthais couldn't help but smile at the sight of all his friends, young and old, all together. There were a few he knew were no longer there, but he knew they would want him to be happy and be with those who were still there, and keep the spirit of Redwall flowing through each and every one with each new day, no matter the hardships or misgivings that would be ahead.
   It was the essence of Redwall. They would turn away no creature who came in need or good will, and they would help their own through everything right through to the end. They would live in peace when nothing threatened them, but if times would come as they often did when they would need to defend themselves, each would have the courage to stand up for their home and their friends so that future Redwallers would be able to wake up every morning to a free and happy abbey.
   Matthias stood up and rang his bell, and everybeast went quiet and still as they turned to him. He raised his voice for all to hear.
   "My friends, let us say the feast prayer.
   "We gather here in the fading sunlight
   To celebrate on this one summer's night,
   The family and friends both new and old,
   Who we invite, all, to our tables full.
   And as we have done for countless seasons,
   Let us remember the kindly reasons
   We will always welcome any good soul
   Who finds their way through the gates of Redwall."

Leo's Review: I really enjoy the picture, and the short story adds a whole lot to it (and I don't just say this because I happen to have a part in it ;) ). The activity going on in the sketch is fun to look at and reminded me a little bit of what a Redwall-themed Where's Waldo? might look like. You've got creatures chatting with other creatures, tripping with plates full of food, yelling across the room, scribbling down stories, walking in late... it's all there, and I think that this kind of activity and diversity really personifies the forum in a nice way. Good work, Skarzs!
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior


Well Leatho's crashes my browser when I open the spoiler so unfortunately I can't see it, but otherwise awesome work all around guys. And considering what I already know of Leatho's work, I'm sure his is great too.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Captain Tammo

Quote from: Jet the binturong on September 02, 2016, 03:44:32 AM
Well Leatho's crashes my browser when I open the spoiler so unfortunately I can't see it, but otherwise awesome work all around guys. And considering what I already know of Leatho's work, I'm sure his is great too.

Is this better?

"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior


The Skarzs

Those are all wonderful! I must admit I was forced to do mine at the last moment (finishing the short story at 10:30 last night!), and I'm so glad I could participate.

I hope the others agree with me when I say that joining these competitions is important not because of the promised prize, but what it means to have joined in. I made a commitment to do my submission and join because this forum is part of my life, and I have so loved the series that this is my way of giving back to it. I love this place and where it came from, and even if the community is no longer what it was, I will continue to try to do my part to keep it alive.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Gonff the Mousethief

These are absolutey astounding! I can tell there is so much effort, detail, and love put into each. I actually forgot about this, but mine would not have been even close to what y'all made. Oh, and thank all of you for putting me in there, I greatly appreciate it!
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


"Hi, I'm Sage Tip here reporting on the RAF art competition! Let's ask some of the competitions what they thought."

*holds up microphone to Skarzs*

"Mr. Troll, what's you opinion of the competition and the other contestants' work?"
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan