
"Beep-Bloop" -Verdauga, 2024

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Choose Your Own Adventure - Forum Edition

Started by Groddil, September 05, 2016, 04:01:17 AM

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Quote from: Sagetip on September 14, 2016, 02:39:03 PM
Knew we should've crushed him. But Sage! That would break the pacifist run!


"Uh oh. Not good."
"Blue, we need to get out of here. Can we get through your cell?"
"Yeah, through the hole. I think. If we can get up there."
"I think I know a way. Help me with this."
You and your companions walk over to the terminal, and between the three of you, manage to rip the cords out and lug it into Blue's cell. You zap it a few times, then the three of you clamber on top.
You pull the trigger several more times, causing the terminal to grow, and letting you reach the hole in the roof. You and Blue lift Galli, who pulls you up. You reach down and haul Blue out of the cell into the roof.
"Okay, that way leads to Block C, that way leads back to the Warden's Office."
You nod, and start walking towards Cell Block C. The floor groans underfoot, but you press on. You notice a small hole, and peer through it. Skarzs is standing below, stomping the ground in frustration. Faiyloe floats around him, whispering. Then, she looks upwards. The fairy yells.
"Skarzs! There he is! KILL!"
Skarzs roars, and throws him hammer upwards. The ceiling starts to crack, so you run. Your ears are filled with Skarzs angry roars, and Faiyloe's shrieks. The troll throws his hammer again, destroying the ceiling completely. You fall in a heap onto the floor of Block C, along with Blue and Galli. The sight of the angry troll standing above you quickly motivates the three of you to keep running. You tear through the Block, Skarzs hard on your tail. He swings his hammer wildly, destroying several cells, and causing guests to escape. They too join in the chase, frenzied by bloodlust. As you duck around a corner to avoid more guests, Blue trips. Galli shoves you onwards.
"Don't stop!"
Blue tries to stand up, but Skarzs is at her in an instant, the hammer already in mid-swing. The stunned Forumite flies straight past you, hitting a window, causing it to shatter. With nowhere else to go, you follow her through the window, sling her over your shoulder, and barge through the first door you see. Then, you see it. A long, empty corridor. At its end is a thick set of steel doors, securely locked. You toss the keyring to Galli, who dashes ahead of you. You look over your shoulder as Skarzs destroys the door you came through, lets out another roar, and charges down the corridor. You run faster than you ever have in your life, catching up to Galli just as she turns the key in the lock. You slip through and Galli relocks it. Just in time. You hear a large thud as Skarzs smashes into the door. You go to give your companion a high-five, when you notice where you are. The door leads out into the cellars, but there is nothing nearby for miles, aside from Skarzs thread and a huge pit just in front of you. A code storm whizzes over the top of Skarzs thread and straight into the pit. This is it. You cross your fingers. Galli crosses her eyes. You jump into the Abyss.


Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. Shame the circuitry has been totally destroyed.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe. 3/4 full.
Torch - A makeshift flaming torch.
Chainaxe Motherboard - A crucial Chainaxe component. Unfortunately, without an Imperial Electrocore, the Chainaxe is still useless.
Electrical Cable - An insulated bit of cable.
Small motor - A small motor.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Zombie Slave Serum - Turns a dead body into a zombie that will obey a single order, then disintegrate.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 6.
Scimitar - A fancy, curved blade. It once belonged to Daskar.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Unknown: [JUKKA]
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe.
#5: Unknown: [AMBER]
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Unknown: [DELTHION]
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [DANFLOR]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Unknown: [ROCKTREE]
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: Unknown: [THE BINTURONG]
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who rules over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Unknown: [LUTRA]
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Unknown: [GRODDIL]
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: Unknown: [GAT]
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Unknown: [BONE]
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Unknown: [ALBRITHR]
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Unknown: [FIREHAWKE]
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: Unknown: [ALEXANDRE]
#82: Unknown: [ALEXANDRE]
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 2
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Somewhere in the Dungeon


Okay, I don't want to have to leave in the middle of what comes next, so I'm just going to pause this here. Yes, I know its a cliffhanger, but its better than stopping in the middle of the next section. If you enjoyed this, feel free to leave feedback, and I'll get back to this next week.


Could someone else take over for the week?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Quote from: Sagetip on September 15, 2016, 01:10:07 AM
Could someone else take over for the week?

No! They wouldn't know what's coming up, soo...Plus, this is MY thread. MINE! Mwahahahahaa!


That implies that you have a plot, which means that this isn't totally a CYOA.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Quote from: Sagetip on September 15, 2016, 01:25:48 AM
That implies that you have a plot, which means that this isn't totally a CYOA.

Have you ever read a CYOA, mate?

And no, I mean they wouldn't know what is happening LITERALLY RIGHT NOW, as a result of previous choices.


I take that back. Although it doesn't matter exactly what you find, does it? It's like RPGs - it's your choice that defines the plot.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Quote from: Sagetip on September 15, 2016, 01:32:57 AM
I take that back. Although it doesn't matter exactly what you find, does it? It's like RPGs - it's your choice that defines the plot.

Well, you need to get to Hideouts in order to find Jet and get your arms back, allowing you to actually progress further. But I have to include everyone on the memberdeck, which means I have to find a way to work people into the story. It just so happens that I know who's about to appear, but the readers don't...

James Gryphon

Well, asking for a substitute implies that somebody else could do an adequate job taking over.

I think we all know that's not the case. ;)
« Subject to editing »



It is dark. You have no idea what's happened, but dead silence fills your ears.
"Galli. Galli?"
Nothing. You feel around in the dark, finding a limp body. BlueRose. You shake her, causing her to start moving again.
"What just happened?"
"No clue. Where's Galli? Where are we?"
"You're the one who woke up first, you answer that stupid question."
"Fair point. Where's the torch?"
"Hmm, here it is. Let's see if we can light 'er- aaaaaa!"
The torch flickers alight just as Blue disappears through the floor.
"Uh oh."
Now alone, you look around. The small room you find yourself in seems to be sealed, aside from the lack of a roof and hole in the ground. After looking around enough, you notice some rusted bars in a corner of the cave, and slip through into some sort of tunnel. You trudge through the filth, until you eventually come to a crossroads. To your left, "Viva la Revolution" has been scrawled onto the wall, and to your right, dead guests litter the floor. Which way do you go?



Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. Shame the circuitry has been totally destroyed.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe. 3/4 full.
Torch - A makeshift flaming torch.
Chainaxe Motherboard - A crucial Chainaxe component. Unfortunately, without an Imperial Electrocore, the Chainaxe is still useless.
Electrical Cable - An insulated bit of cable.
Small motor - A small motor.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Zombie Slave Serum - Turns a dead body into a zombie that will obey a single order, then disintegrate.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 6.

Scimitar - A fancy, curved blade. It once belonged to Daskar.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Unknown: [JUKKA]
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe.
#5: Unknown: [AMBER]
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Unknown: [DELTHION]
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [DANFLOR]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Unknown: [ROCKTREE]
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: Unknown: [THE BINTURONG]
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Unknown: [LUTRA]
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Unknown: [GRODDIL]
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: Unknown: [GAT]
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Unknown: [BONE]
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Unknown: [ALBRITHR]
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Unknown: [FIREHAWKE]
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: Unknown: [ALEXANDRE]
#82: Unknown: [ALEXANDRE]
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown

James Gryphon

There's a good chance, if we go left, it'll take us into Delthion territory (if Groddil's been keeping up with what Del's been doing lately). If we go right, we risk bumping into whatever killed all those guests... and we don't know whether they're friend or foe.

I guess go right. We have the growth ray to help us out (though I sure do wish we had a shrink ray right about now...)
« Subject to editing »


Yes, but that means that Bonaparte's probably right, and while he doesn't have much to be known by, he probably has Napoleon's army, and we know that it'd be easier to take on Del with Bluerose. Obviously, losing Galli will take away our fighting capability, but I'd rather not be captured by Bonaparte if I can help it.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

I'd go right, walking towards someone whose killing guests probably will work out in your favor, though I am really curious about Bonaparte.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


After much weighing up the odds, you decide to head left. Whatever killed those guests might not be friendly, but some sort of uprising against the Administrator would probably be willing to help you. You head left through the tunnels, passing no resistance, until you come across a large, steel blast door, which has been locked tight. You zap the lock's inner mechanism with your growth ray, shattering it, and edge open the blast door. Inside, you find some sort of barracks, with a dead guest on a table, and a television on the wall, showing nothing but static. You look around for anything useful, but the place is abandoned. As you head towards the exit, you notice a slip of paper underneath the guest's arm. You read over it, then head towards the way out.

Quote from: Note


Taking Mace to Brockhall. Meet you at New Base.

- Amber.

As you are about to walk out, the television flickers out of static, onto a black screen. A red exclamation point begins to flash, as a computerized voice starts to drone on an endless loop.
"Registration detected. Two new members found. Registration detected. Two new members found."
Out of the corner of your eye, at the door you came in through, you see a blinding flash of blue light. The guest corpses are flung back, slamming into the blast door. Unaware of what just happened, you dash through the exit. After running for what feels like hours, you finally make it out of the tunnel. In front of you, you see a large cellar door, with the word "Hideout" scrawled across it. You approach, when you feel something tap your shoulder. Turning around, you see a large hedgehog lick its lips.
"Going somewhere, tasty one?"
Uh oh.

Fight Delthion.
Jump down a nearby hole and hope for the best.


Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. Shame the circuitry has been totally destroyed.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe. 3/4 full.
Torch - A makeshift flaming torch.
Chainaxe Motherboard - A crucial Chainaxe component. Unfortunately, without an Imperial Electrocore, the Chainaxe is still useless.
Electrical Cable - An insulated bit of cable.
Small motor - A small motor.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Zombie Slave Serum - Turns a dead body into a zombie that will obey a single order, then disintegrate.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 6.

Scimitar - A fancy, curved blade. It once belonged to Daskar.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Unknown: [JUKKA]
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe.
#5: Unknown: [AMBER]
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Unknown: [DELTHION]
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [DANFLOR]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Unknown: [ROCKTREE]
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: Unknown: [THE BINTURONG]
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Unknown: [LUTRA]
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Unknown: [GRODDIL]
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: Unknown: [GAT]
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Unknown: [BONE]
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Unknown: [ALBRITHR]
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Unknown: [FIREHAWKE]
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: Unknown: [ALEXANDRE]
#82: Unknown: [ALEXANDRE]
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown


Get the heck out. Like I said before, without Gali, it's virtually impossible to fight anyone (since it's been proven just how ineffective Baliss is at literally anything).
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.