
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Choose Your Own Adventure - Forum Edition

Started by Groddil, September 05, 2016, 04:01:17 AM

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0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.


With regards to the serum thing: Choose the haggle option.


"Not enough."
"My prices aren't changing. I'm already giving you the Aussie discount."
"How about this? I'll enlarge that Serum with this here growth ray."
"Hmm, double the size and I'll pay you double the cash. Any larger, and it won't be concentrated enough to warrant an increase in price."
You zap the serum and hand it, along with the Scimitar and Lobotomizer, over to the Groddil Clone.

Baliss got fourteen ForumBucks.

Buy the Imperial Electrocore and fix your Chainaxe.


Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. Shame the circuitry has been totally destroyed.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe. 3/4 full.
Torch - A makeshift flaming torch.
Chainaxe Motherboard - A crucial Chainaxe component. Unfortunately, without an Imperial Electrocore, the Chainaxe is still useless.
Electrical Cable - An insulated bit of cable.
Small motor - A small motor.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 5.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Bottled Water - What everyone needs.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 7.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 17.
Spam - Can be eaten, or used as ammo for the SPAMGun. You have 1.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Unknown: [ROCKTREE]
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: Unknown: [THE BINTURONG]
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Unknown: [LUTRA]
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Unknown: [GRODDIL]
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: Unknown: [GAT]
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Unknown: [BONE]
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Unknown: [ALBRITHR]
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]p
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Unknown: [FIREHAWKE]
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: Unknown: [ALEXANDRE]
#82: Unknown: [ALEXANDRE]
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 2
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown


"I'll take the ElectroCore."
"Excellent. Pleasure doing business with you. Hmm, I don't think you'll fix that might fine axe o' yours without this. Consider it a freebie."

Baliss lost 10 ForumBucks.
Baliss got an Imperial ElectroCore and a Multitool.


You and Galli sit down at a nearby table, and slowly get to work. Before long, you've managed to fix the Chainaxe's circuitry. Galli refuels the weapon, and you rev it active. A grin on your face, you switch the weapon off and strap it to your back. That'll come in handy when dealing with guests. By now, you're starting to feel hungry. Between the two of you, you and Galli finish off the spam and the water. You burp.
"Hope we don't need supplies for a while. All that's left is this Gristle."
Galli, feeling queasy, tells you to get on with it. At last, you leave the Groddil clone to his fate and wander deeper into Secret Hideouts.
"Any idea how to get from here to the Front Lawns?"
"Nope. Hey, what's that?"
You follow where Galli is pointing, noticing a rat sitting in a corner. He is surrounded by dead guests.
"Hey, who are you?"
"Name's Bonaparte, or Blaggut to my friends."
"What're you doing all the way down here?"
"Didn't you hear my name? Bonaparte? Like Napoleon? I was head of the Revolution once. Then that hedgehog took it over. He ate me, and I had to spend a week crawling out of him. It was... unpleasant. But I don't care. Now I just want to get back to the Front Lawns."
"Do you know how?"
"Yeah, of course. But because I'm associated with the Revolution, or used to be, Lutra won't let me through."
"What about us? Would Lutra let us in? Who's Lutra?"
"A moderator. And no, he wouldn't. You're new, haven't proven that you're trustworthy. If you're interested, I've got a plan. Might be able to get us past him. I've needed an extra pair of hands, er, tentacles for a while now. What do you say?"

Join up with Bonaparte.
Find your own way to the Front Lawns.


Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. Fully fueled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe. 1/2 full.
Torch - A makeshift flaming torch.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 5.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 7.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 7.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Unknown: [ROCKTREE]
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: Unknown: [THE BINTURONG]
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Unknown: [LUTRA]
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: Unknown: [GAT]
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Unknown: [ALBRITHR]
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]p
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Unknown: [FIREHAWKE]
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: Unknown: [ALEXANDRE]
#82: Unknown: [ALEXANDRE]
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 2
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown

James Gryphon

Did the Spam come in a tin, and if so, do we still have that?

Likewise, do we still have the empty water bottle?

Finally, do we own the multitool, or did we just borrow it?
« Subject to editing »


Go with Bonaparte, I guess. Making our own way and we'll probably fight Lutra, and I doubt Galli can handle that.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Aimless Gallivanter

wow such little faith in me
but youre right yeah
im gay!!!!!!


Quote from: James Gryphon on October 13, 2016, 03:29:22 PM
Did the Spam come in a tin, and if so, do we still have that? Trashed. :S

Likewise, do we still have the empty water bottle? Trashed. :S

Finally, do we own the multitool, or did we just borrow it? You own it.

James Gryphon

@on trashed: I had plans for those!

The multi tool needs in the inventory.
« Subject to editing »


"Can't hurt to help you out. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."
"Perfect. Okay, here's what we do. We need to find two things. A device the Revolution invented to bypass these sorts of things, and some dead Forumites. Don't worry, we don't have to KILL them, just find some that have already kicked the bucket."
"Why Forumites? There's a lot more guests around here."
"No, there isn't. Guests can't get in here, and Lutra wouldn't let them through the portal anyway. Okay, let's begin."

Bonaparte liked that.

As you walk along Secret Hideouts, looking for dead members, you come across quite a scene. Two more rats, this time with afros, are standing in the street arguing.
"I'm the real alexandre!"
"No, I am!"
"You there! Who's the real alexandre?"
"Like he would know!
"Oh yeah? The rat that turned good. The Redwall Rat. The Resident Redwall Rat. Blaggut Blaggut Blaggut. The forum Rat. I am the Resident Redwall Forum Rat. Catch me if you can!"
"Oh yeah? The rat that turned good. The Redwall Rat. The Resident Redwall Rat. Blaggut Blaggut Blaggut. The forum Rat. I am the resident Redwall Forum Rat. Catch me if you can!"
Don't steal my lines!"
"You were saying it wrong!"
"Was not!"

"Actually, I'm Blaggut." Bonaparte mutters under his breath.

"Well? Who's real? Me, right? He's fake! He's a multi! He's no better than a guest!"
"No, HE'S the guest! Get him away from me!"

"Uck, their arguing is so annoying. Tranquilize one of them, will you?"

Tranquilize alexandre.
Tranquilizer alexandre.


Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. Fully fueled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe. 1/2 full.
Torch - A makeshift flaming torch.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 5.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 7.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 7.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Unknown: [ROCKTREE]
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: Unknown: [THE BINTURONG]
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Unknown: [LUTRA]
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: Unknown: [GAT]
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Unknown: [ALBRITHR]
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]p
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Unknown: [FIREHAWKE]
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: Unknown: [ALEXANDRE]
#82: Unknown: [ALEXANDRE]
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 2
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 1


Good gosh Groddil. :P Well, I'll just take a random guess and say the second one.


There is one, small clue that will give away the REAL alexandre.


Found it.

...Aaannd I voted for the wrong one and can't reset it. Oh well. :P


Quote from: Kitsune on October 13, 2016, 11:42:20 PM
Found it.

...Aaannd I voted for the wrong one and can't reset it. Oh well. :P

Dunno why. I've clicked "allow changing vote" on every poll. I'll just apply your vote to the other option when I count 'em.

LT Sandpaw

I'd get em both, but I'll say blue is the real one, so aim for him. We need dead forumites.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

James Gryphon

Quote from: LT Sandpaw on October 14, 2016, 12:43:28 AM
...but I'll say blue is the real one, so aim for him. We need dead forumites.

You people are cold.
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