
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Choose Your Own Adventure - Forum Edition

Started by Groddil, September 05, 2016, 04:01:17 AM

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James Gryphon

Well, it's not plan A, but I think it's worth being prepared for the worst-case scenario.
« Subject to editing »


Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


"I'll take the shotgun shells and the Rattlesnake DNA."
The Groddil clone nods, and hands over the items. You pay him 7 Forumbucks and inject yourself with the DNA, using your T.I.D. Almost instantly, the slime covering your scaly skin disappears, leaving your body coated in tough scales. Your missing tendril also regrows, and a long tail with a rattle on the end bursts out of your lower back. Finally, your nose falls off and two large fangs push their way out of your mouth. You also notice that when you look at a nearby dark corner, your vision changes green, and you can actually see. Night vision, perfect! You give your torch to Galli, as you no longer need it, and turn back to the Groddil clone.
"Anything else?"

Buy Tranquilizer Darts.
Confront Groddil.

No poll, just pick an option.


Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. Fully fueled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 3.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Unknown: [ROCKTREE]
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: Unknown: [THE BINTURONG]
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Unknown: [LUTRA]
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]p
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Unknown: [FIREHAWKE]
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#82: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0

James Gryphon

Does the "6 tranquilizer darts" include the one in the gun?

Either way, I think we're ready for the confrontation.
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Quote from: James Gryphon on October 19, 2016, 04:35:24 AM
Does the "6 tranquilizer darts" include the one in the gun? Nope. An example: Galli has 2 shells in her shotgun now, plus 9 spares to reload it with. If you shoots twice, she'll reload it. Then she'll have 2 shells in the shotgun and 7 spares to reload it with.

"So, Groddil."
"Just a clone, I know. Have you left this place recently?"
"Why, yes. I had to dispose of some trash."
"So, you would have gone to the dumpster out the back? What happened to the corpse that was in there."
"Corpse? Preposterous. There was no such thing."

Be aggressive.
Be passive.
Offer compensation for the return of alexandre.

No poll, just pick an option.


Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. Fully fueled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 3.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Unknown: [ROCKTREE]
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: Unknown: [THE BINTURONG]
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Unknown: [LUTRA]
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]p
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Unknown: [FIREHAWKE]
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#82: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0

James Gryphon

Be sure to get rid of the [/quote]s at the end.

Start out haggling, I guess. (Option #3.)
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"I know that there was a body stashed in there. The only members around here are you, us, and Lutra. The dumpster is right behind your store, you'd have to know something."
"Hmm, perhaps I do. What's it to you?"
"That body is important to me. I only need to borrow it quickly, to extract a sample of DNA. I don't care what happens then. Maybe we can come to some sort of... agreement?"
"Yes, perhaps we can. What did you have in mind?"

The Groddil clone liked that.

Offer to give the Groddil clone a deposit of 3 Forumbucks to extract DNA from alexandre's clone.
Offer to bring Albrithr and GAT to Groddil, in exchange for alexandre's clone.
Offer to do something for the Groddil clone in exchange for Alexandre's DNA.

No poll, just pick an option.


Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. Fully fueled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 3.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Unknown: [ROCKTREE]
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: Unknown: [THE BINTURONG]
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Unknown: [LUTRA]
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]p
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Unknown: [FIREHAWKE]
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#82: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0

James Gryphon

It'd help if we knew exactly what he wanted the body for.

We could take option #2, I guess. If for some reason it isn't worth it to him, we could sweeten the deal by offering to leave him the clone's body, after you're done extracting the DNA you need.
« Subject to editing »


Hmm. Tricksy.

So, option 1 might get us the DNA, but then we're out of forumbucks.
Option 2 mentions the entire clone, not just DNA, and I don't think we want to lug a clone around.
Option 3 would get us the DNA without losing our forumbucks, but dunno what the task might be.

Can we ask what the significance of the bodies is?
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


@BlueRose: The way a deposit works is that you'd get the money back afterwards. Theoretically. :)

"How about this? There's two other bodies. I'll bring them back. You can keep alexandre after I've extracted his DNA, and you get two more bodies, all you need to do is let me take a sample of him."
"That depends. Have you extracted the DNA of the other two? Because I require the corpses to be untouched."

Tell the truth.
Ask why Groddil needs the bodies to be untouched.

No poll, just pick an option.


Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. Fully fueled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 3.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Unknown: [ROCKTREE]
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: Unknown: [THE BINTURONG]
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Unknown: [LUTRA]
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]p
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Unknown: [FIREHAWKE]
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#82: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0


The keyword being theoretically. I don't trust the Groddil clone.

Ask. I'm genuinely curious.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

James Gryphon

« Subject to editing »


"Why? I'm intrigued."
"My... buyer, needs them as preserved as possible. Even if one sample of DNA has been taken by another Forumite, her project will be jeopardized."
"What project?"
"She... Would not appreciate you knowing that. She prefers the details of her project to remain... vague."
"Fair enough."

Tell the truth.

No poll, just pick an option.


Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. Fully fueled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 3.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Unknown: [ROCKTREE]
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: Unknown: [THE BINTURONG]
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Unknown: [LUTRA]
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]p
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Unknown: [FIREHAWKE]
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#82: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0


There could be consequences if we lie, but truthfulness means we don't get the DNA.

So, the question is, do we really need the DNA?
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

James Gryphon

He's almost certainly going to find out sooner or later, and I think it'd be foolish to make a new enemy if we have other options.

I guess tell the truth, and see if we can work out another deal, maybe that task.
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