
"Beep-Bloop" -Verdauga, 2024

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Choose Your Own Adventure - Forum Edition

Started by Groddil, September 05, 2016, 04:01:17 AM

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0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.


You pick up a shard of glass and select the TV Remote, expelling it from your Sylladex. It drops lightly onto the table. Thankfully. You return to the basement to check if Zburb has installed yet. Nope, just at 75%. May as well dispose of this glass while you're at it.

Lily: Return to the basement and check the installation progress.
Lily: Captchalogue your dog to get rid of the glass.

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Stack

Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a sandwich.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a small Safe.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and shoes.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Card - Contains your trusty BB Gun.
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Array

Captchalogue Card - Mokia Phone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains 2 Batteries.
Captchalogue Card - Contains TV Remote.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a strange cardboard box.

Equiped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Unknown
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Standard CYOA stuff


Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. You last found him in the Secret Hideouts.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#82: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#99: Unknown: [GROND]
#100: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places. Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3 Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Jet's Crate

Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. 9/10ths fuelled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 6.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.


Mwahahaha! This is what happens when I read Homestuck and want to spice things up a bit. Bring on the inventory management puzzles!

James Gryphon

« Subject to editing »


Quote from: Groddil on October 27, 2016, 05:39:23 AM
You pick up a shard of glass and select the TV Remote, expelling it from your Sylladex. It drops lightly onto the table. Thankfully. You return to the basement to check if Zburb has installed yet. Nope, just at 75%. May as well dispose of this glass while you're at it.

Lily: Go outside.
Lily: Captchalogue your dog to get rid of the glass.

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Stack

Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a sandwich.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a small Safe.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and shoes.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Card - Contains your trusty BB Gun.
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Array

Captchalogue Card - Mokia Phone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains 2 Batteries.
Captchalogue Card - Contains TV Remote.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a strange cardboard box.

Equiped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Unknown
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Standard CYOA stuff


Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. You last found him in the Secret Hideouts.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#82: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#99: Unknown: [GROND]
#100: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places. Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3 Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Jet's Crate

Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. 9/10ths fuelled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 6.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.


Mwahahaha! This is what happens when I read Homestuck and want to spice things up a bit. Bring on the inventory management puzzles!

I stuffed up. Redo this one.

James Gryphon

« Subject to editing »



Captchalogueing live creatures has been... Dubious, as far as i can remember. Hate to kill a doggo.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


James was first.

You captchalogue your loving chihuahua, who you have named "Torrent," as a reminder of how you purchased him on the deep web and found several illegal items within his stomach. Fortunately, Torrent allows you to remove that shard of glass from your sylladex. It flies across the room and slices a poster, depicting the internet, in half.

Lily: Put the batteries into your flashlight.
Lily: Go outside.

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Stack

Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a sandwich.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a small Safe.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and shoes.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Card - Contains your trusty BB Gun.
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Array

Captchalogue Card - Mokia Phone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains 2 Batteries.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your loving chihuahua, Torrent.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a strange cardboard box.

Equiped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Unknown
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Standard CYOA stuff


Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. You last found him in the Secret Hideouts.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#82: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#99: Unknown: [GROND]
#100: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places. Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3 Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Jet's Crate

Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. 9/10ths fuelled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 6.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.


Mwahahaha! This is what happens when I read Homestuck and want to spice things up a bit. Bring on the inventory management puzzles!

James Gryphon

I did change my mind and edit the post to match hers after I read it.

Oh well.

« Subject to editing »


Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


OOC: Torrent will be fine.

You captchalogue your flashlight, causing the cardboard box to plonk onto your desk. You'll check it out later.

Good thing you fixed this flashlight, it's pretty dark out. And it's raining a lot. You don't really want to go out there, but Galli says you should.

Lily: Captchalogue Umbrella.
Lily: Stay inside.
Lily: Go outside without the umbrella.

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Stack

Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a sandwich.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a small Safe.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and shoes.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Card - Contains your trusty BB Gun.
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Array

Captchalogue Card - Contins your Mokia Phone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a Flashlight.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your loving chihuahua, Torrent.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equiped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Unknown
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Standard CYOA stuff


Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. You last found him in the Secret Hideouts.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#82: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#99: Unknown: [GROND]
#100: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places. Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3 Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Jet's Crate

Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. 9/10ths fuelled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 6.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.


Mwahahaha! This is what happens when I read Homestuck and want to spice things up a bit. Bring on the inventory management puzzles!

James Gryphon

« Subject to editing »


You captchalogue the umbrella. This should prevent you from getting your snazzy aviator goggles wet, and making them impossible to see through. Galli is going ballistic inside your head. Maybe you should head out there and do whatever it is she'll yammering on about.

Lily: Allocate Umbrella to Strife Specibus.
Lily: Stay inside.
Lily: Go outside.

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Stack

Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a sandwich.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a small Safe.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and shoes.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Card - Contains your trusty BB Gun.
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Array

Captchalogue Card - Contins your Mokia Phone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a Flashlight.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your loving chihuahua, Torrent.
Captchalogue Card - Contains an umbrella.

Equiped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Unknown
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Standard CYOA stuff


Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. You last found him in the Secret Hideouts.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#82: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#99: Unknown: [GROND]
#100: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places. Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3 Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Jet's Crate

Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. 9/10ths fuelled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 6.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.


Mwahahaha! This is what happens when I read Homestuck and want to spice things up a bit. Bring on the inventory management puzzles!

James Gryphon

« Subject to editing »


You decide not to allocate the umbrella to your Strife Specibus. Yet. You walk outside. Galli tells you to find a thingy thing. How helpful.

Lily: Allocate Umbrella to Strife Specibus.
Lily: Climb into the Treehouse.
Lily: Walk over to the fusebox.
Lily: Open the outer basement door.

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Stack

Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a sandwich.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a small Safe.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and shoes.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Card - Contains your trusty BB Gun.
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Array

Captchalogue Card - Contins your Mokia Phone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a Flashlight.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your loving chihuahua, Torrent.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains an umbrella.
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Unknown
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Standard CYOA stuff


Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. You last found him in the Secret Hideouts.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#82: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#99: Unknown: [GROND]
#100: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places. Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3 Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Jet's Crate

Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. 9/10ths fuelled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 6.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.


Mwahahaha! This is what happens when I read Homestuck and want to spice things up a bit. Bring on the inventory management puzzles!

James Gryphon

« Subject to editing »


For some strange reason, you decided to install electrolocks on the treehouse. No matter, you can easily deactivate them via the fusebox.

You walk over to the fusebox, and open it. There are four fuses inside, one for the treehouse, one for the main house, and two for the basement. There were originally two fuses allocated to the house and one to the basement, but you needed more power, and stuff happened. Almost immediately after you open the fusebox, the rain causes the basement fuses, which have no protective cover, (as you moved it to mess around with the power allocation), to deactivate. Is this how fuses work? You don't care. You toss the useless basement fuses aside and cycle the treehouse and house fuses into the basement slots, then slam the box shut before anything else happens. Hopefully, as you switched them fast enough, your download was not interrupted. Hopefully. You unequip the umbrella and equip the torch, allowing you to see up into the treehouse. The electrolocks have been disabled, but the extendo-ladder is in the up position. The only way to bring it down would be to reactivate the treehouse power, but THAT would stop the Zburb download!

This is all too confusing. You stare at the captchalogue card containing Torrent, who isn't very happy about being shoved into wherever captchalogued stuff goes. But it does give you an idea...

Lily: Allocate Umbrella to Strife Specibus.
Lily: Captchalogue the treehouse.
Lily: Go back inside.
Lily: Open the outer basement door.

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Stack

Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a sandwich.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a small Safe.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and shoes.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Card - Contains your trusty BB Gun.
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Array

Captchalogue Card - Contins your Mokia Phone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your loving chihuahua, Torrent.
Captchalogue Card - Contains an umbrella.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains a flashlight.
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Unknown
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Standard CYOA stuff


Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Unknown: [PEONY]
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Unknown: [SKYBLADE]
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Unknown: [MHERA]
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Unknown: [KITSUNE]
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. You last found him in the Secret Hideouts.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Unknown: [RUSVUL]
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#54: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#55: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. He has a plan to get to the Front Lawns.
#56: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#57: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#58: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#59: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#60: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#61: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#62: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#63: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#64: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#65: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#66: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#68: Unknown: [FATCH]
#69: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#70: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#71: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#72: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#73: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#74: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#75: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#76: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#77: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#78: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#79: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#80: Unknown: [MARY]
#81: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#82: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#83: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#84: Unknown: [MILADY]
#85: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#86: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#87: Unknown: [2QUID]
#88: Unknown: [HIAG]
#89: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#90: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#91: Unknown: [LORDE]
#92: Unknown: [BELLE]
#93: Unknown: [MACHI]
#94: Unknown: [PERI2]
#95: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#96: Unknown: [EMBER]
#97: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#98: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#99: Unknown: [GROND]
#100: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places. Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3 Location: The Alternate Dimension.
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Jet's Crate

Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. 9/10ths fuelled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 6.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.


Mwahahaha! This is what happens when I read Homestuck and want to spice things up a bit. Bring on the inventory management puzzles!