
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Choose Your Own Adventure - Forum Edition

Started by Groddil, September 05, 2016, 04:01:17 AM

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Quote from: James Gryphon on December 07, 2016, 02:52:12 AM
I don't guess we know if the otter DNA will cancel out the snake DNA?

Fast forward.

DNA doesn't override other DNA. You get all the positives of both.

James Gryphon

Use the DNA, then, as well as fast forwarding.
« Subject to editing »


Bonaparte lets out a yawn.
"Well, I've got places to be."
"See you later."
He walks into Happy Birthdays and quickly vanishes from sight. You whip out your canister of Otter DNA and insert it into your T.I.D.
"Here we go. Nothing like being a genetic freak, huh?"
You jab the T.I.D. into your jugular and begin to spasm. Your scales sprout soft brown fur, and your tendrils split into multiple digits. You feel a lot hotter as well, probably due to the fact that you're now warm blooded.

Congratulations. You can now:
+ Survive in the cold.
+ Swim.
+ Perform tasks that require fine motor skills, like hack terminals without needing someone else to do it for you, and grip things easier.

And don't worry, you can still:
+ See in the dark.
+ Swallow enemies whole.

B: Go to Skarzs's Forge.
B: Enter Happy Birthdays.


You are now the Doomed Exile. You begin to fast-forward, pulling up a time comparison. Here, your granfather and father are evicted from their house and forced to move towns, where they can actually afford a new home. Your father and mother never meet. You are never born. You feel yourself... fading away.

Mark: Panic.
Mark: Say heartfelt goodbye that nobody will even care about.
Mark: Play sad music.
Frank: Do some ectobiology.

Standard CYOA stuff

Baliss's Inventory

Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. 9/10ths fuelled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger. You dropped it, and now it's broken. You'd need a trigger to fix it.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 8.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Transmitter - A part for the Decodifier. Also allows you to contact Mark and Lily.
AI Module - A strange artificial intelligence you ripped out of a terminal. Appears to know stuff about the forum.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Galli's Inventory

Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Corn - A Forumite who wields a frying pan, and a potential future companion of yours.
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Skyblade - A forumite you met in the Lawns. Is grateful for your assistance regarding Mhera.
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Mhera - A Forumite killed while trying to escape from Loamhedge. Nobody escapes from Loamhedge.
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Kit - Another Forumite you met in the Lawns. Thinks you "killing" Lutra was probably not a good idea, but still appreciates your help.
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. Has retreated to the Honeycomb, close to death.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Rusvul - A Forumite whose life you saved. He helped you clear your name for Mhera's death afterwards.
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#55: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#56: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. You and him seem to have met before.
#57: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#58: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#59: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#60: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#61: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#62: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#63: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#64: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#65: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#66: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#67: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#69: Unknown: [FATCH]
#70: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#71: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#72: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#73: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#74: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#75: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#76: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#77: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#78: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#79: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#80: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#81: Unknown: [MARY]
#82: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#83: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#84: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#85: Unknown: [MILADY]
#86: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#87: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#88: Unknown: [2QUID]
#89: Unknown: [HIAG]
#90: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#91: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#92: Unknown: [LORDE]
#93: Unknown: [BELLE]
#94: Unknown: [MACHI]
#95: Unknown: [PERI2]
#96: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#97: Unknown: [EMBER]
#98: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#99: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#100: Unknown: [GROND]
#101: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
#102: Unknown: [WORTSHIRE]
#103: Unknown: [PRINCE]
#104: Unknown: [FELLDOH]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Homestuck Intermission Stuff

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Frog
Echeladder Rank: Heir Transparent
God-Tier: Heir of Time[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Frog - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains a small safe.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Frog - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Frog - Contains your Nuclear Rifle.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Windows
Echeladder Rank: Dark Summoner
God-Tier: Sylph of Doom
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your MPS.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your Deep Web Hacking Device.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a modus control deck.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a Nakking Crocodile.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Umbrellakind
Captchalogue Card - Contains the Barber's Best Friend.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Frank's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Morgan Freeman QueueStack
Echeladder Rank: Hillary Clinton
God-Tier: Knight of Space
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains Moist Sock Mace
Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Mountain Dewgong.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Modus Control Shrek.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Nectar Tank.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Doritolkind
Captchalogue Card - Contains 420 Doritoblade.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
S.Roll's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Vietnamese Chef
Echeladder Rank: Gourmet
God-Tier: Prince of Life[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Springlogue Roll - Contains your sPhone.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.

Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Saucekind
Springlogue Roll - Contains SauceSquirter.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1

James Gryphon

« Subject to editing »


You wander back towards Skarzs's forge. It seems deserted, but that chest you saw last time is still here.

B: Try to open the chest.
B: Hit anvil with hammer.
B: Enter Happy Birthdays.


You are now the Doomed Exile. You whip out your ePhone and play a sad song.

Mark: Panic.
Mark: Say heartfelt goodbye that nobody will even care about.
Frank: Do some ectobiology.

Standard CYOA stuff

Baliss's Inventory

Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. 9/10ths fuelled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger. You dropped it, and now it's broken. You'd need a trigger to fix it.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 8.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Transmitter - A part for the Decodifier. Also allows you to contact Mark and Lily.
AI Module - A strange artificial intelligence you ripped out of a terminal. Appears to know stuff about the forum.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Galli's Inventory

Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Corn - A Forumite who wields a frying pan, and a potential future companion of yours.
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Skyblade - A forumite you met in the Lawns. Is grateful for your assistance regarding Mhera.
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Mhera - A Forumite killed while trying to escape from Loamhedge. Nobody escapes from Loamhedge.
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Kit - Another Forumite you met in the Lawns. Thinks you "killing" Lutra was probably not a good idea, but still appreciates your help.
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. Has retreated to the Honeycomb, close to death.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Rusvul - A Forumite whose life you saved. He helped you clear your name for Mhera's death afterwards.
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#55: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#56: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. You and him seem to have met before.
#57: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#58: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#59: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#60: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#61: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#62: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#63: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#64: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#65: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#66: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#67: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#69: Unknown: [FATCH]
#70: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#71: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#72: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#73: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#74: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#75: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#76: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#77: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#78: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#79: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#80: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#81: Unknown: [MARY]
#82: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#83: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#84: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#85: Unknown: [MILADY]
#86: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#87: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#88: Unknown: [2QUID]
#89: Unknown: [HIAG]
#90: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#91: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#92: Unknown: [LORDE]
#93: Unknown: [BELLE]
#94: Unknown: [MACHI]
#95: Unknown: [PERI2]
#96: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#97: Unknown: [EMBER]
#98: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#99: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#100: Unknown: [GROND]
#101: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
#102: Unknown: [WORTSHIRE]
#103: Unknown: [PRINCE]
#104: Unknown: [FELLDOH]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Homestuck Intermission Stuff

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Frog
Echeladder Rank: Heir Transparent
God-Tier: Heir of Time[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Frog - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains a small safe.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Frog - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Frog - Contains your Nuclear Rifle.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Windows
Echeladder Rank: Dark Summoner
God-Tier: Sylph of Doom
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your MPS.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your Deep Web Hacking Device.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a modus control deck.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a Nakking Crocodile.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Umbrellakind
Captchalogue Card - Contains the Barber's Best Friend.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Frank's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Morgan Freeman QueueStack
Echeladder Rank: Hillary Clinton
God-Tier: Knight of Space
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains Moist Sock Mace
Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Mountain Dewgong.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Modus Control Shrek.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Nectar Tank.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Doritolkind
Captchalogue Card - Contains 420 Doritoblade.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
S.Roll's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Vietnamese Chef
Echeladder Rank: Gourmet
God-Tier: Prince of Life[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Springlogue Roll - Contains your sPhone.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.

Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Saucekind
Springlogue Roll - Contains SauceSquirter.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1

James Gryphon

Hit the anvil!

I guess go to the birthday forum...

Say a heartfelt goodbye nobody will care about.
« Subject to editing »


You leave the forge and head back to Happy Birthdays. After searching through the Sub-board for a few minutes, you find a Celebratory Plaque simply titled "Ashe." You pry it from the ground, revealing a long, dark hole straight that leads straight down into who knows where.

B: Go back to Skarzs's forge.
B: Jump down the hole.


You are now the Doomed Exile.
"Guys... Can you hear me?"
"I... I just wanted... Thank you. I'm sorry that I caused this mess. I've fixed it. Thanks for the support. I'll miss you. I consider all of you-"
"I consider two of you, close friends of mine. See you on the other side."
"Goodbye Mark."

Mark: Cease to exist.
Lily: Burst into tears.
Frank: Do some ectobiology.
S.Roll: Throw a party to celebrate Mark's imminent nonexistence.

Standard CYOA stuff

Baliss's Inventory

Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. 9/10ths fuelled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger. You dropped it, and now it's broken. You'd need a trigger to fix it.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 8.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Transmitter - A part for the Decodifier. Also allows you to contact Mark and Lily.
AI Module - A strange artificial intelligence you ripped out of a terminal. Appears to know stuff about the forum.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Galli's Inventory

Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Corn - A Forumite who wields a frying pan, and a potential future companion of yours.
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Skyblade - A forumite you met in the Lawns. Is grateful for your assistance regarding Mhera.
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Mhera - A Forumite killed while trying to escape from Loamhedge. Nobody escapes from Loamhedge.
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Kit - Another Forumite you met in the Lawns. Thinks you "killing" Lutra was probably not a good idea, but still appreciates your help.
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. Has retreated to the Honeycomb, close to death.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Rusvul - A Forumite whose life you saved. He helped you clear your name for Mhera's death afterwards.
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#55: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#56: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. You and him seem to have met before.
#57: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#58: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#59: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#60: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#61: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#62: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#63: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#64: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#65: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#66: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#67: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#69: Unknown: [FATCH]
#70: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#71: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#72: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#73: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#74: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#75: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#76: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#77: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#78: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#79: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#80: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#81: Unknown: [MARY]
#82: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#83: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#84: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#85: Unknown: [MILADY]
#86: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#87: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#88: Unknown: [2QUID]
#89: Unknown: [HIAG]
#90: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#91: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#92: Unknown: [LORDE]
#93: Unknown: [BELLE]
#94: Unknown: [MACHI]
#95: Unknown: [PERI2]
#96: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#97: Unknown: [EMBER]
#98: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#99: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#100: Unknown: [GROND]
#101: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
#102: Unknown: [WORTSHIRE]
#103: Unknown: [PRINCE]
#104: Unknown: [FELLDOH]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Homestuck Intermission Stuff

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Frog
Echeladder Rank: Heir Transparent
God-Tier: Heir of Time[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Frog - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains a small safe.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Frog - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Frog - Contains your Nuclear Rifle.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Windows
Echeladder Rank: Dark Summoner
God-Tier: Sylph of Doom
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your MPS.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your Deep Web Hacking Device.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a modus control deck.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a Nakking Crocodile.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Umbrellakind
Captchalogue Card - Contains the Barber's Best Friend.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Frank's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Morgan Freeman QueueStack
Echeladder Rank: Hillary Clinton
God-Tier: Knight of Space
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains Moist Sock Mace
Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Mountain Dewgong.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Modus Control Shrek.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Nectar Tank.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Doritolkind
Captchalogue Card - Contains 420 Doritoblade.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
S.Roll's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Vietnamese Chef
Echeladder Rank: Gourmet
God-Tier: Prince of Life[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Springlogue Roll - Contains your sPhone.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.

Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Saucekind
Springlogue Roll - Contains SauceSquirter.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1

James Gryphon

I guess jump down the hole.

Burst into tears!
« Subject to editing »


You take a deep breath. Galli stares at you.
"Get on with it, Baliss. Some of us would prefer to do this as quickly as possible."
"Yeah, yeah, okay. Here we go."
You leap into the hole. You look upwards to try and see Galli, but your vision is quickly consumed by an endless sea of blackness. Once you manage to stop screaming, it's almost dead silent as you whizz down the tunnel. Almost. You hear the roar of the underground river before you actually hit it. You splash into the icy depths of the Forum, still unable to see anything. Something smacks into your head, and you black out. At least, you think you black out. It's hard to tell.

"Baliss. You are waking up."
The large badger nods.
"Yes, it is me. I fished you from the river. Luckily for you, I found you before the guests did."
"What's going on?"
"Like I said, you washed up nearby and I retrieved you."
"Where's Galli?"
"I only found you, Baliss."
"Right. Well, as you can see, I've got arms now. Or the closest thing. Will this suffice?"
"Yes, your paws are good enough to allow you passage out of the cellars. Here is what you must do. Find a way underground, into the tunnels. From there, make your way as deep down as possible. There is a large blast door sealed deep below the Cellars. Now that you have paws, you should be able to hack the door. I have the codes you need to do so. I would have done it myself, but I cannot fit in the deepest tunnels. They are too small, even you would possibly have to crawl."
"What's the point in going deeper?"
"There are very few ways to the Surface, Baliss. One of them is buried underground. If my knowledge is correct, beyond that blast door lies an index button."
"A what?"
"A very powerful artifact. The Administrator has destroyed most of them, but there should be one left there. Other than that, you have no way out of here. The only other way out of the cellars just leads to Hideouts, which is a dead end ever since the Train Station was destroyed."
"So I head underground to find a button that may or may not be there, that will take me back to the surface?"
"Ashe. I'm disappointed. You knew about the index button all along and never told me?"
"Yes, me. I wish I could be there to execute you in person, but I'm a busy man, so I'll just let the guests deal with you."
Several guests burst through the Teahouse windows. Most of them begin to gang up on Ashe while he is unarmed, but one particularly big one approaches you, grinning evilly.

B: Eat the guest.
B: Give Ashe his chainaxe.


You are now Lily Green, and that is never going to happen. Honestly, what did you think would happen? You would only ever cry if your precious PC were to be dama- VERA NO! Your beloved rig bursts into flames as a result of trying to keep up with Mark's time escapades. You burst into tears and run upstairs to try and find the fire blanket.

Mark: Cease to exist.
Frank: Do some ectobiology.
S.Roll: Throw a party to celebrate Mark's imminent nonexistence.

Standard CYOA stuff

Baliss's Inventory

Ashe's Chainaxe - A ridiculously overpowered... thing made using a chainsaw and a war axe. Can tear apart guest and member alike with ease. 9/10ths fuelled up.
Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger. You dropped it, and now it's broken. You'd need a trigger to fix it.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 8.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Transmitter - A part for the Decodifier. Also allows you to contact Mark and Lily.
AI Module - A strange artificial intelligence you ripped out of a terminal. Appears to know stuff about the forum.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Galli's Inventory

Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Corn - A Forumite who wields a frying pan, and a potential future companion of yours.
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Skyblade - A forumite you met in the Lawns. Is grateful for your assistance regarding Mhera.
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Mhera - A Forumite killed while trying to escape from Loamhedge. Nobody escapes from Loamhedge.
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Kit - Another Forumite you met in the Lawns. Thinks you "killing" Lutra was probably not a good idea, but still appreciates your help.
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. Has retreated to the Honeycomb, close to death.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Rusvul - A Forumite whose life you saved. He helped you clear your name for Mhera's death afterwards.
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#55: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#56: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. You and him seem to have met before.
#57: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#58: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#59: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#60: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#61: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#62: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#63: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#64: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#65: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#66: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#67: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#69: Unknown: [FATCH]
#70: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#71: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#72: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#73: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#74: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#75: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#76: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#77: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#78: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#79: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#80: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#81: Unknown: [MARY]
#82: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#83: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#84: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#85: Unknown: [MILADY]
#86: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#87: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#88: Unknown: [2QUID]
#89: Unknown: [HIAG]
#90: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#91: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#92: Unknown: [LORDE]
#93: Unknown: [BELLE]
#94: Unknown: [MACHI]
#95: Unknown: [PERI2]
#96: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#97: Unknown: [EMBER]
#98: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#99: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#100: Unknown: [GROND]
#101: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
#102: Unknown: [WORTSHIRE]
#103: Unknown: [PRINCE]
#104: Unknown: [FELLDOH]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places. You have also been injected with Otter DNA, which gives you paws and a coat of fur. You can now swim, survive in the cold, and perform tasks that need fingers to do.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3 Location: Unknown.
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Homestuck Intermission Stuff

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Frog
Echeladder Rank: Heir Transparent
God-Tier: Heir of Time[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Frog - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains a small safe.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Frog - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Frog - Contains your Nuclear Rifle.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Windows
Echeladder Rank: Dark Summoner
God-Tier: Sylph of Doom
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your MPS.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your Deep Web Hacking Device.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a modus control deck.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a Nakking Crocodile.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Umbrellakind
Captchalogue Card - Contains the Barber's Best Friend.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Frank's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Morgan Freeman QueueStack
Echeladder Rank: Hillary Clinton
God-Tier: Knight of Space
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains Moist Sock Mace
Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Mountain Dewgong.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Modus Control Shrek.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Nectar Tank.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Doritolkind
Captchalogue Card - Contains 420 Doritoblade.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
S.Roll's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Vietnamese Chef
Echeladder Rank: Gourmet
God-Tier: Prince of Life[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Springlogue Roll - Contains your sPhone.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.

Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Saucekind
Springlogue Roll - Contains SauceSquirter.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1

James Gryphon

« Subject to editing »


You rip Ashe's Chainaxe from your rucksack and toss it to him.
"Thank you, Baliss."
Ashe revs the chainaxe and starts to cleave into guests. One guest; however, is still trouble to you. Before you can react, it punches you squarely in your non-existent snake nose.
The guest grabs you and slams you repeatedly into the floor.
"Gah! What ARE you?"
The guest grins.
The guest smashes you straight through the floorboards, causing you to fall into some sort of tunnel. There's nowhere to go, and the only tunnel that intersects this one is too far up for you to reach. Before you can develop an escape plan, the guest leaps through the floorboards and lands directly on you. You grunt, barely able to breathe as the guest starts to pummel you. It thumps you again and again. Your vision is starting to cloud over when you hear a thud. A can of spam slams into the guest's skull at high-velocity, causing the meat inside to burst from the can and enter its brain. The guest grins stupidly and falls backwards, freeing your lungs. You kick aside the empty can and look up. A jaunty chap with a lampshade on his head is leaning out of the pipe above you, offering a hand.
"Need some help, gov'na?"

B: Take Del's hand.
B: Do not take Del's hand.


You are now the S.Roll, and that is never going to happen. Honestly, what did you think would happen? You would only ever throw a party if there were more S.Rolls to socialize with other than these pieces of human garba- SNACKY NO! Your beloved peanut butter sauce solidifies into giant cubes and falls to the floor as a result of trying to keep up with your cold, cold heart. You burst into tears and run upstairs to try and find more peanut butter sauce.

Mark: Cease to exist.
Frank: Do some ectobiology.

Standard CYOA stuff

Baliss's Inventory

Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger. You dropped it, and now it's broken. You'd need a trigger to fix it.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 8.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Transmitter - A part for the Decodifier. Also allows you to contact Mark and Lily.
AI Module - A strange artificial intelligence you ripped out of a terminal. Appears to know stuff about the forum.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Galli's Inventory

Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Corn - A Forumite who wields a frying pan, and a potential future companion of yours.
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Skyblade - A forumite you met in the Lawns. Is grateful for your assistance regarding Mhera.
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Mhera - A Forumite killed while trying to escape from Loamhedge. Nobody escapes from Loamhedge.
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Kit - Another Forumite you met in the Lawns. Thinks you "killing" Lutra was probably not a good idea, but still appreciates your help.
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. Has retreated to the Honeycomb, close to death.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Rusvul - A Forumite whose life you saved. He helped you clear your name for Mhera's death afterwards.
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#55: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#56: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. You and him seem to have met before.
#57: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#58: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#59: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#60: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#61: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#62: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#63: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#64: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#65: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#66: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#67: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#69: Unknown: [FATCH]
#70: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#71: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#72: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#73: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#74: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#75: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#76: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#77: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#78: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#79: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#80: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#81: Unknown: [MARY]
#82: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#83: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#84: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#85: Unknown: [MILADY]
#86: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#87: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#88: Unknown: [2QUID]
#89: Unknown: [HIAG]
#90: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#91: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#92: Unknown: [LORDE]
#93: Unknown: [BELLE]
#94: Unknown: [MACHI]
#95: Unknown: [PERI2]
#96: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#97: Unknown: [EMBER]
#98: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#99: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#100: Unknown: [GROND]
#101: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
#102: Unknown: [WORTSHIRE]
#103: Unknown: [PRINCE]
#104: Unknown: [FELLDOH]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places. You have also been injected with Otter DNA, which gives you paws and a coat of fur. You can now swim, survive in the cold, and perform tasks that need fingers to do.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3 Location: Unknown.
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Homestuck Intermission Stuff

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Frog
Echeladder Rank: Heir Transparent
God-Tier: Heir of Time[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Frog - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains a small safe.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Frog - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Frog - Contains your Nuclear Rifle.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Windows
Echeladder Rank: Dark Summoner
God-Tier: Sylph of Doom
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your MPS.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your Deep Web Hacking Device.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a modus control deck.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a Nakking Crocodile.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Umbrellakind
Captchalogue Card - Contains the Barber's Best Friend.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Frank's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Morgan Freeman QueueStack
Echeladder Rank: Hillary Clinton
God-Tier: Knight of Space
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains Moist Sock Mace
Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Mountain Dewgong.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Modus Control Shrek.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Nectar Tank.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Doritolkind
Captchalogue Card - Contains 420 Doritoblade.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
S.Roll's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Vietnamese Chef
Echeladder Rank: Gourmet
God-Tier: Prince of Life[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Springlogue Roll - Contains your sPhone.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.

Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Saucekind
Springlogue Roll - Contains SauceSquirter.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1

James Gryphon

No reason I can see not to accept his help, especially since he has a weapon.

« Subject to editing »


You reach up and take Del's hand. He pulls you up into the other tunnel.
"That was a close on for you. Come on, we have to get out of here."
"What about Ashe?"
"That place is crawling with guests. We'll be over-run. I believe in him, but not in us."

B: Retreat.
B: Insist on helping Ashe.


You are now Frank Talbot. You stomp after the S.Roll.
"Before you go anywhere, I know you destroyed Mark's computer. That means I don't have a server player. So you're stepping up."
"Follow me, or I will eat you. Bit by bit until I either eat you completely or I die."
You lead the S.Roll out of Mark's house and make your way to your own, perched precariously on another landmass. Fortunately, your manipulation of Space itself makes crossing over quite easy. You walk into your bedroom, grab your NAC (uck, only in an emergency, only in an emergency.) and give it to the S.Roll. You switch on your own computer and boot up Zburb.
"Get out of my house, then connect to me."
You watch the S.Roll depart. He sits in Mark's driveway and turns on your NAC.
"You in yet?"
"Connect to me."
"Check the phernalia registry. There was some stuff in there before that I couldn't afford."
"Interesting. Deploy it. In the yard is fine."
The S.Roll creates several strange gadgets on your lawn. You walk down to them. One appears to want you to select a person.

Mark: Cease to exist.
Frank: Select Mark.
Frank: Select Lily.
Frank: Select yourself.
Frank: Select the S.Roll.

Standard CYOA stuff

Baliss's Inventory

Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger. You dropped it, and now it's broken. You'd need a trigger to fix it.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 8.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Transmitter - A part for the Decodifier. Also allows you to contact Mark and Lily.
AI Module - A strange artificial intelligence you ripped out of a terminal. Appears to know stuff about the forum.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Galli's Inventory

Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Corn - A Forumite who wields a frying pan, and a potential future companion of yours.
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Skyblade - A forumite you met in the Lawns. Is grateful for your assistance regarding Mhera.
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Mhera - A Forumite killed while trying to escape from Loamhedge. Nobody escapes from Loamhedge.
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Kit - Another Forumite you met in the Lawns. Thinks you "killing" Lutra was probably not a good idea, but still appreciates your help.
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. Has retreated to the Honeycomb, close to death.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Rusvul - A Forumite whose life you saved. He helped you clear your name for Mhera's death afterwards.
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#55: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#56: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. You and him seem to have met before.
#57: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#58: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#59: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#60: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#61: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#62: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#63: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#64: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#65: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#66: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#67: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#69: Unknown: [FATCH]
#70: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#71: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#72: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#73: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#74: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#75: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#76: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#77: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#78: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#79: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#80: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#81: Unknown: [MARY]
#82: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#83: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#84: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#85: Unknown: [MILADY]
#86: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#87: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#88: Unknown: [2QUID]
#89: Unknown: [HIAG]
#90: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#91: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#92: Unknown: [LORDE]
#93: Unknown: [BELLE]
#94: Unknown: [MACHI]
#95: Unknown: [PERI2]
#96: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#97: Unknown: [EMBER]
#98: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#99: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#100: Unknown: [GROND]
#101: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
#102: Unknown: [WORTSHIRE]
#103: Unknown: [PRINCE]
#104: Unknown: [FELLDOH]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places. You have also been injected with Otter DNA, which gives you paws and a coat of fur. You can now swim, survive in the cold, and perform tasks that need fingers to do.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3 Location: Unknown.
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Homestuck Intermission Stuff

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Frog
Echeladder Rank: Heir Transparent
God-Tier: Heir of Time[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Frog - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains a small safe.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Frog - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Frog - Contains your Nuclear Rifle.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Windows
Echeladder Rank: Dark Summoner
God-Tier: Sylph of Doom
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your MPS.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your Deep Web Hacking Device.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a modus control deck.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a Nakking Crocodile.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Umbrellakind
Captchalogue Card - Contains the Barber's Best Friend.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Frank's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Morgan Freeman QueueStack
Echeladder Rank: Hillary Clinton
God-Tier: Knight of Space
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains Moist Sock Mace
Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Mountain Dewgong.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Modus Control Shrek.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Nectar Tank.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Doritolkind
Captchalogue Card - Contains 420 Doritoblade.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
S.Roll's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Vietnamese Chef
Echeladder Rank: Gourmet
God-Tier: Prince of Life[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Springlogue Roll - Contains your sPhone.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.

Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Saucekind
Springlogue Roll - Contains SauceSquirter.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1

James Gryphon

« Subject to editing »


"Fine, let's get out of here."
"Good. Follow me."
You follow Del down the tunnel until you reach a barricade. Another familiar-looking Forumite points a SPAM-Gun at you."
"It's okay, Rocktree. He's a friend."
"I've never met him, so I wouldn't know."
"Put the gun down, Rock."
"Okay, boss."
"Hey, I gotta ask. Who are you?"
"Del's the name."
"Del? As in, Delthion?"
"Oh yes, the Sisters told me all about you. About how you helped me escape my insanity."
"Cool. Anyway, I had a few questions."
"Ask away."

B: Ask about Jukka.
B: Ask about Amber.
B: Ask about Galli.
B: Ask about Rusvul.
B: Ask about Bonaparte.
B: Ask about BlueRose.
B: No more questions.


You are now Frank Talbot. You select Mark. The large pad flashes, and what looks like Mark appears on it. Except "Mark" is made out of green slime, which deforms into a puddle shortly after. The slime is collected and deposited into one of the four tanks. You decide to call Mark to see if that affected him.
"What's going on?"
"Oh nothing, just in the process of retconning this entire intermission into never happening due to me never existing."
"So nothing just happened?"
"Unless you count me never existing."
"Umm, nice. So, just then. Nothing happened? You didn't turn into green slime?"
"No. Why would you th-"
You hang up.

Mark: Cease to exist.
Frank: Select everybody else.

Standard CYOA stuff

Baliss's Inventory

Rucksack - Stores stuff.
Jerry Can - Holds fuel for the Chainaxe, but it has a leak. Empty.
Jury-Rigged Growth Ray - A shrink ray that has been modified to run without a Quantum Carbonizer. It can now only make things bigger. You dropped it, and now it's broken. You'd need a trigger to fix it.
Dungeon Keyring - A keyring that can open any door in the dungeon.
T.I.D. - Some sort of medicinal device.
Gristle - What even is this stuff? Do you even want to know?
Tranquilizer Pistol - A non-lethal weapon that can knock out members. Loaded with 1 dart.
Tranquilizer Darts - Ammo for the Tranquilizer Pistol. You have 6.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the forum. You have 8.
Multitool - Some sort of pocket knife, with many attachments such as a corkscrew, pliers, and a tazer.
DNApass - A special card that allows Forumites to buy DNA from Groddil's shop.
Transmitter - A part for the Decodifier. Also allows you to contact Mark and Lily.
AI Module - A strange artificial intelligence you ripped out of a terminal. Appears to know stuff about the forum.
Decodifier Schematics

Decodifier Schematics - A document that details how to make a Decodifier.
1 x Trigger - A trigger used to fire "gun-like" devices.
1 x Quantum Carbonizer - A scientific gadget used to construct top-tier weapons and devices.
1 x Imperial Electrocore - A scientific gadget used in many pieces of advanced technology.
2 x Moderator Core - Small balls of energy that give Moderators their powers.
1 x Cable - A length of cable.
1 x Transmitter - An electronic transmitter.
1 x Broken Decodifier - The shattered outer shell of a Decodifier. Most of the parts are broken, but the actual body of the device can probably be repaired with a bit of superglue.
1 x Superglue - Some superglue.
Galli's Inventory

Double-Barreled Shotgun - A snazzy weapon recovered from the Dungeon. Galli is using it. Loaded with 2 Shells.
Shotgun Shells - Ammo for the Double-Barreled Shotgun. You have 9.
Cardboard Box - A large cardboard box. Stuffed animals and evil rabbits piloting planes not included.
Stuffed Toy - An adorably evil plushie Cthulhu. Why Galli has it is anyone's guess, but it might be a good idea to keep her away from any locations notorious for the possibility to summon evil, otherwordly creatures with the power to destroy the universe. Yeah.
Beetle - A crushed beetle with an unknown electric device inside it.
ForumBuck - Currency used on the Forum. Galli has 1 ForumBuck with a bite out of it, rendering it useless.

Members Encountered:
#0: Unknown: [ADMIN]
#1: Unknown: [JAMES]
#2: Ashe - A badger, formerly the strongest PowerPlayer in existence. He now runs a teahouse.
#3: Jukka - The oldest of the squirrel sisters. One half of Delka.
#4: Russa - An insane squirrel, who resided in the hospital. Was erased from existence by Ashe. The youngest of the Squirrel Sisters.
#5: Amber - The middle Squirrel Sister, and a member of the Revolution. Was bringing Mace Windex to Brockhall High.
#6: Unknown: [SOREN]
#7: Corn - A Forumite who wields a frying pan, and a potential future companion of yours.
#8: Unknown: [BANYA]
#9: Delthion - A crazy, cannibalistic hedgehog. Enjoys SPAM. Currently undergoing brain surgery. One half of Delka.
#10: Skarzs - A strange creature that resembles a potato. Huge, strong, and doesn't say much.
#11: Unknown: [GONFF]
#12: Unknown: [REGUBA]
#13: Unknown: [PERIFAEN]
#14: Unknown: [LEATHO]
#15: Rocktree - A member of the Forum Revolution, and the doorman to their hideout.
#16: Unknown: [MATTHIAS]
#17: Faiyloe - A fairy Forumite, whose home you destroyed. She can control Skarz. You have unfinished business with her.
#18: Skyblade - A forumite you met in the Lawns. Is grateful for your assistance regarding Mhera.
#19: BlueRose - A crazed Forumite, locked up in the Dungeon. She seems friendly enough.
#20: The binturong - A strange creature who sent you to the alternate forum.
#21: Unknown: [RACHEL]
#22: Unknown: [SUNPAW]
#23: Unknown: [RAIN]
#24: Unknown: [DOTTI]
#25: Mhera - A Forumite killed while trying to escape from Loamhedge. Nobody escapes from Loamhedge.
#26: Unknown: [EULALIA]
#27: Kit - Another Forumite you met in the Lawns. Thinks you "killing" Lutra was probably not a good idea, but still appreciates your help.
#28: Unknown: [IZEROTH]
#29: Unknown: [SAGE]
#30: Unknown: [MASK]
#31: Unknown: [DUSTFEATHER]
#32: Unknown: [ASHLEG]
#33: Unknown: [WYLDER]
#34: Daskar - An unhappy stoat who ruled over Daskaria. He was trapped in Skarz's thread by Delthion. He was killed by BlueRose.
#35: Lutra - A Global Moderator in charge of the Forum Portal Network. Has retreated to the Honeycomb, close to death.
#36: Unknown: [SAND]
#37: Groddil - Some sort of Australian Forumite who disappeared in mysterious circumstances. His clones are all over the place, constantly making bad jokes and breaking the fourth wall.
#38: Unknown: [TAM]
#39: Unknown: [WRAITH]
#40: Unknown: [LEO]
#41: Unknown: [LOUGH]
#42: Unknown: [INQUISITOR]
#43: Unknown: [CONRAD]
#44: Unknown: [TESTER]
#45: GATXSD40-2 - A Forumite who you don't know much about. Was mauled by Guests and hit by a train.
#46: Unknown: [DARKENMAL]
#47: Unknown: [MEADOW]
#48: Rusvul - A Forumite whose life you saved. He helped you clear your name for Mhera's death afterwards.
#49: Unknown: [OSU]
#50: Unknown: [DANIEL]
#51: Unknown: [WOT]
#52: Unknown: [ABAREBEAR]
#53: Unknown: [PSYBOX]
#54: Galli - A strange Forumite who communicates through screams. She wanders the forum Aimlessly.
#55: Unknown: [HATLORD]
#56: Bonaparte - A rat who was once in charge of the Revolution. You and him seem to have met before.
#57: Unknown: [GRIFFEN]
#58: Albrithr - A long dead Forumite, found in the Face Gallery.
#59: Unknown: [NIGHTSHADE]
#60: Unknown: [BROOKSKIMMER]
#61: Unknown: [NILEJOY]
#62: Unknown: [SILENTSAM]
#63: Firehawke - A Forumite who spends her time in the Front Lawns. Seems friendly.
#64: Unknown: [TOMMY TREESHIELD]
#65: Unknown: [LORDTBT]
#66: Unknown: [HANNORWORD]
#67: Unknown: [WHITEGHOST]
#69: Unknown: [FATCH]
#70: Unknown: [KROWDON]
#71: Unknown: [AMARITH]
#72: Unknown: [ROSIE]
#73: Unknown: [BADGERSWORD1]
#74: Chipster - A hare who once attacked Galli's cardboard box. His plane had already crashed when you got here. But is he truly dead...
#75: Unknown: [NORHAM]
#76: Unknown: [BROCKTRESS]
#77: Unknown: [TIRIA_]
#78: Unknown: [OLDFOX]
#79: Unknown: [SANDLOT]
#80: Unknown: [TAGGERUNG]
#81: Unknown: [MARY]
#82: alexandre - A rat Forumite, who has an afro for some reason. He ran off to "DiscussionLand."
#83: alexandre - Another rat Forumite, who also has an afro. Some kind of strange clone of the real alexandre. Was killed by his real self.
#84: Unknown: [VIZKA]
#85: Unknown: [MILADY]
#86: Unknown: [NATHAN]
#87: Unknown: [UNGATT]
#88: Unknown: [2QUID]
#89: Unknown: [HIAG]
#90: Slagar - An evil, deformed fox in a mask. He threw you into the cellars.
#91: Baliss - This is you. A genetic freak with tendrils for arms.
#92: Unknown: [LORDE]
#93: Unknown: [BELLE]
#94: Unknown: [MACHI]
#95: Unknown: [PERI2]
#96: Unknown: [DANNFLOR]
#97: Unknown: [EMBER]
#98: Unknown: [BRINTY]
#99: Unknown: [GNOFLET]
#100: Unknown: [GROND]
#101: Unknown: [WINIFRED]
#102: Unknown: [WORTSHIRE]
#103: Unknown: [PRINCE]
#104: Unknown: [FELLDOH]
Peoplez wot's travelling with you

Baliss - Member #90. This is you. You've been injected with Rattlesnake DNA, which removes the slime from your skin and gives you better vision in dark places. You have also been injected with Otter DNA, which gives you paws and a coat of fur. You can now swim, survive in the cold, and perform tasks that need fingers to do.
Galli - Member #54. She can deploy a cardboard box as a shelter. Affinity: 3 Location: Unknown.
Daskar - Member #34. He can call for support from the Daskarian Imperium. Affinity: -3 Deceased.
BlueRose - Member #19. Guests will avoid her, and in turn, you. Affinity: 2 Location: Unknown.
Bonaparte - Member #55. He is skilled at avoiding Moderators. Affinity: 0 Location: Front Lawns.
Homestuck Intermission Stuff

Mark's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Frog
Echeladder Rank: Heir Transparent
God-Tier: Heir of Time[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Frog - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains a small safe.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Frog - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Frog - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Riflekind
Captchalogue Frog - Contains your Nuclear Rifle.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Lily's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Windows
Echeladder Rank: Dark Summoner
God-Tier: Sylph of Doom
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your MPS.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains your Deep Web Hacking Device.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a modus control deck.
Captchalogue Card - Contains a Nakking Crocodile.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing and snazzy aviator goggles.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Umbrellakind
Captchalogue Card - Contains the Barber's Best Friend.
Grist Cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
Frank's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Morgan Freeman QueueStack
Echeladder Rank: Hillary Clinton
God-Tier: Knight of Space
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Captchalogue Card - Contains Moist Sock Mace
Captchalogue Card - Contains ePhone.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Mountain Dewgong.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Modus Control Shrek.
Captchalogue Card - Contains Nectar Tank.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.
Captchalogue Card - Contains nothing.

Equipped stuff:
Captchalogue Card - Contains clothing.
Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Doritolkind
Captchalogue Card - Contains 420 Doritoblade.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1
S.Roll's Sylladex

Fetch Modus - Vietnamese Chef
Echeladder Rank: Gourmet
God-Tier: Prince of Life[/s]
Boondollars - 413,000,000,000,000,000,000 (413 Quintillion/1 Boonbank)

Springlogue Roll - Contains your sPhone.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.
Springlogue Roll - Contains nothing.

Strife Specibus

Kind Apparatus - Saucekind
Springlogue Roll - Contains SauceSquirter.
Grist cache

Ubergrist - 1/1