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Overlord's Orders III

Started by DanielofRedwall, October 20, 2011, 09:07:38 AM

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Redwall Musician

"I see your lack of detail is worse then I thought," Musician commented under her breath. She then spoke up, "Apparently you did not notice the bus driver who was diving. His boss, at the last stop, had told him he was to get off the bus at the next stop. I am thinking he must have gotten fired. But instead he was going to keep driving. I knew the last thing we needed was a delay. So just as Matthias had told me to wake him up, I was about to tell him I had to go take care of something. So instead I turned around and told winifred to let the others know I was gone. That's when I grabbed the bus driver. I reported him to the manager there, and sure enough, that employee had been fired and was to be replaced with another. So I was heading back to the bus, when the fired bus driver grabbed me. I kicked him and got myself free. That's when he started chasing me and I ran. He had seven buddies. They were working for a secret organization and needed that bus. They were very angry at me for ruining their plans. So they held me captive for who knows how long. That's when the others came. I really don't see why they couldn't find me. I was only a mile down the road in the woods. So ToR acted weirdly and, instead of thinking things through, charged into every thing. I decided that I would take the chance and escape. So we all ran out of the woods, and what to you know! Lucky me found a magical transportation device. So we jumped in and escaped the seven secret organization people. We arrived at the Apple place. That's when Matthias gave away our position to the front desk clerk. He was chatting to her about his new job working for you, mi'lord. I have no idea why. Then the security guards were starting to notice every thing about us. The rest was kinda strange. You should ask Matthias."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."


this is intresting because i live in California
unforntunatly for me I was lisenining to my mp3 player with the headphones on and I thought  redwall mucian was talking to matthias when I relized what was going on I jumped up to help but some weird guy pushed me out of the way and off the bus I started to hike to the apple place and was feeling a bit peckish so I stoped at a  orange stand on the side of the road  when I got to the apple place I found the place almost destroyed and lots of ambulances.
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M'lord, I do not deny that I gave away our position. However, that was not my fault. As ToR said, at one point Musician was in a mushroom fairy circle. As you well know, mushroom fairy circles periodically release spores that can hypnotize people. Musician must have carried the spores with her and infecting me with them as well. I didn't realize who I was talking to at the time. From my perspective, I was talking to one of your HR reps, m'lord. ToR rescued me and dumped cold water on my head, thus reviving me from my delusions. Fortunately, I had a mind wipe device on me, and was able to cause the clerk to forget. Unfortunately, the guards noticed, and started advancing on us.

Musician must have come under the influence of the spores, because the next thing I know, she rushed towards the guards, grabbed one in a big hug screaming "Mommy!" We didn't have any water to dump on her head (the last of it was used on me), so we had no choice but to try to extract her. The guards must have thought we were crazy, because the start to attack us. Muse then charged in to fight with them, yelling battle crys all the way. We had no choice but to fight, otherwise we would have had to come back two servants short.


eveything matthias said was true and they picked me up and we all started back but muse was hungry so we stopped at the same orange place and grabbed another snack why he wanted to put us behind i dont know ask muse mi'lord
Doctor Who
Beyond the Western Deep
Ranger's Apprentice
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Book Thief
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Plugg Firetail

Plugg looks darkly at Matthias. "While I did tell them to stop for some dillpickles, they had told me to wait throughout the entire ride. I was starving to death in there! While Muse was rushing into battle, I was trying to find the boss of the establishment. Meanwhile, Winifred, driven by the sound of the battle cry, came and attacked the guards. After that even more guards came running out to the battle. 4 of them came to attack me. I had no choice but to attack them."


I started to atack the guards because I saw them getting ready to pull a lasergun on plugg so I began to atack them and they called in more gaurds
Doctor Who
Beyond the Western Deep
Ranger's Apprentice
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Book Thief
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
And many many more...


"Muse was valiant, and without him, things would have been worse. I called everyone to their senses while the fighting was going on, and we all started to leave. Except winifred, who kept running in circles screaming. Should have kept the spores on Musician away from that servant of yours.
"Anyway, we stole the nearest bus on Matthias' orders, and began to drive away. It was then that a ship of the (you guessed it) death-defying beavers flew overhead and landed right in front of the place, and sent up a giant explosion."
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away

Plugg Firetail

"Yes the death-defying beavers ruined everything! But may I remind you that the failure of this mission emanated from the spores that Musician got."

Redwall Musician

"Well, I only got them due to being captured. If I had been up against the single one, I would have gotten away. But they ganged up on me, all of them. We would never had been on the bus if it wasn't for you, Plugg."
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."

Plugg Firetail

"Like I said before I was starving! We were on that plane for hours. This wouldn't have been a problem if Musician hadn't run away.


"ENOUGH!" The Overlord's booming voice rang around the whole base.
He then spoke calmly. "Before I make my final desition, I have a few questions I need answered. First question is directed at Plugg Firetail and Muse: why did you get so hungry when I provided enough food for you all during the trip?
Next is directed to nobody in particular: so, if the beavers were the ones who crashed the bus in to the building, why, then, were the confused by the media for you?
Now, I've known about the beaver problem for a while and I'm working on  a strategy to make them in debt to us, so there will be no more problems with them. Let's just say, I'll make them an offer they can't refuse. Now, answer the questions, and then all shall be revealed."

OOC: yes, that was a Godfather referance. I haven't seen the film, but everyone knows that quote!
Received mostly negative reviews.


OOC:you know the real headguy in the Apple co. died like two weeks ago.
Doctor Who
Beyond the Western Deep
Ranger's Apprentice
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Book Thief
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
And many many more...

Plugg Firetail

"I'm like a hare with a bottomless stomach. Besides, ToR stole my rations." "About the beavers, they had these transforming  devices. Once all the beavers were transformed into our likenesses, they came out of the bus. By this time the news reporters were already here. I don't know how they got here so fast, but I remember Matthias taking videos of himself talking on his ipod. Next I saw him posting something on youtube."


OOC: yes, I was aware of that, Winifred.

"I see.
Well, I've made up my mind. First of all, you have all seemed to fail me one way or another. Matthias, you gave away your position, Plugg Firetail, you were the one who started the whole thing by your insistent bugging about those dill pickles, however, if one mistake hadn't been made, this mission could possibly have been a success, even with everything else happening. Muse, you're gone."
The Overlord pressed a few buttons on his control panel, and soon, the cell Muse was standing in started to fog up with a strange gas. And then came his laughing. Muse laughed insanely as his cell got foggier. The laughter kept going, before suddenly, it stopped. Here, the Overlord pressed some more buttons on the panel, and the fog cleared up. The cell opened up and revealed a knocked out Muse.
"Nitrous oxide," the Overlord explained, "better known as laughing gas. Muse is completely unconscious."  He then spoke in to a microphone.
"Gnergnegutgjnotgj," he said, and soon four death-defying beavers appeared. They picked up the unconscious Muse and placed him on a stretcher. They then carried him off.
"He made you all go back to another farm for more food, and yet didn't defend himself during my interrogation. He slowed you all down, despite whatever fighting skills he seemed to possess.  Anyway, he is now a guinea pig for whatever strange experiments the beavers want to do on him. The beavers will no longer disturb us.
"Now, I hope that serves as a warning for you all. I cannot stand failure, and failure must be punished. So, with that in mind, I have another task for you all, and I expect it to be carried out with no mistakes.
I want you to fly to Juneau, Alaska. One of my many safes is hidden underneath a drainage pipe near the main entrances to the international airport. The code to get in is "99923444688887". I can have one of my assistance write that down if you must. As you all know, my favourite author, I.M. Powerful, has released his new book, 'The Complete Guide to Overlording'. Take out $1,000 and purchase five copies. Bring them all to me, intact."

The next day, the servants assembled, yet again, in the poliglass chambers of the base. The Overlord was not impressed. "Yet again you have failed me, and yet again you shall be punished. Instead of the $1,000 I told you to withdraw, you withdrew the whole lot. You are lucky I have a safe in every capital city of the world, or you would all die a slow, painful death. Furthermore, instead of any of that actual books,all I received was a photo of the front cover. You better start explaining yourselves. Anybody, I don't care."
OOC: I will be away from Friday to Sunday, as I will be going hiking and camping, so make up some excuses and have fun until I come back!
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Plugg Firetail

Plugg pipes up."I am sorry about the whole 1,000$ mixup, but we left Winifred with the code and amount of money. She blew it. During a fight with Musician over who has the best hairdo, the amount of money you needed to take out was ripped from the paper and thrown out the window by Musician. By the time we got to the safe, Winifred forgot the amount of money. She made up for this by taking the entire lot. Ask Winifred sir.