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Free Hot Chocolate

Started by Ashleg, October 27, 2016, 03:49:12 AM

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* Groddil steps away from Ashleg, who is still incapable of standing up and thus actually attacking him, while sipping his dumpster juice mocha.


* Groddil locks Ashleg in a cage.


*uses the bars of the cage to stand up*

*runs outside the cage because it wasn't locked because I'm the Prez and own a key*

Groddil, you're a disgrace.
A disgrace to my Horde and the regime.


Oh, okay. I was worried about paying the Prez's salary on my own. The offer of being your VP is tempting. However, I cannot pledge myself to an unstable government faction.

Sorry, Prez, but I never really liked that whale poster anyway. I really just wanted more cinnamon in my cocoa. I like the fire hose style over the evil scheming takeover style, so I'll help you out this one time.
*backs Ashleg*


Cool, mate!
* Ashleg gives Banya some government-funded Kool-aid that Groddil won't ever be able to enjoy.

@LT Sandpaw is my new Vice President lest he betrays me too.

Ready, Banya?
* Ashleg aims the fire hose at Grodd.


"Why would you NOT want to support the government that is actually loyal to the moderators? This is a shame, Banya. A real shame. But alas, Ashleg cannot be freed from his cage without THIS key."

* Groddil dumps the key in his dumpster juice mocha, which he sips evilly.

Which means that you cannot use that fire hose, because it is nowhere near the cage, and has been unplugged from the fire hydrant, which I have had removed from the ground.


I am already out of the cage.


* Groddil sips dumpster juice mocha evilly.

The only one who has ever touched the key is me. You are delusional.


*blasts dumpster key mocha out of G's paws with the pressure of lemon lime Kool-Aid* *catches key*
Ready, Prez.


* Groddil stares at mocha that has fallen on ground.

"Wait... How did Ashleg get in that cage? Banya, why are you holding that key?"

* Groddil tackles Banya and takes the key, then frees Ashleg.

"Who did this, prezzers? I'll kill them immediately."


*trembles with anger*
You did it, you lying frogwalloper!

I can't trust you anymore!



"Prezzers, I don't know why you're being so rash. Oh look, my mocha has been removed from my hand. Better get a new one."

* Groddil sips another dumpster juice mocha evilly.

"Anywho, I'm back now. Time to die, Ashleg."

* 'Groddil' shoots his SPAMgun at Ashleg.


That key? That key doesn't lock or unlock anything. It's a key to the city, a symbolic memento. *downs half of the remaining Kool-Aid* *arms self with the other half*


* Ashleg dives behind Banya, averting the SPAM onto her.


*blocks SPAM with lemon lime Kool-Aid* That's it, I'm out of ammo. Said I'd help you once, Prez, so I'm taking the rest of my cocoa and going home.



Please, Banya, help me....
Do your country a good!