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Mafia: All Aussie Adventures

Started by Groddil, October 28, 2016, 12:00:40 AM

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Excellent. I will send role PMs soon and put up a story post later. I've got work to do. :(


Day/Night 0

You're starting to wish that you'd picked a better travel agent. When 11 Forumites decided to take a holiday to Australia, they weren't quite expected what would happen. Rather than living it up in a swanky hotel in the middle of Sydney, the Forumites soon found themselves in Darwin, the most "stereotypically Australian" city in the country. They, along with the 12th Forumite and Aussie native, Groddil, were roaring along the rivers and billabongs of Croc Country in a little tinnie, the sun starting to set behind them.
"How are there 12 of us plus luggage in this one tiny boat?" Says Chipster.
The Aussie shrugs.
"Who knows? Who cares? Woop, there's one?"
"One what?" asks Sagetip.
"A croc. Better hope he doesn't crunch the outboard."
Galli raises an eyebrow.
"A croc, eh? Sounds interesting."
The Aussie thwacks the crocodile, which had been steadily following them, over the head with a wrench.
"Have to come back and get 'im later. Nice dinner, that."
The Forumites chuckle nervously at this foreigner's strange antics. Little do they know that not everyone is as it seems. The corpses of a few of the real Forumites are still back in Darwin, shoved in the corner of a crocodile enclosure in the local zoo. In their place are ruthless, Backpacker-Murdering doppelgangers, hellbent on slaughtering the Forumites for no apparent reason other than moving along the plot. As the tinnie finally comes to a halt in one of the many canyons in the area, Groddil jumps into the warm, clear water.
"Nice place for a swim, this. If you don't mind sharin' it with the crocs."
He grabs a rope from the tinnie and ties it to a nearby tree.
"Out ya hop!"
The Aussie leads the other Forumites up to what could only be described as a shanty town. Several abandoned metal shacks adorn the plains at the exit to the canyon, and the Aussie twirls a keyring.
"Pick and choose, blokes an' sheilas. Two per cabin, but one group'll have to have three."
The Forumites soon allocate themselves to each cabin. Chipster and Gonff in one, Sagetip and Sandpaw in another, Rosie and Galli in another, Soren and Fatch in another, and Peony, Banya, and Brocktress crammed into the final cabin. The Aussie emerges from his own cabin, holding a rather unappetizing dinner.
"Kangaroo steak and grub fricassee, anyone?"
After dinner, which isn't as bad as you might think, Groddil suggests a game of Backpackers and Ivan Milats to keep you entertained.
"What is this game exactly?" Asks Banya.
"It's like Cops and Robbers, but AUSSIE!"
"Right... I don't like it." Says Brocktress.
"Oh, come on. It'll be fun!" Fatch retorts.


It's long since turned night, and the Forumites have gone to sleep. But not all of them. The shadowy figures of the Evil Doppelgangers meet outside the shacks to begin putting their schemes into motion.
"A fine night, is it not?"
"Yes, but it could be better."
"If only we were the only ones here."
"You speak the truth."
"Yes, but enough of this. Who must die first?"
"I have not thought of it."
"Perhaps our fellow Australian?"
"A good idea. Without him, the others will not be able to escape us. It will be easy to turn them against each other."
"How should it be done?"
"I have a good idea."
"Then you be the one to do it."
The Doppelganger nods, and silently slips away towards the Aussie's cabin. Fortunately, he had forgotten to lock his door. The Doppelganger scoffs at the crossbow, Katana, and fox mask hanging from the wall. An evil grin crosses their face as they retrieve the crossbow and shoot the Aussie right between the eyes. Tossing the murder weapon aside, they return to their cabin as if nothing had ever happened. The next morning, Peony, growing sick of waiting for breakfast, knocks on the Forumite's host's door. No response. The others gather around as she slowly pushes it open, revealing the gruesome sight. Almost immediately, Banya kicks the door.
"This isn't right. We're too far away from civilization. One of us had to have done it."
"Maybe we should do something." Says Fatch. "Find out who's behind it and make them pay."

It is now Day 1.
There are 3 clues in this post. Pick who you're voting out.


]color=navy]Are the clues obvious or stupidly subtle?

I'm retired from the forum


Yeah, I don't know how deeply to dig into the text. I'm already assuming there are about 3 maybe 4 doppelgangers, though the exact number is never stated. It's a good plot set-up, though; I'm liking the story.

Party with Peo and Tress, woot.

LT Sandpaw

I saw a few things that could potentially be clues in the text, but I dunno if it would be wise to use them to lynch people. We honestly don't have enough information to just blindly select and hope to be right.

Quote from: Groddil on October 31, 2016, 09:24:37 AM
Day/Night 0

Galli raises an eyebrow.
"A croc, eh? Sounds interesting."
This could be a clue in sync with this.
The corpses of a few of the real Forumites are still back in Darwin, shoved in the corner of a crocodile enclosure in the local zoo. In their place are ruthless, Backpacker-Murdering doppelgangers, hellbent on slaughtering the Forumites for no apparent reason other than moving along the plot.

Probably nothing, but its the best I can find.

"Pick and choose, blokes an' sheilas. Two per cabin, but one group'll have to have three."
The Forumites soon allocate themselves to each cabin. Chipster and Gonff in one, Sagetip and Sandpaw in another, Rosie and Galli in another, Soren and Fatch in another, and Peony, Banya, and Brocktress crammed into the final cabin.

So this has to be a clue of some sort, but I can't see it yet. Maybe the organization or something. Thoughts?

"What is this game exactly?" Asks Banya.
"It's like Cops and Robbers, but AUSSIE!"
"Right... I don't like it." Says Brocktress.
"Oh, come on. It'll be fun!" Fatch retorts.

Once again probably nothing, but it might be a clue about who would rather play cops and robbers. Notice Brocktress doesn't want to play, while Fatch does, this could mean a few things, like Brocktress doesn't like playing because she's a criminal and doesn't like pretending to catch criminals, or in contrast Fatch likes playing because he's a criminal and likes running from cops of any kind. Thoughts?

"Yes, but enough of this. Who must die first?"
"Perhaps our fellow Australian?"
"A good idea. Without him, the others will not be able to escape us. It will be easy to turn them against each other."

Who all playing are Australians? :P

"Maybe we should do something." Says Fatch. "Find out who's behind it and make them pay."

Once again Fatch comes up, and this time he's eager and kinda vicious. Not incriminating information sure, and I'm pretty sure he's not Australian. But that's really all I got out of the story.

There are 3 clues in this post. Pick who you're voting out.

Anyone else see anything from the story that might be a clue?

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Quote from: LT Sandpaw on October 31, 2016, 03:49:47 PM
Quote from: Groddil on October 31, 2016, 09:24:37 AM
"Yes, but enough of this. Who must die first?"
"Perhaps our fellow Australian?"
"A good idea. Without him, the others will not be able to escape us. It will be easy to turn them against each other."

Who all playing are Australians? :P
I believe the doppelgangers are Australian, so whoever the 'bad guy killer people' are, are Australian. Their real Forumite selves (American, Brit, what-have-you) were left to rot back in a croc enclosure in Darwin. So asking "Who's an Australian?" is like asking "Okay guys, who's a doppelganger?"

Rosie Willowwater

Quote from: LT Sandpaw on October 31, 2016, 03:49:47 PM
"Pick and choose, blokes an' sheilas. Two per cabin, but one group'll have to have three."
The Forumites soon allocate themselves to each cabin. Chipster and Gonff in one, Sagetip and Sandpaw in another, Rosie and Galli in another, Soren and Fatch in another, and Peony, Banya, and Brocktress crammed into the final cabin.

So this has to be a clue of some sort, but I can't see it yet. Maybe the organization or something. Thoughts?

Maybe something like one in each cabin?


I like his line of reasoning on Galli and the fact that the dead are in a crocodile pit.

I'm retired from the forum


Quote from: Søren on October 31, 2016, 02:29:35 PM
Are the clues obvious or stupidly subtle?

Oh, subtle, but not too subtle. They're tricky, though.


Let's have a look.

Quote from: Groddil on October 31, 2016, 09:24:37 AM

Galli raises an eyebrow.
"A croc, eh? Sounds interesting."
Crocodiles could be used later to kill one of us. The unusual interest could point to a darker motive.

"What is this game exactly?" Asks Banya.
"It's like Cops and Robbers, but AUSSIE!"
"Right... I don't like it." Says Brocktress.
"Oh, come on. It'll be fun!" Fatch retorts.

As said before it is difficult to discern whether or not being unexcited about the game would point to suspicion or whether excitement for the game is a clue.


The shadowy figures of the Evil Doppelgangers meet outside the shacks to begin putting their schemes into motion.
"A fine night, is it not?"
"Yes, but it could be better."
"If only we were the only ones here."
Only ones at the cabins? Or maybe there's someone listening in on the group of doppelgangers.

"A cage," she said. "To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - Eowyn, Lord of the Rings

"Listen for the destination in your heart if you lose sight of your path." D. Gray Man


I feel like the intense randomness of Australia could lead to a lot of fake clues, but most of y'all seem to be making sense with what you're pointing out. Unfortunately, it doesn't really point to anybody in particular.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Quote from: Sagetip on October 31, 2016, 08:48:44 PM
I feel like the intense randomness of Australia could lead to a lot of fake clues, but most of y'all seem to be making sense with what you're pointing out. Unfortunately, it doesn't really point to anybody in particular.
I think the croc one points to Galli.
Weird how you're shifty about bringing anything out...

My suspicions lie as a heavy Galli, followed by literally anyone.

I'm retired from the forum

Chipster of Noonvale

Gyah!  Who ever thought a trip to Australia was a good idea? seems there are more than two mafia.  Also are we using the gunman?

Brocktress could be the doctor, if a clue gets reused from the previous mafia game.  But who is the mafia...I'll have to think about it.