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Mafia: All Aussie Adventures

Started by Groddil, October 28, 2016, 12:00:40 AM

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Quote from: Groddil on November 21, 2016, 12:03:30 AM
I've seen a kanga that towers over me Dad, and he's nearly six foot.

Hey, I'm the Aussie with firsthand experience here. They get a lot bigger, as this^ will show you.

LT Sandpaw

I wont argue your first hand experience, you've probably seen more kangaroos up close then I have. But according to Wiki the largest confirmed kangaroo was 6.9 feet tall, which would be taller then your father who I'm guess is just at six feet, but that's hardly large enough for me to ride on its back, much less carry in a pouch.

How tiny do you think I am? ;D

Of course story exaggeration isn't something I'd put past you. So maybe some doppelgangers could happen to run into a mutant roo large enough to carry me around. ;)

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Chipster of Noonvale

I like how you're spending more time arguing over kangaroos than deciding who to vote out :D

LT Sandpaw

I'm Dead!

By a kangaroo eating croc!

It was awful, so I'm back from my watery grave haunting Groddil. ;D

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Fine, I'll confess. I'm Mafia. I'm hardly posting anymore anyway.

I'm retired from the forum


Quote from: LT Sandpaw on November 23, 2016, 10:15:49 PM
I wont argue your first hand experience, you've probably seen more kangaroos up close then I have. But according to Wiki the largest confirmed kangaroo was 6.9 feet tall, which would be taller then your father who I'm guess is just at six feet, but that's hardly large enough for me to ride on its back, much less carry in a pouch.

But are you factoring whether or not you would fit if you were folded in half? :p

Rosie Willowwater

Quote from: Søren on November 23, 2016, 11:44:48 PM
Fine, I'll confess. I'm Mafia. I'm hardly posting anymore anyway.

Umm.... @Groddil is this true?


The storyline for this game is fun, but waiting for everyone to take their time voting and not having a regular, timed deadline for each day makes it drag on. I was going to drop out after the first night if I'd lived through it. This is why I don't play most forum games; I can't keep track of them if there's no maintained schedule.


@Chipster of Noonvale:
@Gonff the Mousethief:
@Aimless Gallivanter:
@Rosie Willowwater:

You've got a day to vote, or I'm just going to kill off Soren and Chipster.

Aimless Gallivanter

im gay!!!!!!


"A cage," she said. "To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - Eowyn, Lord of the Rings

"Listen for the destination in your heart if you lose sight of your path." D. Gray Man

Chipster of Noonvale

Everyone HAS voted except Gonff, who left a few days ago...


I'm bypassing this night phase, as Gonff has left. Although now that he's left and Galli's dead, today's vote doesn't matter as the Mafia have majority. So I'll just do whatever seems best for the story.

"It was her!" shouts one.
"No, it was him!" yells another.
Gonff calmly raises both hands.
"Guys, calm down. Nobody else should die today."
"She deserves it! She started this! We'll finish it!"
Despite Galli's resisting, the other Forumites, sans Gonff, drag her away.
"What should we do with her?"
"I have an idea. Take her to the water."
Many powerful hands grip the Forumite and carry her towards Groddil's tinnie. They throw her into the sparkling blue river. Even the crocs simply watched from the banks at what was about to happen. One of them started the outboard motor while the others pulled Galli, struggling harder than ever, towards the boat. They flicked the motor into forward and held the tinnie still, while one of them kicked Galli forward. Her head hit the propeller first, followed by the rest of her. The crocs slipped into the river to retrieve the now-headless, torn-up corpse. As they turned away, Gonff, still standing on the shore, clutched his chest. He mumbled something, then collapsed.
"My God... He's dead."
"Must have been a heart attack."
Someone dug through his suitcase that night, finding a lot of medical supplies. They tossed them in the river. Another investigated Galli's possessions. Aside from more crocodile souvenirs than the average tourist should possess, she seemed innocent.
Two of the survivors feared for their lives. The other three felt simple satisfaction, as they glanced back over their shoulder, at the rose-red waters that would soon claim the last of the foreigners.

That night was quite uneventful. While Chipster and Soren huddled fearfully in their own cabins, Sagetip, Rosie, and Brocktress lounged around in another scarfing down Vegemite.
"Hey," says Rosie. "I've got an idea."
"Yeah?" asks Brocktress. "Elaborate."
"Well, I reckon we should go grab Soren or Chipster and force-feed him Vegemite! That'd be fun, right?"
"Yeah, but I want to eat this Vegemite, not waste it on them." Sage rolls his eyes.
"Hmm, we'll do it tomorrow then. We convince them to kill one of the others tomorrow morning, then grab more Vegemite from Groddil's cabin and kill the survivor that night when he least expects it."
"Fine. You two should head back to your cabins and start packing up. We'll be out of here before the weekend, and we'll still get home before the servo closes. You have no idea how much I need a Chiko right now."
Rosie nods, and walks out. Before Brocktress leaves, Sage whispers in her ear.
"I've seen the way they look at Rosie. They're suspicious of her. I don't know why, but if they think we should kill her tomorrow, we have to go along. We have the numbers to win the majority vote, and overpower the other two, but if we defend Rosie, one of them might catch on, and run. I don't want to have to chase them down."
Brocktress nods, and disappears into the night.

The following morning, the five survivors emerge from their cabins, some more cheerful than others. They form in a circle, trading glares. Nobody speaks, they just... watch. Some with hatred, others with a mixture of defiance and fear. Finally, Chipster steps forward.
"It was Rosie. It had to have been. She's so suspicious. Too quiet. Never explains her reasoning. She needs to die."
Soren nodded in agreement. Rosie glared at him.
"HE's already admitted to being one of us!"
"Too obvious, don't you think? Except... what did you just say? One of 'us?' GET HER!"
Sagetip shrugs and grabs Rosie. She glances at Brocktress, hurt, but the other killer ignores her.
"What do we do with her?"
Soren points to Groddil's cabin.
"I took a walk yesterday. There's this weird cave behind Groddil's cabin. There's a ute in there, as well as a few cages. There's a dog, a kangaroo, and a few snakes locked up in there. We can shove her in there and let nature sort it out."
Brocktress grins.
"Good plan. Wish I'd thought of it."
They dragged Rosie into the cave. At the sight of them, a dog starts barking, and a loud hiss echoes through the cavern. Sagetip pulls open one cage, containing a kangaroo, and shoves Rosie inside. +Several punches and -several teeth later, she staggers straight out of the kangaroo cage and trips into the box containing several dangerous Aussie snakes. Chipster stares at her in horror while the others all file out of the cave. He averts his gaze from Rosie, and stares in awe at the ute. He tries the door. Locked. He had to find the keys.

It was night. Nobody could sleep, with their numbers steadily dwindling. Soren huddled in a corner with Peony's frying pan, hoping he wouldn't get killed next. Sagetip and Brocktress, having already raided Groddil's cabin, sat outside with a large jar of Vegemite. Chipster stared, terrified, out of his door. The two backpacker murderers nodded to each other, and Sagetip kicked open the door. Soren jumped to his feet, frying pan in hand, but before he could land a hit on his attacker, Brocktress hurled the Vegemite jar at him. It slammed into his face and shattered, sending glass and Yeast Spread everywhere. Sagetip tackled Soren to the ground and pinned him. Brocktress shoveled handfuls of Vegemite down Soren's throat until eventually, the Forumite passed out from lack of breath. Sagetip stomped on his neck and gave Brocktress a high five.
"Perfect. One to go. Shall we?"
Chipster, who had been watching the whole fiasco, panicked. He sprinted over to Groddil's cabin and snatched the Aussie's various keys, hanging on a wall. The two backpacker murderers kicked open his cabin's door.
"Not here."
"Find him!"
Chipster whimpered, and ran to the cave. He tried several keys before finally finding the correct one. He clambered into the ute and started it.
"Gotta get out, gotta get out."
His foot slammed on the accelerator. The ute shot out of the cave and took off across the plains. The backpacker murderers glared at the ute.
"He's getting away."
"Yes, he is."
"He'll get the word out."
"We can't let that happen, can we?"

A week later, on the tarmac of Darwin Airport, the sole survivor of the trip staggered towards his flight. Finally able to leave. As he went to step aboard, a security guard grabbed his arm.
"Hey, buddy. You're coming with me."
Chipster stared at the security guard.
"What's the matter, cat got your tongue?"
"Shh, be quiet. Come. With. Me."
Chipster gulped.

The Backpacker Murderers have wiped out the Tourists.

Anyone want to know what the clues were?




Quote from: Groddil on October 31, 2016, 09:24:37 AM"A croc. Better hope he doesn't crunch the outboard."
Galli raises an eyebrow.
"A croc, eh? Sounds interesting."

This clue was supposed to link Galli to the Croc Hunter Role (The one that has a bunch of One-Shot powers), but I stuffed up and made it way too obvious, which I why I never said what the one-Shotter role was called.

Quote from: Groddil on October 31, 2016, 09:24:37 AMThe Forumites soon allocate themselves to each cabin. Chipster and Gonff in one, Sagetip and Sandpaw in another, Rosie and Galli in another, Soren and Fatch in another, and Peony, Banya, and Brocktress crammed into the final cabin.

This was not a clue. The cabins reflected nothing.

Quote from: Groddil on October 31, 2016, 09:24:37 AM"It's like Cops and Robbers, but AUSSIE!"
"Right... I don't like it." Says Brocktress.
"Oh, come on. It'll be fun!" Fatch retorts.
Quote from: Groddil on October 31, 2016, 09:24:37 AM"Maybe we should do something." Says Fatch. "Find out who's behind it and make them pay."

These two clues show how Fatch was the vigilante (kind of obvious, as he's acting all bloodthirsty), and how Brocktress may have been a BM (as it stands to reason that the BMs would be uneasy about doing... Exactly what they're about to do, and blow their cover or something).

Quote from: Groddil on October 31, 2016, 09:24:37 AMAn evil grin crosses their face as they retrieve the crossbow and shoot the Aussie right between the eyes. Tossing the murder weapon aside, they return to their cabin as if nothing had ever happened.

Again, a subtle reference. Rosie has stated in the past that her weapon of choice on the forum is a crossbow. The BM uses a crossbow.

Quote from: Groddil on November 17, 2016, 06:30:50 AMTwo of them clicked their drinks together, while the third was too engrossed in their project to join in the revelry. They had managed to scavenge parts from the Aussie's random junk, and was now putting the finishing touches on a strange device.

Another subtle hint related to the actual member. Brocktress is responsible for the Redwall Character Creator, so she's creating something here.

Quote from: Groddil on November 30, 2016, 04:50:02 AM
Two of the survivors feared for their lives. The other three felt simple satisfaction, as they glanced back over their shoulder, at the rose-red waters that would soon claim the last of the foreigners.

I was going to have this be a clue to Rosie, to give Tourists a chance to win, but James reminded me that after Galli died (and Gonff was killed by default, although no matter who was killed that night the BM would have won anyway) there was no way for Tourists to win.