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Started by Hickory, January 02, 2017, 05:08:17 AM

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The endless traffic of the city roared down the streets and avenues, brightly lit shopping buildings looking down upon the crowded roads. Police cars roam around, keeping a sharp vigil for any criminals. Radio chatter from the police fills the airwaves... some of them. Like a layer of grease, the City's criminal underworld also had a thriving network of communication. E-mails zipped through cyberspace, detailing meet ups, hand offs, and other illicit activities. Other, more rudimentary methods existed, lie a note pinned to a body.

It was another day at the office for Marcus Crawford. The dispatch officer chewed a bagel while observing his section of the overview screen. Hundreds of little pings denoted reports of activity, bigger pings equating to bigger problems. The young hedgehog tapped out commands on his workstation and spoke over the comms system to active patrol cars. He checked his daily orders book before switching stations. "This is Officer Crawford to all available units in grid 5-8, there's been a break in at a house on 48th street. Any available units, please respond."

OOC: Begin! I'll get a character sheet up on my officer in a little bit.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Connie the ferret chuckled quietly as he stuffed the valuables into his satchel.
He normally didn't do houses, but he'd seen the animals that lived here and imminently knew that they were rich.
And he was right!
Slinking back out the window, he quietly shut it and wiped his paws.
The ferret flashed a grin and raced across the yard to his car, hopping in.

LT Sandpaw

"Ten kilometers an hour, touché old lady." Kat muttered to herself as she watched a familiar blue truck trundle slowly by on a thirty-five exit. The mouse officer had positioned herself on the edge of a highway off-ramp entering into the Downtown of Mossflower City. In one paw she held a radar and with the other she gripped the gas grip, revving her motorbike's engine rhythmically to keep it alive. She was hidden from view of anybeast exiting into the lower city, but with a clear line of sight. It served as a perfect way to catch animals who didn't transition from highway speeds to ramp speeds in time. Only regular drivers such as the old shrew that drove past now knew about this spot, and the possible officer that lay in waiting, but it didn't seem like it'd be that kind of day.

"This is Officer Crawford to all available units in grid 5-8, there's been a break in at a house on 48th street. Any available units, please respond."

She was close enough to 48th if she cut across the grass median, which she could do on her bike. Kat could be there in no time, she might even catch the burglar as they were leaving. Grabbing her radio Kat held down the button, blanking out the radio chatter that came through her earpiece. "Sierra-One to dispatch, I'm on rout to break-in. ETA two minutes." Clicking her radar and radio back into their proper places Kat jerked the bike around, revving the engine up. She'd leave the siren off for now, she was close enough to not need it.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


OOC: Oops.


"Copy that Sierra-One. The break in triggered the house alarm, neighbors calling in are saying the resident of the house is on vacation."

Marcus made a note of the break-in on the logbook for the sector. Hopefully Kat was successful, something this done well would net a lot of praise.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

Grass and mud sprayed out from under the high-powered wheels as the police motorcycle tore through the median. Within moments Kat was back on the tarmac and speeding past houses and cars at breakneck speed. It took less then a two minutes before she was turning onto 48th street, not slowing down for a second.

"Dispatch, Marcus I see the perp," she blinked in surprise. There was the criminal, an adult ferret burglarizing a house in broad daylight, loading up his car like he didn't have a care in the world. "This idiot wants to get arrested." She declared, not realizing her radio was still on.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Connie's expensive red sports car tore out of the driveway as soon as he heard sirens.
With one paw on the steering wheel and the other on the bag of stolen money, his driving was sloppy and panicked.
He released the wheel for one moment to reach for his pistol and then stepped on the gas pedal, speeding through a red light like there was no tomorrow.
"Dratted cops!" He yowled, nearly causing an accident as he swerved around an oncoming car. "Snitty cloudbrains!"


"This is Moore; I want one of you on that perp's tail, whoever's closest radio in. Everybeast else, try and block up the intersection between 48th and Abbey Road. We can lure them right into a roadblock, and still be back home in time for coffee. Let's move, officers."
The otter flicked on her car's GPS, switching the vehicle into 1st gear and pulling out from the precinct carpark. Grinning at the long, open road to her left, the otter slammed one footpaw on the gas pedal, and the other on the clutch, speeding towards the intersection.


Switching channels the hedgehog started talking to Moore. "Officer, there is a motorcycle patrol officer already in pursuit. I advise you be ready for any shortcuts taken by the burglar, satellite imaging tells us they are in a sports car and that means any road is an option for them. You're looking for a red vehicle, license plate to be determined shortly. Standby for further information."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

"I'm right on his tail," the mouse yelled into her radio as she switched her sirens to code three. "He's rabbiting down 48th, I can keep up with this one, he can't seem to drive properly. Oh, yeah its a male ferret, standard coloring from what I could tell, possibly armed. He's in a red sports vehicle, a unique make by the looks of it." Gripping her handlebars Kat sped up until she was alongside the speeding car. Flashing Connie a quick grin she smacked his side mirror in so he couldn't look into his left blind stop. Slowing down she rode the sport car's left side, keeping just out of view. It might not be protocol, but there were no senior officers here to witness the act.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Connie bit his lip in agitation, rolling down the window. He poked his head out, wind ruffling up his fur.
"I have a gun!" He exclaimed.
"Give up or I'll shoot, and ya don't want that!"

LT Sandpaw

"Uh, confirm he has a gun." Kat told Macus and all the other officers listening to her radio. Raising her voice the mouse officer shouted back at the ferret over the roar of both vehicles. "I bet my gun is bigger! You ought to pull over ferret, your charges are going up by the second. Look, that's another stop sign you just ran!"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Glaring fiercely at the cop, Connie went back to driving.
If he could only lead her out of the way...
The ferret fumbled for his phone and turned it on, hurriedly dialing his family on speaker.
"Tony, there's a cop tailin' me! Get the gang and camp out on Matthias Drive, and be ready!"
Revving up his engine, the ferret pulled back on the steering wheel and cut a sharp turn into a lane that led to a forested area.
He chuckled smartly, not glancing back at the cop once.

LT Sandpaw

Kat pursued doggedly, keeping just inside the ferret's blind spot. They sped past the intersection of 48th and Abbey Rd where the cut off was supposed to be, apparently the other officers had been too slow. Growling Kat spat into her radio, calling out the new locations.
"We're past the C.O.P heading south on Dreary, through the suburbs and on towards the outer park. Where's that backup Moore?" There wasn't much that Kat could do to stop the speeding car on her motorcycle, all she could do was keep up. She knew that her bike could easily keep up in the city, but if they hit open road the car could easily outpace her. Gritting her teeth in wild excitement Kat zoomed on, looking for an opportunity to bring the pursuit to a stunning conclusion.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


And...they passed the last house.
Connie grinned as he tore towards the forest.
It was straight ahead now, and who cares if he wasn't supposed to drive through there? Trespassing on private property meant nothing to him.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: We could have Kat fall into the trap and get captured.


The ride suddenly got a whole lot more bumpy. Kat was jostled all over as her bike's suspension, built for highways and backstreets, was suddenly pressed to the maximum. Unable to maintain her speed Kat began to fall behind, every inch lost bringing her farther back.

"You're not getting away that easy." She yowled, revering her engine on to new heights. The cycle rumbled in protest but kept up with the car, barely.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro