
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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OOC: Undecided

Started by The Skarzs, January 07, 2017, 11:33:24 PM

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The Skarzs

  Darrin and his group have a tendency of getting themselves in trouble. Thankfully, they are also capable of getting themselves out of whatever they find themselves in. Currently, they are in bad blood with a certain growing warlord named Hacklaw, a very large stoat from the southeast lands who is finding his way northwards into Mossflower. Darrin just so happened to steal some items that belonged to the stoat, which may or may not have turned out to be very valuable to him, and some of his gang insulted the warlord in a drunken slurr. They aren't around anymore.
  He decided it was best if they don't stick around, and are going as fast as they can to get as far away as they can from Hacklaw.
  At Redwall, it has been christened the first day of spring, and they are celebrating with a grand feast. Abbot Gerard is overseeing the preparations with the Abbey Warrior. The otters are away, so the abbey seems somewhat empty, but it is lively, and there is little worry for travellers as it has been a time of peace. However, if the unfortunate Darrin should want to join the feast, it might put a strange new life to the land. Was it mentioned that Darrin is a ferret?

Hallo. I'm going to try, once again, to get a decent RP going. This one I am going to try to keep smaller, so first come, first served with the sign-ups.
There are positions open to play:
-Abbey Warrior
-Hacklaw (I will take this character if no one else does)
-One to two vermin from Darrin's group
And of course, you can make characters for yourselves. Limit of three. NPCs are controllable by anyone. "Good" vermin are allowed, but I don't want it to be common.

  I have a basic plot idea, which can be expanded upon. Basically, Darrin shows up, with Hacklaw on his tail. After a short siege, Darrin decides to leave Redwall, but unknown to him, one of his gang takes something. They might get chased after while Hacklaw stays and holds siege. Maybe they'll come back to help. We'll see. ;)

Character sheet.

Age (approximate):
Weapons (optional):
Personality (optional*):
History (optional):

*The reason I say this is optional is that if you want your character to show what he is like as you play him, that's fine.

My character(s).

  Name: Darrin (dAR-in)
  Species: Ferret
  Age: Young adult.
  Gender: Male
  Weapons: A simple, single-handed sword sheathed at his waist, a long dagger on his right, and a small knife in a pouch in his pack.
  Appearance: Darrin is a well-built ferret, not incredibly strong or tall, but definitely holding an air around him that he isn't one to be messed with without consequences. He has the mottled black-tan fur common of ferrets, though his mask-fur is rather faded compared to others'. He wears a brown, long-sleeved tunic, a pair of black pantaloons, and a darker brown cloak that reaches down above his ankles, which is connected at the neck by an iron brooch.
  Personality: While he doesn't have the coolest head around, Darrin still has enough wits to use his brain to get out of situations without becoming too flustered. That said, if something really goes against him, he is no stranger to shouting and arguing. Even though he is a vermin (has been all his life, too, heh!), vulgarity doesn't sit well with him, and he tries to have a semblance of politeness. He doesn't mind helping others, though his reasoning is that if he helps them, then they should help him, and that he shouldn't go out of his way for kindness because, really, how can he help others if he can't help himself first?
  History: Darrin grew up in Southsward with an abusive drunk for a father; his mother died giving birth to him. He ran away when he was seven and never looked back, taking his dagger with him. He was discovered by an old rat, who he travelled with for years. Eventually, they took on some other vermin, and developed a decent group, meandering around the countries, never staying in one place for long. After a while, the old rat passed his leadership on to Darrin, and he has been leading since. They had a run-in with Hacklaw, and caught a deserter for him, but after being a little too lenient with his sleight-of-paw skills, he left in a hurry.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

LT Sandpaw

Awesome idea Skarzs. Can I jump in and claim Hacklaw?

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Save me one of Darrin's group please?

The Skarzs

Yeah, go ahead.

Oh, Sandpaw, before you make the sheet, I just want to let you know that I was envisioning him as being large in both height and width. But you can modify him however you want if you don't want to work with that.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

LT Sandpaw

 Got'cha. ;)

BTW what is it that Darrin stole?

Hacklaw LeBrawn

Name: Hacklaw LeBrawn
Species: Stoat
Age (approximate): Thirty-five seasons, thirty-two days, eleven hours, forty-seven minutes, and thirty seconds. :P
Gender: Male
Weapons: Hacklaw true to his name is well armed with a large double pawed halberd affectionately named FoeCleaver, a weapon he uses with great skill in battle. However the stoat also carries a sword that he keeps at his hip at all times along with a knife kept hidden in his boot for when the heavy halberd is unavailable or impractical.
Appearance: Large, muscular, and tall Hacklaw is a sublime stoat specimen. His fur is a rich chocolate brown, laced with creamy tan markings down his chest and throat. His paws and tail tip is are a deep black closely matching his large intelligent eyes. Hacklaw wears the barbaric regalia of most vermin leaders, though his is well crafted and in finer shape.
Crisscrossed on his face and body are mismatched scars and tribal tattoos that together recount the story of his past victories. These are dyed a dark red resembling fresh, bloody wounds. Hacklaw's short round ears are also decorated with tiny earrings made from silver and bronze. On his footpaws are massive rough boots that have seen many miles and serve the up-and-coming warlord well. They also happen to have iron spikes on the toe and heel, dangerous tools that the stoat uses with great abandon in battle.

Personality: Loud and boasting Hacklaw lives up well to his title of warlord. There are few that speak boldly to him, and fewer still that dare even insult him out of earshot. For it is well known that Hacklaw LeBrawn holds a grudge!
Bold and aggressive LeBrawn doesn't back down from a fight, unless he knows he can't possibly win, but there aren't many of that kind. Because of his lack of challengers he often resorts to basic bullying to find his fun, which is when he isn't bragging about his accomplishments. Yet for all of his big words and confidence Hacklaw is a rather shrewd creature, clever, and quick witted. Still he believes that victory is won on the edge of a sword rather than in the strategy tent.

History: Hacklaw was born to a sickly mother with no father to speak of, in a tribe of stoats living in Southeastern Mossflower. It was easily seen from an early age that he was larger, faster, smarter, and more ambitious than the rest of his tribe. So when he came of age Hacklaw left his home, gathering to him all those vermin who sought a strong leader to follow unto plunder and glory. As his name became renown in the Southeast LeBrawn, (as creatures began calling him) started defeating more rival warlords in single combat, slaughtering the disloyal of their forces, and bringing those he could into his small but growing army. Soon most of the warring tribes of the local lands, and practically all of the bands and mercenaries did their business in his name. However it turned out that Hacklaw was too trusting, and he allowed a small band of mercenaries to steal right from under his nose.
Furious for being shown up Hacklaw gathered his best warriors of the Southeast, determined to pursue Darrin to the ends of the earth, pressing north, deeper still into Mossflower.

Other: Hacklaw has at his command many warriors of all vermin species. However only three hundred march with him now on his hunt for Darrin, while the rest approach at a slower pace from the Southeast, under his son's command.


Nicki Blupaw

Name: Nicki Blupaw (Blu)
Species Hedgehog
Age: Young Adult
Gender Female
Weapons She carries none at Redwall, however she is a capable rapier fencer.

Appearance: Nicki is a cheerful looking young hedgehog of medium height and squinty blue eyes. She has distinct rust colored fur with the sharp spikes of her species. Her fur his wild and uncombed and her face is always split in a roughish grin that signifies her free spirit. Blu, as she is often called, dresses in a humble green habit of a Redwall novice, though it has seen many rough seasons and is well patched, and around her forehead is a red bandanna. While Nicki usually goes bare pawed she sometimes wears woven sandals, but she can always be seen in her favorite hat, an old brown bucket hat that her father had gifted to her many seasons before.

Personality: Talkative and jolly Nicki always has a kind word (friendly insult) for everybeast. She's a fisher and student, and spends most of her time either competing with the Abbey otters on the pond, hooking all manner of fish with competence, or studying maps and old books. Nicki's an adventurous soul and dreams of wandering the world someday; she has already seen much of the local Mossflower with her adopted family. While adventure runs through her veins, so does an argumentative spirit that is usually only attributed to shrews. Nicki has a fiery temper when aroused, and is as good at spike tussling, wrestling, and arguing as any Blupaw should be.

History: Born into the Blupaw Clan Nicki spent her early life on the river moss, rafting the waterways as hedgehog families tend to do. Her life seemed to be set for the easy existence of floating hog when tragedy struck the clan. During a terrible storm many of the clans' members, including Nicki's parents drowned in the current when their raft shattered on some rocks. Niciki was saved from a watery grave by the Guosim who then took it upon themselves to raise her in light of her family's untimely demise. She learned the shrew's ways joining the tribe as an official Guosim member, however as she grew older Nicki wished for higher education and of her own accord went to Redwall to learn to read, write, and specifically draw, so she could make maps. She is still there, working hard to become a cartographer and adventurer.

Other: Nicki owns her own rapier and logboat paddle, both of which are safely kept under her dormitory bed.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

The Skarzs

I was thinking they stole some high-class wine, precious stones/metals, and maybe some good weapons. Couldn't steal anything they couldn't bring with them.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Name: Twisty (nicknamed that because his left forepaw is twisted and useless).
Species: Rat
Age (approximate): Adult; somewhere in his early thirties.
Gender: Male

Weapons: Two plain daggers he keeps in his jacket.
Appearance: Twisty, as lots of rats do, has a long tail, a crooked snout, and large yellow incisors. His fur is brown and dirty, and he has flighty gray eyes that tend to become more noticeable in the dark.
Having had to earn his namesake somehow, he was born with his left paw twisted in at an odd angle and cannot use it. He wears a single glove to keep it hidden, and on top of that a long red and brown overcoat.

Personality: Twisty is a typical vermin; dishonest, deceitful, and not afraid to kill. He's greedy as well, and it's reflected in his clothing choice (which he stole). Though egotistical, Twisty is a rat who as soon as he thinks he's about to lose will say anything to save himself.
He is actually very lazy and would rather sit about and wait for others to do his work, and he tries to avoid physical fights unless the enemy is already losing. He's insecure about his paw (as it impairs him) but plays it off like nothing matters.
History: Twisty was born to two young rats under the name of Grayeye. As soon as he was old enough to leave he was off, working with his two twin sisters to plunder and steal and make a name for himself around Mossflower.
It didn't work, however, as they both were killed on separate occasions and he was alone for multiple seasons.
He eventually joined up with Darrin and nothing has changed since.
Other: If he could be the one that eventually steals from Redwall, that would be great.

Gonff the Mousethief

I'll get one up soon for someone in Darrin's group.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

The Skarzs

Accepted, Ashleg.
We need woodlanders/Redwallers.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

*Waves hand in the air* Could I play the Abbey Warrior and a woodlander?

The Skarzs

Sure. (And I left the Abbey Warrior genderless so one of you could make them up.)
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Gonff the Mousethief

Name: Marshall Scottsworth
Species: Fox
Age (approximate): 27
Gender: Male
Weapons (optional): Axe and Bow
Appearance: His fur is a rough shade of blue (due to many of his odd ancestors). Both his eyes are bright blue, and his smile keen and white. He has many scars along his face and arms, as well as a missing tail. Wears a worn out blue tunic and cape (torn up mostly from his "adventures"). Also has a back and side quiver for more arrow usage as well as an extra pocket to store whatever he needs. Oh, and he wears a raccoon hat for a reason he never shares.
Personality (optional*): Quite mixed. Usually he is happy go jolly, but can turn very serious on issues he simply overhears. His many travels have made him unpredictable as he has had to fit into many different roles to get by. Best to simply reply and move on with Marshall.
History (optional): Born in the Highlands to a waring clan. He was forced out at the ripe age of 8, where he met up with a small band of creatures who taught him the ways of a bow and exe. At 15 his group was killed off and he was once again on his own. From this, he took upon him a very vermin like lifestyle even though he never felt himself as one. This is a factor in his random personality. But throughout the years Marshall soon shaped himself into a young fox who could handle himself in most situations; many of those jumping in and out of vermin bands and what not. Soon enough he found himself mixed up with Darrin and his struggles of being chased, and saw it fun and something else to keep him busy. But as of now, Marshall doesn't know if he will keep with Darrin or not. He honestly has felt close to the group and not just a couple creatures to leech onto.
Other: Dreams to be a ship captain.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Dannflower Reguba

       I'd like to stick my foot in the door and reserve a Redwaller spot if that's alright, I'd prefer to do my character writing when it's not 1:30 in the morning.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

The Skarzs

Accepted, Gonff.

Alright, Dan, but be sure to do it soon; I'm thinking after you and Peony, that'll be it on players.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.