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They Thought Redwall Was Safe! (Is Redwall as Safe as they Say it is? Part 3!)

Started by Ashleg, February 23, 2017, 06:16:34 AM

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The Winter of the White Sky was thirteen years ago, and the inhabitants of Grant's Redwall Abbey have encountered barely a problem since the horde of Alfhild, Rapshade, and Fardan was defeated.
And my, has it been a well-deserved break!
The Spring of the Climbing Ivy has set upon all of Mossflower its welcoming grasp.

Of course, as things come and go and creatures age, there are bound to be new challenges on the horizon.
Outside the Woods, a mysterious vermin horde led by a fearsome beast by the name of Fury has been making a name for itself.
And inside Mossflower? An unruly tribe of Painted Ones!

The Redwallers have survived this long. Even after Maxy recieves a riddle from Martin in a dream, they're determined to handle it and go on the resulting quest.
After all, they can handle it...right?


It is PRIVATE for me, @LT Sandpaw , @Hickory , and @Groddil . Do NOT attempt to join unless you are one of them. THE CHARACTERS IN THIS BELONG TO US, AND ARE ALSO NOT UP FOR FREE USE.


Okay, guys!
It is finally here! We've been talking about this for how long? A year? Longer? Ayyyy, well, waiting pays off!

I know I originally said "ten years", but it's close enough. It's thirteen now. Don't object.

Character Ranks/List (Self-Explanatory):
Abbot/Abbess: Abbot Grant
Abbey Warrior: Bracklew
Badgermum: (n/a)
Infirmary Keeper: Sister Rayne
Friar: Friar Rusk
Recorder: Gukom
Cellar Keeper: Drubble
Abbeydweller (Everybeast who lives there without a title): Duncan, Fangfang, Stumbly, Maxy, Petu, Shadowmay, Rowan
Dibbuns: (n/a)
Prisoner: Rapshade

Badger Lord: Lord Greatstripe
Long Patrol: Lieutenant Sunpaw

-Fury's Horde-
Chief: Fury
Second-In-Command: Rern
Seer: (n/a)
Hordebeasts: Grenlik, Fisher, Longclaw

-Painted Ones-
Chief: Chief Syccidth
Hordebeasts: Inyoni, Yippip

Log-a-Log: Gruddil
Other Shrews:

Mayor: Jerrick
Citizens: Amaline, Charm, Narzle

Muddle, Roscoe, Begskin, Mortembell, Celio, Asher, Shank, Filargo, Third-Eye, Laclin, Fastooth, Terrin

Here's the form, and remember, fill them out for both the NEW AND THE OLD. If your character is living, they should get a form.
After all, it's been a while (thirteen years (or seasons, whatever you call 'em), so existing characters are bound to change!

Nickname? (Optional):
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel):
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.):
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance):

My Forms:

Name: Rapshade (formerly Rapshade the Swift)
Nickname? (Optional): Scum, Vermin, Ferret, Rappy, Shady
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 44 (adult)
Species: Ferret
Rank: None; prisoner at Redwall Abbey.
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Neutral/Bad, attempting to be good.
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Rapshade is a skinny ferret (due to both being thin before and being a prisoner now) of average height with once-stunning amber eyes. He has black fur, blackish brown ears (the left of which is ripped due to an earring tearing out when he was younger) and some brown on the tail tip. The "ferret" markings around his eyes are gray.
Because of his illness (which is genetic and cannot be cured), he's missing fur in multiple places, particularly around the shoulders/arms and sides, and now a clump on his tail is gone as well. Much to the complaint of the Redwallers, he still wears a dirty long-sleeved purple captain's coat with a red sash around the waist so that nobeast can tell (though the medic knows).
As of the past thirteen years, the ferret ceased making eye contact and has a noticeable limp in his hind leg.
Personality: Rapshade, or "Rappy" as he's called, is self-loathing, timid, and extremely passive. As the once-feared captain of a pirate ship and later on leader of a horde, which both attacked Redwall, the Woodlanders have a right to hate him and he knows it. Though sometimes brooding, he's quiet and does as asked, and secretly wishes to prove to them that he can change--despite being inwardly angry and grief-stricken.
Other: Nobeast calls him Rapshade, not even Fang--new Dibbuns don't even know that's his name.

Name: Duncan Winterberry
Nickname? (Optional): n/a, Duncan
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 58 (senior)
Species: Hare
Rank: Abbeydweller
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good.
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Duncan is of about average height for a hare. He has gray fur, brown eyes, and one long ear (the other was cut off by Rapshade) that always stands up rigidly, like he's at attention. In his older age, he's still strong and gruff looking.
Duncan is clad in a brown tunic and has a sword and multiple daggers as weapons.
Personality: After losing his daughter, and especially after the second war took place, Duncan became colder towards his enemies. Still, with his friends, he is kind, funny, and serious when need be--not to mention that he's compassionate and makes a wonderful father.
Other: Duncan adopted Maxy when the squirrel was a Dibbun.

Name: Maxy
Nickname? (Optional): n/a, Maxy
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 17 (older teen)
Species: Squirrel
Rank: Abbeydweller
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): My, has Maxy grown! The pale-furred (off white) squirrel has reached his full height, and his eyes shine a brilliant  bluish hazel. He still has large tufted ears and soft fur, though now he garbs himself in a fitted navy hued tunic, finding the Redwall habits far too restricting.
Personality: Maxy had been brave and adventurous right from the get-go. He is very friendly, having had some of Duncan's humor rub off on him, but he knows when to stop and has always dreamed of fighting to protect his home. Maxy admires Bracklew, but there's a part inside him that feels envious...and he's a bit too curious about Rapshade.
Something tells him they go back far, but he can't grasp it.
Other: Maxy experiences odd dreams every so often and will end up being part of the quest.

Lord Greatstripe
Name: Lord Greatstripe
Nickname? (Optional): n/a, Lord Greatstripe
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 56 (middle-aged)
Species: Badger
Rank: Badger Lord
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Lord Greatstripe is a giant, muscular badger in his prime. He's clad in a flowing red cloak when not in battle, though when fighting he has a magnificent set of armor and a huge broadsword. His fur is normal, the black and white colors of a badger. He has large paws, one black and one white, and blazing green eyes.
Personality: Lord Greatstripe is an all-around warrior. As combat is his strong suit, he finds great joy in both dueling and actual fights, as long as he doesn't let his Bloodwrath take over. Off of the battlefield, Greatstripe enjoys leisurely things, such as chatting and visiting his old friends at Redwall Abbey.
Other: He's the badger lord who ruled before and during when Rapshade attacked Salamandastron. He's been in power for a good amount of time.

Abbot Grant
Name: Abbot Grant
Nickname? (Optional): n/a, Grant
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 73 (elder)
Species: Mouse
Rank: Abbot
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Abbot Grant is an old brown mouse who wears the traditional habit of a Redwall Abbot. He is quite thin and has light brown eyes.
Personality: Grant is kind, laid back, and a bit overly-forgiving. He is very worn out and enjoys sleeping more than anything nowadays--and, though wise, is often ignorant.

Name: Fangfang
Nickname? (Optional): Fang
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 36 (adult)
Species: Rat
Rank: Abbeydweller
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Fangfang is an extremely short, scrawny yellow rat with a thin scar running diagonal across the length of his face. He has a tuft of fur twixt his ears, blue eyes, and a blue cloak.
Personality: Fangfang is ditzy, awkward, nervous, albeit childish; and, easy to both offend and amuse.
Other: He's Rappy's childhood friend/adopted brother.

Name: Roscoe
Nickname? (Optional): n/a, Roscoe
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 38 (adult)
Species: Weasel
Rank: Loner
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Bad
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Roscoe is a short weasel with purple eyes and the usual messy brown fur with average cream markings of a weasel. He wears a tattered (yet flashy) red cloak and hat.
Personality: Roscoe is very, very inept and snarky. He's smug, greedy, and quick to fling insults, though a complete coward when overpowered. He has a soft spot for Dibbuns and anybeast that gives him food/free things. He thinks he's hilarious in that he formed a small band and became quite a partier.
Other: "BON VOYAGE, ADDLEBRAINS!" I messed up Roscoe's form in the sequel by saying he had brown eyes, when he had purple eyes for the entirety of both stories he was featured in.

Name: Chief Syccidth (pronounced Sick-ith)
Nickname? (Optional): n/a, Syccidth
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 28
Species: Rat (tree rat)
Rank: Chief of the Painted Ones
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Bad
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Syccidth naturally has brown fur, but because he's a Painted One, it has been since lost to an array of green and black dyes. He has necklaces and sashes of leaves and all sorts of grizzly charms (bones, anybeast?).
His eyes are a jarring energetic red, and his sharp fangs a yellowish gold. He's thin and has a long, wormlike tail.
Personality: Syccidth is a coward who commands from the back and makes his tribe do his dirty work whilst taking the credit. He views himself as clever and a level above the rest.
Other: n/a

Name: Inyoni
Nickname? (Optional): n/a, Inyoni
Gender: Female
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 22 (young adult)
Species: Rodent, most likely (tree) rat
Rank: Painted One
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Bad
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Inyoni is very small in stature, but she looks just like any other Painted One--black and green paint and bone jewelry. Who knows? Mayhaps there's a pretty face underneath all that.
Personality: Inyoni is commanding, tough, and the only one that Syccidth allows to argue with him.
Other: How mysterious...

Name: Rern
Nickname? (Optional): n/a, Rern
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 38 (adult)
Species: Rat
Rank: Fury's Second-in-Command
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Bad.
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Rern is a furless rat of small stature, with dark crimson eyes and curled, knotted whiskers. Typically, he wears a green tunic lined in gold and some pinkish color, with long white sleeves and red balloon pants. He's an archer, and therefore carries his bow with him wherever he goes.
Personality: Rern is manipulative, ambitious, and sly--all the wonderful traits of a vermin! He rather enjoys doing Fury's dirty work, hoping that he can gain the cat's trust and overthrow him one day.
Other: He's a foreigner, not from the North but not from Mossflower either. I imagine he has some kind of MidEastern accent.



Good Guys (in order of importance)

Name: Charm
Gender: Female
Age: Adult-going-on-Middle-aged *deep breath* (39 seasons)
Species: Otter
Side: Good (Riverblue)
Role: Vigil Commander (formerly), Captain of the Guard
Appearance: Charm is tall and quite strong-looking, with golden-brown fur and a few scars. Charm's eyes are a vibrant (charming ^-^) green. Charm has a javelin and dagger when in combat, and wears a plain tunic.
Personality: Charm is intelligent and quick thinking, not being one for small talk, but always wanting to make new allies. While not the most competent fighter, she is a good tactician.

Name: Shadomay
Gender: Female
Species: Fox
Age: Adult (31 seasons)
Side: Good (Redwall)
Role: Northerner (formerly), Abbeybeast.
Appearance: Shadomay has brilliant orange and white fur, and her eyes are a deep blue. She wears a leather tunic, and is a good archer, but keeps a shortsword as a backup plan.
Personality: Shadomay is often sarcastic, but truly cares about those who treat her well. She has warmed up quite well during her time spent at Redwall Abbey, and exploring the surrounding woodlands with Stumbly.

Name: Jerrick
Gender: Male
Age: Senior (66 seasons)
Species: Dormouse
Side: Good (Riverblue)
Role: Mayor of Riverblue
Appearance: Jerrick is short, thin, and quite unnoticeable. He wears a simple tunic and wields a dagger to defend himself.
Personality: Jerrick is slightly paranoid of vermin attacks, but cares abut the town. He became the mayor due to being the oldest and most experienced, and has been known to use his small stature to his advantage.
Name: Stumbly
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult (18 seasons)
Species: Mouse
Side: Good (Redwall)
Role: Dibbun
Appearance: Stumbly is a mouse, a little small for her species. She has curly golden fur impossible to comb. She wears a robe in the abbey, a tunic in the woods, and carries a bow and a knife.
Personality: Stumbly is still mischievous, but is more mature, having grown up a little.
Other: Stumbly was orphaned at a young age. The closest she has to a father figure is Drubble, but she has formed a close friendship with Maxy and Shadomay. The mousemaid is learning archery from Shadomay.
Deceased. Killed by Grenlik.

Name: Mortembell
Gender: Female
Age: Middle-Aged-going-on-Senior *deep breath* (56 seasons)
Species: Fox
Side: Good (Wanderer)
Role: Redwall Recorder (formerly), Healer
Appearance: Mortembell is an arctic fox from the Land of Ice and Snow. As can be expected, her fur is white. She has a nick in her ear and a scar on her arm from the battle with Rapshade's crew. Wears a tattered healer's robe and has a broadsword should she need it.
Personality: After the loss of her family, Mortembell has become cold and detached. She has few enemies and even fewer friends, going wherever her path takes her.

Name: Celio
Gender: Male
Age: Adult (35 seasons)
Species: Mouse
Side: Good (Wanderer)
Role: Vigil Lieutenant (formerly), Wanderer
Appearance: Celio is of average height, and average weight, with light-brown fur. He wears a tunic and wields a crossbow and a waraxe. Celio is missing a leg, which is replaced with a wooden prosthetic, after a run-in with Grah the Kah.
Personality: Celio is wary of vermin, but is still quite trusting. He is friendly, but if betrayed, will go to any length to obtain his revenge.

Name: Gukom
Gender: Male
Age: Middle-Aged (40 seasons)
Species: Hamster
Side: Good (Redwall)
Role: Vigil Scribe (formerly), Redwall Recorder
Appearance: Gukom has golden fur, with a white underbelly. He is small, which is not helped by his timidness, and wears a robe. Gukom has a dagger, but never uses it.
Personality: Gukom is very quiet and timid, which makes scribing the perfect job for him. Gukom has been known to have outbursts, but these are very rare. Gukom took over from Mortembell as Redwall Recorder after she left.

Name: Drubble Cellarmole
Gender: Male
Age: Middle-Aged (41 seasons)
Species: Mole
Side: Good (Redwall)
Role: Abbey Cellarmole
Appearance: Drubble is a mole with black, velvety fur. He has a gray streak that runs down one of his arms, but is pitch black besides that. Due to the hands-on nature of his job, he swapped his robe for thin, sleeveless tunic and a belt. The closest thing to a weapon he has is a mallet for cracking open barrels.
Personality: Drubble is like many other moles; sensible , good-hearted, and always willing to get the job done. He is also quite shy; whenever compliments are made about his drinks, he tends to withdraw quietly back to the cellars.
Amaline and Narzle

Name: Amaline and Narzle
Age: Middle-Aged (53 seasons) {Amaline}, Young Adult (19 seasons) {Narzle}
Species: Hedgehog
Side: Good (Riverblue)
Role: Eyeless Ones (formerly), Citizens
Appearance: Amaline is very large, in both length AND width. She wears a short dress and wields a large spiked club. Narzle is small for his age, and wears a tunic. He also carries a crossbow, a relic from the days of the Vigil. Both hedgehogs have standard brown coloring.
Personality: Narzle is carefree, often focusing on fun and not noticing the danger he gets himself into. Being the super-protective mother she is, Amaline is very wary of strangers, and will do anything to keep her young one from being injured.
Other: Amaline and Narzle previously lived in the cave of the Eyeless Ones (unwillingly), but have managed to escape. They now live in the town of Riverblue.

Bad guys (in order of importance)


Name: Fury
Gender: Male
Age: Middle-Aged (41 seasons)
Species: Wildcat
Side: Bad (The North)
Role: King in the North.
Appearance: Fury is tall and lanky, but not very strong. He relies on Fisher to kill his enemies for him, but due to his speed, he is still agile, and can defend himself with his rapier. He wears a gold-trimmed tunic over a set of chainmail.
Personality: Fury is cold and calculating, focusing only on his conquest. He does not care about the wellbeing of others, only the next settlement that will fall under his paw.

Name: Fisher
Gender: Male
Age: Adult (35 seasons) [Mental age - Dibbun: 5 seasons]
Species: Fisher
Side: Bad (The North)
Role: Fury's Bodyguard/Assassin
Appearance: Tall and musclebound; as big as a badger, with brown fur. Does not wear armor, nor carry weapons; his paws and teeth are strong enough to crush skulls, and his thick skin can take a lot of punishment.
Personality: Due to his mental age, Fisher is not smart enough to act on his own efficiently. The only word he can speak is his own name, he follows Fury's commands without question, and when left to his own devices, he will typically find somebeast to give him an order, rather than strike out on his own.

Name: Grenlik
Gender: Male
Age: Middle-Aged (40 seasons)
Species: Weasel
Side: Bad (The North)
Role: Horde Chief Scout (formerly), Spy/Scout for Fury.
Appearance: Grenlik is short, and his dark brown fur has a faint green tinge to it. This makes him harder to spot in the woods, which is useful for the scout. He wears a reinforced tunic over a light set of chainmail, and wields a spear and cutlass.
Personality: Grenlik is snarky and does not trust anybeast. He is a pragmatist, and would rather fight dirty and win than lose with honour.

Name: Shank
Gender: Male
Age: Adult (37 seasons)
Species: Weasel
Side: Bad
Role: Horde Captain (formerly), Wanderer
Appearance: Shank is tall, with brown fur. He wears a reinforced tunic with a black cloak, and wields a sword. Shank is missing an eye.
Personality: Grenlik Shank is snarky and does not trust anybeast. He is a pragmatist, and would rather fight dirty and win than lose with honor.

Name: Unknown
Nickname: Third-Eye
Gender: Male
Age: Adult (32 seasons)
Species: Rat
Side: Bad
Role: Horde archer (formerly), Wanderer
Appearance: Third-Eye is of medium height and build, with dark brown fur. He wears a ragged tunic, and wields a bow and dagger.
Personality: Third-Eye is cold and quiet. He has no time for socializing.

Name: Muddle
Gender: Male
Age: Middle-Aged (45 seasons)
Species: Hedgehog
Side: Bad (Eyeless One)
Role: Leader of the Eyeless Ones
Appearance: Muddle is a hedgehog with many, many scars, missing spines, and a hideously grotesque face courtesy of getting an axe to the face from Redfang. As a result, he is blind, although still sees through his visions. Muddle's green Abbey robe has been shredded, and the remaining rags are the hedgehog's only clothing. He attacks his enemies with sharpened claws and a long knife.
Personality: Muddle is completely insane. He has changed in every way since he was attacked and blinded by Redfang fourteen seasons ago. He tore out Begskin's eyes and the two of them terrorize the woodlands. One-Ear's attempts to find and kill them have failed.
Other: Muddle was once Fergbar's Assistant Cellarhog. After being attacked by Redfang, he went insane, killed Fergbar, tried to kill everyone else in the Abbey, and fled into the woods with Begskin.
  Deceased. Killed by Charm.

Name: Begskin
Gender: Male
Age: Middle-Aged (43 seasons)
Species: Stoat
Side: Bad (Eyeless One)
Role: Eyeless One
Appearance: Begskin is a stoat with the standard stoat coloring. Due to an extended period of time in Rapshade's now defunct pirate crew, Begskin is scrawny, thin, and dirty. Unfortunately for him, siding with Muddle meant becoming like Muddle. The hedgehog ripped out Begskin's eyes, and the stoat is now irredeemably insane just like his partner-in-crime. He wears the same rags that were his "uniform" as a pirate, and carries a rusty cutlass.
Personality: Begskin was once a rather dim, if not entirely willing, member of Rapshade's crew. When he was captured by the Redwallers, he escaped with Muddle, which led to his descent into insanity. He is now just as crazy as Muddle.
Other: Begskin was once one of Rapshade's Pirates. He now assists Muddle in murdering travellers.
  Deceased. Killed by Riverblue catapult.



Name: Unknown
Nickname: Filargo
Gender: Male
Species: Watervole
Age: Middle-Aged (47 seasons)
Side: Neutral (Wanderer)
Role: Rafter
Appearance: Filargo is small yet plump, due to travelling by boat. His fur is a chestnut brown, and he wears a cloth bandana atop his head. He also wears a short kilt and a snakeskin belt, which several daggers are thrust into. His other weapons are a a small blowpipe made from a reed, which many do not suspect as being a weapon until it is too late, and Seacloak's dagger (a sword in the vole's paws).
Personality: Filargo is a carefree beast, with no real friends, nor enemies. He is content to sail his large raft up and down the streams, ferrying travelers, woodlander or vermin alike, along for a small fee of food or other supplies. If you walk near a stream and hear a whistling noise, it could be a bird, or it could be Filargo, just paddling along. Be warned; however, for threatening the vole, or refusing to pay up, will leave you with a knife 'twixt your ribs, or a dart in your neck.
Other: Filargo is not this watervole's real name. It means "Fill 'er up an' go", his personal motto (Fill [the raft] up [with payment] and go [on it]).

Unimportant NPC storage area (so I don't forget about them).

  • "Captain" Durken - Adult Squirrel. Former Vigil Captain. Staunch Anti-Redwall beliefs, stemming from the lack of trust between the Vigil and the Abbey. Whereabouts unknown.
  • Shillo - Middle-Aged Otter. Former Vigil Medic. Whereabouts unknown.
  • "The Otterwife" - Middle-Aged Otter. Lived alone in Mossflower. Son was murdered by Jergle. The Otterwife has spent the last thirteen seasons roaming Mossflower searching for Asher to demand closure as to what happened to her son, but so far to no avail.

Okay, quick side notes:

  • If anyone wants to make characters for Fury's horde, be that the second-in-command, seer, Chief Scout, Chef, whatever... Go for it. Fisher is not the second-in-command.
  • Riverblue is a town in Mossflower, built around the ford north of Redwall. Again, feel free to make characters there. Citizens, members of the guard, you name it. Riverblue becomes significant part of the way in.
  • In case you forgot what happened with my characters, I'll attach a quick recap.

The recap in question.

The Wetlands, which was formerly the domain of Seacloak, has been taken over by Fury after the Badger was killed by Grenlik. Grenlik turned out to be working for Fury all along, tagging along with Alfhild and Fardan to scout the southlands for anything useful. By killing those in power (Seacloak), and putting down Shamolt's rebellion before it could happen, Fury greatly reduced the numbers of any potential threats before they had even arose.

Fury has spent the last thirteen seasons putting the entire north under his thumb and planning an attack plan for the taking over the south. A massive army, made up of vermin and woodlanders (pressed in service under pain of death), is now heading south, with just enough left up north to keep farming and protect the settlements from rivals and/or rebels.

Muddle and Begskin didn't really do much last RP, so they've pretty much been up to the usual in the last 13 seasons. Murder, kidnapping, growing their little cabal. They're still *very* minor, so don't expect much of them. Amaline and Narzle, who were first discovered in a run-in with Roscoe, and later kidnapped by Muddle, have managed to escape before getting their eyes ripped out, and now live in Riverblue. The town in question has grown greatly since the horde incident, from a few foragers to a bustling outpost of farm and trade. Travellers from everywhere pass through at some point. Redwallers heading north, to wanderers, to refugees from the north. The town is protected by a decent-sized militia, led by Charm.

Filargo is still doing what he does best, and stops in at Riverblue frequently. Business is booming. Mortembell, Celio, Shillo, and Durken are all wandering Mossflower. They're sort of just... there. Shank and Third-Eye are doing the same thing, with a little band of their own (no more than half a score.)

Drubble and Gukom go about their duties as per usual, while Shadomay and Stumbly just live the Abbey life and explore the woods.

Bet you didn't think Charm, a minor NPC when she was first introduced (and who just got the luck of the draw between her and her brother as to which one would die immediately), would come so far as to be a main character, did ya?


Great, I'll add 'em tomorrow.

And I'll take the horde second in command, but...tomorrow. It's late here. G'night


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Name: Asher
Nickname? (Optional):
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should only be one season older than they were in the original): 37
Species: Squirrel
Rank: Soldier in the Vigil.
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good, Vigil
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Asher is a totally black squirrel with the tip of his tail grey instead of black. His eyes are a soft brown.
Weapons: He wields a longbow with black-fletched arrows and a dirk for close combat.
Personality: Rough and abrasive, Asher has a short temper and, while he doesn't hesitate to do the right thing, he is stubborn and often rushes into things. He is a skilled fighter, but prefers to work alone now that he's left the Vigil.

Name: Longclaw
Nickname? (Optional):
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 32
Species: Rat
Rank: Hordebeast
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Bad
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Longclaw was born with an interesting birth defect that ended up with a single unusually long foreclaw on his left paw. The rat wears a blood red colored jerkin (which may actually have blood on it...) and wields a bronze plated spear of his own creation.
Personality: Like most hordebeasts, Longclaw is selfish, untrustful, and superstitious. He prefers to eat and sleep alone, but won't hesitate to take advantage of others to his own benefit.
Other: N/A

Name: Sunpaw
Nickname? (Optional):
Gender: Female
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 23
Species: Hare
Rank: Lieutenant
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Gud
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Sunpaw has dappled fur and blue eyes. Normal hare, really. Wears the Long Patrol uniform and carries a lance as a weapon.
Personality: Jovial like most of the other hares, Sunpaw kills vermin with a smile and a joke.
Other: N/A

Name: Rusk
Nickname? (Optional):
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 54
Species: Mouse
Rank: Friar
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Fat mouse in a Friar's habit.
Personality: He's a Friar.
Other: N/A

Name: Rowan
Nickname? (Optional): Row, I guess.
Gender: Female
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 19
Species: Squirrel
Rank: Abbeydweller
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good.
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Standard squirrel
Personality: WIP
Other: N/A
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.



Quote from: Hickory on February 23, 2017, 04:23:41 PM
Name: Asher
Nickname? (Optional):
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should only be one season older than they were in the original): 24
Species: Squirrel
Rank: Soldier in the Vigil.
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good, Vigil
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Asher is a totally black squirrel with the tip of his tail grey instead of black. His eyes are a soft brown.
Weapons: He wields a longbow with black-fletched arrows and a dirk for close combat.
Personality: Rough and abrasive, Asher has a short temper and, while he doesn't hesitate to do the right thing, he is stubborn and often rushes into things. He is a skilled fighter, but prefers to work alone now that he's left the Vigil.

Name: Longclaw
Nickname? (Optional):
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 32
Species: Rat
Rank: Hordebeast
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Bad
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Longclaw was born with an interesting birth defect that ended up with a single unusually long foreclaw on his left paw. The rat wears a blood red colored jerkin (which may actually have blood on it...) and wields a bronze plated spear of his own creation.
Personality: Like most hordebeasts, Longclaw is selfish, untrustful, and superstitious. He prefers to eat and sleep alone, but won't hesitate to take advantage of others to his own benefit.
Other: N/A

Name: Sunpaw
Nickname? (Optional):
Gender: Female
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 23
Species: Hare
Rank: Lieutenant
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Gud
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Sunpaw has dappled fur and blue eyes. Normal hare, really. Wears the Long Patrol uniform and carries a lance as a weapon.
Personality: Jovial like most of the other hares, Sunpaw kills vermin with a smile and a joke.
Other: N/A

Name: Rusk
Nickname? (Optional):
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 54
Species: Mouse
Rank: Friar
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Fat mouse in a Friar's habit.
Personality: He's a Friar.
Other: N/A

Name: Rowan
Nickname? (Optional): Row, I guess.
Gender: Female
Age (in seasons) (they should be thirteen seasons/years older than they were in the sequel): 19
Species: Squirrel
Rank: Abbeydweller
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good.
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Standard squirrel
Personality: WIP
Other: N/A

Asher seems a little bit young.


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

 He would have been in the negatives to have been at the Abbey during Roscoe's time there. :P

Sandpaw's Incomplete Cast


Name: Bracklew
Nickname: Brack
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Species: Squirrel
Rank: Abbey Warrior
Side: Good

Appearance: A tallish squirrel in his prime, Bracklew is a formidable creature in his own right and carries himself with the confidence of a warrior. He has dark red fur, with black markings on his ear and tail tips, and thoughtful grey eyes. His body is sinewy and strong though he tends to slump when he's standing or sitting. The most notable feature about Bracklew is his missing left paw, which the squirrel has grown rather accustom to and he barely notices the injury anymore. The stump is covered by a worn leather capping which can be used as a makeshift grip on certain objects, or like a small battering ram in a fight. He wears a plain brown tunic with a black, modified sword belt into which Martin's sword is sheathed.

Personality: Distant but not unkind, Bracklew likes to keep to himself and his few friends. The squirrel is very rationally minded, and over the seasons he's become a little wiser, though on occasion he is liable for rash ideas and mood driven actions.



Name: Petu
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Species: Rabbit
Rank: Abbey Handybeast/ Self-proclaimed assistant manager of the kitchens.
Side: Good

Appearance: A pleasant faced and well-built rabbit, Petu has grown well over the seasons. Much taller than his friend Bracklew, Petu is a patchy brown and white rabbit with puffy cheeks. His fur is glossy and well cleaned and his eyes a light grey. He also has long whiskers and sensitive pink nose that twitches occasionally as he goes about his day. Petu is garbed in a rather fancy crimson tunic while his slightly oversized footpaws are left bare, but he doesn't really mind. He has no weapons to speak of, but he possess a winning smile, and a clever sparkle in his eye.

Personality: Easy to get along with and eager to please Petu spends most of his time chatting with other Redwallers or putting his brain to some new project or another. He's a rather trusting creature and is perhaps one of the few Redwallers who doesn't hold much of a grudge against Rapshade to the point of being almost kind to Redwall's permanent prisoner.
Other: Petu likes tinker and experiment with different things, he's rather tightlipped about it and only Aver really knows what he's up too.

Rayne Hummingwolf

Name: Rayne Hummingwolf
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 44
Species: Mouse
Rank: Infirmary Keeper
Side: Good
Appearance: Rayne is a small but cheerful mouse with light brown fur, which is tinged with grey, and blue eyes. She wears a simple green habit common amongst the Redwallers and carries a healer's satchel at almost all times. Her jaw can make a funny popping sound at will ever since Rapshade hit her, and she does it on occasion to the great hilarity of her dibbun patients.
Personality: Strict but pleasant, Rayne likes to keep things in their proper places, and is very often cleaning the infirmary. She's got an uplifting attitude and goes about her business with a straightforward approach. Well liked in the Abbey, and very sensible Rayne has long since become an Abbey Elder, but is currently looking for an apprentice to train.
Other: Rayne is finishing writing a book on healing arts, having already finished two previous volumes on the subject.


Name: Laclin
Nickname: Lin
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Species: Squirrel
Rank: Woodlander
Side: Good

Appearance: A young feminine squirrel from the southlands, Laclin has a light red fur, and brown eyes. She wears a green woodlander's tunic and has a similarly colored bandanna tied around her ears. She doesn't carry any weapons, but she's well versed in using a bow.

Personality: Bubbly and cheerful, and outgoing Laclin has a knack for getting herself in trouble. Her interest in all things new has made her more adventurous then her more caution tempered, and reclusive colony, and she likes to greet and talk with strangers whenever possible.
Other: Laclin lives with her tribe and family near Riverblue.


Name: Fastooth
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Species: Rat
Rank: None
Side: Evil

Appearance: Covered in battle scars and dressed in a ragged old tunic, Fastooth remains as imposing as ever. His piercing yellow eyes seem to miss nothing, and his scruffy brown fur is surpisingly clean and well cared for. Fastooth's weapons consist of a rusty old cutlass and a short, homemade spear which he uses like a walking stick due to a slight limp.

Personality: Cynical, scathing, and quick witted, Fastooth is an able fighter and no stranger to violence or command, though he's become rusty in his thirteen season lull. His younger seasons had been filled with battle and he served under some of the more competent commanders and knows his stuff.

Other: Fastooth has found himself a mate, and scrounges a meager life for himself in Mossflower. He's been looking for a new horde or army to join, but in the meantime he waylays lone travelers and is a general nuisance, living in a hovel he's claimed after outing the original owner.



Name: Yippip
Nickname: Yip
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Species: Tree Rat
Rank: Painted One
Side: Evil

Appearance: A small, scrawny little rodent Yippip has squinty little eyes and dirty brown fur. He's covered from ears to paws in an array of green and black plant dyes to create a sort of camouflage. His muzzle has a large bald spot, which he's highly self-conscious about as it can't be hidden by dyes and has earned him many an insult from his tribemates. His only clothing is a loincloth as he's not yet acquired any bone jewelry or other garments. For weapons he has a stone hatchet and his fists.

Personality: Due to his young age and small size Yippip is a coward, but still determined to prove himself to the chief. He's not thick, be he certainly isn't bright, making him little more than a mediocre rodent with little purpose in the tribe other than to fetch things and be ordered around.
Other: N/A


Nickname: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Species: Shrew
Rank: Logboat Captain
Side: Good

Appearance: A short, spiky furred creature with dark eyes and matching fur Twaisen is a fairly ordinary shrew. She wears the normal kilt and jerkin of the Guosim. She has a sling with stones tied to her belt, and a rapier sheathed at her hip.

Personality: Commanding, and serious Twaisen likes to keep to herself, but is still a capable officer. When it comes to loyalty she sometimes questions Gruddil and the other shrew leaders, though she will still follows orders. Ever since the massacre of the Guosim seasons back she's been trying to grow her popularity amongst the shrews, quietly claiming she would be the one to slay Rapshade and take the title of Log a Log. Twaisen is focused on shrews helping shrews, and letting otherbeasts deal with their own problems.

Other: She is the caption of one of the logboats, and a sub-commander under Gruddil.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Swee-he-heat, I'll add 'em soon.

I think I have all my forms up, though I may make a Dibbun.

Also, if anyone wishes to make a Painted One that doesn't have to do much, that would be swell.


Name: Gruddil
Nickname? (Optional):
Gender: Male
Age (in seasons) (they should only be one season older than they were in the original): 69
Species: Shrew
Rank: Log-a-log
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Gruddil is getting on in years and has more than a few grey furs. Wearing the traditional colorful head bandana, he wears a tough shrew jerkin and wields a custom made rapier.
Personality: Gruddil is accustomed to ordering around younger subordinates and is a wise leader, well respected as Crysanthe was before him. He keeps an agenda against Rapshade, never able to avenge his leader's death and cement his title as Log-a-Log.

Name: Gillpaw
Nickname? (Optional): Gill
Gender: Female
Age (in seasons) (they should only be one season older than they were in the original): 33
Species: Otter
Rank: Otterclan member
Side (Good or bad, please. Let's limit the neutrals unless said character has a known reason to be so.): Good
Appearance (include clothing and weapons as well as physical appearance): Gillpaw is a strong young otter, good with a sling. She has a stone pouch hung from her belt, which is also where she keeps her sling and anything else she takes with her.
Personality: Gillpaw isn't afraid to throw her weight around. A jolly otter, she is also highly skilled in combat and doesn't hesitate to do the right thing. A recent addition to the otter crew she has proven her prowess with the sling and is well on her way to being a key member of the crew.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


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The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.
