
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Started by Matthias720, October 26, 2011, 03:55:48 PM

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Uhhhhhhhhh... person... *sniffles*

Russa Nodrey

*Hands Mhera a tissue*


I am the harbinger of the spicy rooster apocalypse,
I am the hydrogen bomb in a necktie,
I hold the flames of a thousand collapsed stars,
I am Bobracha!


Lady Amber

*Stands awkwardly*

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Tam and Martin

ANOTHER ONE?? I;m gonna throw up . . .

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


*Eats Spam Oreos because being sick has robbed me of my sense of taste*

Tam and Martin


I couldn;t live without a sense of taste. Or maybe I could. I like most of the stuff I eat.

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000

The Skarzs

I gave up condiments for Lent.

I very much miss salt on my eggs.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Harder or easier than when you gave up chocolate? ;D (That was you last year, right?)

Russa Nodrey

*Crouches in a corner eating peanuts*

Tam and Martin

*Go's to eat peanuts with Russa* *Realizes that would be awkward* *Walks the other wy*

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000

Russa Nodrey

*Still eating peanuts in the corner* *Glances around suspiciously*


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.