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Started by Matthias720, October 27, 2011, 05:18:43 PM

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Gonff the Mousethief

well in redwall I get a tad bit grossed out when they say it looked like a sword was coming out of them.
just makes I don't know, fell akward in some way.
also I check to make sure no sword is coming out of my middle!
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

The Skarzs

Quote from: Romsca on January 21, 2014, 08:13:42 PM
Quote from: The Skarzs on January 21, 2014, 06:39:25 PM
LOL ;D I Grossed you out.

Hunting is not for the faint of, well, blood. Does anyone think it wrong to like to hunt and yet read the Redwall books?

Tasty rabbit meat ;D

I've shot a gun 130 times :D

100 times with a shotgun (with 4H, 25 the first time 25 the next and 50 the third time)

30 times at a handgun safety class

As for meat eating, I have yet to eat deer, squirrel, and rabbit :-\

Back on topic... I can watch graphic violence in movies and such but I don't like minor injuries or anything to do with medical procedures. For example: if I see someone on a movie or tv show get stabbed with a knife or a sword and there's a lot of blood, I'm like meh, whatever. But if that same person then goes to the hospital and gets a shot or an iv, even if I'm sitting down I feel really dizzy and shaky and on the point of fainting. I HATE NEEDLES! UGH! Surgeries and people talking about medical conditions are almost as bad. However, for some weird reason, injuries and violence in real life tend to make me freak out, even if they won't on tv

BTW, I don't really see anything gross about your recent post about deer
*Thumbs up
Great! nice to see someone has shot a gun here.
Heights? Anyone afraid of heights?
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Heights? Nope. Not afraid of hights, as long as they're under three feet. Anything over that, yep. It's not paralyzing, just slightly dizzying- As long as I'm inside. If I'm inside, and high up, and not looking down, I'm pretty much safe. If I'm at a rail over a high height, I'm terrified, if I'm in a car driving up a mountain, turns are scary. I'm just constantly imagining the car tilting, falling off the road, tumbling down the mountain...

About the meat/guns/guts/blood conversation... I don't do the first two, the third grosses me out, like, a lot, and the third isn't bad unless there's large quantities of it. Like, bleeding hand, sure, but floor covered in blood, or heavily bleeding wound... eww.

Norham Waterpaw

I'm afraid of bugs and spiders. I could live in the woods, or fight a war. But if I see one bug, I'm done, man.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

The Skarzs

Quote from: Norham Waterpaw on January 22, 2014, 04:39:24 PM
I'm afraid of bugs and spiders. I could live in the woods, or fight a war. But if I see one bug, I'm done, man.
Ha ha! My brother has a friend who's the same way; someone went out of their way to gross him out by eating a grasshopper right in front of him. 'Twas funny.
I don't get dizzy from heights usually; it's just when I stand right on a high cliff or something like that and I get a little worried.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Pain and all my possessions being burned. That's about it.oh, and my dog! If she died I'd be so sad..
~Just a soft space boi~


Gah. I didn't realize that driving around in the mountains for a ski trip would give me nightmares. I'm not kidding! Last night- Or maybe the night before- I had a dream where the car I was in flipped over. On a mountain. And started rolling down the mountain. Keep in mind- This car is a Toyota Prius. Not meant for mountains. I guess you could say, I'm not a fan of mountain driving. I mean, I'm from Florida. We don't even have hills here.


For some reason I've been really traumatized by zombies.  I don't why.  I think it was this movie I saw.  I mean, I got over it, but I still don't like zombies as a thing anymore.  I had dreams where I was trapped inside of an underground place.  (If any of you play Portal, it was life that)  But anyways, me and another guy, not gonna say who, had to escape and get to the surface.  The dream felt like it lasted for hours.  I don't really want to dwell on it, because I got freaked.  I was afraid to go anywhere by myself.  If I see certain things, like in Portal, a whole huge space that is underground, the dreams come back to my head, and I'm like, woah.  That's scary, and I start freaking out mentally.  But I mean, it's not so bad that I think I need to see a psychiatrist or anything. It's just that it's the first thing I've ever actually been traumatized by.  But I get over it now, so  I think I'm good.

The Skarzs

I think the one of the only physical fears I have is getting fat. I don't know, it just seems a little, um, frightening that my body could become a huge blob if I don't exercise. I haven't gotten fat yet. Ever since that fear came about, I've been fitter and stronger. It actually helped.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


  I'm not too keen on injuring myself, so I guess you could count that as a fear.  Also, slightly strange, but I'm afraid of getting on the back of a horse.  Yes, yes, 'tis true, I, Rainshadow the horse rider, do not like getting on their backs.  I said it was weird.  But yeah, I've had one too many experiences with the horse spooking when I tried to mount.  Now I get all nervous beforehand.  Of course, once I'm up, I'm totally fine, but I don't like the process of getting up.

  Other than that, bugs, heights, and needles are my worst fears.  I HATE getting my blood drawn (it includes both blood and needles, so of course.  ::)), but I can look at blood without getting sick.  If it's a lot of blood (a major injury), then I start getting squeamish, but I don't get bugged by gore in movies at all.  Naw, it's the spiders that freak me out.  Nasty, nasty things.  Bleh!

  I'm not afraid of the dark, but I'm afraid of what might be in it.  (Meaning, I'm not at all freaked out at being in darkness, but when I'm in an unfamiliar location and it's dark, I'm terrified of what might be out there.  Especially when it's dead quiet or outdoors.)

  I think that might sum up my major fears...
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


I have a fear of doing dangerous things. I'm not sure if it's a "phobia", but it's like I've injured myself severely doing things like roller skating, and because I HATED roller skating always, I won't put on a pair of skates.

I'm retired from the forum


I hate spiders really badly... I can't even stand in the same room with the things and my eyes keep finding those little devils like if they were the size of a building. It is really unpleasant.
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I don't know if these count as phobias, but they are (rather silly) fears.

For one, I've felt uncomfortable in elevators for a while now. Some of them I feel somewhat okay in, but in others (especially crowded and/or creaky ones), I'm terrified. If it was up to me, I would take the stairs all the time.

I also have a fear of thunderstorms - which I am well passed the age of such things - and complete or almost complete darkness.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Quote from: TheTaleOfSierra on March 17, 2015, 07:07:45 AM
I hate spiders really badly... I can't even stand in the same room with the things and my eyes keep finding those little devils like if they were the size of a building. It is really unpleasant.

Same. It's just something about them that freaks me out.