
"Beep-Bloop" -Verdauga, 2024

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Not all who wander are lost

Started by W0NWILL, April 18, 2017, 08:56:49 PM

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Way back when, I made a roleplay called Travelers. I'm not gonna revive it, since it was so long ago, but I still like the idea of it: just a relaxed roleplay about  a little group of friends going wherever the wind takes them. If someone comes up with a plot point, we just do it.

I don't have an overarchbing plot in mind; I want it to be driven largely by us and our characters. So go hog wild designing your character and their backstory, give us some plot hooks maybe! I'm gonna have to ask you to stick with just the one character, for now at least.

The sheet:

Description: (physical and mental)
History: (something simple, covering their reason for joining this posse at the very least, preferably something more)

W0NWILL's Character

Name: Verdict
Species: Badger
Gender: Female

Description: Verdict is a young badger with floofy cheeks and large paws. She's about average size for a badger: thus she towers over most other beasts. She wears a simple dull red dress and a large backback. Verdict's always been a bit of a weenie, and hates seeing battle or other beasts getting hurt. It terrifies her. A lot of things terrify her, actually. Traveling and adventuring terrify her, but she does it anyway because it's so fun? Sorta like the terrify you get from roller coasters if they existed.

Equipment: Verdict has little in way of weapons: her general cowardice gives her no desire to fight. She does carry a walking stick that can double as a method for self defense. She also carries more survival equipment than is strictly necessary(she's big enough to hold it all, and you can never be overprepared). This includes waterskins, a cooking pot, torches, an awl, rope, a kit with a few healing herbs and bandages, and a multitude of other stuff that throws her waaaayyyy off balance.

History: The badger tribes of old were skilled warriors and metalworkers, capable of making swords that could slice a falling leaf in half, and using those swords to slice falling vermin in half. It's a lot to live up to, you know. Verdict was named so in hopes that she would be a judge of death, a warrior who spread justice and gave the verdict as to when the evil ones would die. For her family was very traditional. Many of Verdict's ancestors were cursed with the bloodwrath, and a few even felt the pull of Salamandastron. Most of them left home as young badgers to explore and make their mark on the world. But Verdict herself never desired such adventures or fighting. Truth be told, she was a bit scared of both. But eventually, she was forced out to wander, and met up with a few brave souls and traveled with them, best she could.


Jasper's Character
*Placeholder Post*

Name: Malcolm Dentelle
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Description: (physical and mental) :

Malcolm, like many squirrels, is athletic; a natural climber. He carries himself with a reserved, but attentive roughish manner. He wears a green cap and a leather vest. Malcolm is also confident and well spoken. He is constantly assessing and reassessing. Always ready to believe in someone, or to believe in a cause. He may describe himself as a defender of freedom and all that is good. He is friends only with those he considers true friends. He tends to dismiss those who only take him at face value. In his mind, you only know a creature as well as you know what they have been through, and surface level friendships are of little value. This is not to say that he makes it difficult to make friends, but rather to say that he would only become friends with one who opens themselves.

Still a young soul, Malcolm has much to learn, and is constantly looking for those that he may look up to. He recognizes the value of a mentor, and relishes the advice of a wiser creature. He has had a few
run-ins with adventurous female squirrels, but he is too bright-eyed and adventurous to be pinned down.

Equipment: A wooden bow, complemented by a quiver full of redstone tipped arrows. The arrows, naturally, were created from the very same quarry that provided the stones that built the walls of Redwall Abbey. He regards each arrow as priceless, and each arrow, indeed, has been used not once, but many times. Malcolm always makes a point to retrieve them, and as he puts it - "he always carries the hearts of those back at home on his back."

History: (something simple, covering their reason for joining this posse at the very least, preferably something more)

Malcolm was born in Mossflower wood and raised in Redwall Abbey. His father was often away on adventures himself, and Malcolm grew an untamed spirit as a result. His poor mother had quite a job of keeping him under wraps - even from a very young age Malcolm would travel throughout Mossflower unaccompanied. When his father was around, he told stories of searats and monstrous weasels. Always a player, Malcolm swore that one day he too would have such stories to share. Thus, his troubles with female squirrels began. He left the first of them, his dear friend Fallow, and journeyed far and wide. It was not a selfish act - there was just some spark within him that kept him moving. A fair number of seasons were spent going and coming back, until his father had settled down - grey haired and weary in the Abbey. Yet even so, his father only encouraged Malcolm to leave and to explore; advice which he took to heart. Thus he was led to the group of travelers.


Ashleg's Character

Name: Topper
Age: Young Adult
Species: Vole
Gender: Male
Description: Topper is a young, sprightly vole with a loud sense of humor and a carefree nature. He grew up in the woods with his mother and two siblings, under too close a watchful eye--leading to him being a bit bitter towards older creatures. He will help out if he feels to, but his pet peeve is being controlled.
Topper's fur is brown and he wears a red tunic with a yellow sash.
Equipment: A thin little dagger that once belonged to his father.
History: Topper lived with his old mother and two sisters until he was nearly finished being a teen, when vermin stormed their cabin and slaughtered them. He survived only because he turned tail and hid, but he will never get rid of the mental scars and thus puts on a show of being humorous. Topper never met his father.
Other: Nah.

Brookskimmer's Character
Name: Ciro
Species: Red Squirrel
Gender: Female
Ciro is lithe and fit, like many of her species. She has thick red fur and a cream white chest and belly. Her eyes are dark and shine with excitement and energy for life. She is often seen wearing a kilt like skirt of dark green and a light weight rough cloth jerkin.

She is adept with her twin dirks which she carries in a leather sling over her shoulder. She also carries a short bow and a quiver of arrows though she is no great marksbeast.

History: She was born to a pair of squirrels that make their home at Redwall. Ciro has a lust for life that often carried her over the walls of the Abbey. After trying their best to rein her in, Ciro's parents realized their young one needed to have the freedom she yearned for. Ciro wandered Mossflower for a few seasons, making her home in the trees of the woods or where ever else she wished. She crossed paths with the wandering group recently and has stuck to them for the time being.

Needs somebeast to teach her how to be a proper archer.

LT Sandpaw's character
Name: Ross Riverblood
Species: Otter
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Description: Lithe and tall Ross is like most otters in terms of swimming abilities and strength. However he has never been the sporting or wrestling type, actually he has never been the type to do much of anything and in short, he is rather lazy. Ross wears a sleeveless jerkin with a red bandanna tied around his ears like a sweatband. His common attitude is to actively do as little as possible, and he's a hopeless dreamer. Nevertheless when Ross puts his mind to something he can actually be quite clever. His secret however is that he is terrified by the sight, smell, and even mention of blood; and can end of vomiting after too much exposure.

Equipment: Ross has with him enough supplies for a week long journey down to the coast, his quarterstaff, and a sling and pouch of stones with which to fight should the need arise. In his haversack he also carries an ample supply of snacks, and his fishing line and extra bone hooks.

History: Ross hails from a Holt of otter fishers and fighters living on the bank of the River Moss in relative peace. His life was prefect, easy, and he wanted for nothing. Many sunny afternoons he would rest in the cool bank mud casting a fishing line, or in the low hanging branches of a tree dreaming the hours away. He was never the rough and tumble type and kept his paws clean unlike his many brothers and sisters until conflict began to arise with his father.
Riverblood otters are proud warriors, and skilled combatants, and while Ross had unwillingly learned to spar with a quarterstaff, cast a javelin, and loose a sling he'd never shown any interest fighting, or doing much of anything. To make things worse his overbearing father discovered Ross' blood phobia and that disgrace was the final straw. After a season of shouting at each other, and in a desperate attempt to turn Ross into a fighter, his father sent him, (escorted by two of his brothers) to another otter Holt on the ocean, a Holt that battled sea vermin almost constantly, in the hopes that Ross would be forced to become tough. Horrified by the prospect Ross managed to slip away from his brothers in the dead of night sneaking off into Mossflower, hoping to go anywhere but back home, or the savage coastland.

Other: N/A

Lady Amber's Character
Name: Azalea

Species: Otter

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Description: Azalea has chocolate brown fur and wears a dark green tunic with a brown belt. She's cheerful, energetic, carefree, adventurous, and loves to laugh and joke around. A bit shy around strangers, she'll be talkative once she gets to know you better.

Equipment: A satchel with some food and water in it, along with a few other odds and ends. She also has a dagger and sheath on her belt.

History: Azalea lived all her life with her parents in Mossflower Woods. However, she wanted to go explore and see the world, so her parents agreed to let her go.

Other: (Erm, I might put something here if I think of it.)

Lady Amber

Sounds interesting. I might make a character for this.


*Placeholder Post*

Name: Malcolm Dentelle
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Description: (physical and mental) :

Malcolm, like many squirrels, is athletic; a natural climber. He carries himself with a reserved, but attentive roughish manner. He has dark brown fur, and wears a green cap and a leather vest. Malcolm is also confident and well spoken. He is constantly assessing and reassessing. Always ready to believe in someone, or to believe in a cause. He may describe himself as a defender of freedom and all that is good. He is friends only with those he considers true friends. He tends to dismiss those who only take him at face value. In his mind, you only know a creature as well as you know what they have been through, and surface level friendships are of little value. This is not to say that he makes it difficult to make friends, but rather to say that he would only become friends with one who opens themselves.

Still a young soul, Malcolm has much to learn, and is constantly looking for those that he may look up to. He recognizes the value of a mentor, and relishes the advice of a wiser creature. He has had a few
run-ins with adventurous female squirrels, but he is too bright-eyed and adventurous to be pinned down.

Equipment: A wooden bow, complemented by a quiver full of redstone tipped arrows. The arrows, naturally, were created from the very same quarry that provided the stones that built the walls of Redwall Abbey. He regards each arrow as priceless, and each arrow, indeed, has been used not once, but many times. Malcolm always makes a point to retrieve them, and as he puts it - "he always carries the hearts of those back at home on his back."

History: (something simple, covering their reason for joining this posse at the very least, preferably something more)

Malcolm was born in Mossflower wood and raised in Redwall Abbey. His father was often away on adventures himself, and Malcolm grew an untamed spirit as a result. His poor mother had quite a job of keeping him under wraps - even from a very young age Malcolm would travel throughout Mossflower unaccompanied. When his father was around, he told stories of searats and monstrous weasels. Always a player, Malcolm swore that one day he too would have such stories to share. Thus, his troubles with female squirrels began. He left the first of them, his dear friend Fallow, and journeyed far and wide. It was not a selfish act - there was just some spark within him that kept him moving. A fair number of seasons were spent going and coming back, until his father had settled down - grey haired and weary in the Abbey. Yet even so, his father only encouraged Malcolm to leave and to explore; advice which he took to heart. Thus he was led to the group of travelers.



Name: Topper
Age: Young Adult
Species: Vole
Gender: Male
Description: Topper is a young, sprightly vole with a loud sense of humor and a carefree nature. He grew up in the woods with his mother and two siblings, under too close a watchful eye--leading to him being a bit bitter towards older creatures. He will help out if he feels to, but his pet peeve is being controlled.
Topper's fur is brown and he wears a red tunic with a yellow sash.
Equipment: A thin little dagger that once belonged to his father.
History: Topper lived with his old mother and two sisters until he was nearly finished being a teen, when vermin stormed their cabin and slaughtered them. He survived only because he turned tail and hid, but he will never get rid of the mental scars and thus puts on a show of being humorous. Topper never met his father.
Other: Nah.


I have just completed my character. Let me know if you need anything to be changed. I hope we get a few more people willing to play along! It's been a few minutes since I last did a Roleplay. Y'know, maybe an hour or two. Or two full years, possibly.  :)

This to say: I'm excited to get back into it. Lets do this!  :D


Name: Ciro
Species: Red Squirrel
Gender: Female
Ciro is lithe and fit, like many of her species. She has thick red fur and a cream white chest and belly. Her eyes are dark and shine with excitement and energy for life. She is often seen wearing a kilt like skirt of dark green and a light weight rough cloth jerkin.

She is adept with her twin dirks which she carries in a leather sling over her shoulder. She also carries a short bow and a quiver of arrows though she is no great marksbeast.

History: She was born to a pair of squirrels that make their home at Redwall. Ciro has a lust for life that often carried her over the walls of the Abbey. After trying their best to rein her in, Ciro's parents realized their young one needed to have the freedom she yearned for. Ciro wandered Mossflower for a few seasons, making her home in the trees of the woods or where ever else she wished. She crossed paths with the wandering group recently and has stuck to them for the time being.

Needs somebeast to teach her how to be a proper archer.



Yay! Ima finish up my character real quick, then throw together a topic. Even after the topic goes up, I'll accept joiners, since due to the nature of this rp, they'll probably meet lots of interesting folks.


Oh, cool! Looking forward to it.

Also, @BrookSkimmer , was your character designed to match mine, or is it just me?  ;D

I look forward to this interaction is particular.  :) Malcolm is going to make such a fool of himself.


LOL actually no, I didn't even read your character description. Hopefully it will be a fun interaction tho!

LT Sandpaw

I'd like to jump in, Ross'll meet up with y'all's characters later on into the RP, if that's cool.

Name: Ross Riverblood
Species: Otter
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Description: Lithe and tall Ross is like most otters in terms of swimming abilities and strength. However he has never been the sporting or wrestling type, actually he has never been the type to do much of anything and in short, he is rather lazy. Ross wears a sleeveless jerkin with a red bandanna tied around his ears like a sweatband. His common attitude is to actively do as little as possible, and he's a hopeless dreamer. Nevertheless when Ross puts his mind to something he can actually be quite clever. His secret however is that he is terrified by the sight, smell, and even mention of blood; and can end of vomiting after too much exposure.

Equipment: Ross has with him enough supplies for a week long journey down to the coast, his quarterstaff, and a sling and pouch of stones with which to fight should the need arise. In his haversack he also carries an ample supply of snacks, and his fishing line and extra bone hooks.

History: Ross hails from a Holt of otter fishers and fighters living on the bank of the River Moss in relative peace. His life was prefect, easy, and he wanted for nothing. Many sunny afternoons he would rest in the cool bank mud casting a fishing line, or in the low hanging branches of a tree dreaming the hours away. He was never the rough and tumble type and kept his paws clean unlike his many brothers and sisters until conflict began to arise with his father.
Riverblood otters are proud warriors, and skilled combatants, and while Ross had unwillingly learned to spar with a quarterstaff, cast a javelin, and loose a sling he'd never shown any interest fighting, or doing much of anything. To make things worse his overbearing father discovered Ross' blood phobia and that disgrace was the final straw. After a season of shouting at each other, and in a desperate attempt to turn Ross into a fighter, his father sent him, (escorted by two of his brothers) to another otter Holt on the ocean, a Holt that battled sea vermin almost constantly, in the hopes that Ross would be forced to become tough. Horrified by the prospect Ross managed to slip away from his brothers in the dead of night sneaking off into Mossflower, hoping to go anywhere but back home, or the savage coastland.

Other: N/A

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Lady Amber

Name: Azalea

Species: Otter

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Description: Azalea has chocolate brown fur and wears a dark green tunic with a brown belt. She's cheerful, energetic, carefree, adventurous, and loves to laugh and joke around. A bit shy around strangers, she'll be talkative once she gets to know you better.

Equipment: A satchel with some food and water in it, along with a few other odds and ends. She also has a dagger and sheath on her belt.

History: Azalea lived all her life with her parents in Mossflower Woods. However, she wanted to go explore and see the world, so her parents agreed to let her go.

Other: (Erm, I might put something here if I think of it.)


Alrighty, posted a thread! Everyone who's posted a character is a-okay!

Aimless Gallivanter

is it too late to sign up?

and could i join later in the story? im almost done at school, just two more weeks, then ill have more free time
im gay!!!!!!


Nope! Never too late, and you can join in whenever. Due to the nature of the rp, it's super easy to add folks in!