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Not all who wander are lost

Started by W0NWILL, April 18, 2017, 08:56:49 PM

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Aimless Gallivanter

cool cool! I'll make my character within the next few days

EDIT: JK why would i wait till later when i can do it now instead of studying bio? procrastination!!


Name: Imariy (Mars for short)
Species: mouse
Gender: Female
Description: Mars is short with reddish fur. She is missing her left eye and ear, and keeps that side covered with a cloth like an eye patch. She wears traditionally male clothes, and her remaining ear is pierced. She's sometimes mistaken for a small rat.
Mars has "an abrasive personality" which means she can be hard to get along with. She's very aggressive and has anger problems. She's also a pacifist, in the sense that she avoids hurting other creatures, but she's not super good at it and will fight when provoked. Unfortunately, she gets provoked a lot and is a pretty bad fighter. She's a very angry creature, but fiercely loyal to her friends. She doesn't warm up to people very easily though, because she can come of as mean and sarcastic.
Equipment: Not much. Mars doesnt carry any weapons. She has a light backpack for food and basic survival equipment.
History: She doesn't like to talk about her past. She didn't get to grow up with a traditional family, and never knew her father. Her mother and she traveled a lot, doing what they could to survive. Her mother died when she was still quite young, and she was taken in by her aunt's family who didn't treat her well. For reasons Imariy couldn't understand, they hated her. When she was old enough to go off on her own, she did so and never regretted it. (Since it probably won't ever come up in the rp, I'll mention it here. Imariy's father was a rat, and that's why her aunt and family absolutely hated her. FUN FACT: Imariy is not the name her mother gave her, but the name that her aunt's family called her. It's not actually a name, but a term to refer to something nameless. Mars can't remember the name her mother gave her, since she died when she was young.)
Other: She likes to tinker with things. Given the opportunity, she'd make an excellent craftsman. She has no skill with weapons, but is a pretty good cook, since the family she lived with made her cook for them. She absolutely hates cooking though.
@W0NWILL hows that?
im gay!!!!!!


What can I do? I feel like this thing has moved on without me and the characters I was interacting with are inactive.
If either of you (I'm looking at Jasper and Brookskimmer) need a random NPC to come do something then I'm all ears.


Easy enough! We're huddled behind a few bushes right now, just catch up and join us! Then we will take on these scurvy villains!  :)



Correct! Have Topper join Malcolm and Azalea (did I spell that right?) in the bushes. Sorry to pull you from the group you are currently in, but we could use your activeness!  ;D


So I admit I've only been skimming because I haven't been involved before.

What is the current situation with the vermin?
Just want to know so when I get in, there won't be anything out of place.

Lady Amber

You could go read the posts 'cause there's not that many, but basically Ciro and a random hedgehog have been tied up by a rat, and the other two vermin are nearby in the woods, probably on their way back to help the rat.


I check in pretty often to see if people have posted, but it seems that most of the people involved have gone inactive. Does anyone here have plans to continue?

If anyone still wants to continue, I'm willing to post quite often. If not, just let me know now, rather than later. I don't want to waste time writing if we're just going to have the odd single post once a month.  :(  It's hard to keep interest when nothing happens for weeks at a time.

Lady Amber

Yeah, sorry about that. I'm on quite a bit every day, but I guess I hadn't felt like posting, which was bad of me. :P But, yes, I am still interested in continuing the RP, and I can start posting more often. Ashleg will be gone for about a week, though, 'cause he's gone to Disneyland.


No one's acknowledging Topper so even though I have internet right now (about to board the plane) I cannot really do anything.

Aimless Gallivanter

definitely still interested, just got busy, sorry!
im gay!!!!!!


Quote from: Ashleg on June 16, 2017, 07:53:42 PM
No one's acknowledging Topper so even though I have internet right now (about to board the plane) I cannot really do anything.

@Ashleg My intent was to address both of you (Topper and Azalea) so that you could both try to jump Ruplug from behind. If you could begin that process now, while I have his attention, that would be super helpful, perhaps we can get this RP back on its feet!

@Triss8 I know you kind of came out of nowhere but we need you badly! I hope you will consider creating a character and posting it here! I can tell from your post you are eager to keep things moving, which is just what we need! Sorry you got reprimanded, it's just that you generally don't control other people's characters! Just fill out a sheet and you can jump into all the action!


How long is this going to go before Ruplug finally gets it?
It seems like this one scene has been going on forever.

Lady Amber

Yeah, I dunno. Plus Won and Galli haven't been posting lately.


I wasn't aware we were looking to end it quickly. I can make it happen, but I worry where we will go once it is over. I considered allowing Widdle to escape to be the primary villain, but we don't have a direction to necessarily go in without the host and half the players. Let me know what you all think.