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The Sapphire Necklace

Started by rachel25, April 13, 2013, 04:01:04 PM

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                                       The Sapphire Necklace    

Night had set in. Dark clouds chased each other across the starlit sky.
Two eyes stared out at the beautiful scene. "Nanna, look a shooting star," exclaimed the owner.
"Oh my little Marti, you should be in bed," the old mouse said as she entered the room.
"But it's so bootiful," said Marti. The baby squirrel turned, pleading with her eyes. Nanna's heart softened. "All right, my little darling, we'll watch the stars together." They both stared out at the evening sky. "Please sing the star song." Marti whispered.
"All right, but it has been a while since I sang it so I might not be able to remember all the words."
                       Here we stand, you and me, under the night sky.
                       Sleep my little dear and wait for the morning sun to shine. Stars shine out for me this night as I drift down the river of sleep.
                     Sleep on my little dear and wait for the morning sun to shine."

Nanna looked at the little squirrel asleep on her knee. "Goodnight, my little dear."


                                      Book one, A Princess's Dream.
                                               Chapter one
"No, Marti, you must straighten your back more," Called Queen Petalflow.
"Yes Mother." Marti said from between clenched teeth as she fell over the elaborate ball gown for the hundredth time that day. "I hate being a princess." She muttered to herself as her footpaw caught in one of the many bows.
Marti was princess of all Southward, and as her Mother said should act like one. That meant learning to sit up straight, to greet guests and how to eat properly. But the worst of all was learning to dance ballroom which is what she was doing right now.
Her partner didn't help he was much taller than her and lost his temper easily.  Marti was of middle height and had ice grey eyes. Her fur was a bright shining red.
"Enough! Enough! That's all right for today we will practice more tomorrow." Queen Petalflow said loudly. Marti went quickly to change out of her ballgown.
Later when she had changed into a green coloured tunic, and grabbed her bow, she sneaked out into Castle Forlet's grounds she went to find her friend Unsho. She saw him over by the belltower. This was not surprising after all Unsho's father was the castle's bellringer. Unsho was tall for a mouse but was loyal and trustworthy. He had dark brown fur and gentle blue eyes and was always smiling. "Unsho," Marti called," Unsho can you came and help me practice." She gestured towards the bow slung across her back. "Sorry Marti, I've got to help my dad to fix the bell ropes." Unsho said sadly. "Never mind, you can come tomorrow," Marti shouted. She turned and continued walking down the path that led into the woods.
When she returned her little brother Cheche jumped out from behind a curtain and leaped onto her back from behind. Down they both went head over brush. "Cheche," Marti exclaimed. Cheche was having a fit of giggles. Cheche was only two seasons old and from the day that he was born he had been a trouble maker. Nanna the old mouse who used to look after Marti when she was a babe came running round the corner shouting.
"Why you little devil come here, and leave your sister alone." Nanna picked up the still giggling Cheche. "I'm sorry my dearest, are you alright?" She said in her quiet gentle tone to Marti.
"Oh yes I'm fine Nanna. I was just on my way to the library." Marti said cheerfully.
"Alright, now come along you little scamp to the tub with ye." Nanna scolded to Cheche.   Cheche started to wale fitfully. "Whaa, whaa, no want to go in tub, whaa, whaa."
"Oh stop howling you've got to go in the tube so you look all nice for the party tonight."
"Oh I almost forgot about the party thanks Nanna for reminding me." Marti gasped.
"Oh think nothing of it young miss, now run along to the library." Nanna said as she carried the still crying babe up stairs.
Marti walked down the corridor towards the Castle Forlets library. She loved the library with its book and scrolls and manuscripts. She wondered up some stairs towards her favourite shelf, the History of Southward and beyond. As she walked along she stumped her footpaw against a book which was sticking out from the shelf. She picked it up and pushed it back on to the shelf. It wouldn't go in something was stopping it going in right. She took the book of the shelf and reached her paw into the hole to see what was stopping the book going in. Her paw came in contact with something flat against the wall she took the other two books on the shelf out. She reached her paw out again and felt it. She found the edges and pulled. It was stuck fast to the wall but she kept pulling. Suddenly it came free and for the second time that day she went head over brush. She sat up and looked and what she had found. It was a parchment in cased in bees wax.


                                                    Chapter 2
  "What is it?" Marti said to herself. The parchment was ancient she examined it closer. It was made from birch bark and had writing on it but she could not make it out for the bees wax. She took her small dagger from her belt and began to cut away the wax. When she was done she could make out the words perfectly. It was some sort of poem she began to read.
If you seek for the rock which is blue
Then turn south and seven steps you will take
Then search for volume eight of which is green
Only then you will discover in three.

Marti stared at the parchment. What did it mean? She decided to do what it said turn south and take seven steps.
"One, two, three, four." She counted. "Five, six, seven." She stood in front of an old book case and yes on the fourth shelf was a set of green leather bound books. She searched along until she found volume eight. She wondered what page to look at. Only then you discover in three. She opened it one page three. Nothing but how Castle Forlet was built. She turned the pages until she was on chapter three. Still nothing this page was how they dug the cellars. She then noticed that the book was split into four books. She turned the pages until she was on the page that said book three. Book three was about special finds in southward. Chapter three was called The Southward Sapphire . Marti thought a moment in the poem it said if you seek for the rock which is blue a sapphire was blue and yes it counted as a rock. She read on it said that one day a long time age a young squirrel prince called Tradward the second was out one day when suddenly out of the sky a perfectly round sapphire fell right in front of him when he looked up he saw a magpie flying away. He picked up the sapphire and took it home and presented it as a present for his mother Queen Silam of Southward. She accepted the gift and added it to her collection of precious stones and jewels. Then one day when she was showing her friends her collection she noticed that the sapphire had gone. She was terribly upset she then fired then servant who took care of her jewels. But she did not find the sapphire. Then one day a traveller was passing though Southward when he came upon the sapphire in a birds nest. He then climbed the tree and retrieved the sapphire and put it in his satchel and continued on his way. He then came to the mountain of Salamanderstron he then gave the badger lord whose name was Lord Brang the sapphire. He then at the end of his rule made a beautiful necklace out of gold and incrusted the sapphire into the necklace. He then gave it to the new badger Lady Lady Ambry . After he died Lady Ambry had gone to visit Redwall Abbey and as a gift gave the necklace to the abbess whose name was Abbess Marjoram the Abbess accepted the gift gratefully. A few days after Lady Ambry had left the Abbess was in the Abbey grounds helping with the spring planting. Later when she returned to her room she noticed that the sapphire necklace was missing from on her desk where she had left it. She looked out of the open window and came to the conclusion that a bird must have seen it and flown through the window and taken the sapphire necklace. Then one day a young mouse was traveling through Mossflower woods when he noticed two magpies fighting above the trees then suddenly one of the magpies dropped something. It got caught on a high branch of a beech tree. The young mouse decided to try to get it and began to climb the tree. When he reached the branch he saw it was a necklace. He picked up the sapphire necklace and put it in his satchel. He then carried on home to Noonvale.   Nobody knows the exact location of Noonvale but there are travellers' tales and myths.
Marti stared at the book. Who had written this? She wondered but it did not say and it didn't continue the story of the sapphire. Then suddenly Marti remembered something. She had read a biography from the history of Redwall and it did mention a sapphire. She began to search for the book. "T. I know its somewhere in T." She murmured to herself. "Here it is!" She exclaimed, the biography of The Taggerung. She remembered that the blade Denya carried (A.K.A. The Taggerung) had a sapphire for the pommel stone. She opened the ancient book and read. Yes Denya did take the blade of Swany wraith and yes the pommel stone was a sapphire. She remembered that after Denya had avenged his father he lay wounded and the creatures of Redwall feared he might die. Until Skipper of otters said he knew someone who could heal Denya. Runky Garge the otter fixer. After she healed Denya Skipper gave the knife with the sapphire pommel stone as a gift to Runky Garge for saving Denya's life. One day when Skipper went to visit Runky Garge he found her dead and the knife gone.
Marti suddenly heard a shrill voice calling her name.
"MARRRTTTIII! MARRRTTTIII!"  The voice called. Marti knew it was her mothers. She then remembered she was meant to be getting ready for the party.
"I'm coming!" Marti called.
"You better be. I've been looking for you everywhere." Her mother replayed.
"Sorry." Marti said as she hurried from the library.
        Later after she was bathed and dressed she came walking down the stairs into a perfect scene. Beautiful mouse and squirrelmaids came walking past in elaborate ballgowns and handsome young male hedgehogs, mice and squirrels came and asked to dance with her. She polity refused. The evening dragged on until it was midnight. It was time to ring the Freedom Bell so called because after the great battle for Southward Joseph the Bellmaker did not return to Redwall until he had made Southward a bell. Marti stared in wonderment as the ritual began. Farno (Unsho's father) climbed the belltower steps until he was as high up as possible and be able to ring the bell.
              Bong, Dang, Bong, Dang, Bong, Dang, Bong, Dang.   
Marti watched the incredible scene. It was brilliant! The giant bell sounded across all of Southward. It glorious tune singing out to all. After the ringing of the Bell everyone went into Castle Forlet for the feast which had been put onto huge dining tables. The fragrant smells filled Marti's nostrils. There were cakes, pies, and a huge strawberry cake in the middle of one of the giant tables. Marti looked at a passing trolley that had little pasties spilling gravy onto the plates that held them and on the lower shelf there were spring rolls. On one table there were preserves and on another there were jamy donates. Breads fought with cheeses for precision one the tables. Marti generally thought she was in heaven. They all found their allocated places. Marti was next to Queen Petalflow and King Agringto. Little Cheche was at a table with some other little creatures. King Agringto said his speech and they all began the feast.
"Could you pass some of that chutney please?"
"Oh this apple and plum tart is nice."
"May I have a piece of that crumble there? Thank you."
"WOW! Is that pear and raspberry cider over there."
"Yes is certainly is. Would you like to try some?"
"Would I ever! Pass it on down my good friend."
"My goodness look at those little one eat."
"Yes Marm they can stuff cookies down at a fast rate."
  "Oh I do love a good piece of pie."
"Come on young Marti; sing us one of your pretty ballads."
Marti flushed. "Oh I couldn't." She began but was cut short by shouts of encouragement.
"Come young lass sing us a song."
"Oh do Marti, do."
"Oh alright." Marti gave in. Cheers greeted this statement. Marti went up in front of the tables and began to sing.
                                                  Oh my bonny dear
                                                  My bonny dear
                                                Return on the breeze for me
                                                 Oh my bonny dear
                                                My bonny dear
                                               Return home to me
                                             Oh I've missed my bonny dear
                                            Please return home from the sea
                                             My lover come home to me
                                        For the nights are long
                                      When my bonny dear; is not here with me.
As the last beautiful notes drifted off on the warm summer night air creatures sat mesmerized.
"That was nicely sung my dear." King Agringto said proudly.
The cheers came thick and fast after that.
"That was wonderful simply wonderful."
"Brilliant just brilliant."
"Great I loved it."
"Sing it again! Sing it again!"
"Oh no! I think that's enough for one night." Marti said firmly.
After three hours of feasting Marti gave in. She couldn't eat one more mouthful. The little ones had been carried up to bed a long time ago. There were a few creatures still eating and drinking but Marti had had enough. She made her way up the spiral staircase and along the landing until she came to her room. She went in and took of her party dress and flopped onto the bed. She crawled under the covers and was instantly asleep. She dreamt of sapphire flying around her head and a magpie eating muffins and of Castle Forlet being made of jelly when all of a sudden her dreams were swept away and only mist remained. Out of the mist an armoured mouse came a brilliant sword in one paw and in the other a map. He then spoke.
"The vale will fall
If Marti does not travel to Redwall
From Redwall she will carry on
And a blade I will provide good and strong"
He then turn and faced Marti and said.
"You must go to Noonvale pretty one but first you must go to Redwall but don't fear you will not go unarmed."
  Marti then suddenly woke up. She remembered everything. She must go to Redwall and then to Noonvale.

Leatho Shellhound

I read it. IT IS AWESOME!!! I love the idea with Castle Forle and all. Your character Marti was also great. Please write more!
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Free Thought

It's a cute little story you have here! 

Just watch the format you have going there.  It's a little odd sometimes.  This forum isn't the best for formatting "stories" on, but what I found helps is writing everything flush left, then manually indenting new paragraphs with three spaces.  Titles appear somewhat flush right, so try and make them go in the center or flush left.  Not meaning to be picky, but this will help your readers focus on the dialect and not where their eyes are supposed to be  :P

Keep writing more!  Let's see what happens to Marti in Mossflower and remember that there is quite a bit of distance between the two places- allow for time to lapse!

Waiting for another chapter...


                                                      Chapter 3
Marti got up and dressed quickly. She didn't know who the armoured mouse was but she felt like she must obey him.
She grabbed her bow and quiver of arrows and went out of the door. She crept silently down the stairs jumping at every noise. She stopped for a moment to calm herself, down. She continued walking down the stairs and onto a landing, and froze as a door in front of her suddenly opened. A sleepy mole emerged from the room and walked of down the hall in the opposite direction to where Marti stood. She heaved a huge sigh of relieve. He hadn't seen her. She kept on walking down the stairs once more. When she had finery reached the bottom there was another problem. How was she meant to get passed the creatures still eating at the tables, and how was she going to get into the kitchens to get food for her journey. She soon found that neither of these problems would bother her because all the creatures at the tables were asleep and the kitchen was deserted. She thanked the fates silently and grabbed a haversack and began loading it with food. She took newly baked bread made for tomorrow's breakfast. She took cheese, apples, pears, scones, and some blueberry muffins of a cooling tray. "There that should be enough to get me to Redwall. I can restock when I leave Redwall." She muttered to herself as she pulled herself out of the kitchen window pulling the haversack after her.
As she made her way down the steep path that lead away from Castle Forlet she went past the Belltower and walked straight into Unsho who was just coming to ring the sunrise bell.
"What are you doing out here?" He spluttered.
"I'm.... a I'm' I'm not doing anything." Marti stammered. Unsho looked at the haversack on her back and at the bow. 
"Where are you going Marti?" He said quietly but firmly.
"I'm... I..... Was.....just ya know...... but....I" Marti didn't know what to say. She couldn't just say. Oh hi Unsho I'm just going to Redwall then I'm off to a place called Noonvale because I had a dream and found a hidden poem in the library. Actually when you said it like that it did sound a bit silly. Here she was running off to some far away land without a map or any kind of guidance. But she had to go. She just had to. She didn't know why but she had this feeling in her bones. She could feel it in her very self. She felt like it was her fate or destiny whatever you call it she must go. She stared Unsho right in the eye and said.
"I'm going to Redwall and then to Noonvale." She looked to see how Unsho would react. It was quiet an explosion.
"What! What! What are you talking about! You must be crazy! You can't just go gallivanting off for no apparent or sensible reason!" He bellowed loudly.
"I don't care I must go because the armoured mouse said so. And there's nothing you can do about it." Marti said pulling herself to her full height which wasn't very high. This statement was greeted with another explosion. When Unsho had stopped momentarily to catch his breath Marti walked away.
"Where do you think you're going?" He called after her.
"To Redwall Abbey, and then on to Noonvale!" Marti called back over her shoulder.
"Then I'm coming too!" Unsho called. Marti turned paws on hips.
"No you're not. Just a second ago you were saying it was a stupid idea." Marti said angrily.
"Yes, I am you can't go on your own. You wouldn't make it." He replayed. Marti sighed. How could she turn away such a kind loyal creature?
"Alright you can come. But you must get a clock, a food sack, and a staff." Marti said hurriedly.
"You don't have a staff." Unsho commented. "You don't have a sword either." He continued.
"The armoured mouse said he would give me a blade." Marti said dryly. "Are you going to get the stuff I told you to get? Or are you just going to stand there?" She continued.
"Oh yeah! I'll get them now." Unsho said scurrying back up the path. Marti sighed it looked like she wouldn't be making the journey alone after all.


                                                     Chapter 4
They had been walking all night. Marti's footpaws hurt and Unsho kept asking to take a rest. But Marti refused to stop until morning.
"We can't stop or they'll find us." Marti said to Unsho for the zillionth time.
"But we've been walking all night and my paws hurt and I'm hungry." Unsho whined.
"You ate mountain of food at the feast last night. How can you possibly be hungry?" Marti said about to lose her temper. 
They came to a stream just as the sun began to rise. It lighted up the world and it's warm rays seemed to comfort the weary travellers.
"Can....we" Unsho panted.
"All.....right.....then. We'll.... stop.... Here for....a rest." Marti gasped out. Her throat was so dry she it felt like someone had rubbed it with sandpaper. She sat down and heaved the haversack off her back and began to choose what they would have to break their fast.
"Can we have some of Fair Domel's gooseberry jam on some scone?" Unsho asked Marti ever so sweetly.
"Just give me a moment to find them Unsho." Marti said rummaging in the bottom on her haversack.  Unsho looked at the delicious spread. There were plum muffins, warm scones covered in gooseberry jam, two large flasks of orange cider, and four hot wheat loaves.
"Mmmmm. Now that's what I call a breakfast. Though it would be better if there was some porridge with mixed berry's in it." Unsho said dreamily.
"Hooo, would ya listen to the boy. Hot porridge indeed, nothing like it to start the day is there." A voice said from the river bank. Marti and Unsho turned around and stared. There standing on the bank was a jolly looking water vole clad in a flowery apron.
"Would you two young un's like to come inside and try some of my porridge. It's got plenty of fruit in it." The vole said kindly.
"Yes please. Oh! I'm sorry my name is Marti, and this is Unsho." Marti said standing up.
"Marti, what a nice name, my name's Yumily." Yumily said curtsying prettily.
"It's nice to Yumily and thank you for inviting us into your home." Unsho said doing a sweeping bow and kissing Yumily's paw. The old vole smiled her cheeks had gone bright red.
"Think nothing of it young sir and young miss. Come right in and sit yourselves down." Yumily said helping Marti put their things back in the haversack.
"If you just follow me I'll show you the way to my den. Come along now." Yumily called back over her shoulder as she scampered off into the trees.

When they arrived at place where Yumily's den was Marti and Unsho could see nothing but two alder trees, some shrubs, and three blueberry bushes.
"Where's your den?" Marti asked looking behind one of the blueberry bushes.
"Oh my dear it's not behind a bush." Yumily said her back to one of the trees. Suddenly she just   disappeared.
"Yumily.....Yumily, where are you. Yumily!!!" Unsho called worriedly.  Yumily suddenly popped up next to Unsho giving him the scare of his live.
"I'm just here my dear." She said a cheerful smile on her face.
" where....what." Unsho stammered.
"If you just follow me I'll show you my secret entrance." Yumily said kindly. She then waddled over to the alder tree's bass and once again she disappeared. Then she popped up in the same place as last time. She then showed then the hole at the bottom of the tree.
"But there was no hole earlier." Marti said shaking her head.
"That's because it's a trapdoor my dear." Yumily explained.
"But you appeared next to me not in the hole." Unsho said a confused look on his face.
"Oh there's another trapdoor over there, their both hidden under a layer of grass, moss, and a few bluebells." Yumily said proudly.
After Yumily had shown them how to work the trapdoors they had gone down a narrow tunnel which led into a small but cosy room. It had a round wooden table in one corner next to a stove. There were earth ledges lined with soft green moss. A large square lantern hung from the ceiling.
"What a lovely little den." Marti exclaimed.
"Oh home is home and I like to mine tidy." Yumily replayed as she dished out steaming bowls of porridge. Unsho sniffed the lovely fragrance.
"Oh that does look toothsome doesn't it?" He said dreamily.
"You two sit yourselves down over there." Yumily said pointing to two moss covered stools. After seating themselves Yumily placed three hot bowls of honeyed porridge with crystalized fruit mixed into it. Then she placed a large pan full of honeyed porridge in the middle of the table with a little bowl of crystalized fruit next to it.
"Dig in now." Yumily said smiling. And dig in they did.
After seven bowls of porridge Unsho decided he was full. Marti had only managed five bowls. But Yumily was still going strong after eating twelve bowls of porridge she decided she had had enough.
"Ahhhh, that'll full me up until lunch." Yumily said patting her stomach. "Now you two tell me what you're doing wandering around Southward for eh." So Marti told Yumily the whole story of how she had dreamt about the armoured mouse and how she must travel to Noonvale and how Unsho had insisted on coming. Yumily listened in silence until Marti had finished talking.
"So you say this armoured mouse will give you a blade somehow but you don't know when or where."  Yumily said her eyes twinkling.
"Aye that's what he said." Marti answered looking at the earthen floor.
  "Well would you believe it but the other day I was out looking for wild mushrooms when I hear squealing." Yumily began.  "I went over to have a look and I saw a huge bird carrying off two vermin. I could see something catching the sunlight just underneath them. After the bird flew off I went to where it had happened and there were two beautiful swords just lying there on the grass. I don't know why but I picked them up and brought them back here and put them in the blanket box just over there behind ye." She gestured to a largish box in one corner behind where they were sitting. Yumily got up and walked over to the box and took out two glittering sabres.
"Oh, they're beautiful Yumily!" Unsho exclaimed. 
"Yes, their absolutely gorgeous" Marti agreed.
"Well they're yours now. The same armoured mouse told me to give two young travellers these swords." Yumily said a smile of satisfaction on her face. 
"Really that's amazing thank, thank you Yumily you wonderful vole you." Unsho said leaping up and giving Yumily a huge hug.
"Oh get away with ye you young charmer." Yumily said her cheeks turning redder than ever.
"We are truly thankful of your kind gift." Marti began. "Now it's on to Redwall and then Noonvale."


                                                               Chapter 5
The next morning found Marti and Unsho leaving the cosy little home of Yumily.  Yumily busied herself by packing them large amounts of provisions.
"Now here's some heavy fruitcake. I can't let you starve now can I?" Yumily said rapping a large fruitcake in a linen cloth. Marti stared at the quickly growing haversacks in despair. Unsho on the other hand stared in delight. Marti guested this must be because he hadn't thought about having to carry one of them all the way to Redwall.
"Yumily, its very kind of you to give us so much food. But I'm afraid we won't be able to carry all of this." Marti said gently.
"OH! Of course how silly of me. I should have thought about how heavy it will be." Yumily exclaimed.
"It's alright I'm sure we'll manage with just this." Marti said gesturing at the almost full haversacks.
"OH alright! I'll just get you so of my medicines. You never know when you might need them." Yumily said searching through a small box on one of the ledges.
It was time to leave. Marti and Unsho stood outside Yumily's secret den saying goodbye. Unsho gave Yumily a huge hug thanking her for the sabres.   
"OH! put me down you young charmer and think nothing of it. Now off you go. Let the fates be kind and always keep the sun on your backs." Yumily said as Unsho put her down.
"Goodbye Yumily, we'll never forget you!" Marti and Unsho called as they set of north.
"I'm going to miss that nice vole." Unsho said after the small figure of Yumily disappeared.
"Yeah me too." Marti said wiping away a tear.
"Do you think we'll ever see her again?" Unsho said looking back over his shoulder.
"I don't know." Marti replayed.
It was almost sunset and Marti and Unsho were dispirited.
"How far is it to Redwall Abbey?" Unsho gasped pulling a canteen of water out of his haversack.
"I don't know. But no matter what we'll get there." Marti said determinedly.
"So you don't actually know where we're going?" Unsho said suspiciously.
"Well......I...Um.... I......I, I know that we've got to go north." Marti said looking down so she wouldn't have to look Unsho in the eye.
"What! What! You dragging me away from Southward to go on some hair brain adventure and you don't actually know where we're going." Unsho shouted. Marti turned around paws on hips and looked Unsho right in the eye.
"I never asked you to come. You were the one who volunteered to come so don't say that I'm dragging you away from Southward. And another thing it's not some hair brain adventure. The armoured mouse told me to go. And he told Yumily to give us the swords so there." Marti shouted. She could feel hot tears filling her eyes and soon she found herself crying uncontrollably. She sat down on the dew covered grass and sobbed. Unsho shuffled his footpaws awkwardly. He then sat down next to Marti and put a paw around her shoulders. She turned and buried her face in chest and sobbed some more.
"I'm....I'm sorry Marti for shouting at you." Unsho said gently. But the only response he got was some more sobs. He then hugged her tightly and whispered encouraging words into her ear. It seemed to work because after a while she stopped crying and stood up.
"We better get moving or it'll be dark before we get going." Marti said smiling.  Unsho sighed. He better get used to Marti's moods swings because he was sure there would be more to come.
That night they camped under an old beech tree. Unsho collected wood and Marti soon had a fire going. They sat next to the fire roasting apples which they had speared onto some sticks. After they had eaten their apples they laid down to go to sleep. Marti laid awake long after midnight but after a few more hours of tossing and turning she eventually got to sleep. In her dream she saw a great big red building with a tall belltower near to it. She longed to go to the red building but found that she was stuck up to her waist in thick, green, mud. Suddenly a thick fog rolled in and enveloped her. Though the fog came the armoured mouse his bright eyes shining and his wonderful sword flaming a path through the thick deadening fog. He walked over to her and held out his paw.
"I will guide you to Redwall and to Noonvale after that. Just follow your heart and it will lead you to where you desire to be." He said. His eyes seemed to smile at her.
"What is your name?" Marti asked as he pulled her out of the mud.
"My name you will learn when you reach Redwall." He answered. Then he disappeared back into the fog. Marti slept in the comfort of knowing that she would reach Redwall and then Noonvale. She was unaware of the many sinister eyes closing in on her and Unsho. The eye's seemed to hover above the ground but with no head or body to hold them. Then one of the eye's walked over into the dying fire light. The creature who the eye's belong to was tall but skinny. Its ribs were clearing visible through its thin chest. It leaned over the sleeping form of Marti. It smiled revealing a set of glittering teeth. How nice that his prey should not need chasing. He gestured at two more creatures who were still in the shadows. They came forward and lifted two ash staves. Then brought them crashing down on the heads of Marti and Unsho.  The tall, skinny creature smiled again. Now his prey would be going nowhere.       

Leatho Shellhound

It was a pleasure to read it.  :)
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thanks Leatho Shellhound and if you like this story then you might like this one


Ok I've just decided to start a discussion topic for this so please don't post what you think on here any more and I'm going to start posting the chapters in their on post so all my readers can tell if there's a new chapter or not  ;) I'm going to do the same with my other fanfition Toriaportia  ;D if you have any questions just PM me  ;D here's a link enjoy