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Pass Along Fan Fiction.

Started by Faiyloe, October 06, 2013, 02:34:12 PM

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This is a Pass Along Fan Fiction. Anyone can pick up where the last person left off and write the next chapter. Try and make your chapter have a word count of at least 500 words or more. Also If one person makes a plot twist don't then try and act like it never happen because you wanted something else to happen. And lastly have fun.   


The last rays of the sun shone through the multi colored glass of great hall and glinted off of the sword of martin the warrior hanging on its pegs over the tapestry, reflecting silver, rainbow, light across the room and onto the face of an old mouse. Soon the miraculous moment was over. The sun fell behind the wall and over the mountains to the west out of sight leaving the hall in shadow. The gray mouse leaned heavily on his cane, bent with age. His eyes, though dim with age, had a deep wisdom in them as if he had seen many thing both good and bad. Looking up at the tapestry his eyes met Martin the Warrior's young fiery eyes yet they seemed to share that wisdom. He looked and remembered days long gone. A time in his youth when he, like Martin, had been called to take up the sword and defend the abbey and all those he held dear.  A time when evil lurked in Mossflower. An evil that threatened the abbeys very foundation. Threatened to tear apart everything the abbey stood for. The icon of safety and protection, peace and friendship. Yet Martin guided them like he had countless times before. He had called them to fight for what they believed in because they were redwallers and that is what redwallers do.  Fight for the weak, the defenceless, fight to protect mossflower from invasion, slavery, and the tyranny of a warlord. Once Mossflower had been conquered but that would never happen again so long as Martin was there to guide them.     

Chapter One

One way to look at the dilemma was to look at it upside down and another way was to run around in circles, or at least, that was what the dibbuns thought. They treated it all like an enormous game. They danced around the cellars shrieking and giggling, and pretending to be helpful while the older creatures fussed about not doing much better.

Friar Chester, an incredibly fat squirrel and the abbeys head cook, had gotten stuck under some barrels when a rack had fallen on him in the cellars. He was fine but he was also undeniably stuck. His normally cheerful manner had died off several minutes ago and his mouth was now drawn in a tight frustrated line. He was quite fed up with all this and he wished some beast would just get him out already. 

The problem was not that the barrels were too heavy to move it was more that if they moved one then all the rest would come falling down on the Friar.  Abbess Arua, a gray furred mouse, walked slowly around the barrels contemplating the conundrum, trying to find a solution. She stepped back and called over to Formole.

"Formole can you have all the extra barrels removed?"

"Oi marm oi'll get roight on et," There were many barrels lying around all on there own that could be removed without a problem. Once they were gone then they would be able to have a better look at the problem.


Not far from Mossflower Calendula marched at the head of her army. The Vixen had silky golden fur like fire, fading from red to orange in to yellow. There was no white on the fox, instead, were white should have been, there was a golden yellow. She wore a gray cape the color of ash which billowed out behind her as she strode confidently against the wind. Her eyes, like her fur, shown with a golden light of fire and malice, and like fire, she would destroy everything in her path.         

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


I like your chapter and am working on chapter two.  :)
Frodo: "Sam you must understand I'm going alone"
Sam: "Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!"

Hook: "Come on peter pan fly to the rescue and I'll shoot you right through your noble intentions!"

Bard: "You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!"
Thorin: "I have thee only right.


Thank's  ;D and I can't wait to see your chapter.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Chapter Two  
   About a four day journey from the seashore into Mossflower wood, a young squirrel watched from a tree. What he saw would change his life forever. His home was burning. His family lay dead on the grass. A huge army of vermin were below him. His only chance was to run. He would go to Redwall and warn them. They would take care of him. So he began to run faster then ever before, leaping from branch to branch with the laugh of the vixen ringing in his ears.

   Back at Redwall Abby all the able bodied redwallers were in the cellars assessing the situation. They discussed several ideas but none seemed to work out. Then Skipper Gelo came up with a plan.
"What if Fourmole and his crew could tunnel under the cellars and take him out from underneath?" asked Gelo. That seemed like a good idea to most, so Fourmole and his crew began gathering their tools. Before long friar Chester was free but he was in need of a bath and in a bad mood.
"So now I suppose you expect me to make dinner?" Chester grumbled.
"Actually that gluttonous hare Tayoe is the self proclaimed temporary friar." Said Arua. Chester let out a resounding yelp and ran to save his kitchens.

   Relelo the young squirrel had been running since dawn. His bow and quiver of red and green fletched arrows were getting heavy and his family medallion was hanging loosely around his neck. The vixen now had the other six medallions in her evil grasp. It was now almost noon. His mouth and throat were dry. He began to slow down. Knowing he must get a drink of water, he climbed down to a small stream. Just wen Relelo reached down for water the silence was broke by the singing voices of shrews. All the sudden Relelo began to feel dizzy. He was beginning to stumble when a mouse in shining armor entered his vision.
"Trust the shrews Relelo, they will help you. Your father knew them well." Then the strange mouse vanished and Relelo fell into the stream with a loud splash.

   Calendula was questioning a Squirrel dibben.
"Where is Redwall?" Calendula howled.
"East. That's what daddy said" She sobbed.
"Why did you only leave one alive?" asked the angry Calendula.
"The other five fought like mad beasts. They were expert archers and all or them had those strange looking arrows!" Exclaimed a terrified weasel.
"What's the arrows got to do with it?" Thundered the now enraged Calendula. "Why cant a huge army of vermin capture six confounded squirrels?" She screeched. The weasel had melted in with the rest of the vermin. They all knew she would make an example of someone, but no one could tell who.

It is not Quite 500 words.  ;)

Frodo: "Sam you must understand I'm going alone"
Sam: "Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!"

Hook: "Come on peter pan fly to the rescue and I'll shoot you right through your noble intentions!"

Bard: "You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!"
Thorin: "I have thee only right.


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Jukka the Sling

I'm working on the third chapter.  ;D
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Jukka the Sling

Okay, here's my chapter. Hope you like it.  :)

Chapter Three
   Falling into the stream water temporarily revived Relelo. The young squirrel gasped, spitting out water as he stumbled back onto the bank, exhausted and dizzy. Out of the corner of his eye he saw several logboats full of shrews round a bend in the stream. Just as he lost consciousness, Relelo heard a shout from a shrew.
   "Hoi, there's an 'alf drownded squirrel on the stream bank! Lay off paddlin', Guosim!"

                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
   Tayoe the hare yelped as Friar Chester chased him out of the kitchens with a ladle. "I say, bally unreasonable of you, won't let a chap help out, wot!"
   The squirrel Friar gritted his teeth and yelled at the incorrigible hare, "This is not the first time you've tried to get into my kitchens, but it's certainly the last! If you ever enter my kitchens again without my express permission, I'll see to it you're banished from Redwall permanently!"
   Tayoe munched on a scone he'd stolen, twiddling his ears at the enraged Friar. "Oh, all right, all right, got to do what the jolly old Friar flippin' well commands, wot!" He walked away, leaving Chester fuming. The squirrel adjusted his apron and went back into the kitchens, overseeing his kitchen helpers as they carried out tasks.

                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
   Calendula had kidnapped the squirrel Dibbun, thinking that if all else failed she could be used as a hostage. Now the vixen was on the march again with her army. She was still fuming about the incompetence of her vermin in capturing a few squirrels with bows and arrows, but she was glad that they'd been killed in the end. She pawed the medallions around her neck, sneering inwardly at the memory of the squirrel family who had dared to challenge her. Fools! Now they're all in Dark Forest, and serves them right! Turning her thoughts to what lay ahead, the vixen thought about Redwall Abbey and her plans for taking it. She called her confidante Klimpsy to the front, and as they marched she told the female stoat her plans.
   "When we reach Redwall, we'll strike without warning! We'll camp in the woods, and then I'll take a few hordebeasts in the dead of night, and with grappling hooks we'll scale the wall and let everybeast else in! The woodlanders we'll take as slaves to serve us. Once I am ruler of the Abbey, I will conquer all Mossflower!"
   Klimpsy nodded her head vigorously. "Aye, milady, 'tis a good ould plan sure 'nough, I'm thinkin'. How can it go wrong when you yourself are leadin' the attack?"
                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
   As dusk fell, most of the Redwallers headed for bed. Abbess Arua, however, decided to take a little walk before she retired for the night. The middle-aged mouse wandered out to the lawns, the stars beginning to show in the heavens as she headed up the west wallsteps. Arua tucked her paws into her habit sleeves and stared out over the western flatlands, illuminated by the sun's dying rays.
   It was a lovely sight, the flatlands as beautiful and quiet as they usually were. Arua stood and took in the scene, hoping that Redwall would never again be attacked as it had been many times before.
   Behind her she heard pawsteps. Tayoe came up the stairs and stood beside the Abbess. "What are y'bally well thinkin about, marm?"
   She sighed. "I was just thinking how beautiful all this is, and hoping that this beloved Abbey will never again come under attack."
   Tayoe wrinkled his nose. "I don't think it flippin' likely. Why, no vermin chaps have been seen around here for seasons! So I don't think you should worry about the blighters, marm." The older mouse smiled at the hare. Though he could be rather exasperating, he really was a good beast.
  "Aye, Tayoe. I'm sure you're right. Why worry about something that probably won't happen?"    
  The two Abbeydwellers stood on the wall for a time, then descended the stairs together. Overhead the moon looked down on the tranquil scene. Little did the woodlanders know what was coming for them.
                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  Relelo came to. Gathered around the young squirrel was an anxious group of shrews, who looked visibly relieved that he was still alive.
  "W-where am I?" Relelo asked.
  An older shrew answered. "You're with the Guosim, matey."
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Frodo: "Sam you must understand I'm going alone"
Sam: "Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!"

Hook: "Come on peter pan fly to the rescue and I'll shoot you right through your noble intentions!"

Bard: "You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!"
Thorin: "I have thee only right.

Jukka the Sling

Thanks! :) Yours is awesome too! ;D
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Gonff the Mousethief

this book would be called The Woodland Medallions
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Shut him up or shut him down.
Normal is just a setting on your dryer.


Sounds like a good name. Are you going to write a chapter? It's going kind of slow.
Frodo: "Sam you must understand I'm going alone"
Sam: "Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!"

Hook: "Come on peter pan fly to the rescue and I'll shoot you right through your noble intentions!"

Bard: "You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!"
Thorin: "I have thee only right.


I'm working on the next chapter.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Great! I didn't know you could make 2 chapters.   ;)

I just became a Jr. member!!!!!!!!!!!
Frodo: "Sam you must understand I'm going alone"
Sam: "Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!"

Hook: "Come on peter pan fly to the rescue and I'll shoot you right through your noble intentions!"

Bard: "You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!"
Thorin: "I have thee only right.


Oh ya you can make as many chapters as you want so long as they are not in a row.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?