Which is your favorite type of Youtube video?
Option 1: Comedy
votes: 11
Option 2: Music
votes: 11
Option 3: Trailer
votes: 6
Option 4: Walkthrough
votes: 1
Option 5: Culture
votes: 0
Option 6: Clip
votes: 0
Option 7: Research
votes: 0
Option 8: Other
votes: 4
Option 9: Can't Decide
votes: 9
Hi! Like stated above. This topic is exclusively meant for posting GOOD/NICE videos, rude ones will NOT be tolerated and a moderator will be informed of the intrusion. This is for Music, Trailers, ect. I'll start off.
If you listen to the music it isn't really that RELAXING, It's more enjoy! type music. Hope you liked it! Feel free to post your own NICE stuff on here.
Danflor Reguba
P.S. and one more! And this coming video is OVER 30 min. but is HILARIOUS!
Daren Streblow is a clean and enormously funny comedian hope you enjoyed!
P.P.S. Just so you know the code for a youtube video is [youtube] [/ youtube] (space put in on purpose)
How come mine is not working
You have to enter this code: [youtube] [ /youtube] but it must have NO spaces. then you put the URL for the video you want. best way to do that is to highlight the URL right click then hit copy, after that you just paste it between the code! Hope that helped!
We already have a youtube thread right here (http://redwallabbey.com/forum/index.php?topic=1477.0).
It fell of the main page and this topic is for both posting MORE THAN ONE video and discussion of the videos.
Yay! Someone else posted a video! best Trailer for that movie I've seen so far. :D
I don't want to doudle post but this topic is falling REAL bad.
(modified) Someone post something! :(
How about the Tintin trailer :D
Well you could put it up.
I don't know how to :-[
Like this [youtube] (place URL in here!) [/youtube ]
But when you do it, make sure you don't leave ANY spaces!!!!
That's okay. I didn't know a lot of things when I joined the forum. ;)
http://bit.ly/clevvermovies here
wait nooooooooo ???
The best of Owl City!
Vanilla Twighlight:
To the Sky (from The Legend of the Guardians, the owls of Ga'Hoole)
More coming soon!
Wow.... I didn't know GLADoS could sing!
XD wow a singing robot
"For the good of everyone except the ones who are dead."
HAHAHA!That part was SOOOOOO hilarious!!!
Now for my own video! (not ME just a video I posted)
He plays "Slippin Around" REALLY well! It is a really nice piece of music to listen too!
This song has been stuck in my head for most of the day.
If you were to listen to Celtic Woman's Believe CD, you would hear this song immediately after Walking the Night. I'm not sure why they recorded it separately for the DVD.
I would never have guessed.
So sorry for this double post... But does it really make a difference in the Cellars?
Wisteria PM'd me this hilarious video!
(I know everyone will watch it sense it ISN'T mine)
i used to think that one couldn't go wrong with silly songs with Larry... then i watched that video.
i'll come up with a video to post soon.
What's wrong?!? It was hilarious! :P
most silly songs with Larry have reasonable music to accompany the silliness. this one doesn't.
Quote from: Mad Maudie on May 30, 2012, 04:00:07 AM
1. Diego's got a girlfriend!
2. That was Hilarious!
i know i love shira! and i like sids grandma
Sr for the dp but these are so funny! the little kid narrate the video then the adults act it out the voice dubbing is so funny
Quote from: Mad Maudie on June 06, 2012, 12:59:05 AM
Sr for the dp but these are so funny! the little kid narrate the video then the adults act it out the voice dubbing is so funny
So THAT'S what my family's been quoting this whole time! I had only seen episode 5.
Kid history's awesome....
did you know your computer makes some of the best music? It's true!
"All for you" - Tye Tribbet
Stickman series coming soon!
Hey, MatthiasMan! I think you'll like this song!
Awesome videos!
How Tangled Should Have Ended
JULIAN SMITH - Techno Jeep
I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Les Miserables trailer
Did any of you know that Hugh Jackman could sing? I sure didn't until I saw this! I'm still going :o Wolverine can sing?!?!?!?!
I've got to say, as excited as I am for the Hobbit, I am at least 10x more excited for this! ;D
Whose Line is it Anyway - YMCA Goes Wrong
Anyone remember this song?
I'll revive this thread with cello videos:
I've had that song stuck in my head enough, thank you.
Quote from: psybox on July 22, 2012, 08:55:00 PM
I've had that song stuck in my head enough, thank you.
Are you talking to me to me or to WonWill?
I think he's talking about my second song, is that right? It's a song to be stuck in your head.
Quote from: W0NWILL on July 22, 2012, 08:58:09 PM
I think he's talking about my second song, is that right? It's a song to be stuck in your head.
oh, ok.
i think it should be obvious, but... Redwallfan's. W0NWILL had two, so since i didn't specify the song, it seems obvious that i was talking about the post with a single song.
(and i never considered the fact that anyone would have the problem, i also thought that they would assume i was talking about a more recent post.)
I just recently found that I LOVE Latin Music!
Messy Mondays is so awesome! Here's one of my favorites, complete with the extras!
One of my favorite tunes done by the Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem, an Irish folk group. It's VERY funny and cleverly worded.
Mod edit: Fixed youtube link.
I love Owl City! It's so awesome! This is one of my favorite songs:
Quote from: Rainshadow on August 24, 2012, 03:29:48 AM
I love Owl City! It's so awesome! This is one of my favorite songs:
Love that song, Love that movie!
You'll only get this if you're a MLP FIM fan, but it's still a catchy little tune.
Wow! I had no clue that he could play guitar that well!
Time for some epic fiddle music!
I have this one bookmarked, it's so good!
Sorry if I already post this.
One of the best live performances I've seen, I can only imagine what it must have been like to actually be there.
I love this song, it's one of my faves:
Cute kitty video!
For zome reazon every time ah try tae pozt a video it zayz ziz on ze previev:
#Invalid YouTube Link#
MOD EDIT: I fixed that up for you, the key is to remove the "s" from the "https" part. ;)
Anyone like electric violin? 8)
This is just to recruit Homestuck fans
This is to wow you with epic music to animation sync
This basically shows you everything that happens in Homestuck without spoiling anything
And here are a few scenes from Homestuck that won't spoil anything but will make most people interested to see what lead up to it or happened next
Here's a REALLY good song by Deadmau5:
Great, huh?
Tiz a bit long, zae if tiz nae ok tae pozt ziz zen could a moderator pleaze remove it. If nae, zen enjoy!
Lego Ztar Varz: Ze Empire Ztrikez Oot; a very appropiate an' funny lego Ztar Varz movie, an' ze zecond o' tvo (Ze firzt bein'
Ze Padavan Menace (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb8-tznk54c)).
It's Epic, and the film is great!!!!
M83's "Midnight City (Eric Prydz Private Remix)" is such a great song! There has to be at least a few people out there who enjoy this just as much as I do!
Want good fantasy music that's wordless? Go on YouTube and look up Dfiechter2 or iTunes and search for the album Magical Creatures.
PhemieC is an incredibly talented musician. She is not a professional she just has a Tumblr and a Soundcloud however she is better than a lot of "true" artists. The songs of hers that I'm linking are all dedicated to specific characters from a webcomic called Homestuck. Each song is incredibly different to all the others so if you don't like one keep listening to the rest you will find at least one that you like.
Rose Lalonde: Leviathan, the Girl:
Dave Strider: Our Aftermath:
Karkat Vantas: Friendleader:
(Only the music and titlecard are made by PhemieC)
Aradia Megido: Made of Death:
Sollux Captor: Double Time:
Kanaya Maryam: Mary:
Terezi Pyrope: A Confession:
Vriska Serket: An Apology:
Equius Zahak: Inherit Nothing:
Gamzee Makara: Little Clown:
Eridan Ampora: Ugly Story:
Feferi Peixes: Save You:
Alpha Kids: I Am An Island:
I apologise for triple posting but I'm not sure whether or not edits bump topics and I'm really curious.
Did anyone actually listen to any of the songs I posted, if so what did you think?
*Le bumps thread*
The Treasure Seekers trailer:
EDIT: Mods, forgive me. I do believe I have stretched the page on accident.
Unisonic playin' vone o' me favourite zongz,
March O' Toime:
"Life's too short to cry, Long enough to try"