
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Started by UNKN0WN, November 21, 2012, 10:29:46 PM

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                                                           Mission 1: Dark Thoughts and Dark Purposes

Alright guys, here is the dark side mission.

The setting starts in a filthy cantina on Nal Hutta.  You are all patrons here and are sitting at one of the tables.  [later in the mission you'll be traveling to Corusant]
My dressilian character will start you off.

A tall dressilian wove his way through crowded tables, taking care not to cause too much ruckus.  After passing by dirty and slimy creatures from abominable planets, the off-worlder invited himself to a table of deplorable bounty hunters (that's you guys).  "Which one of you thinks himself capable of carrying out dark and scary mission or'll go home a cry'n to his momy?" asked the looming alien.

[Narrator:] After the rouges gave him a sign of agreement, he further explained his purpose, "The separatist federation wants to hire scum like you to carry out their objectives; you will be handsomely rewarded, ... if you survive.
You'll be given an old cargo shuttle which you will pilot to the planet Coursant at the coordinates provided (OOC: the location is in the old factory area) BIC: ...
You will be raiding a small republic warehouse, kill whom ever you find. I'll see you tomorrow, ... if you ever show up."  At that, the dressilian got up from his place and left.


The Zabrak Sith Lord (just in from Korriban) stretched and said, "I'm taking the job. May as well. A few modern credits shall be needed in this time."

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 Ryfar, a shady Rodian, threw his feet up on the table an also agreed to meet in the docking bay


"Are you with me or against me?" Darth Ixxion asked. "Are we working together or as rivals?"

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At that the rodian replied, [translated] "If we split the share evenly and you don't double cross me, I'll work with you."


Ixxion feigned surprise. "Me double-cross you? My friend, I wouldn't dream of it."

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The Dark Lord laughed. "No honor amongst thieves, hm? I'll buy you a drink and then we'll go. Sound good?"

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OOC: should we wait for HeadInAnotherGalaxcy or just keep going?


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[Translated] alright...

[narrator:] Early the next morning, the two ignoble pirates walked into the hanger-bay.
"Looks like 'ladies' showed up," stated the Dressilian commando.  "Alright, get in the ship."

OOC: Seems how "HeadInAnotherGalaxcy" isn't here, I'll let you name the ship mentioned (PM me)


"'Ladies'?" Darth Ixxion snarled. He drew his lightsabre. "You want to call me that again? I am a Dark Lord of the Sith."

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"Teh!" the Dressilian sneered, "I bet you got that on the black market."
"Get your wretched hides aboard!"