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The Solitary Beaver

Started by Lutra, July 22, 2011, 02:44:59 AM

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Captain Tammo

Yeah after redwall, Brian took certain creatures out (like beavers) and completely eliminated the possibility of humans. Anybeast know why?
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior

Tam and Martin

Well Redwall he made for a blind school the someone read it and wanted more. So he made alot more and made it more consistent.

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000

Leatho Shellhound

Well he took the beaver out because it wasn't a native animal of the UK.
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Quote from: Captain Tammo on January 14, 2013, 09:33:21 PM
Yeah after redwall, Brian took certain creatures out (like beavers) and completely eliminated the possibility of humans. Anybeast know why?

I don't know if Mr. Jacques said it publicly, but there was no knowledge that the series would take off like it did, therefore over newer stories, the continuity errors were smoothed out.  He didn't want to create a fantasy series that we could directly relate to, so the humans were gone.  He wanted to create a unique series where you had to use your mind to draw the pictures around the words.  A mouse with a sword is not a human knight with a sword. ;)
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


That certain beaver might have been a wanderer.



I think that so many things that happened in Redwall that weren't in other books was because he probably wanted to write A story. This could be wrong, but I think I read somewhere that he wrote it when he was younger (over 10 and under 20, maybe) and that would be a big accomplishment and he DEFINITELY wouldn't have planed to write another book. They also mention pigs... anyone remember that? It's when they were describing Cluny and his rats. Also, I don't remember cows. There probably were, but cheese can also come from goat milk. I'm guessing there might have been goats because there are sheep. Vilu Daskar (spelling?) had a wool coat or something from the book the Legend of Luke. Okay, by now you guys are probably tired of reading, so this is finally the end. ;D


Vilu Daskar is spelled correctly



Okay......back on topic! The beaver

Random fact about beavers: When I first heard of Justin Bieber, I thought his name was Justin Beaver


LOL that is NOT on topic, you! ;D

The Shade

Yes,he talks once, with Contance.I remember.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Yeah, but it never mentions what he says.
"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3

Shadowed One

Yes it does, because it shows their conversation.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc