
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Norham (Completed)

Started by Norham Waterpaw, March 06, 2013, 01:11:29 AM

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Thomas Barkshield

OOC: Hello all who don't know me but I'm new to both the foroum and the roleplay

BIC: Riggaeo was assuring his troops of his immanent victory. "Many have come close to capturing Redwall, but none have succeeded. I am here to change that!". Just as he finished talking a mouse burst out of the woods behind him, his eyes red with bloodlust. Vermin scattered left and right trying to escape the slashing of his mighty sword. "Get back here!" Riggaeo screamed.  He decided to end the madness by knocking the mouse out with the pommel of his sword. The mouse was out though not dead due to his excessive toughness. He had, however, scatted the horde and disrupted the constant barrage of the archers.

OOC: If you think that I'm posting too big then I will try to shorten my posts.   


OOC: Welcome! there's nothing wrong with the size of your posts.

BIC: Vash quickly tried to blend in with the crowd heading into the inside of the abbey. However, it's not to hard to pick a weasel out of a group of mice.
I LOVE 80's music.

Norham Waterpaw

Ooc: Hey Thom, I know you're new, and that is fine, but Riggaeo's troops are organized, well trained and could pin a fly to a tree without killing it. They aren't the kind that would scatter, besides he killed a whole village of badgers at one point. Just to let you know.

Riggaeo was still wondering what stupid mouse would make a charge in the open like that?
Anyways, the mouse was unconcious, so why did he have to worry. One thing troubled him though, his red eyes, he had seen those before, many times, but never on a mouse.
Then he remembered the white eyes of that crazed one, the otter, now he had two battle-crazed beasts to worry about, one was in his camp, unconcious, for now.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

Thomas Barkshield

OOC: Do'h! Sorry for the misunderstanding,  I'll try to fix that in this post

BIC: Thomas woke up with an immense pain in his head, then realized that he couldn't remember anything, except that his name was Thomas. He was on the ground surrounded by assorted organized vermin, and facing a great stone building. The vermin were firing at the building and that was all he could see before blacking out. 


Vash heard more arrows hitting the ground outside. He turned around, seeing Norham. Vash immediatly turned back around and hurried through the crowd, avoiding eye contact.
I LOVE 80's music.

Norham Waterpaw

Ooc: It's really fine Thom, but just so ya know...

Norham was still hot on the trail of his server, he spotted a head sticking out above the rest, he followed the beast till he got inside. He found the "server" to be a weasel, as he saw him from afar. He looked familiar.....
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Melvin beat his wings powerfully and soared high above the ground, his keen kite eyes spotting Redwall quite a ways off. He figuratively(as birds cannot) smiled to himself in anticipation of seeing the abbeybeasts again. While he could see Redwall itself, he couldn't see the attackers yet. Naturally, when he did see them, he flew faster and more urgently toward the abbey, desperately hoping Linda or none of his other friends had been hurt.

Linda crossed great hall, swinging her crutches quickly, with an urgency. Had anyone been hurt? She maneuvered herself to the entrance door and peered out, looking for a beast that was coming back, so she could ask them what the state of the defenders was. She awkwardly patted her belt, as the crutch was strapped onto her forearm, to make sure that her medicines were there.

OOC: I'm assuming you saw Melvin's and Linda's sheets.


Vash saw Norham and turned back around, quickly scooting his way towards the kitchen. It was even busier than the halls, and it would be hard to find even a weasel like himself in this mess of hustling beasts. He grabbed an apple and then shuffled into the crowd of maids, cooks, and chefs.
I LOVE 80's music.

Thomas Barkshield

OOC: I would just like to know if anybody in the abby noticed Thomas, and feel free to call me Tom or Thom. (Tom sounds more natural to me.)


OOC: Vash couldn't, but Antura might when Kitral gets back on.
I LOVE 80's music.

Norham Waterpaw

Ooc: I don"t think any abbey beasts would have seen you, and if they did, well, what could they do about it? But one of them did notice....

Norham heard a definitive plunk of an arrow knocking against the abbey. he decided it best to stop following the weasel, besides, if the abbeybeasts were fine with him being there, why should he care? He walked out side, and stepped up the wallsteps to the ramparts. he looked carefully at the organized lines of vermin, and then he saw something out of place. There was a young mouse, lying unconcious, by a tent, then he saw the wildcat, white like the mid-winter snow. The wildcat sauntered over to the mouse, and spat upon him. Norham, without notice of anyone, crept out the small east wickergate, checked his quiver of arrows, and set off toward the ditch, under the cover of bushes and trees.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Melvin circled like a vulture, high enough to be out of the reach of arrows and stones. The keen eyes of a hunting bird saw the unconscious mouse. His heart went out to the limp creature and he dived. He landed on a branch above the mouse. He could see the otter, and tipped him a wink. Melvin ruffled his feathers and looked at the nearest vermin, "Ye gonna dae anything wit thet mouse? Ah could, eh, dispose of 'im fer ye, mebbe a warnin' tae them beasts in yonder abbey. They don't surrender, they gets fed tae ta kite." His eyes lit up as in a smirk in a convincing manner, "Och, ah cudd help ye. Ever heared of Genr'l Ironbeak? Thet was a bird o' smarts. Conquered thet place top down. Then ah cudd let ye in tae pick 'em off. Just gimme ta mice ah need fer snacks, ah'll get birds and help ye. Ye ken?"


OOC: Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Oh, and Thomas- welcome to the forum!

BIC: Antura was crouched down beneath the ramparts. She was a fair paw with a sling, but preferred to do battle face-to-face. An arrow clattered harmlessly on the broad walkway  to her right. Suddenly she stood up and whipped off a stone into the vermin ranks below. As she had ducked back down as soon as her stone was in the air, she didn't see whether she made the shot. She was quickly rewarded, however, by an agonised squeal from below. "Yaaoow! Owowow, me blinkin' paw!" Smiling in satisfaction, Antura peeked up over the battlements to pick out another victim. Behind the main body of the horde was a white wildcat, who was standing over a young mouse. At this distance, she could not tell whether he was dead or merely unconscious, but she flushed wiith anger when she saw the wildcat spit on the mouse's prone figure. Then a big bird of some sort landed in a tree directly above the mouse and began speaking with nearby vermin, looking rather pleased. That did it. Antura bounded up, twirling her sling, and loosed a stone in the direction of the bird. Missed! She shook with rage as her pebble instead connected with the branch above the bird with a resounding crack!
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


Melvin instinctively ducked when the stone hit the branch above him and dropped onto his back. He dipped his head to the vermin, "'Cuse me fer a few mom'nts." He took off and flew toward the abbey, high in the air. He dived quickly toward at the ramparts, hoping that the otter would hear him out.

Thomas Barkshield

Thomas awoke at the feeling of Riggaoes spit landing atop him. His head turned upwards just in time to see a bird wink to an unknown otter, then say something to the guard. Judging by the kites non-evil look he decided to take the birds words to be something to do with a rescue attempt, and assumed that the bird, which he now recognized as a kite, would fly him to safety.
A pebble then smashed into the branch above the kite sending the bird flying away. He mentally shook with rage at what the unknown slingman had done. When he met him,or her for that matter, they would get off to a VERY bad start.    

OOC: Thank you for your kind welcome, and I hope there are no hard feeling for the in game relationship, which will undoubtedly unfold.