
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Long Patrol Dueling Tournament

Started by Hon Rosie, April 01, 2013, 07:57:33 AM

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swift paw

*runs out side* *stabs a rat in the eye* who else wants some.


Me: Look! a flying squirrel!
*points at flying squirrel who has just entered though a smashed window.*
flying squirrel: hollow one and all I am squige the flying squirrel I have travelled for many days and nights to be here and now I want to fight some vermin.
me: sorry I haven't seen any vermin yet.
*horde of vermin come bursting though Abbey doors screaming warcries.
me: I stand corrected.   

swift paw

*stabs rat in the ribcage* *smiles* you guys aren't so tough.


 the Rat who had just been stabbed starts crying and shouting that it was unfair and that no one loved him. then a friendly hedgehog comes over and asks him if he would like to come to the gate house for a cup of tea.
Rat: OH! that would be lovely. Um but I might have to go to the infirmary first. *points at knife sticking out of his chest.*     

swift paw


swift paw



Me: Well I think those hares learned their lesson. Um why were we fighting again  ?????????????????????????????? Oh look a hare I'll be back after I hurt this hare. *Runs after hare laughing madly*

swift paw

-just watches- -not knowing how to respond to that-


*After hurting hare walks back to swift paw but then see's another hare and goes and attacks that one too*

Cornflower MM

It's ridiculous! I do say the Long Patrollers are nice and everything, but they can't take over the Abbey! The Mods do a fine job of it!


OOC: WOW! This is old, no you had to be here in April to get what's going on. The hares took over the forum, it was really funny.  :)

Cornflower MM

OOC: Oh, really? I tend to forget to look at the dates of things....Oops. ;D


OOC: Don't worry, I remember this sort of died at 99 replies. I really hoped someone would make it 100 or more.  :)

Cornflower MM