Instructions for Dueling Roulette

Started by BrookSkimmer, November 04, 2013, 05:45:41 PM

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Welcome one and all to the first dueling roulette at! I hope you all enjoy yourselves with this whether you be watching or participating! The following is a short compilation of rules for this including scoring process.

Refer to the basics for dueling as laid out in the welcome to the dueling board thread. Follow these rules and you will have a good chance of scoring well.

Scoring is based on my best evaluations of the posts made in the thread. Write substantial enough posts, use correct grammar and spelling, and build some kind of depth to your character and you will do well.

scoring is based on 1-5 scale overall. As such at the end of the allotted time for posting I will give you one score from 1-5. This is NOT based on your character winning or losing the duel. Make that part interesting.

That's it! The first round will go until Sunday the 17th.



Whoa! Time flies! Well, let's give these duels about two more days and then be done with this round!



The duels have now been locked as the first round is now over. It was over three days ago and I gave everyone a little extra time. Stay tuned for round two!  ;)


I am looking over the duels and will have them results in the next couple of days. I will also open the next round at that point. :D


I'm almost done with looking these over. I should have the results out tomorrow!