Who's Waiting by the Christmas Tree?

Started by Rainshadow, December 08, 2013, 11:47:11 PM

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  Not sure if this should be in the Cellars or here, but I put it here.  So if it's in the wrong place, totally fine with it being moved.  ;)

  Anyway, pretty much the whole game is to fill in the blank and say which character/celebrity would be underneath your tree.  You can answer it as many times as you'd like (just no double posting ;)), as I do understand that a person's opinion changes, but please answer it honestly.  Who would be under the Christmas tree?  (This is not a 'This is my favourite character', but rather a 'I know that deep down inside I'd love to meet this person'.)  (You can answer for both character and celebrity if you'd like.  :))

  For me, character?  Most likely the Doctor (the 11th, to be precise).  Celebrity?  Definitely Adam Young.  And if I had to choose?  Well, my brain would choose the Doctor, but deep down inside, I know I'd rather meet Adam.  For one thing I probably wouldn't die if I chose the latter of the two.  ;)
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Norham Waterpaw

Character? HMmm... The Doctor. It's a hard choice between Eccleston, Tennant, and Smith.

Celebrity? Hans Zimmer. Or Daniel Yount. Either one would make me flip out.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


One could argue that the Tardis is a character, but if I were to lose that argument or only win if she was humanish like in The Doctor's Wife, then my second choice would probably be JD from scrubs.

Ungatt Trunn

Character: Probably Bilbo or Gandalf.

Celebrity: Skrillex! Find out why he has such a weird haircut...

Life is too short to rush through it.