Hidden Within the Walls RP thread

Started by rachel25, October 07, 2013, 03:05:13 PM

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Jukka the Sling

"They're doomed. If my sister doesn't want to be found, which will happen after a bit, then no one except me can find her. But I'm in no condition to go looking, and she's a fast runner," Bryant said.

"Oh great. Oh great. Oh great," Fern repeated over and over. Mycroft, who'd stayed in the infirmary when his wife had run outside, came over. "Fern, don't worry."

"I can't help it!" she replied in agitation. This is an absolute nightmare. I mean, am I dreaming all this? This whole thing is crazy. And I can't do anything about it. I can't. I'm the Abbess. What's gonna happen to Bryony, Cien, Marshall? I - I... what in the bloomin' name of seasons is gonna happen? Fern forced herself to calm down. She shrugged resignedly and stifled a yawn. "I think I'll go back to bed. We can figure out what to do in the morning." She smiled half-heartedly and left the infirmary.

OOC: Should the RP skip to morning soon? Just wondering.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


OOC: Yeah I think it would be best to skip to morning now. The night is basically over anyway.

BIC: Sister Lupine, who had gone to bed only a few hours ago, yawned, and sat up in bed. Although she was tired, she was also worried. The minute it was morning, she was up, and dressed, and on her way to Great Hall. Where a large assembly of Redwallers were waiting to find out what had actually happened the night before.

Cornflower MM

Bryony yawned. After she'd helped the shrew and fox, she'd ran ahead. She'd stopped when she saw the place where some had tripped, and decided to stay the night there. She sat up and stretched, then stood up and started running again. It was tiring, but that was how it was going to be until the otters where dead. Well, I might let Cien go...Maybe. He IS a nice person, after all...And that other otter did seem to be semi-forcing him. Wait, didn't Martin say something last night? SOmething about Cien going agaisnt his will...Huh. She reflected, then ran straight into a rat. She drew her dagger and dispatched him while barely breaking stride, then saw River Moss. She saw signs that a boat, no, two boats, had been pushed offshore, and started running down the bank.
Bryant was awke, but lounging in his bed, thinking.


Cien was in pain. That was all he could think of, his body was on fire with pain.
Last night he had been interrogated, it wasn't an experience he wanted to do again. Although he knew he would have to until he gave in. But he had already decided. He would never, ever, tell them where those cursed plans were. Not ever!

Cornflower MM

Bryony saw a spot in the distance, it might be a boat. Or a tree. Probably a tree.


Scarlet, and Xarr walked over to where Cien was tied.
Cien looked up at them through bruised eyes, his entire body was covered in bruises, and cuts. A stream of dried blood stained his golden striped head.
"I'm only gonna ask you once. Where are the plans?" Xarr hissed.
Cien shrugged as best he could laying on the ground. "What plans? The plans to build a shed, the plans to build a boat, the plans to bui-"
Xarr kicked him savagely in the stomach. "The plans to build the battle ship, that Razzid Wearat had! The supper ship that could go on land, an' water! The plans to build a second Greenshroud!"   

Jukka the Sling

As soon as Fern woke up she remembered the previous night's events. She noticed that Mycroft had already awakened. Probably eating breakfast. Fern put on her habit and hurried downstairs. Stepping into the kitchens for a moment to get some breakfast, she found Mycroft seated at a table, tucking in to a bowl of oatmeal.

He nodded at her. "G'morning!"

"Good morning!" Fern replied, a little absently. "Any news of Skipper and the ottercrew?"

"Not a bally thing. Everybeast's in Great Hall, wonderin' what's goin' on."

Fern hurried out to speak to the Redwallers.

"Alright. Now I know you're all wondering what happened last night. Well..." she sighed. "Cien has left the Abbey with an ottermaid that showed up. The new squirrel Bryant, Bryony's brother, is injured, but not seriously, and so is a shrew named Tripper. Some of you may remember the fox named Marshall that visited here several seasons ago. He was here last night, but went after Cien and the ottermaid. Bryony did too, 'cause she thought Bryant had been killed by the ottermaid. And Skipper and some otters have gone after the whole lot." She waited for the Redwallers' reaction. It wasn't long in coming.

"What? How'd this ottermaid even get inside?"

"And why'd she hurt the squirrel, Bryant?"

"Is Cien on her side?"

"Please, don't worry! Skipper and his crew will get Bryony and Cien and Marshall back here, I'm sure!" Fern spoke with false confidence. She just had to reassure everybeast for the time being.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Cornflower MM

Bryony ran past the thing she'd seen, and it was a tree. Yay me. Hunter of trees. BRyony thought, then squinted. Is that another tree? No, trees don't walk. She started running even faster, then veered off into the undergrowth, planning to come at them run the side.


Sister Lupine decided to ask something. She'd been wondering, and worrying over it all night, "What if they don't come back. What if something happens to them. What then?"
Cien spat at Xarr's feet, his saliva was red from where he'd bit his tongue, "I'll never tell a scum like you, the whereabouts of such information. I'd rather die."
"Then you'll die then!" Xarr shouted.
"No, don't give him the satisfaction of death. Everybeast has a weakness. All we must do is find Cien's." Scarlet whispered into Xarr's ear.   

Cornflower MM

OOC: Okay, I finally have time to post!

BIC: Bryony came through the undergrowth noiselessly in time to see the ottermaid whisper into a weasel's ear. Wait, why is Cien tied up? Oh, who cares. I'll get him later. She charged, dagger held high, toward the otter and rat.


OOC: he's a weasel, and the camp is full with other vermin just to warn ye.

BIC: Scarlet heard something, and turned round just in time to see Bryony. "Get her! Quick, someone grab her!!!!"

Cornflower MM

Bryony neatly tripped the rat who came after and killed him quickly, then faced Scarlet again."One-on-one. You and me. Now." She said, glaring at the ottermaid.


"I don't think so." Scarlet smiled, and nodded to a group of vermin with loaded bows. "Surrender, or die." She said sweetly, a smug smile on her face.

Cornflower MM

BRyony riolled her eyes. "That's just dirty. Oh, and I'll be back!" She said, just as sweetly. then ran off she ran into the woods then abruptly changed direction, making sure that if they fired, then it would be where they THOUGHT she was. And, hey, maybe she could use their own weapons against them. And she could always pick them off one by one, or few by few.

Gonff the Mousethief

OOC: sorry for not posting!

Bic: Marshall and the shrews had been following Bryony for a while. After she had ran off, they chased after her.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.