RP: the northland adventure

Started by winifred, October 28, 2011, 06:40:44 AM

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I kept thinking about the north so why not have an adventure about the north?
BIC:Redwall abbey was very pretty in spring time,the redwallers were quite tired of the winter and welcomed the warm spring and the changing of seasons, so did Maybell, the young hare, though, everyone called her Bell.
"I think it's the most beautiful morning ever", she said to her squirrel friend Aida.  She had wanted to be the infirmery keeper when she grew up and made this known by helping with the cuts and bruises for sister Frim.  
OOC:maybe we can have someone be sister Frim?        BIC:  "but it is still too cold and slippery to climb our favorite tree", replied Aida.  For being a hare Bella was very nimble on her feet just like her great, great, great grandfather Buckler Blademaster.   When they returned from their walk and entered Redwall they sat down to break their fast.  OOC:  this is when others can come to the table!
Doctor Who
Beyond the Western Deep
Ranger's Apprentice
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Book Thief
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
And many many more...


you need to make a head were people can sign up and more people would join if they knew what this is about (including me)


Yes, make an OOC sign up for this RP. I would love to join when you do! :D


OOC:OK I did thanks :) BIC:after father abbot said grace they began to dig in with relish.OOC:anyone can be abbot when they need to.
Doctor Who
Beyond the Western Deep
Ranger's Apprentice
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Book Thief
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
And many many more...


I'll join!  :) Tell me where to post my characters and I will! :)
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.


OOC:I made a sighn up page for all who want to know so now that I have about 3 people we might as well get started!BIC:please pass the leek and mushroom pasty Bellow? Said bell, then she turned to Aid who was helping comfort some little dibbun who had a small cut. Aid are you going to eat that damson pudding?OOC:just because bell can climb trees as good as a squrruil does'nt mean she does'nt have a hares appetiete ;DBIC:not at the moment said Aid so bell gobbled it up!
Doctor Who
Beyond the Western Deep
Ranger's Apprentice
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Book Thief
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
And many many more...


Octol moved like a wraith through the darkness of Mossflower woods. His mask scared off a couple of jackdaws, who whirled about in the night sky, crying "Awrk! The Fear, the Fear is near!" Octol was a silent shadow as he drifted into the shadows, following the trail of Lord Lupis and his savage horde.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Tiria Wildlough

A dark shape of an otter moved silently through the trees. Yunda Seadog was tracking down a ferret.
She swung the mace and chain idly and smiled a demented smile as she sprang out at the ferret and snuffed out its life with her deadly weapon. Cackling crazily, she retreated into the woods, muttering to herself. 'Got another one, made it feel the same pain I did. Gotta make 'em suffer the way they made me do it. Kahahahahaa!'
OOC: Yunda Seadog is losing her marbles, but gets better when she sees her old friends again.
My tumblr! not-the-skycat.tumblr.com
I'm not a hipster.


OOC:what so do the redwallers know you? oh and i forgot to put, Skipper makes the best hotrrot soup anywhere
BIC:Skipper laughed heartily and said "sink me rudder, that hare can scoff sure enough" he started to spoon his hotroot soup into his mouth and at the same time also managed to take swigs of october ale


OOC: My characters are coming in now. Ah! Red Firebrand Pepper! That stuff's hot!!!  :D BIC:

Zara Lightfur stood on top of a snow-covered rock, surveying the land. It looked all clear, but she knew better. He rough, Highland voice rang out. "Jjenth! Rally thae band! Ah spotted vermin oot yonder!"
The grey-furred hare looked up from where he was drawing patterns in the snow with his rapier. "Aye, marm." He saluted, then darted off, slipping on a patch of ice and grinning crookedly at her. "Sorry, marm. Still learnin' how to bally well walk on ice, wot! I say, the northlands are a jolly hard place to live in."
The sandy colored squirrel narrowed her eyes at him. "Git movin', young 'un,an try tae git back up here before daewn!" He nodded furiously, then stumbled off, disappearing over a rise. Zara sighed, staring up at the sky and talking to the air. "Nightfire, why did ah ever agree tae take this 'un with me? 'E would 'ave been mooch better wi' ye." Of course, there was no response.
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.


Lord Tulstil the Harvester strode at the end of his column of hares as they crashed through the Mossflower undergrowth. The sable giant was silent, as always. Brigadier Scapcot snapped a smart salute (awww accidental alliteration! :) ) at the Badger Lord.
"Sir. We're approaching the jolly old trail. That beast must be a bloomin' giant, eh, wot wot!" Tulstil didn't respond.
Scapcot grumbled through his handlebar whiskers and then nodded at a young, green Galloper. "Eh, young Fargeet, aintcha!" The mottled hare saluted happily.
"Loprunner Fargeet at yore service, Brig!"
The monocle popped out of Scapcot's socket. "Less with the cheek, young'un, wot wot? Hmmf. Leverets these days, I don't know. Anyhoo, Fargeet, m'ludd's got a job for ye. Scout ahead, get the lay of the bloomin' land, wot wot! Off ye go now, hup two three four, hup two three four!"
The eager Galloper took off.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse


Bellow McGraw could sup soup with the best of them. His eyes teared and streamed from Skipper's hotroot soup but he kept on spooning.

"Tis the stuff teh curl yer scut maties wot wot!" The northland hare continued to eat.

"Tis a fine feast of a brekkers indeed!" the hare looked up as the squirrel and hare entered. "Ah Aada, Bella! Come sit down eh? The brekkers won't last ferever."

Bellow smiled and scooted down the bench to make room for Bella and Aada.

Rello rolled a cask up the stairs and began to fill beakers from it. "Who would like to sample my newest drink? Made from grapes, strawberries, and damsons. Nice and sweet."

Bellow held forth his mug. "Do fill this up for me matie!"


OOC:is Rello a cellarhog?
BIC:"ahoy shipmate, you better pore some fo me before i die of wanting to taste your fine brew" Skipper held his tankard out and licked his lips as he watched the brew slowly being poured in


OOC: My people are in the far northlands, not Redwall, so they probably won't meet your characters until later:

Jjenth came back with the squirrelband in tow, panting hard. "Nearly fell off a bally cliff, wot! You might have chosen a safer campground, marm."
Zara fixed him with one eye. "Thaen all thaem vermi could attack fraem all sides an' we'de be unprotected, ye ken?" She switched her attention to the band. "Listen up, all of yeh! Ah've reckoned thaet thaere be aboot fifty foebeasties oot thaere, understood? We need tae ensure thaet they ne'er reach the colonies." The squirrels readied their weapons, waiting quietly. "Charge!!!" The squirrels surged forward as one, flooding over the rise into the vermin camp. Stoats, ferrests, and weasels yelped as they were suddenly faces with a tide of tough northland warriors.
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.


(OOC: Yes, Rello is a cellar hog :D)

The good hedgehog poured some of his drink out for Skipper and watched as beasts enjoyed his drink.

"Glad to see you all enjoying yerselves!"

"Aye, glad to see you servin' us such fine drinks!" Bellow laughed and then drained his beaker before holding it out for more.