
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Started by Gonff the Mousethief, February 04, 2014, 01:16:50 AM

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Gonff the Mousethief

I will be making 2 more fan fics so I will post on those too

sorry for the delay! school :P
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Gonff the Mousethief

                                       Chapter 3

                Extract from the writings of Brother Sprigget, Abbey Recorder

Ah, the summer is finally here! That harsh winter we had and look now! Fresh apples, strawberries, and all kinds of fruit! Oh, let me not forget the nameday feast! This is the Summer of the Baked Pie! Now yes, it may sound odd, but our Abbot, Father Merrimack, the old otter, gave it the name because he woke up to a dibbun giving him a pie! That old river dog, me him been friends since we was babes! Ah, those were the times. Anyhow, the abbey is still standing, and is as peaceful as ever. We have not had a need for an Abbey warrior for seasons. I hope we don't need one in the future. Wait, I almost forgot, the new Bager Lord! Lord Fierceeye the Hammer has just been announced Lord of Salamandastron! We came to visit us at the nameday feast. Did you know his sister is right old Sister Maggie! Why we were all shocked when we found out! I think I know where she gets her strength! Ah, I love this abbey, I hope nothing ever happens to it. Wait, do I smell fresh scones! I must go then! This old recorder need a break!

Sprigget, the old hedgehog, got up and hobbled out of the gat house.
''Aye! Why there is a picnic without me! Old Merrimack is gonna have something to hear!''
He pulled up his worn green habit and made it to the picnic.
''Merrimack! Why was I not invited!''
''Oh, look who is here! Why sorry chap, thought you had dosed off in the dust again!''
''Merrimack you!'
Sprigget was about to jump on the abbot when Sister Maggie cam and grabbed him.
''Brother Sprigget! Take heed of the smaller ones and no fighting the abbot!''
''Lookit! Mista Spigget gonna hafta taken a baths isn't he maggs!''
Gugle the little squirrel babe and his posy of Dibbuns had been watching them.
''Noo nota bath please Sister anything but the bath!''
''Will you stop then!''
''Yes I will I don't wanna take a bath!!!''
The Dibbuns were rolling on the lawn laughing.
''Haha! norra bath for a spigget hahahah!!''
''HAhah me soider ur hurtin haha!'
Sprigget then went and helped some of the Dibbuns up.
''There ya go little troubles. Now come along we are gonna have a picnic now!''
Hollars of joy is all that could be heard from the lawns.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Frodo: "Sam you must understand I'm going alone"
Sam: "Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!"

Hook: "Come on peter pan fly to the rescue and I'll shoot you right through your noble intentions!"

Bard: "You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!"
Thorin: "I have thee only right.

Gonff the Mousethief

                                             CHAPTER 4

Tudwell was walking peacefully in Mossflower. He was a simple fox, but a great warrior. He was getting tired. He found a sturdy oak and laid down. While asleep, he had a horrible dream.

A black figure was standing in front of him. He had Beady yellow eyes. He looked closer. It was a black figure of him! everytime he moved, it moved. A voice that was erie and scary talked.
''Come with us Ruzgux, were you belong. The figure pulled out a huge axe. He grabbed Tudwells hand.
He could not speak, he could no longer move. He tried, but he felt like he was tied up. The figure pulled him over to a big black castle.
''Welcome to Deathstone, my Lord.''
He was falling. everything was spinning in his head. The dark figure was waving his axe while a million small rats attacked him. He was being tied up and help over a endless pit. they let him go. Axes came everywhere, chopping the ropes. Now there was a shrew. a small little shrew. He held a big sword. The shrew was now a giant he was chasing him. He was cornered. The shrew came up and tried to stab him...
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Gonff the Mousethief

                                  CHAPTER 5

''Um, sir, not to disturb you but,''
Tudwell was attacking Fumble!''
The shrew had pulled out his raiper just in time. Tudwell was swinging at him.
''Sir, you must be AH!''
His axe had hit him the shoulder! Fumble passed out.
''Wh-What have I done! Shrew, are you alright, I am sorry, I was in a dream.''
Fumble's eyes opened slowly.
''Shoulder, Fox, Axe''
He passed out once more.
''Great, a dead shrew, I am lost, now what!''
Tudwell carried Fumble over to the tree.
''Rest here, maybe your tribe will come and bury you.''
He grabbed his axe and ran.
Later that day, Fumble awoke. His shoulder was still hurting. The bleeding had stopped. He was wandering were he was then it hit him. He was near River Moss. He tried his best to make It there.When he got there, he hoped in his boat. But it would not move. he though it was probably a rock. When he went to move it, he shrieked. In front of his boat was the head of Ong the mole!
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Captain Tammo

"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior

Gonff the Mousethief

For all of you reading this, a new chapter will be out every Tuesday! ;D ;D
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Gonff the Mousethief

sorry I could not post today, but tomorrow I will, I promise! :D
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Gonff the Mousethief

                                           CHAPTER 6

Sprigget sat back in his chair next to the abbot. They had just finished their picnic and the Dibbuns had gone to play.
''Ah, isn't life so nice Sprigget?''
''Yes it is ya old riverdog, yes it is.''
''Well, here comes Friar Charlie with some drinks, how ya been Friar?''
The old Squirrel was red in the face.
''Ive been preparing for our NameDay feast! The cake will be stupendious!
''Well I cant wait to see it, now what did you bring us?''
''Well Father Abbot, I have brought you your favorite Shrimp and Hot Root soup and for Sprigget, I have a glass of Mint Tea''
''Thank you Friar that is much appreciated in this dreadful heat. Oh, hello their Brubroot, what do you wish to ask?''
''Well Urbet zurr, Moi and Guggle Spooted oi blurk oobject ourtside hurr!''
''Well its fine little one, go along and play now!''
''Alroith zurr Urbert!''
''Moles, nothin' sweeter!''
Later would they regret their descion not to look.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Gonff the Mousethief

Sorry,jsut finished my report!

                                        CHAPTER 7

Xepher was setting up camp with his 4 sisters and  3 brothers. He and Neene were making a large pit for a fire.
''Enfrua! Dnfrua! Why are you not setting up the tents!'' Tytrus yelled.
''We are tired brother. Cant we take a small rest?''
The twin Marlfoxes were never helpful for anything.
''We need extra paws until Iyunvian and Ralcyr get back from spying on the castle of legend! Now hurry up!''
A shadow wished by the twins and the yelling brother. All was silent.
''Well Brother, who do I see taking charge?''
''Me Zxliax! These two useless twins cant do anything!''
''Well why don't you help them!''
He pushed his younger brother into the pile of tent supplies.
''That should teach ya a lesson. Now get to work until they get back. Pronto!''
About 10 minutes later, The brother and sister came back for a report.
''Well did you find anything Ralcyr?''
''We found the Castle of Legend. We will be able to follow the prophecy in two days time. Until then, we need to stay hidden. We stopped a little pest on the walls that saw us. Luckily, he only saw our capes.''
''Sounds good. We will prepare. Iyunvain, any other news.?''
''No brother, only that there are no defences up at this time.''
''Alright, now help you pitiful brother and sisters some help with these tents!''

Here is the list of Marlfoxes
Zxilax (oldest)
Tytrus (third)

Enfrua and Dnfrua(Seventh and eighth)
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Gonff the Mousethief

                                      CHAPTER 8

Tudwell kept running. What had come over him? What did that shrew want! Oh, what have I done!
He wept as he ran.
He finally sat at the bottem of a tree, weeping. He could not get over the fact that he had killed him for no reason! He just sat their, not knowing what to do.

Meanwhile, Greenleaf Arrowback, crept up on the crying fox.
''Ahx, zoopit foxer, crizin inza me landx.''
Greenleaf pulled the dart out of Tudwell's neck.
''Diz onx goiz indaza pitz!''
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Gonff the Mousethief

                                                   CHAPTER 9

Fumble was horror stricken. Why was there a head of an old mole in the river! One word crossed his mind. Vermin! He thought about the situation. What if they had raided Log a Log's camp! Oh no! He pushed Ong's head out of the way and hopped in his boat. He started to paddle as fast as he could. He kept paddling and paddling. He finally looked up and saw smoke. He paddled faster. Before his eyes was the worst possible thing ever. The whole camp was set ablaze. Dead shrews were everywhere. Tents were burnt to the ground. Worst of all, Log A Log was dead. His body was laying over the old campfire. Fumble went over to him. He knelt down beside the body. There was a huge gash from his neck down to his right side. He looked like he had died fighting. Fumble was crying so much. He picked up his body and layed it over by a burnt tent. He dug a shallow hole by the bank, and placed the body into it. He covered it up, and on a piece of drift wood, he wrote this message with some burnt coal

Here lies Log A Log, the greatest leader ever.

He set by the grave and cried for another two hours. He was devastated.  After bawling, he stood up and yelled,
And with that, he jumped in his moat and paddled swiftly through Mossflower Wood.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Gonff the Mousethief

                                                    Chapter 10  ;D

Before the chapter starts, i would like to thank everybody who has read this and my other fanfictions. It means the WORLD to me! Thank you all again :D

  Old Maggie was waking up from a long nap in her arm chair. It was a long needed rest. She stood up, and yawned quite loudly. Rubbing her eyes, she walked into the hallway. He made her way down the stairs, to see the Dibbuns bothering Friar Charlie. She picked up a small shrew named Gabe, who had been pulling on the squirrels fluffy tail.
''Gabe! Why are you pulling on the Friar's tail?''
''It was fuffy, and i dont got no fuffy tail Mag, so I fought, wadda if I got da fires tail fu me! It was tuck on vury tight! My likkle arms werent twong nough fo it!''!
''No more of this nonsence! You and your friends are being put straight to bed! Go on now! In ten minutes if your little heads arent on a pillow, The Abbot will have a talk with you. Now go!''
All of the babes ran for their rooms.
   Maggie went to go sit in the orchard. She brought out with her a flask of Mint Tea, and 3 fresh scones. She sat underneath the closest apple tree to the wall. This was her favorite spot. She took a sip of tea, then lied back for a small rest. Age was definatley coming upon her. She was starting to pick out gray hairs on her head! Oh, she didnt know what to think. She closed her eyes, and went to sleep. But before she entered a deep sleep, her very (And when I say very, I mean VERY ) keen ears heard a quite snicker and laugh. Oh No, were on of the Dibbuns palnning to scare her? She put down her flask, and got up, but there were no Dibbuns in sight! She was dumbfounded. She sat back down, this time against the wall. But she heard the snickering and laughing even louder now! She got back up and went up onto the wall. Maybe there were Dibbuns hiding atop the wall. When she made it up, there were STILL no Dibbuns! She looked out and over the wall. Her old eyes looked down, and spotted the culprets. Two small black shadow like figures were burying what looked to be a sword in the dirt, by the abbey walls! There were VERY hard to see, but Maggie could barely make them out. They seemed to be burying what looked to be an axe. Apparently the two shadows had seen Maggie, and disappeared into thin air! Huh, that was odd? What were those two things? Maggie must be dreaming. She went back down to finish the short nap, which she though she was already taking.
  Enfrua and Dnfrua, the Marlfox twins, had taken Tyrus's Axe and buried it near the Abbey wall. The twins were ALWAYS causing trouble. When Dnfrua looked up, she saw a HUGE bader looking down at them. She grabbed Enfrua's paw and ran into the woods, leaving the axe, and a small hole in the earth.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.